Gustav Arthur Cooper (1902-2000) Publications
online on 27 January 2011 - update 2012/24/2
References extracted from and by Rex Doescher’s Brachiopod Bibliographic Database (1775-1995),
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Bridge, J. & Cooper, G.A., 1939. Collecting Fossils in Utah, Nevada, Texas, and the Midwest. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1939:9-16. Cooper, B.N. & Cooper, G.A., 1946. Lower Middle Ordovician Stratigraphy of the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 57(1):35- 113, Pls. 1-3. Cooper, G.A., 1930. Stratigraphy of the Hamilton Group of New York, Parts 1 and 2. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 19:116-236. Cooper, G.A., 1930. Pionodema and Brachiopod Homeomorphy. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 41(1):202-203. Cooper, G.A., 1930. The Brachiopod Genus Pionodema and its Homeomorphs. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 4(4):369-382, 3 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1930. New Species from the Upper Ordovician of Perce (Part 2). In: C. Schuchert & G.A. Cooper, Upper Ordovician and Lower Devonian Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Perce, Quebec. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 20:265-288,365-392, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1931. Concerning the Authorship of the 'Preliminary Notice of the Lamellibranch Shells of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, and Chemung Groups, etc., Part 2'. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 21(18):459-467. Cooper, G.A., 1932. A New Accent in Paleontology. (Abstr.). Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 22(15):457. Cooper, G.A., 1932. Dry-Dredging in Eastern Central New York. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1931:19-22. Cooper, G.A., 1933. Evaluation of Internal Characters in the Classification of Brachiopods. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 44(1): 193-194. Cooper, G.A., 1933. A Method for the Preparation of Fossils. Science (Washington, DC), 77:394. Cooper, G.A., 1933. Collecting Fossils in Gaspe. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1932:9-12. Cooper, G.A., 1933. Stratigraphy of the Hamilton Group of Eastern New York. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 26:537-551. Cooper, G.A., 1933. Stratigraphic Studies in Eastern New York. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1932:13-16. Cooper, G.A., 1934. Reports on the Collections Obtained by the First Johnson-Smithsonian Deep-Sea Expedition to the Puerto Rican Deep. New Brachiopods. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 91(10):1-5, 2 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1934. Stratigraphy of the Hamilton Group of Eastern New York. Part 2. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 27:1-12. Cooper, G.A., 1935. Oligorhynchia, a New Ordovician (Chazy) Brachiopod. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 29:48-53, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1936. Studies of Middle Devonian Rocks in the Mid-West. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1935:9-12. Cooper, G.A., 1936. New Cambrian Brachiopods from Alaska. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 10(3):210-214, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1937. Collecting Devonian Fossils in the Midwest. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1936 (3407):15-18. Cooper, G.A., 1938. Brachiopod Ecology and Paleoecology. National Research Council, Division of Geology & Geography, Report of the Committee on Paleoecology, 1936-1937:26-53. Cooper, G.A., 1938. Collecting Fossils in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and Canada. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1937 (3480):9-12. Cooper, G.A., 1939. Collecting Fossils in the Catskills of New York. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1938 (3525):29-32. Cooper, G.A., 1939. Collecting Ordovician Fossils in the Southern Appalachians. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1939:17-20. Cooper, G.A., 1941. Geologizing in Texas and Tennessee. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1940:9-12. Cooper, G.A., 1941. New Devonian Stratigraphic Units. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 31(5):179-181. Cooper, G.A., 1942. Ecology of Some Permian Brachiopods. National Research Council, Division of Geology & Geography, Report of the Committee on Marine Ecology as Related to Paleontology, 1941-1942:36-37. Cooper, G.A., 1942. New Genera of North American Brachiopods. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 32(8):228-235. Cooper, G.A., 1943. Obituary of Charles Schuchert (1858-1942). Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 33(11):352. Cooper, G.A., 1944. Phylum Brachiopoda. In: H.W. Shimer & R.R. Shrock (Eds), Index Fossils of North America, p.277-365, Pls. 105-143. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Cooper, G.A., 1944. Remarks on Correlation of Devonian Formations in Illinois and Adjacent States. Illinois Geological Survey Bulletin (Urbana), 68:217- 222. Cooper, G.A., 1944. Obituary to Charles Elmer Resser. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 34(1):32. Cooper, G.A., 1945. New Species of Brachiopods from the Devonian of Illinois and Missouri. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 19(5):479-489, Pls. 63- 64. Cooper, G.A., 1946. Silicified Fossils (Permian, Texas, Ordovician, Virginia). Virginia Academy of Sciences Proceedings, 1945-46:87. Cooper, G.A., 1947. Large Scale Extraction of Fossils from Limestone Rock by Etching. Science (Washington, DC), 106(2751):259. Cooper, G.A., 1948. Annotated Bibliography of Brachiopod Ecology. National Research Council, Report of the Committee on a Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology (Washington, DC), 7:38-44. Cooper, G.A., 1948. Annotated Bibliography of Brachiopod Paleoecology. National Research Council, Report of the Committee on a Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology (Washington, DC), 7:45-53. Cooper, G.A., 1948. A New Genus of Brachiopoda from the Longview Limestone of Virginia. Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Bulletin (Cambridge), 100(6):473-474, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1950. Permian Fauna of the Glass Mountains of Texas and its Ecology. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 61(12):1453. Cooper, G.A., 1950. Permian Faunas of the Glass Mountains, Texas, and Their Environment. New York Academy of Sciences, Transactions, Ser.2, 12(3):80-81. Cooper, G.A., 1951. Brachiopod Ecology and Paleoecology. Report of the Committee on Marine Ecology & Paleoecology (Washington, DC), 1936-37:26-53. Cooper, G.A., 1951. On Dr. Elizabeth Alexander's Proposal for the Use by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature of its Plenary Powers to Validate Current Usage of the Generic Name "Pentamerus" Sowerby 1813 (Class Brachiopoda). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (London), 2(3):96. Cooper, G.A., 1951. New Brachiopods from the Lower Cambrian of Virginia. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 41(1):4-8. Cooper, G.A., 1952. Unusual Specimens of the Brachiopod Family Isogrammidae. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 26(1):113-119. Cooper, G.A., 1952. Brachiopoda. In: G.A. Cooper et al., Cambrian Stratigraphy and Paleontology Near Caborca, Northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 119(1):36-48, Pls. 11-13. Cooper, G.A., 1952. New and Unusual Species of Brachiopods from the Arbuckle Group in Oklahoma. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 117(14):1-35, 4 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1953. Brachiopoda. In: G.A. Cooper et al., Permian Fauna at El Antimonio, Western Sonora, Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 119(2):21-82, Pls. 4-23. Cooper, G.A., 1953. Permian Faunal Studies in the Glass Mountains, Texas. West Texas Geological Society Spring Field Trip, May, 1953:70-76. Cooper, G.A., 1954. Unusual Devonian Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 28(3):325-332, Pls. 36-37. Cooper, G.A., 1954. Recent Brachiopods. In: Bikini and Nearby Atolls. Part 2. Oceanography (Biologic). United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (Washington, DC), 260-G:315-318, 2 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1954. Brachiopoda Occurring in the Gulf of Mexico. In: Gulf of Mexico, its Origin, Waters, and Marine Life. United States Department of the Interior Fishery Bulletin, Fishery Bulletin of the Fish & Wildlife Service (Washington, DC), 89(55):363-365. Cooper, G.A., 1954. Brachiopoda. In: G.A. Cooper et al., Geologia y Paleontologia de la Region de Caborca, Norponiente de Sonora. Parte 1- Paleontologia y Estratigrafia del Cambrico de Caborca. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Geologia, Boletin, 58:67-84, Pls. 13-15. Cooper, G.A., 1955. New Genera of Middle Paleozoic Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 29(1):45-63, 4 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1955. New Brachiopods from Cuba. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 29(1): 64-70, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1955. New Cretaceous Brachiopods from Arizona. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 131(4):1-18, 4 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1956. New Pennsylvanian Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 30(3):521-530, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1956. Chazyan and Related Brachiopods. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 127(1):1-1024; 127(2):1025-1245, 269 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1956. A New Upper Canadian Fauna from a Deep Well in Tennessee. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 30(1):29-34, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1956. Pustulatia, a New Name for the Devonian Brachiopod Pustulina, Preoccupied. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 30(3):769. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Loop Development of the Pennsylvanian Terebratulid Cryptacanthia. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 134(3):1-18, 2 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Tertiary and Pleistocene Brachiopods of Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (Washington, DC), 314-A:1-20, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Paleoecology of Middle Devonian of Eastern and Central United States. In: H.S. Ladd, Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, Vol. 2. Geological Society of America, Memoir (Boulder), 67:249-278, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Brachiopods- Annotated Bibliography. In: H.S. Ladd, Treatise on Ecology and Paleoecology, Vol.2. Geological Society of America, Memoir (Boulder), 67:801-804. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Brachiopods. In: J.W. Hedgpeth, Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology, Vol.1. Geological Society of America, Memoir (Boulder), 67:1113-1116. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Permian Brachiopods from Central Oregon. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 134(12):1-79, 12 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1957. Memorial to Edwin Kirk (1884-1955). Geological Society of America, Proceedings (Boulder), 1956:141-146. Cooper, G.A., 1958. Presidential Address: The Science of Paleontology. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 32(5):1010-1018. Cooper, G.A., 1959. Genera of Tertiary and Recent Rhynchonelloid Brachiopods. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 139(5):1-90, Pls. 1-22. Cooper, G.A., 1960. Correction of Brachiopod Names. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 34(3):601. Cooper, G.A., 1961. Pseudopunctate Brachiopods. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Program of the Annual Meetings, 1961:31A. Cooper, G.A., 1962. Pseudopunctate Brachiopods. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Special Papers (Boulder), 68:155-156. Cooper, G.A., 1964. Brachiopods from Eniwetok and Bikini Drill Holes. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (Washington, DC), 260-Ff:1117- 1120, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1965. Response by G. Arthur Cooper for Paleontological Society Medal on Nov. 19, 1964. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 39(3):522-524. Cooper, G.A., 1967. Age and Correlation of the Tully and Cedar Valley Formations in the United States. International Symposium on the Devonian System (Calgary), 1967, 2:701-709. Cooper, G.A., 1967. Brachiopoda. In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, p.51-54, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1968. The Brachiopod Family, Richthofeniacea. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Program with Abstracts, 1968:62. Cooper, G.A., 1970. Generic Characters of Brachiopods. 1st North American Paleontological Convention, Sept. 5-7, 1969, Proceedings (Chicago), Part C:194-263, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1970. Brachiopoda: Japanithyris is Campages. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 44(5):898-904, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1971. Eocene Brachiopods from Eua, Tonga. United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (Washington, DC), 640-F:F1-F9. Cooper, G.A., 1972. Homeomorphy in Recent Deep-Sea Brachiopods. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 11:1-25, 4 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1972. Correction of a Brachiopod Name. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 46(3):450. Cooper, G.A., 1972. Acid Reveals Texas Brachiopods. Smithsonian Research Reports (Washington, DC), 3:2,5. Cooper, G.A., 1973. Vema's Brachiopoda (Recent). Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 17:1-51, 9 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1973. New Brachiopoda from the Indian Ocean. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 16:1-42, 8 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1973. Fossil and Recent Cancellothyridacea (Brachiopoda). Tohoku Imperial University, Science Reports, Ser.2 (Geol.), Special Vol. (Hatai Memorial Vol.), 6:371-390, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1973. Brachiopods (Recent). Memoirs of the Hourglass Cruises Marine Research Laboratory, Florida Department of Natural Resources, 3(3):1- 16, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A., 1974. Brachiopoda. In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., p.97-100. Cooper, G.A., 1975. Brachiopods from West African Waters with Examples of Collateral Evolution. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 49(5):911-927, 4 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1976. Lower Cambrian Brachiopods from the Rift Valley (Israel and Jordan). Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 50(2):269-289, 3 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1976. Early Middle Ordovician of the United States. In: M.G. Bassett (Ed), The Ordovician System, p.171-194; Proceedings of a Palaeontological Association Symposium, Birmingham, Sept. 1974. Cardiff: Univ. of Wales Press. Cooper, G.A., 1977. Brachiopods from the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Waters. Studies in Tropical Oceanography (Miami), 14:1-212, 35 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1978. Tertiary and Quaternary Brachiopods from the Southwest Pacific. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 38:1-16, 2 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1979. Tertiary and Cretaceous Brachiopods from Cuba and the Caribbean. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 37:1-45, 7 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1979. Brachiopoda. In: R.W. Fairbridge & D. Jablonski (Eds), The Encyclopedia of Paleontology, p.131-138. Stroudsburg: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Inc. Cooper, G.A., 1981. Brachiopoda from the Gulf of Gascogne, France (Recent). Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 44:1-34, 3 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1981. Brachiopoda from the Southern Indian Ocean (Recent). Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 43:1-93, 14 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1982. New Brachiopoda from the Southern Hemisphere and Cryptopora from Oregon (Recent). Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 41:1-43, 7 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1983. The Terebratulacea (Brachiopoda), Triassic to Recent: A Study of the Brachidia (Loops). Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 50:1-445, 77 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1986. Brachiopoda. In: Encyclopaedia America, International Edition ed., p.396-397. Cooper, G.A., 1988. Some Tertiary Brachiopods of the East Coast of the United States. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 64:1-45, 9 Pls. Cooper, G.A., 1988. A New Genus of Plectambonitacea (Brachiopoda) from Malaysia. In: D.L. Wolberg, Compiler, Contributions to Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy in Honor of Rousseau H. Flower. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir (Socorro), 44:185-187. Cooper, G.A., 1989. Jurassic Brachiopods of Saudi Arabia. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 65:1-213, 37 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Arellano, A.R.V., 1946. Stratigraphy near Caborca, Northwest Sonora, Mexico. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (Tulsa), 30(4):606-611. Cooper, G.A. & Cloud, P.E., Jr., 1938. New Devonian Fossils from Calhoun County, Illinois. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 12(5):444-460, Pls. 54-55. Cooper, G.A. & Doherty, P.J., 1993. Calloria variegata, a New Recent Species of Brachiopod (Articulata: Terebratulida) from Northern New Zealand. Royal Society of New Zealand, Journal (Wellington), 23(3):271-281. Cooper, G.A. & Dutro, J.T., Jr., 1982. Devonian Brachiopods of New Mexico. Bulletins of American Paleontology (Ithaca), 82-83(315):1-215, 45 Pls. Cooper, G.A. et al., 1942. Correlation of the Devonian Sedimentary Formations of North America. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 53(12):1729-1794, 1 Pl. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1962. Torynechus; New Name for Permian Brachiopod Uncinuloides King. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 36(5):1128-1129. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1964. Permian Brachiopods of the Glass Mountains, West Texas. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Special Papers (Boulder), 76:36-37. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1964. New Permian Stratigraphic Units in Glass Mountains, West Texas. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (Tulsa), 48(9): 1581-1588. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1966. Permian Rock Units in the Glass Mountains West Texas. United States Geological Survey Bulletin (Reston), 1244-E:E1-E9. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1969. New Permian Brachiopods from West Texas. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 1:1-20, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1970. New Name for Brachiopod Homonym and Citation of Types. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 44(3):579. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1971. New Age Assignments in the Stratigraphy of the Glass Mountains, Western Texas. United States Geological Survey Bulletin (Reston), 1345- A:30. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1972. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, I. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 14:1-231, 23 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1973. Dating and Correlating the Permian of the Glass Mountains in Texas. In: A. Logan & L.V. Hills, Eds., The Permian and Triassic Systems and their Mutual Boundary. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir (Calgary), 2:363-377. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1974. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, II. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 15:233-793, 167 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1975. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, III. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 19(1/2):795-1921, 310 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1976. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, IV. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 21(1/2):1923-2607, 159 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1976. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, V. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 24:2609-3159, 117 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Grant, R.E., 1977. Permian Brachiopods of West Texas, VI. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (Washington, DC), 32:3161-3370. Cooper, G.A. & Kindle, C.H., 1936. New Brachiopods and Trilobites from the Upper Ordovician of Perce, Quebec. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 10(5):348-372, Pls. 51-53. Cooper, G.A. & Knight, J.B., 1946. Permian Studies at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 20(6):625-626; Science, 104(2688):15-16. Cooper, G.A. & Lee, D.E., 1993. Calloria, a Replacement Name for the Recent Brachiopod Genus Waltonia from New Zealand. Royal Society of New Zealand, Journal (Wellington), 23(3):257-270. Cooper, G.A. & Muir-Wood, H.M., 1951. Brachiopod Homonyms. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 41(6):195-196. Cooper, G.A. & Muir-Wood, H.M., 1967. New Names for Brachiopod Homonyms. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 41(3):808. Cooper, G.A. & Phelan, T., 1966. Stringocephalus in the Devonian of Indiana. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 151(1):1-20, 5 Pls. Cooper, G.A. & Stehli, F.G., 1955. New Genera of Permian Brachiopods from West Texas. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 29(3):469-474, Pls. 52-54. Cooper, G.A. & Warthin, A.S., Jr., 1941. New Middle Devonian Stratigraphic Names. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 31(6):259-260. Cooper, G.A. & Warthin, A.S., Jr., 1942. New Devonian (Hamilton) Correlations. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 53:873-888. Cooper, G.A. & Whitcomb, L., 1933. Salonia, a New Ordovician Brachiopod Genus. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal (Washington, DC), 23(11):496-503. Cooper, G.A. & Whittington, H.B., 1965. Use of Acids in Preparation of Fossils. In: B. Kummel & D. Raup (Eds), Handbook of Paleontological Techniques, p.294-300. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman & Co. Cooper, G.A. & Williams, A., 1952. Significance of the Stratigraphic Distribution of Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 26(3):326-337. Cooper, G.A. & Williams, J.S., 1935. Tully Formation of New York. Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 46(5):781-868, 3 Pls. Grant, R.E. & Cooper, G.A., 1973. Brachiopods and Permian Correlations. In: A. Logan & L.V. Hills, Eds., The Permian and Triassic Systems and their Mutual Boundary. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir (Calgary), 2:572-595. Ladd, H.S.; Barnes, V.E.; Cloud, P.E., Jr.; Cooper, G.A.; David, L.R.; Flower, R.H.; Myers, E.H. & Williams, J.S., 1942. Report of the Committee on Marine Ecology as Related to Paleontology, 1941-44. National Research Council, Division of Geology & Geography, Annual Report, 2 (App.N):58 Pages. Muir-Wood, H.M. & Cooper, G.A., 1951. A New Species of the Jurassic Brachiopod Genus Septirhynchia. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections (Washington, DC), 116(6):1-6, 2 Pls. Muir-Wood, H.M. & Cooper, G.A., 1960. Morphology, Classification and Life Habits of the Productoidea (Brachiopoda). Geological Society of America, Memoir (Boulder), 81:1- 447, 135 Pls. Schuchert, C. & Cooper, G.A., 1931. Synopsis of the Brachiopod Genera of the Suborders Orthoidea and Pentameroidea, with Notes on the Telotremata. American Journal of Science (New Haven), Ser.5, 22:241-251. Schuchert, C. & Cooper, G.A., 1932. Brachiopod Genera of the Suborders Orthoidea and Pentameroidea. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Memoirs (New Haven), 4(1):1-270, 29 Pls. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1936. New Silurian Brachiopods of the Family Triplesiidae. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 10(5):331-347, 1 Pl. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1936. New Genera and Species of Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 10(7):616-631. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1937. Cambrotrophia, New Name for Eostrophia Ulrich and Cooper, not Dall. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 11(1):78. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1938. Ozarkian and Canadian Brachiopoda. Geological Society of America, Special Papers (Boulder), 13:323 Pages, 58 Pls. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1941. Chazyan and Related Brachiopods. (Abstr.). Geological Society of America, Bulletin (Boulder), 52(12):1976. Ulrich, E.O. & Cooper, G.A., 1942. New Genera of Ordovician Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology (Lawrence), 16(5):620-626, 1 Pl. Warthin, A.S., Jr. & Cooper, G.A., 1934. Devonian Studies in Southwestern Ontario and Michigan. Explorations and Field-Work of the Smithsonian Institution, 1934:13-16. Warthin, A.S., Jr. & Cooper, G.A., 1944. Middle Devonian Subsurface Formations in Illinois. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin (Tulsa), 28(10):1519-1527. |
Cooper demonstrating his photo technique (video - 14 oct. 1987) ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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