References on Acrobrochus
updated on 22 December 2024 Arnaud P., 1984. Les Rapports des campagnes à la mer 1982. 1.- MD30-Biomass aux îles Crozet à bord du "Marion Dufresne", 29 janvier-13 mars 1982. Territoire des terres australes et antarctiques françaises, Paris, 46 p. Bitner M. A., 2007. Recent brachiopods from the Austral Islands, French Polynesia, South Central Pacific. Zoosystema, 29 (3), 491-502. Cooper G. A., 1973. Vema's brachiopods (Recent). Smithson. Contr. Paleobiol., 17, 1-51. Cooper G. A., 1973. New Brachiopoda from the Indian Ocean. Smiths. Contr. Paleobiol., 16, 1-43, 8 pl. Cooper G. A., 1982. New Brachiopoda from the Southern hemisphere and Cryoptopora from Oregon (Recent). Smiths. Contr. Paleobiol., 41, 1-43, 7 pls. Cooper G. A., 1983. The Terebratulacea (Brachiopoda), Triassic to Recent: A study of the Brachidia (loops). Smiths. Contrib. Paleobiol., 50, 1-445. Delavenne J. et al., 2019. Deep-sea benthic communities in the largest oceanic desert are structured by the presence of polymetallic crust. Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 6977. Emig C.C., 2017. Atlas of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Brachiopoda. Carnets de Géologie, CG2017_B03, 93 p. Foster M. W., 1974. Recent Antarctic and subAntarctic brachiopods. Antarct. Res. Ser., Washington, 21, 1-189. Foster M. W., 1989. Brachiopods from the extreme South Pacific and adjacent waters. J. Paleont., 63 (3), 268-301. Gaspard D., 2024. Biodiversity and characteristics of Antarctic brachiopods sampled during the CEAMARC expedition. Polar Biol., 47, 1323-1356. Gaspard D., Aldridge A. E., Boudouma O., Fialin M., Rividi N. & Lecuyer C., 2018. Analysis of growth and form in Aerothyris kerguelenensis (rhynchonelliform brachiopod) - Shell spiral deviations, microstructure, trace element contents and stable isotope ratios. Chemical Geology, 483, 474-490. Harper E.M., 2011. What do we really known about predation on modern rhynchonelliforms? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 45-57. Jackson J. W., 1912. The Brachiopoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition (1902 to 1904). VI. The Brachiopoda of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. Rep. Sci. Voyage Scotia 1902-1904, Edinb., 6 (6), 141-168, ou Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburg (2), 48 (19), 337-390. MacKinnon I. D., Beus S. S. & D. E. Lee, 1993. Brachiopod fauna of the Kokoamu Greensand (Oligocene), New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 36, 327-347. |