References on Xenobrochus
updated on 22 December 2024 Alméras Y. & S. Elmi, 1985. Le contrôle des peuplements de Brachiopodes: comparaison des données du Jurassique et de l'Actuel. Ann. Soc. géol. Nord, 104, 127-140 Bitner M. A., 2008. New data on the recent brachiopods from the Fiji and Wallis and Futuna islands, South-West Pacific. Zoosystema, 30 (2), 419-461. Bitner M. A., 2009. Recent Brachiopoda from the Norfolk Ridge, New Caledonia, with description of four new species. Zootaxa, 2235, 1-39. Bitner M. A., 2010. Biodiversity of shallow-water brachiopods from New Caledonia, SW Pacific, with description of a new species. Scientia Marina, 74 (4), 643-657. Bitner M. A., 2011. Xenobrochus norfolkensis (Brachiopoda: Dyscoliidae), a new species from the Norfolk Ridge, New Caledonia, South-West Pacific. Carnets de Géologie, Article 2011/05 (CG2011_A05), p. 203-211. Bitner M. A., 2015. Checklist of recent brachiopod species collected during the Terrasses and Exbodi cruises in the New Caledonian region, SW Pacific. ZooKeys, 537, 33–50. Bitner M.A., 2019. Recent brachiopods from the Tonga Islands, SW Pacific: taxonomy and biogeography. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 125 (3), 587-608. Bitner M. A. & A. Logan, 2015. Recent Brachiopoda from the Mozambique-Madagascar area, western Indian Ocean. Permophiles, 61 (suppl. 1), 5-6. Bitner M. A. & Logan A., 2016. Recent Brachiopoda from the Mozambique-Madagascar area, western Indian Ocean. Zoosystema, 38 (1), 5-41. Bitner M. A. & T. N. Molodtsova, 2020. New records of Recent brachiopods (Terebratulida) from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Biology Research, 16 (6-7), 514-520. Marine Biology Research, 6 (6-7), 514-520. Brand U., A. Logan, N. Hiller & J. Richardson, 2003. Geochemistry of modern brachiopods: applications and implications for oceanography and paleoceanography. Chemical Geology, 198, 305-334. Cooper G. A., 1973. New Brachiopoda from the Indian Ocean. Smiths. Contr. Paleobiol., 16, 1-43, 8 pl. Cooper G. A., 1981. Brachiopoda from the Southern Indian Ocean (Recent). Smiths. Contr. Paleobiol., 43, 1-93,14 pl. Cooper G. A., 1983. The Terebratulacea (Brachiopoda), Triassic to Recent: A study of the Brachidia (loops). Smiths. Contrib. Paleobiol., 50, 1-445. Emig C. C., 2017. Atlas of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Brachiopoda. Carnets de Géologie, CG2017_B03, 93 p. Gaspard D., 2024. Biodiversity and characteristics of Antarctic brachiopods sampled during the CEAMARC expedition. Polar Biol., 47, 1323-1356. Hansen J., 2024. Brachiopods of the northern North Atlantic and Arctic, with a focus on Norwegian fauna. Fauna norvegica, 43, 12-68. Hiller N., 1986. The South African museum's "Meiring Naude" cruises. Part 16. Brachiopoda from the 1975-1979 cruises. Ann. S. Afr. Mus., 97 (5), 97-140. Hiller N., 1991. The southern African Recent brachiopod fauna. In: Brachiopods through time, MacKinnon D. I., Lee D. E. & J. D. Campbell Eds, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 439-445. Hiller N., 1994. The environment, biogeography, and origin of the southern African recent brachiopod fauna. J. Paleont., 68 (4), 776-786. Hiller N., 1994. The biogeographic relationships of the Brachiopoda fauna from Marion andPrince Edwards islands. S. Afr. J. Antarct. Res., 24 (1/2), 67-74. Laurin B., 1997. Brachiopodes récoltées dans les eaux de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyauté, Matthew et Chesterfield. In : A. Crosnier (ed.), Résultats des campagnes MUSORSTOM, Vol. 18. Mém. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., 176, 411-471. Robinson J., MacFarlan D. & Waterhouse B., 2023. Chapter 15, Kingdom Animalia, phylum Brachiopoda (lamp shells). p. 239–254. In: Kelly M., Mills S., Terezow M., Sim-Smith C., & Nelson W. (Eds), The marine biota of Aotearoa New Zealand. Updating our marine biodiversity inventory. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir, 136, 494 p. Zezina O. N., 2008. Biogeography of the recent brachiopods. Paleontological Journal, 42 (8), 830-858. |