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| The book "The fossil brachiopods of Switzerland and
neighboring regions" published in 1999 is now available in a supplementary second edition - in german language. Publishers are the Palaeontological Institute and Museum of the University of Zurich and the Swiss Palaeontological Society.
This book covers the fossil brachiopods of Switzerland and the surrounding areas. These include the Jura mountains, the Helvetic, the Southern and Eastern Alps as well as a part of the so-called Préalpes romandes of Penninic origin. The geological age of the brachiopods ranges from mid-Triassic to mid-Cretaceous and includes some rare froms of alpine and non-alpine Tertiary. Short descriptions, informations on the chrono- and lithostratigraphy, facies, geographical distribution, frequency, relationships, literature etc. according to current knowledge are given for the single species. About 300 of the 400 known brachiopod species are depicted. Virtually all brachiopod species described for Switzerland and the surrounding areas are now covered. Not all species have been revised since the original descriptions, and some still need to be confirmed.
The book is an important help for collectors giving them the possibility to name their pieces. The book further offers - not least thanks to the comprehensive references - a basic starting point for more intense or professional studies. For the classification of genera and higher taxonomical level, the current system, conceived in the volumes of Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part H - Brachiopoda revised (1997-2007), was adopted. In the new edition some new chapters referring to research history, biology and paleoecology of the brachiopods are presented.