References on Compsothyris
updated 22 December 2024 Cooper G. A., 1959. Genera of Tertiary and Recent Rhynchonelloid Brachiopods. Smiths. Misc. Coll., 139 (5), 1-90, 22 pl. Eichler P., 1911. Die Brachiopoden der Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. Dtsch. Südpolar-Exp. 1901-1903, 12 (Zool. 4)(4), 381-401. Emig C.C., 2017. Atlas of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Brachiopoda. Carnets de Géologie, CG2017_B03, 93 p. Foster M. W., 1974. Recent Antarctic and subAntarctic brachiopods. Antarct. Res. Ser., Washington, 21, 1-189. Gaspard D., 2024. Biodiversity and characteristics of Antarctic brachiopods sampled during the CEAMARC expedition. Polar Biol., 47, 1323-1356. Hatai K., 1959. A new rhynchonellid (Brachiopoda) from Antarctica. Spec. Publ. Seta mar. biol. Lab., (4), 1-7. Helmcke J. G., 1939. Ordnung der Tentaculata : Brachiopoda. In: Handbuch der Zoologie, Eds Krumbach W. & T. Kukenthal, W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 3 (2), 139-262. Jackson J. W., 1912. The Brachiopoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (1902 to 1904). VI. The Brachiopoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Rep. Sci. Voyage Scotia 1902-1904, Edinb., 6 (6), 141-168, ou Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburg (2) 48 (19), 337-390. Jackson J. W., 1918. Brachiopoda. In: British Antarctic ("Terra Nova") Expedition (1910). Natural History Reports. Br. Mus. (nat. Hist.) Zool., 2 (8), 177-202. Joubin L., 1901. Brachiopodes. Résultats du voyage du S.Y. Belgica en 1897-1898-1899 : sous le commandement de A. de Gerlache de Gomery. Rapports scientifiques publiés aux frais du gouvernement belge, sous la direction de la Commission de la Belgica, Zoologie, 8 (6), 1-11, 2 pl.. Lee D. E., 2008. The terebratulides: the supreme brachiopod survivors. Fossils and Strata, 54, 241-249. Thomson J. A., 1927. Brachiopod morphology and genera (Recent and Tertiary). N. Z. Bd Sci. Art, Manual 7, 1-338, 2 pl. Zezina O. N., 1980. On composition, distribution and some biological features of the cold water brachiopods in the Southern Hemisphere (in Russian). In: Ecological investigations of the shelf, Shirshov Inst. Oceanol. Moscow, pp. 9-35. Zezina O. N., 1993. New records of recent deep-sea brachiopods in the Weddell Sea and Orkney trench area [in Russian]. Trudy Inst. Oceanol. Moscow, 127, 198-200. Zezina O. N., 1994. Deep-Sea brachiopods. Their peculiarities in morphology and evolution. Sarsia, 79 (1), 59-64. Zezina O. N., 1998. New data on recent brachiopods from the bathyal zone of the Antarctic (based on collection of the 39th Cruise of the R/V "Polarstern" in 1996) VNIRO Publishing House, Moscow, pp. 69-74. Zvyagintsev A. Yu., V. I. Radashevsky & I. A. Kashin, 2007. First record of a brachiopod (Brachiopoda: Terebrataliidae) in the fouling of hydrotechnical installations in Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan [in Russian]. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 33 (4), 264-266. |