References on Simplicithyris

Updated on 9 May 2018

Adachi K., Kuramochi T., Kimura K. & S. Kumura 2013. First extensive examination of genome sze in Phylum Brachiopoda (lamp shells) collected from Japan. Journal of Shellfish Research, 32 (2), 539-541.

Dall W. H., 1920. Annotated list of the Recent Brachiopoda in the Collection of the United States National Museum, with descriptions of thirty-three new forms. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, 57 (2314), 261-377.

Hatai, K. M. 1936. The geographic distribution of Brachiopoda. Part 1. Recent Brachiopoda of Japan. Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 6 (8), 64–70.

Hatai K., 1940. On some Recent brachiopoda from Seto, province Kii. Records of Oceanographic Works in Japan, 10 (2), 100-111.

Hatai, K. M. 1940. The Cenozoic Brachiopoda of Japan. Science Reports of the Tohuku Imperial University, Sendai, Japan (second series, Geology) 20, 413 p., 26 fig.,12 pl.

Kuramochi T., 1999. A list of recent brachiopods from Japan and adjacent waters (in Japanese). Nankiseibutu, 41 (2), 155-158.

Zezina O. N., 1976. A new genus of Recent Terebratelloid Brachiopods from the sublittoral of the Kurilo-Kamtchatka region (in Russian). In: Bottom Fauna of the USSR fringing seas, Inst. Okeanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscou, p. 101-105.

Zezina O. N., 1979. New data on the Brachiopoda of the Far east Seas of USSR (in Russian). Nauka, Moscow, pp. 222-233.

Zezina O. N., 1997. Annotated list of recent brachiopods species in the seas of Russia and adjacent waters (in Russian). In: Composition and distribution of bottom invertebrate animals in the seas of Russia and adjacent waters (in Russian). Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, p. 61-73

Zezina O. N., 1997. (Brachiopodes actuels dans la composition naturelle benthique biofiltrante des mers de Russie) en russe. Paleont. Inst., Acad. Sci. Russ., 83 p.

Zezina O. N., 1997. Brachiopods in a natural biofilter at the the shelves and slopes in the far-eastern seas of Russia. In: Composition and distribution of bottom invertebrate animals in the seas of Russia and adjacent waters (in Russian). Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow, p. 52-60.

Zezina O. N., 2003. On the ecological, morphological, and evolutionary features of brachiopods living in marginal and extreme environments. Paleontological Journal, 37 (3), 263-269.

Zezina O. N., 2015. Paedomorphic features in extant brachiopods, particularly notably deep-sea forms. Paleontological Journal, 49 (14), 1572-1575.