References on Eolingularia

updated on 3 June 2024

Biernat G. & C. C. Emig, 1993. Anatomical distinctions of the Mesozoic lingulide brachiopods. Acta Palaeont. Pol., 38 (1/2), 1-20.

Bitner M. A. & Emig C. C., 2016. On the type species of Lingularia, and description of Eolingularia n. gen. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 16 (22), 543-555.

Broglio Lorlga C. & C. Neri, 1989. Spirorbis valvata community from Werfen formation: an example of the Scythian oligotypy (Lower Scythian, southern Alps, Italy). Atti 3° Simp. Ecol. Paleoecol. Comunità bentoniche, Catania 1985, 123-139.