
Références 2002 sur les Brachiopoda

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Afanasjeva G.A. , 2002. Brachiopods of the order Chonetida from the basin facies of the Devonian-Carboniferous transitional strata of the Thuringian and Rhenish Slate Mountains (Germany) [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 6, 57-62. - English translation in Paleontological Journal, 36 (6) ,626-631.

Alekseeva RE & Shishkina GR, 2002. To the Lower Devonian biostratigraphy in the Russian Far East and Mongolia. Stratigraphy Geological Correlation, 10 (6), 565-574.

Archbold-N-W; Hills-L-V, ed; Henderson-C-M, ed; Bamber-E-W, ed, 2002. Correlation of the Permian sequences of Gondwana; relationships to the Arctic Permian. Carboniferous and Permian of the world; XIV ICCP proceedings. Mem. Can. Soc. Pet. Geol., 19, 1-11.

Azeredo AC., Wright VP. & Ramalho MM, 2002. The Middle-Late Jurassic forced regression and disconformity in central Portugal: eustatic, tectonic and climatic effects on a carbonate ramp system. Sedimentology, 49 (6), 1339-1370.

Balinski A., 2002. Frasnian Famennian brachiopod extinction and recovery in southern Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (2), 289-305.

Bassett M. G., Popov L. E. & Holmer L. E., 2002. Brachiopods: Cambrian-Tremadoc precursors to Ordovician radiation events. Geol. Soc., London, Sp. Publ., 194, 13-23.

Beauchamp B. & Baud A., 2002. Growth and demise of Permian biogenic chert along northwest Circulation. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 184 (1-2), 37-63.

Belasky P., Stevens CH & Hanger RA., 2002. Early Permian location of western North American terranes based on brachiopod, fusulinid, and coral biogeography. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 179 (3-4), 245-266.

Benedetto JL., 2002. The rhynchonellide brachiopod Eocoelia in the Llandovery of Paraguay, Parana basin. Ameghiniana, 39 (3), 307-3120.

Benedetto J. L., 2002. The Ordovician brachiopod faunas of Argentina: Chronology and biostratigraphic succession. Correlación Geológica, 16, 87-106.

Benedetto J. L , 2002. El genero Ranorthis Opik (Brachiopoda) en el Ordovícico temprano de la Precordillera argentina, su interes bioestratigráfico, filogenético y paleobiogeográfico. Ameghiniana, 39 (4), 385-394.

Benedetto JL & Carrasco PA, 2002. Tremadoc (earliest Ordovician) brachiopods from Purmamarca and the Sierra de Mojotoro, Cordillera Oriental of northwestern Argentina. Geobios, 35 (6) 647-661.

Berkhli M., Vachard D. & Paicheler JC., 2002. Early Carboniferous series of the Adarouch area, northeast central Morocco: lithology and biostratigraphy. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 32 (4), 557-571.

Bitner M. A., 2002. Size-frequency distributions of Miocene micromorphic brachiopods: interpretation tool for population dynamics. P.S.Z.N.: mar. Ecol., 23 (1), 19-30.

Bitner M. A. & J. A. Crame, 2002. Brachiopods from ther Lower Miocene of King George Island, West Antarctica. Polish Polar Res., 23 (1), 75-84.

Botquelen A. & Gourvennec R., 2002. Découverte du genre Septathyris (Athyridida, Brachiopoda) dans le Dévonien inférieur de la Rade de Brest (Massif Armoricain, France) et implications paléogéographiques. Annales de la Société géologique du Nord, 9, 207-213.

Botquelen A., Loi A., Dabard M., Leone F. & Gourvennec R., 2002. Genesis and significance of shellbeds in terrigenous platform deposits: an example from the Ordovician of Sardinia. In: Cherchi A., Corradini C. & Putzu M. T. (eds), Sardinia Field Trip - Palaeontology & Stratigraphy. Rendiconti della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 1, 149-157.

Brand U, & Bruckschen P., 2002. Correlation of the Askyn River section, Southern Urals, Russia, with the Mid Carboniferous Boundary GSSP, Bird Spring Formation, Arrow Canyon, Nevada, USA: implications for global paleoceanography. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 184 (1-2), 177-193.

Brett C. E & Walker S. E., 2002. Predators and predation in Paleozoic marine environments.Paleontological Society Papers, 8, 93-118.

Brice D., Mistiaen B. & J. C. Rohart, 2002. Progrès dans la connaissance des flores et faunes dévoniennes du Boulonnais (1971-2001). Ann. Soc. géol. du Nord, 9, 61-74.

Brice D. & C. Loones, 2002. Nouvelles données sur les brachiopodes Cyrtospiriferidae, Reticulariidae, Uncitidae et Stringocephalidae du Dévonien de Ferques (Boulonnais - France). Ann. Soc. géol. du Nord, 9, 91-110.

Callaerts P., Lee P. N., Hartmann B., Farfan C., Choy D. W. Y., Ikeo K., Fischbach K. F., Gehring W. J. & de Couet H. G., 2002. HOX genes in the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes: Implications for the evolution of complex body plans. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 99 (4), 2088-2093.

Campi M. J. & Shi G.R., 2002. Linshuichonetes gen. nov., a new rugosochonetid (Brachiopoda) genus from the Liangshan Formation (Early Permian) in Sichuan, China, and its ecology. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41 (1), 105-118.

Campi M. J., Shi G. R. & Leman M. S., 2002. The Leptodus Shales of central Peninsular Malaysia: distribution, age and palaeobiogeographical affinities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 20 (6), 703-717.

Candela Y. , 2002. Constraints on the age of the Bardahessiagh Formation, Pomeroy, County Tyrone. Scottish Journal of Geology, 38 (2), 65-67.

Cech N. & Carrera MG., 2002. Arenigian community dynamics of the San Juan Formation (Ordovician), Argentine Precordillera. Ameghiniana, 39 (1), 21-40.

Chen XQ; Zhang ZX; Jin-YU, 2002. Late Devonian (Famennian) brachiopod Yunnanella from the Junggar Basin, northern Xinjiang, China. Alcheringa, 26 (3-4), 451-458.

Chen Z. Q. & Archbold N.W., 2002. New chonostrophiid brachiopods from the Famennian of the Santanghu Basin, Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Palaeontology, 76 (2), 227-236.

Chen Z.Q. & Shi G.R., 2002. Late Carboniferous to Early Permian brachiopod faunas from the Bachu and Kalpin areas, Tarim Basin, NW China. Alcheringa, 25, 293-326.

Chen Z. Q., Shi G. R. & Kaiho K., 2002. A new genus of rhynchonellid brachiopod from the lower Triassic of South China and implications for timing the recovery of brachiopoda after the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeontology, 45 (1), 149-164.

Campi M. J. & Shi G. R., 2002. Linshuichonetes gen. nov., a new rugosochonetid (Brachiopoda) genus from the Liangshan Formation (Early Permian) in Sichuan, China, and its ecology. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41 (1), 105-118.

Campi M.J., G. R. Shi & M. S. Leman, 2002. The Leptodus Shales of central Peninsular Malaysia: distribution, age and palaeobiogeographical affinities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 20 (6), 703-717.

Chen Z. & N. W. Archbold, 2002. New chonostrophiid brachiopods from the Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Santanghu Basin, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Journal of Paleontology, 76 (2), 229-238.

Chen Z., Shi G. R. & K. Kunio,  2002. A new genus of rhynchonellid brachiopod from the Lower Triassic of South China and implications for timing the recovery of Brachiopoda after the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeontology, 45(1), 149- 164, pl. 1.

Cisterna, G.A, Simanauskas, T. & Archbold N.W., 2002. Permian brachiopods from the Tupe Formation in the La Herradura Creek, San Juan Province, Precordillera, Argentina. Alcheringa, 26, 177-200.

Cisterna, G.A., Archbold, N.W. & T. Simanauskas, 2002. The Permian brachiopod genus Trigonotreta Koenig 1825 and its occurrence in Argentina. Ameghiniana 39 (2), 213-220.

Cocks LRM & Fortey RA., 2002. The palaeogeographical significance of the latest Ordovician fauna from the Panghsa-Pye Formation of Burma. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 57-76.

Cocks LRM & TorsvikTH., 2002. Earth geography from 500 to 400 million years ago, a faunal and palaeomagnetic review. Journal of the Geological Society (London), 159 (6), 631-644.

Connolly SR & Miller AI., 2002. Global Ordovician faunal transitions in the marine benthos: ultimate causes. Paleobiology, 28 (1), 26-40.

Copper P., 2002. Reef development at the Frasnian/Famennian mass extinction boundary. In: Late Devonian biotic crises: ecological, depositional and geochemical records, G. Racki & M. House, eds. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 181(1-3), 27-65.

Copper P., 2002. Silurian and Devonian reefs: 80 million years of greenhouse between two ice ages. In: Phanerozoic reef patterns, Kiessling, Fluegel & Golonka, eds. SEPM Special Publication 72.

Copper P. & E. Edinger, 2002. Banks Island, Canadian high Arctic: reefs of the Late Devonian (early to mid-Frasnian), prior to the f/f mass extinction. GSA Abstract, Denver 2002.

Craig R. S., 2002. The palaeobiogeography of Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic brachiopods from Western Australia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 179 (3-4), 267-292.

Craig R. S., 2002. A new Jurassic rhynchonellide brachiopod from the Newmarracarra Limestone, Perth Basin, Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, 20, 387-392.

Curry G. B. & A. E. Fallick, 2002. Use of stable oxygen isotope determinations from brachiopod shells in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 182 (1-2), 133-143.

Dastanpour M & Aftabi A., 2002. The cause of biomass extinction at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, the Kerman Province southeastern, central Iran. J. Sci., Islamic Repub. Iran, 13 (1), 45-49.

Day J. & Over DJ., 2002. Post extinction survivor fauna from the lowermost Famennian of eastern North America. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (2), 189-202.

Di Geronimo I., Messina C., Rosso A. & R. Sanfilippo, 2002. Taphonomic data in paleoenvironmental reconstruction of shelly concentrations in a dune system. In: Current topics on taphonomy and fossilization, Valencia. Col.l.ecció Encontres, 5, p. 187-191.

Dulai A., 2002. Hettangian and Early Sinemurian (Early Jurassic) brachiopods of the Transdanubian Central Range (Hungary) - I. Diversity, stratigraphic distribution, paleoecology, paleobiology, evolution (in Hungarian). A Bakony Természettudományi Kutatásának Eredményei, 26, 5-112

Elmi S; Almeras Y; Gaillard C, 2002. Biostratigraphie des brachiopodes et âge Carixien des calcaires à grands bivalves en Algérie occidentale. Doc. Lab. Géol. Lyon, (156), 100-101.

Emig C. C., 2002. Death: a key information in marine palaeoecology. In: Current topics on taphonomy and fossilization, Valencia. Col.l.ecció Encontres, 5, p. 21-26.

Emig C. C., 2002. Tools for linguloid taxonomy: the genus Obolus (Brachiopoda) as an example. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Maintenon, Article 2002/01 (CG2002_A01_CCE), 9 p., 3 fig., 2 tabl.  

Evans D. H. , 2002. Some additional Ordovician and Silurian cephalopods from Ireland. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 67, 77-96.

Faure P. , 2002. Le lias des Pyrenées. Strata Serie 2 Memoires, 39 (1), i-vi, 1-365.

Faure P. , 2002. Le lias des Pyrenées. Strata Serie 2 Memoires, 39 (2), 365-761.

Feldman H. R., 2002. A new species of Coenothyris (Brachiopoda) from the Triassic (Upper Anisian-Ladinian) of Israel. J. Paleont., 76 (1), 34-42.

Fernández-Pulpeiro E. & O. Reverter-Gil, 2002. Los lofoforados. Galicia Naturaleza, Hercules de Editiones, La Coruña, 38 (Zoología 2), 163-205.

Fontaine H., 2002. Permian of Southeast Asia: an overview. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 20 (6), 567-588.

Freeman G. & M. Q. Martindale, 2002. The origin of mesoderm in phoronids. Developmental Biology, 252, 301-311.

Gad J., 2002. Alatiformia janseni n. sp. eine neue Brachiopodenart aus dem Ober-Ems der Moselmulde (Unterdevon, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge). Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen, 31, 123-128.

García-Alcalde J. L. (coordinador), Carls P., Pardo Alonso M. V., Sanz López J., Soto F, Truyols-Massoni M. & Valenzuela-Ríos J. I., 2002. Devonian. In: Gibbons W. & T. Moreno (eds), The geology of Spain. Geological Society, London, 6, 67-91 & 511-608.

Garey J.R., 2002. The lesser-known protostome taxa: an introduction and a tribute to Robert P. Higgins. Integr. Comp. Biol., 42 (3), 611-618.

Gaspard D., 2002. Les brachiopodes de la craie blanche de Meudon (Campanien supérieur) de la collection d'Orbigny (MNHN, Paris). Alcide d'Orbigny. 2. Voyageur naturaliste et systématicien. Comptes-Rendus Palevol, 1 (7), 573-585.

Gibbons W. & T. Moreno (Eds), 2002. The geology of Spain. Geol. Soc., London, 649 pp.

Godefroid J., Stainier P. &Trost G., 2002. Two new spinocyrtiid brachiopods (Spiriferida) from the Pragian and the Lower Emsian of Belgium. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre, 72, 25-41.

Gozalo, R., Pardo Alonso, M. V. & Valenzuela Ríos, J. I., 2002. Estratigrafía y paleontología del yacimiento QUIN-18 (Formacion Valmayor, Frasniense, Sinclinal de Almaden, España). Revista Española de Paleontología, 17 (1), 83-99.

Grunt TA & Weyer D., 2002. Revision of Leopold von Buch's type collection of athyridids from Berlin Museum of Natural History. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 4, 34-44.

Gutiérez-Marco J. L.(coordinador), Robardet M., Rábano I., G. N. Sarmiento, M. A. San José Lancha, P. Herranz Araùjo & A. P. Pierren Pidal , 2002. Ordovician. In: Gibbons W. & T. Moreno (eds), The geology of Spain. Geological Society, London, p. 31-49 & 511-608.

Halamski A. T., 2002. Deux approches de la paléontologie. Première partie : Paléontologie comme science idiographique. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, 71 (3), 102-104.

Harper D. A. T. & MacNiocaill C., 2002. Early Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopod biodiversity, comparing some platforms, margins and intra-oceanic sites around the Iapetus Ocean. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 194, 25-34.

Harper D. A. T. & Portell R. W., 2002 The brachiopod fauna of the Montpellier formation (Miocene), Duncans Quarry, Jamaica. Caribbean Journal of Science, 38 (3-4) 256-259.

Harper DAT. & Williams SH., 2002. A relict Ordovician brachiopod fauna from the Parakidograptus acuminatus Biozone (lower Silurian) of the English Lake District. Lethaia, 35 (1), 71-78.

Heckel-P-H; Boardman-D-R; Barrick-J-E; Hills-L-V, ed; Henderson-C-M, ed; Bamber-E-W, ed, 2002 Desmoinesian-Missourian regional stage boundary reference position for North America. Carboniferous and Permian of the world; XIV ICCP proceedings. Mem. Can. Soc. Pet. Geol., 19, 710-724.

Hermoyian CS., Leighton LR. & Kaplan P., 2002. Testing the role of competition in fossil communities using limiting similarity. Geology, 30 (1), 15-18.

Holmer L. E. & G. Biernat, 2002. Lingulate brachiopods from Lower Ordovician (Tremadoc) chalcedonites, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (1), 141-156.

Holmer L. E., Skovsted C. B. & A. Williams, 2002. A stem group brachiopod from the lower Cambrian support for a Micrina (Halkieriid) ancestry. Palaeontology, 45 (5), 875-882.

House M. R., 2002. Strength, timing, setting and cause of mid-Palaeozoic extinctions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 181 (1-3), 5-25.

Immenhauser A., Kenter JAM., Ganssen G., Bahamonde JR., Van Vliet A & Saher MH., 2002. Origin and significance of isotope shifts in Pennsylvanian carbonates (Asturias, NW Spain). Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72 (1), 82 94.

Jin J., 2002. The early Silurian pentamerid brachiopod Costistricklandia canadensis (Billings, 1859) and its biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic significance. J. Paleontol., 76 (4), 638-647.

Kaesler R. L., ed., 2002. Rhyncholelliformea (part). Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.  Part H.  Brachiopoda Revised.  Geological Society of America and University of Kansas. Boulder, Colorado, and Lawrence,  Kansas, vol. 4, pp. 921-1688.

Kawamura N., 2002. Sedimentary facies and changes of the depositional environments of Late Quaternary in the lowlands of the Takamatsu Plain, Kagawa Prefecture, southwest Japan. A model of development of delta during the Holocene. Journal of Geosciences Osaka City University, 45, 45-62.

Kemp A., 2002. Amino acid residues in Conodont elements. J. Paleontol., 76 (3), 518-528.

Kowalewski M., 2002. The fossil record of predation: an overview of analytical methods. Paleont. Soc. Spec. Papers, 8, 3-42.

Kowalewski M., Simões M. G., Carroll M. & D. L. Rodland, 2002. Abundant brachiopod on a tropical upwelling-influenced shelf (Southeast Brazilian Bight, South Atlantic). Palaios, 17, 277-286.

Kuramochi T. & Fujimoto K., 2002. On some distribution mode of Lingula anatina on tidal flat of Amami Island, south-western Japan (in Japanese). Nanki Seibutu, 144 (1), 61-63.

Landing E., Geyer G. & Bartowski K. E., 2002. Latest Early Cambrian small shelly fossils, trilobites, and hatch hill dysaerobic interval on the Quebec continental slope. J. Paleont., 76 (2), 287-305.

Lecuyer C., Grandjean P., Reynard B., Albarede F. & Telouk P., 2002. 11B/ 10B analysis of geological materials by ICP-MS Plasma 54: Application to the boron fractionation between brachiopod calcite and seawater. Chemical Geology, 186 (1-2), 45-55.

Lees DC, Fortey RA & Cocks LRM, 2002. Quantifying paleogeography using biogeography: a test case for the Ordovician and Silurian of Avalonia based on brachiopods and trilobites. Paleobiology, 28 (3) 343-363.

Legrand-Blain M., 2002. Le Strunien et le Tournaisien au Sahara Algérien : limites, échelles lithostratigraphiques et biostratigraphiques régionales. Mémoires du Service Géologique de l'Algérie, 11, 61-85, 2 fig., 6 tabl.

Leighton L. R., 2002. Inferring predation intensity in the marine fossil record. Paleobiology, 28 (3), 328-342.

Leighton LR. & Maples CG., 2002. Evaluating internal versus external characters: Phylogenetic analyses of the Echinoconchidae, Buxtoniinae, and Juresaniinae (phylum Brachiopoda). J. Paleont., 76 (4), 659-671.

Leman M. S. & M. Sone, 2002. A Permian phillipsiid trilobite from Peninsular Malaysia. Geosci. J., 6 (2), 125-129.

Li G. & X. Shuhai, 2002. Micrina and Tannuolina from the Lower Cambrian of eastern Yunnan, South China. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, 34, 80-81.

Li R. Y. & B. Jones, 2002. New brachiopod genera from Bird Fiord Formation (Devonian), Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 76, 648-658.

Li RY & Jones B, 2002. Communities and paleoecology of Eifelian (mid-Devonian) brachiopods from the Bird Fiord Formation of Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39 (10) 1485-1503

Liao Zg. & Xu J., 2002. Late Permian brachiopods from the lower part of the Wuli Group, southwestern Qinghai and the geographic distribution of Waagenites. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41 (1), 130-136.

Liao Z. & WanC., 2002. Discovery of an Early Permian brachiopod fauna in the central depression of the Daqing Prospect Area and its stratigraphic significance. Dizhi Xuebao, 76 (1), 50-54.

Likharev BK., 2002. New species of the Permian terebratulids from the Darvaz Ridge. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 3, 41-42.

Liñán E., González-Gómez C. & Dies M. E., 2002. Braquiópodos en el Cámbrico de Aragon. Naturaleza Aragonesa, 9, 8-15.

Logan A., Bianchi C. N., Morri C., Zibrowius H. & G. Bitar, 2002. New records of Recent brachiopods from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Ann. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. "G. Doria", 94, 407-418.  

Loydell DK. & Smith MP., 2002. An Aeronian (Middle Llandovery) graptolite from the Pentamerus beds near Hillend Farm, Shropshire, UK. Geological Journal, 37 (2), 93-95.

Lüter C. & B. L. Cohen, 2002. DNA sequence evidence for speciation, paraphyly and a Mesozoic dispersal of cancellothyridid articulate brachiopods. Marine Biology, 141, 65-74.

Lukeneder A., 2002. Shell accumulation of the brachiopod Pygope catulloi Pictet, 1867 (Lower Valanginian; Northern Calcareous Alps, Upper Austria), palaeoecological implications. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien A Mineralogie Petrologie Geologie Palaeontologie Archaeozoologie Anthropologie Praehistorie, 103A, 143-159.

Ma XP., Sun YL., Hao WC. & Liao WH., 2002. Rugose corals and brachiopods across the Frasnian Famennian boundary in central Hunan, South China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (2), 373-396.

Makridin V. P., Kamyshan VP., Lapchinskaya LV. & Smyslova LI., 2002. Results of paleobiogeochemical and microstructural studies of shell matter of Mesozoic and Cenozoic brachiopods. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Geologicheskii, 77 (4), 53-56.

Mallatt J. & C. J. Winchell, 2002. Testing the new animal phylogeny: First use of combined large-subunit and small-subunit rRNA gene sequences to classify the protostomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 19 (3), 289-301.

Mancenido M. O. , 2002. Paleobiogeography of Mesozoic brachiopod faunas from Andean-Patagonian areas in a global context. Geobios, Mémoire Special, 24, 176-192.

Mantovani N., 2002. The genus Tetractinella Bittner, 1890: morphology, ultrastructure, and 3D reconstruction. Rev. ital. Paleont.Stratigr., 108 (1), 37-50.

Martínez Chacón M. L., Prins Winkler C. F., Sanz López J. Ferrer E. & J. Magrans, 2002. Braquiópodos misisipienses de los alrededores de Barcelona (España). Libros Resum. II Congr. Ibér. Paleont.(Salamanca, 2002), p. 70-72.

Melezhik VA., Roberts D., Gorokhov IM., Fallick AE., Zwaan KB., Kuznetsov AB. & Pokrovsky BG, 2002. Isotopic evidence for a complex Neoproterozoic to Silurian rock assemblage in the North-Central Norwegian Caledonides. Precambrian Research, 114 (1-2), 55-86.

Mergl M. L., 2002. Linguliformean and craniiformean brachiopods of the Ordovician (Trenice to Dobrotivá formations) of the Barrandian, Bohemia. Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, ser. B, nat. Hist., 58 (1-2), 1-82.

Minot J. M., 2002. Les brachiopodes du Bathonien inférieur de la Motte-Bourbon (Vienne). Systématique, biostratigraphie, paléogéographie (1). Minéraux et Fossiles, 309, 28-33.

Minot J. M., 2002. Les brachiopodes du Bathonien inférieur de La Motte-Bourbon (Vienne). Systématique, biostratigraphie, paléogéographie (2). Minéraux et Fossiles, 310, 5-20.

Mistiaen B., Becker R. T., Brice D., Dégardin J. M., Derycke C., Loones C. & J. C. Rohart, 2002. Données nouvelles sur la partie supérieure de la Formation de Beaulieu (Frasnien de Ferques, Boulonnais, France). Ann. Soc. géol. du Nord, 9, 75-84.

Modzalevskaya T. L. , 2002. The Protathyris praecursor brachiopod zone in the Lochkovian of the Russian Arctic. Proc. Intern. Simp. Geology of the Devonian system (Syktyvkar 2002), Russian Acad. Nauk, p. 198-199.

Motchurova-Dekova N., Saito M. & K. Endo, 2002. The Recent rhynchonellide brachiopod Parasphenarina cavernicola gen. et sp. nov. from the submarine caves of Okinawa, Japan. Paleontological Research, 6 (3), 299-319.

Mukherjee D., Bardhan S. & Ghosh D., 2002. Significance of new species of Cryptorhynchia (Brachiopoda) from the Middle Jurassic of Kutch, India. Alcheringa, 26 (1-2), 209-231.

Musteikis, P. & T. L. Modzalevskaya, 2002. Some Silurian brachiopods from Lithuania and their palaeobiogeographical significance. Palaeontology, 45 (3), 595-626, 5 pls.

Navarro-Santillan D., F. Sour-Tovar & E. Centeno-Garcia, 2002. Lower Mississippian (Osagean) brachiopods from the Santiago Formation, Oaxaca, Mexico: stratigraphic and tectonic implications. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15, 327-326.

Nemliher J. & T. Kallaste, 2002. Secondary alterations of shell apatite of Discinisca tenuis from Lüderlitz, Namibia. Lithol. Min. Res., 37 (1), 18-24.

Nielsen C., 2002. The phylogenetic position of Entoprocta, Ectoprocta, Phoronida, and Brachiopoda. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42 (3) 685-691.

Orme C. D. L., Quicke D. L. J., J. M. Cook & A. Purvis, 2002. Body size does not predict species richness among the metazoan phyla. J. Evol. Biol., 15, 235-247.

Pardo Alonso M. V., 2002. Revisión de Douvillininae (Brachiopoda) de la Zona Centroibérica meridional (Devónico Superior, España). Revista Española de Paleontología, 17(1), 157-164.

Pardo Alonso M. V., 2002. Revisión de Paraspirifer chillonensis (Quintero y Revilla, 1966), del Devónico Inferior de Almadén (España). Boletín Geológico y Minero, 113(1), 71-84.

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