References on Lingularia

updated on 3 June 2024

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Bitner M. A. & Emig C. C., 2016. On the type species of Lingularia, and description of Eolingularia n. gen. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], 16 (22), 543-555.

Boyer D. L., Bottjer D. J. & Droser M. L., 2004. Ecological Signature of Lower Triassic Shell Beds of the WesternUnited States. Palaios, 19 (4), 372-380.

Brito J. M., Emig C. C., Márquez-Aliaga A. & V. Martínez, 1997. Los Lingúlidos del Triásico español: nuevas aportaciones. XIII iornadas de Paleontología, La Coruña (España), p. 159-161.

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Emig C. C., 2003. Proof that Lingula (Brachiopoda) is not a living-fossil, and emended diagnoses of the Family Lingulidae. Carnets de Géologie/Notebooks on Geology, Letter 2003/01 (CG2003_L01_CCE), 8 p., 7 fig., 1 t

Emig C. C. & Z. Herrera, 2006. Dignomia munsterii (Brachiopoda, Lingulata) from the Ordovician of Bolivia, with redescription of the genus. Geodiversitas, 28 (2), 227-237.

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Holmer L.E. & Bengston P. , 2009. The first occurrence of a lingulid brachiopod from the Cretaceous of Sergipe, Brazil, with a restudy of ‘Lingula’ bagualensis Wilckens, 1905 from Southern Patagonia. Paläontogische Zeitschrift, 83, 255-266.

Holmer L.E. & Nakrem H.A., 2012. The lingulid brachiopod Lingularia from lowermost Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep bodies, Sassenfjorden area, central Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 92, 167–174.

Holmer L.E., Popov L.E., Klishevich I. & Ghobadi Pour M., 2016. Reassessment of the early Triassic lingulid brachiopod ‘Lingula’ borealis Bittner, 1899 and related problems of lingulid taxonomy. GFF, 138 (4), 519-525.

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Posenato R., Holmer L. E. & H. Prinoth, 2014. Adaptive strategies and environmental significance of lingulid brachiopods across the late Permian extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399, 373-384.

Rojas A. & R.Sandy, 2018. Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) brachiopods from the Rosablanca Formation, Colombia, South America: Biostratigraphic significance and paleogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research, 96, 184-195.

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Sykora M., Siblík M. & J. Soták, 2011. Siliciclastics in the Upper Triassic dolomite formations of the Krízna Unit (Malá Fatra Mountains, Western Carpathians): constraints for the Carnian Pluvial Event in the Fatric Basin. Geologica Carpathica, 62 (2), 121-138.

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Wignall P. B. & A. Hallam, 1992. Anoxia as a cause of the Permian/Triassic mass extinction: facies evidence from northern Italy and the western United States. Palaeogeography. Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 93, 21-46.

Zabini C., 2011. Integração da tafonomia e estratigrafia de sequências no estudo dos lingulídeos da sucessão devoniana da bacia do Paraná. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasil), 238 p.

Zabini C., Anelli L. E. & Leme J., 2016. First occurrence of a lingulide (Brachiopoda: Lingulidae) at Piaui Formation (Upper Carboniferous), Parnaiba Basin, Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 19 (3), 527-530.

Zabini C., Pinto Bosetti E. & M. Holz, 2010. Taphonomy and taphofacies analysis of lingulid brachiopods from Devonian sequences of the Paraná Basin, Brazil. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 292 (1-2,) 44-56.

Zonneveld J. P., Beatty T. W. & S. G. Pemberton, 2007. Lingulide brachiopods and the trace fossil Lingulichnus from the Triassic of Western Canada: implications for faunal recovery after the End-Permian mass extinction. Palaios, 22 (1), 74-97.

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