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Ninth International Brachiopod Congress,
Uwe Brand1, Lucia Angiolini2, Maria Aleksandra Bitner3 & Adam T. Halamski3
International brachiopod congresses started nearly forty years ago. Including the first session in Brest, and subsequently they convened every five years on various continents: three times in Europe (Brest, France, 1985; London, UK, 2000; Copenhagen, Denmark, 2005), twice in AustraliaOceania (Dunedin, New Zealand, 1990; Melbourne, Australia, 2010), once in North America (Sudbury, Canada, 1995), and once in Asia (Nanjing, China, 2015). Following the vote in Nanjing, their frequency was changed to triennial instead of quinquennial (Halamski, 2016) and the eighth session took place in Milano, Italy in 2018, where it was decided of holding the next congress in Berlin, Germany in 2021 (Halamski, 2019). The plenary talks were as follows: The congress was followed by a field trip to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington State, U.S.A. (29th June2nd July, 2024) to sample living brachiopods as well as other benthic invertebrates. Seven participants used the RV Kittiwake for two trips into the sea, one in the morning and one in the afternoon of July 1. Trips were about two hours long, and non-brachiopods or not collected material was returned to the sea at the end of each trip. The ship visited two locations about one hour from the harbour in Friday Harbor; one with rocky bottom (depth ca. 65 m) and one with more sandy bottom (depth ca. 85 m). We dredged at both locations, the former was more productive than the latter. Bivalves were the most common organisms, but there were plenty of brachiopods and with the most frequently encountered species being Terebratalia transversa, a well-known object of several studies (e.g., Paine, 1969; Eshleman & Wilkens, 1979; Helfenbein et al., 2001; Tomašových et al., 2008), some of which had been conducted precisely near San Juan Island (Schumann, 1990). Another set of complementary brachiopods was obtained from the intertidal zone at Friday Harbor Laboratories courtesy of John Allen (William & Mary University). The proceedings of the present congress will be published as a special volume of the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. The call for contributions has gone out to all participants and other brachiopod workers. The delegates decided that the next, 10th International Brachiopod Congress will be held in Cambridge, UK in three-years’ time (exact date to be determined) with Elizabeth M. Harper as the host. Authorship of the text. The introduction and the description of the preliminaries related to the cancelled congress in Berlin are by A.T. Halamski. The description of the congress in St. Catharines is by U. Brand, L. Angiolini, and M.A. Bitner. The final editing of the text is by A.T. Halamski and U. Brand.
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(ed.), 9th International Brachiopod Congress Congrès international sur les Brachiopodes: Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic. Program with Abstracts. Niagara Falls St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Schumann, D. 1990. Hydrodynamic influences in brachiopod shell morphology of Terebratalia transversa (Sowerby) from the San Juan Islands, USA. In: MacKinnon, D.I., Lee, D.E. & Campbell, J.D. (eds), Brachiopods through Time. Proceedings of the 2nd International Brachiopod Congress, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 59 February, 1990. A.A. Balkema, RotterdamBrookfield, p. 265271. Sedlmeir, A., Stephan, C., Griesshaber, E., Robinson, J. & Schmahl, W.W., 2024. How do the modern brachiopods Calloria inconspicua and Liothyrella neozelanica repair their shell? In: Brand, U. (ed.), 9th International Brachiopod Congress Congrès international sur les Brachiopodes: Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic. Program with Abstracts. Niagara Falls St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Szaniawski, H. 2005. Polsko-ukraińskie badania geologiczne na Podolu subsydiowane przez NATO [in Polish, with English title: Polish-Ukrainian geological research in Podolia, sponsored by NATO]. Przegląd Geologiczny, 53 (7): 557559. https://www.pgi.gov.pl/images/stories/przeglad/pdf/pg_2005_07_15.pdf Tomašových, A., Carlson, S. & Labarbera, M., 2008. Ontogenetic niche shift in the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa: relationship between the loss of rotation ability and allometric growth. Palaeontology, 51 (6): 14711496. Zhan, R., Rong, J., Harper, D.A.T. & Zhang, Y., 2024. Study of the GOBE in China: examples from brachiopods. In: Brand, U. (ed.), 9th International Brachiopod Congress Congrès international sur les Brachiopodes: Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic. Program with Abstracts. Niagara Falls St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Zhang, Z., Holmer, L.E., Zhang, Z., Chen F. & Yue, L., 2024. Brachiopods with soft parts from the Early Cambrian Wulongqing Formation (Series 2, Stage 4), Yunnan, South China. In: Brand, U. (ed.), 9th International Brachiopod Congress Congrès international sur les Brachiopodes: Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic. Program with Abstracts. Niagara Falls St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. 9th Brachiopod Congress Photographs Congress proceedings, Monday 24th June, 2024: workshop on Microstructure and textural analysis of biological and geological materials led by Erika Griesshaber and Wolfgang W. Schmahl. E. Griesshaber presenting. Session du congrès. Lundi 24 juin 2004: atelier sur l’analyse des microstructures et des textures des matériaux biologiques et géologiques, dirigé par Erika Griesshaber et Wolfgang W. Schmahl, présenté par E. Griesshaber. Congress proceedings, Wednesday 26th June, 2024: participants assembled near the entrance of the hall where the Congress took place. Session du congrès. Mercredi 26 juin: participants près de l’entrée de la salle où se tenaient les sessions. Group photo of the 9th International Brachiopod Congress “Brachiopods: Sentinels of the Phanerozoic” taken on front of the building of the Brock University where the session was taking place. The Chair Uwe Brand is in the foreground. Thursday, 27th June, 2024. Participants du 9e Congrès international sur les brachiopodes “Brachiopodes Sentinelles du Phanérozoïque” devant le bâtiment de l’Université Brock où le congrès a eu lieu. Le président Uwe Brand accroupi au premier rang. Jeudi 27 juin 2024. Some of the early career researchers attending, participating and presenting at the 9th IBC/CIB, representing Japan, Estonia, Italy, Denmark, USA, Canada, United Kingdom and China. Thursday, 27th June, 2024. Quelques-uns des chercheurs en début de carrière, participants au 9e ICB et venant du Japon, Estonie, Italie, Danemark, Etats-Unis, Canada, Royaume-Uni et Chine. Jeudi 27 juin 2024. Congress proceedings, Thursday 27th June, 2024. Marco Viaretti presenting. Session du congrès. Jeudi 27 juin: Macro Viaretti présentant. Participants of the Friday Harbor Field Trip, 9th IBC/CIB. San Juan Island, Washington State, USA. Aboard the Washington State ferry heading from Anacortes to Friday Harbor, San Juan Island. Inter-island channel heading west (Saturday, June 29, 2024). Participants de l’excursion à Friday Harbor, île de San Juan, Etat de Washington, USA. A bord du ferry parti d’Anacortes en direction de Friday Harbor, île de San Juan. Chenal entre les îles, vue vers l’Ouest. Samedi 29 juin 2024. San Juan Island and the RV Kittiwake that served for sampling benthic fauna. View from Friday Harbor Laboratories that is associated with the University of Washington, and serves as a principal research complex of marine life and anything oceanographic in nature (Sunday, June 30, 2024). Ile de Sain Juan et le RV Kittiwake qui servit à récolter la faune benthique. Vue prise des laboratoires de Friday Harbor, associé à l’Université de Washington, servant de centre d’études sur la faune marine et de recherches océanographiques. Dimanche, 30 juin 2024. Dredging of the benthic fauna, first location aboard the RV Kittiwake. Monday 1st July, 2024. Dragage de la faune benthique, première station, à bord du RV Kittiwake. Lundi 1er juillet 2024. Dredging of the benthic fauna, second location. Monday 1st July, 2024. Dragage de la faune benthique, seconds station. Lundi 1er juillet 2024. The collected fauna is inspected and sampled. Monday, 1st July, 2024. Tri et échantillonnage du dragage récolté. Lundi 1er juillet 2024. |