Dr. Algirdas Dagys died on 7 January 2000


Dave Mackinnon sent the following message:

"I am very sorry to have to pass on to you the sad news I have just received from Tanya Smirnova in Moscow that our colleague Algirdas Dagys died on 7 January 2000 in following a heart operation.
As many colleagues will know, Dagys is probably best known for his meticulous work of the 60s and 70s which cuminated in the publication, in 1974, of his authoritative book on Triassic Brachiopods.
Although Dagys worked for many years in Novosibirsk, Siberia, I understand he was of Lithuanian nationality and he spent the last decade or so of his life at the Institute of Ecology, Vilnius, Lithuania. "



and from Christian C. Emig:

    "During my trips in the former USSR, I spent two times, in 1985 and 1987, three weeks in Akademgorodok (near Novosibirsk) working with two colleagues,Yuri Pelman and Algirdas Dagys who became my friends. I will always remember our discussions, "à refaire le Monde" as we say in France, and in particular in Algirdas's home with his wife, but also during our brachs' studies in the Institute of Geology and Paleontology.
    His gifts, personnal and scientific, like the fossil lingulides I redescribed with Gertruda Biernat in 1993, will remain the most precious "souvenirs"of old "sovietic" times, hard and drastic for this Lithuanian friend."


Mon cher Algirdas, ce n'est qu'un au-revoir !