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Afanasjeva G. A., 2008. New Middle Carboniferous genus Neotornquistia (Brachiopoda,Chonetida) from the Moscow Syneclise [in Russian]. Paleontol. Zh., 42 (3), 38-41. Afanasjeva GA, 2008. The genus Unispirifer Campbell (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida) in the Early Carboniferous of the Moscow Syneclise [in Russian]. Paleontol. Zh., 42 (4), 373-377. Afanasjeva G. A., 2008. Supraordinal brachiopod classification. Paleontological Journal, 42 (8), 792-802. Akashi H., Fujiwara M. & Sadaaki Y., 2008. Rediscovery, after 100 years absence, of a living Lingula (Brachiopoda) from Hiuchi Nada in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan [in Japanese]. Nankiseibutu, 50 (1), 158-160. Alméras Y. & Fauré Ph., 2008. Les Brachiopodes du Jurassique moyen sur la marge sud de la Téthys occidentale (Maroc, Algérie occidentale). Paléontologie et échelles chronostratigraphiques. Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève, 25 (2), 575-857. Alméras Y. & Fauré Ph., 2008. Le genre Flabellothyris (Deslongchamps) (Brachiopoda, Zeilleriidae). Ses différentes espèces et leur variabilité morphologique. Bull. soc. Hist. nat.Toulouse, 144. Alvarez F. & C. H. C. Brunton, 2008. On the reliability of reconstructing and comparing brachiopod interiors and their morphological variations based solely on serial sections. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120 (1), 58-74. Alvarez F., C. H. C. Brunton & S. J. Carlson, 2008. Orientations of the valves when presenting serial sections of post-Palaeozoic brachiopods: tradition and utility versus the revised Treatise: a reply to Motchurova-Dekova, Raduloviç and Bitner. Lethaia, 41, pp. 000–000. Alvarez F., Brunton CH.C & Long S.L., 2008. Megathyrididae loop: a simple complication. Fossils and Strata, 54, 289-298. Alvarez F., Brunton C. H. C. & Long S. L., 2008. Loop ultrastructure and development in Recent Megathiridoidea, with description of a new genus, Joania (type species Terebratula cordata Risso, 1826). Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 391-403. Angiolini L., Darbyshire D. P. F., Stephenson M. H., Leng M. J., Brewer T. S., Berra F. & Jadoul F., 2008. Lower Permian brachiopods from Oman: their potential as climatic proxies. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 327- Angiolini L. & S. L. Long, 2008. The ENS Collection: a systematic study of brachiopods from the Lower Permian Vøringen Member, Kapp Starostin Formation, Spitsbergen. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120 (1), 75-103. Angiolini L. & Stephenson M.H., 2008. Early Permian brachiopods and palynomorphs from the Dorud Group, Alborz Mountains, north Iran: evidence for their palaeobiogeographic affinities. Fossils and Strata, 54, 117-132. Armendariz M., Rosales I & Quesada C., 2008. Oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca composition of Late Visean (Mississippian) brachiopod shells from SW Iberia: Palaeoclimatic and palaeogeographic implications in northern Gondwana. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 268 (1-2), 65-79. Asgaard U., 2008. Crania at your service: the Antikythira Shipwreck. Fossils and Strata, 54, 277-282. Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2008. Micromorphic brachiopods from the Lower Carboniferous of South China, and their life habits. Fossils and Strata, 54, 105-115. Baranov VV., 2008. Orthid brachiopods from the Lower and Middle Devonian of northeastern Russia [in Russian]. Paleontol. Zh., 42 (4), 363-372. Bassett M.G., Popov L.E. & Egerquist E., 2008. Early ontogeny of some Ordovician-Silurian strophomenate brachiopods: significance for interpreting evolutionary relationships within early Rhynchonelliformea. Fossils and Strata, 54, 13-20. Bassett M. G., Popov L. E. & Egerquist E., 2008. Pedicle preservation in a Silurian rhynchonelliformean brachiopod from Herefordshire, England: soft-tissue or an artefact of interpretation? Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 303- Benedetto J. L., 2008. Spatial and stratigraphic distribution of the Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopod Productorthis Kozlowski: fast migrations or parallel evolution? Fossils and Strata, 54, 21-29. Bertolaso L., Borghi E. & D. García Ramos, (2008). Brachiopodi Neogenici e Pleistocenici dell`Emilia (Parte Seconda). Parva Naturalia, in press, . Bitner M. A., 2008. New data on the recent brachiopods from the Fiji and Wallis and Futuna islands, South-West Pacific. Zoosystema, 30 (2), 419-461. Bitner M. A., Cohen B. L., Long S. L., Richer de Forges B. & Saito M., 2008. Gyrothyris williamsi sp. nov. and inter-relationships of some taxa from waters around New Zealand and the southern oceans (Rhynchonelliformea: Terebratelloidea). Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 425-435. Bitner M. A. & A. Dulai, 2008. Eocene micromorphic brachiopods from north-western Hungary. Geologica Carpathica, 59 (1), 31-43. Bitner M. A., Logan A. & E. Gischler, 2008. Recent brachiopods from the Persian Gulf and their biogeographical significance. Scientia Marina, 72 (2), 279-285. Bonuso N. & Bottjer D. J., 2008. A test of biogeographical, environmental, and ecological effect on Middle and Late Triassic brachiopod and bivalve abundance patterns. Palaios, 23 (1), 43-54. Botquelen A. & Gourvennec R., 2008. Palaeoecological responses ofbenthic associations to relative sea-level changes: Lower Devonian of the Massif Armoricain, France. Fossils and Strata, 54, 59-68. Botquelen A. & Racheboeuf P. R., 2008. Benthic paleoecology in the Givetian: An example from the Kersadiou Formation (Massif Armoricain, NW France). Palaios, 23 (4), 246-259. Boucot A.J., Racheboeuf P.R. & Niemeyer H., 2008. Sierra de Almeida Zorritas Formation, northern Chile, Devonian brachiopods: more is better. Fossils and Strata, 54, 69-74. Bourlat S. J., Nielsen C., Economou A. D. & Telford M. J., 2008. Testing the new animal phylogeny: a phylum level molecular analysis of the animal kingdom. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, in press - preprint online. Bromley R.G., 2008. Trace fossil Podichnus obliquus, attachment scar of the brachiopod Terebratulina retusa, 2008. Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece. Fossils and Strata, 54, 227-230. Bromley R.G., Beuck L. & E. Taddei Ruggiero, 2008. Endolithic sponge versus terebratulid brachiopod, Pleistocene, Italy: accidental symbiosis, bioclaustration and deformity. Current developments in bioerosion, Springer, Berlin, p. 361-368. Campbell KA; Francis DA; Collins M; Gregory MR; Nelson CS; Greinert J & Aharon, P., 2008. Hydrocarbon seep-carbonates of a Miocene forearc (East Coast Basin), North Island, New Zealand. Sediment. Geol., 204 (3-4), 83-105. Carlson S. J., 2008. Tree balance, clade size distribution and extinction selectivity in Palaeozoic terebratulide brachiopods. Fossils and Strata, 54, 167-172. Carlson S. J. & Fitzgerald P. C., 2008. Sampling taxa, estimating phylogeny and inferring macroevolution: an example from Devonian terebratulide brachiopods. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 311-325. Chirat R., Enay R., Hantzpergue P. & Mangold C., 2008. Developmental integration related to buoyancy control in nautiloids: evidence from unusual septal approximation and ontogenetic allometries in a Jurassic species. Palaeontology, 51 (1), 251-261. Cisterna G. A. & Sterren A. F., 2008. Late Carboniferous Levipustula fauna in the Leoncito Formation, San Juan province, Argentine Precordillera: biostratigraphical and palaeoclimatological implications. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120 (1), 135-145. Cocks R. M., 2008.The Middle Llandovery Brachiopod Fauna of the Newlands Formation, Girvan, Scotland. J. Syst. Palaeontol., 6 (1), 61-100. Cocks L. R. M. & J. Rong, 2008. Earliest Silurian faunal survival and recovery after the end Ordovician glaciation: evidence from the brachiopods. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 291- Cohen B. L., Long S. L. & Saito M., 2008. Living craniids: preliminary molecular evidence of their inter-relationships. Fossils and Strata, 54, 283-287. Colgan DJ; Hutchings PA & Beacham E., 2008. Multi-Gene analyses of the phylogenetic relationships among the Mollusca, Annelida, and Arthropoda. Zool. Stud., 47 (3), 338-351. Cramer B.D., Saltzman M.R., Day J. & B.J. Witzke, 2008. Record of the Late Devonian Hangenberg Global Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion in Epeiric Sea Setting: Carbonate Production, Organic Carbon Burial, and Paleoceanography During the Late Famennian. In: Pratt,B.R. & Holmden C. (eds), Dynamics of Epeiric Seas. Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper, 48, xx-xx. Criales-Hernández M. I., R. Schwamborn, M. Graco, P. Ayón, H.-J. Hirche & M. Wolff, 2008. Zooplankton vertical distribution and migration off Central Peru in relation to the oxygen minimum layer. Helgol. mar. Res., 62 (Suppl. 1), 85-100. Cusack M., Dauphin Y., Cuif JP., Salome M., Freer A & Yin H, 2008. Micro-XANES mapping of sulphur and its association with magnesium and phosphorus in the shell of the brachiopod, Terebratulina retusa. Chem. Geol., 253 (3-4), 172-179. Cusack M., England J., Parkinson D., Dalbeck P., Lee M.R., Curry G.B. & Fallick A.E., 2008. Oxygen isotope composition, magnesium distribution and crystallography of Terebratulina retusa. Fossils and Strata, 54, 259-268. Cusack M., Parkinson D., Pérez-Huerta A., England J., Curry G. B. & Fallick A. E., 2008. Relationship between δ18O and minor element composition of Terebratalia transversa. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 443- Cusack M., Pérez-Huerta A., Chung P., Parkinson D., Dauphin Y. & Cuif J.P. 2008. Oxygen isotope equilibrium in brachiopod shell fibres in the context of biological control. Mineralogical Magazine, 72 (1), 245-248. Cusack M., Dauphin Y., Chung P., Pérez-Huerta A. & Cuif J.P. 2008. Calcite fibre construction in the shell of the brachiopod T. retusa. Journal of Structural Biology, 164, 96-100. Cusack M., Pérez-Huerta A. & Dalbeck P., 2007. Common crystallographic control in calcite biomineralization of bivalved shells. Crystal Engineering Communications (Special Volume on Biomineralization), 9 (12), 1215-1218. Cusack M., Pérez-Huerta A., Dalbeck P. Chung P. & Lee,M. R. 2008. Comparison of calcite crystallographic texture in the shells of the rhynchonelliform brachiopods, Terebratulina retusa and the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis. Ceramic Transactions (“Applications of Texture Analysis”), 201, 587-595. Cusack M., Pérez-Huerta A., Janousch M. & Finch A.A. 2008. Magnesium in the lattice of calcite-shelled brachiopods. Chemical Geology, 257, 59-64. Daley A. C., 2008. Statistical analysis of mixed-motive shell borings in Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian brachiopods from northern and eastern Canada. Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 45 (2), 213-229 Dornbos S. Q. & J.-Y. Chen, 2008. Community palaeoecology of the early Cambrian Maotianshan Shale biota: Ecological dominance of priapulid worms. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 258 (3), 200-212. Dulai A., Bitner M. A. & Müller P., 2008. A monospecific assemblage of a new rhynchonellide brachiopod from the Paleocene of Austria. Fossils and Strata, 54, 193-201. Dunn C. W., Hejnol A. Matus D. Q., Pang Kevin., BrowneWilliam E., Smith Stephen A., Seaver E., Rouse G. W., Obst M., Edgecombe G. D., Soerensen M. V., Haddock S. H., Schmidt-Rhaesa A., Okusu A., Kristensen R. M., Wheeler W. C., Martindale M. Q. & Giribet G., 2008. Broad phylogenomic sampling improves resolution of the animal tree of life. Nature, 452 (7188), 745-749. Emig C. C., 2008. On the history of the names Lingula, anatina, and on the confusion of the forms assigned them among the Brachiopoda. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Article 2008/08 (CG2008_A08), 13 p., 10 fig. , 2 tabl. Fitzgerald P.C., 2008. Taxonomic versus phylogenetic estima tes of extinction severity in Devonian terebratulide brachiopod genera. Fossils and Strata, 54, 75-86. Försterra G, Häussermann V. & Lüter C., 2008. Mass occurrence of the recent brachiopod Magellania venosa (Terebratellidae) in the fjords Comau and Reñihué, northern Patagonia, Chile. Marine Ecology, 29, 342-347. Freeman G. & J. W. Lundelius, 2008. Brachiopod larvae through time. Fossils and Strata, 54, 251-257. Freeman G. & J. W. Lundelius, 2008. Variance in protegular size: a correlate of larval trophic mode in Early Palaeozoic brachiopods. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 233-238. Freund S., 2008. Hochauflösende Untersuchungen von δ18O und δ13C in den Sekundär- bzw. Tertiärlagen von Brachiopodenschalen und ihre Verwendbarkeit für Wassertemperaturrekonstruktionen. Diplomarbeit, Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg, 65pp. Galfetti T.; Bucher H; Martini R; Hochuli PA; Weissert H; Crasquin-Soleau S; Brayard A; Goudemand N; Bruhwiler T & Guodun K., 2008. Evolution of Early Triassic outer platform paleoenvironments in the Nanpanjiang Basin (South China) and their significance for the biotic recovery. Sediment. Geol., 204 (1-2), 36-60. García-Alcalde J. L., 2008. Glossinotoechiidae (braquiópodos uncinuloideos) del Devónico de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). Revista Española de Paleontología, 23 (2), 237-266. Gaspard D., Marie B., Luquet G. & Marin F., 2008. Biochemical characteristics of the soluble organic matrix from the shell of three Recent terebratulid brachiopod species. Fossils and Strata, 54, 269-276. Gaspard D., Marin F., Guichard N., Morel S., Alcaraz G. & Luquet G., 2008. Shell matrices of Recent rhynchonelliform brachiopods: microstructures and glycosylation studies. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 415-424. Giribet G., 2008. Assembling the lophotrochozoan (=spiralian) tree of life. Phil.Transact. Roy. Soc., B: biol. Sci., 363, 1513-1522. Halamski A.T., 2008. Palaeobiogeographical signature of the Middle Devonian Lysogory Region brachiopod fauna. Fossils and Strata, 54, 87-98. Hansen J., 2008. Upper Ordovician brachiopods from the Arnestad and Frognerkilen formations in the Oslo-Asker district, Norway. Palaeontos 13, 1-99, 12 pls. Hansen J. & Harper D.A.T., 2008. The late Sandbian - earliest Katian (Ordovician) brachiopod immigration and its influence on the brachiopod fauna in the Oslo Region, Norway. Lethaia, 41 (1), 25-35. Harper DAT., Bruton D.L. & Rasmussen C. M. Ø., 2008. The Otta brachiopod and trilobite fauna: palaeogeography of Early Palaeozoic terranes and biotas across Baltoscandia. Fossils and Strata, 54, 31-40. Harper D. A. T. & Stewart S. E., 2008. Brachiopod biofacies in the Barr and Ardmillan groups, Girvan: Ordovician biodiversity trends on the edge of Laurentia. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 281- Harper D. A. T. & J. Rong, 2008. Completeness of the Hirnantian brachiopod record: Spatial heterogeneity through the end Ordovician extinction event. Lethaia, 41 (2), 195-197. Hautmann M., Benton M. J. & Tomasovych A., 2008. Catastrophic ocean acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic boundary. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 249, 119-127. He W., Shi GR, Jianjun B & Niu Z., 2008.A new brachiopod fauna from the Early to Middle Permian of southern Qinghai province, northwest China. J. Paleontol., 82 (4), 811-822. Helmkampf M., I. Bruchhaus & B. Hausdorf, 2008. Multigene analysis of lophophorate and chaetognath phylogenetic relationships. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 46 (1), 206-214. Helmkampf M., Bruchhaus I. & Hausdorf B., 2008. Phylogenomic analyses of lophophorates (brachiopods, phoronids and bryozoans) confirm the Lophotrochozoa concept. Proc. R. Soc. B, 275, 1927-1933. Hiller N., MacKinnon D. I. & Nielsen S. N., 2008. A review of the systematics, biogeography, and evolutionary relationships of Recent and fossil brachiopods of the Superfamily Kraussinoidea Dall, with descriptions of two new fossil species from New Zealand and Chile. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 379- Hiller N., Robinson J.H. & Lee D.E., 2008. The micromorphic brachiopod Argyrotheca (Terebratulida: Megathyridoidea) in Australia and New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 120 (1), 167-183. Hints L. & Harper D. A. T., 2008. The brachiopods Alwynella and Grorudia: homeomorphic plectambonitoids in the Middle and Upper Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 271- Hoel O.A., 2008. Evidence for muscular control of the apical pedicle in a Silurian Leptaenine brachiopod from,Gotland, Sweden, and its life position. Fossils and Strata, 54, 53-58. Hoffmann J. & Lüter C., in press. Shell development, growth and sexual dimorphism in the Recent thecideide brachiopod Thecidellina meyeri sp. nov. from the Lesser Antilles, Caribbean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK Höflinger J., 2008. Die Brachiopoden des deutschen Dogger, Bestimmungstipps für Sammler. Self-publishing J. Höflinger, D-90552 Röthenbach, 129 p. - https://juergenhoeflinger.jimdo.com/ Holmer L.E., Popov L. & Streng M., 2008. Organophosphatic stem group brachiopods: implications for the phylogeny of the subphylum Linguliformea. Fossils and Strata, 54, 3-11. Holmer L. E., C. B. Skovsted, G. A. Brock, J. L. Valentine & J. R. Paterson, 2008. The Early Cambrian tommotiid Micrina, a sessile bivalved stem group brachiopod. Biol. Lett., 4, 724-728. Hunter C. L., Krause E., Fitzpatrick J. & J. Kennedy, 2008. Current and historic distribution and abundance of the inarticulated brachiopod, Lingula reevii Davidson (1880), in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, USA. Marine Biology, 155 (2), 205-210. Ibaraki Y., Tazawa J., Sato K. & Nakamura Y., 2008. Gigantoproductus (Carboniferous Brachiopoda) from Kotaki, Itoigawa City, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 23, 55-64. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, 2008. Opinion 2201 (Case 3352): Productus compressus Waagen, 1884 (currently Compressoproductus compressus; Brachiopoda): specific name not conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, 65 (2), 160. - See Sone, 2006 Jansen U., Schemm-Gregory M. & Chen X., 2008: Comparison of some spiriferid brachiopods from the Lower Devonian of South China and Europe. Fossils and Strata, 54, 99-104. Jin J., 2008. Environmental control on temporal and spatial differentiation of Early Silurian pentameride brachiopod communities, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 45 (2), 159-187. Jin J. & Copper P., 2008. Response of brachiopod communities to environmental change during the Late Ordovician mass extinction interval, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Fossils and Strata, 54, 41-51. Jin J. & Zhan R., 2008. Late Ordovician Orthide and Billingsellide Brachiopods from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada: Diversity Change through Mass Extinction. NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 159 pp. Kiel S., 2008. Parasitic polychaetes in the early Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep-restricted brachiopod Peregrinella multicarinata. J. Paleont., 82 (6), 1215-1217. Koneva S. P. & Ushatinskaya G. T., 2008. New Upper Cambrian Lingulata (Brachiopoda) from the Agyrek Mountains (Northeastern Central Kazakhstan) [in Russian]. Paleontol. Zh., 42 (2), 38-45. Korte C., Jones PJ., Brand U., Mertmann D &Veizer J., 2008. Oxygen isotope values from high-latitudes: Clues for Permian sea-surface temperature gradients and Late Palaeozoic deglaciation. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 269 (1-2), 1-16. Kroh A., Bitner M. A. & Ávila S. P., 2008. Novocrania turbinata (Brachiopoda) from the Early Pliocene of the Azores (Portugal). Acta Geologica Polonica, 58 (4), 473-478. Lazarev SS., 2008. Brachiopods of the family Linoproductidae from the Kasimovian Stage of the Moscow Region [in Russian]. Paleontol. Zh., 42 (4), 378-388. Lee D. E., 2008. The terebratulides: the supreme brachiopod survivors. Fossils and Strata, 54, 241-249. Lee, D.E.; Gregory, M.R.; Lüter, C.; Zezina, O.N., Robinson, J.H. & Christie, D.M., 2008. Melvicalathis, a new brachiopod genus (Terebratulida: Chlidonophoridae) from deep sea volcanic substrates, and the biogeographic significance of the mid-ocean ridge system. Zootaxa, 1866, 136-150. Lee D. E. & Motchurova-Dekova N., 2008. Chathamirhynchia kahuitara, a new genus and species of Late Cretaceous rhynchonellide brachiopod from the Chatham Islands, New Zealand: shell structure, palaeoecology and biogeography. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 357-367. Legrand-Blain M., 2008. Brachiopodes spiriférides du Bashkirien inférieur, bassin houiller du Nord de la France (Collections J. Chalard). Ann. Soc. géol. Nord, 15 (sér. 2), 25-37. Leighton L. R. & Schneider C. L., 2008. Taxon characteristics that promote survivorship through the Permian-Triassic interval: transition from the Paleozoic to the Mesozoic brachiopod fauna. Paleobiology, 34 (1), 65-79. Li R. & Allen T., 2008. Llandovery (Early Silurian) orthide brachiopod associations from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 45 (2), 189-201. Li W.-Z. & S.-Z. Shen, 2008. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods around the Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary at the Meishan Sections C and D, Changxing, South China. Geobios, 41 (2), 307-320. Lin J. P., W. Ausich & Y.-L. Zhao, 2008. Settling strategy of stalked echinoderms from the Kaili Biota (middle Cambrian), Guizhou Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 258 (3), 213-221. Logan A., 2008. Holocene thecideide brachiopods from the north-western Pacific Ocean: systematics, life habits and ontogeny. Systematics and Biodiversity, 6 (3), 405-413. Logan A., A. Tomasovych, M. Zuschin, & B. Grill, 2008. Recent brachiopods from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Fossils and Strata, 54, 299-310. Lubeseder S., 2008. Palaeozoic low-oxygen, high-latitude carbonates: Silurian and Lower Devonian nautiloid and scyphocrinoid limestones of the Anti-Atlas (Morocco). Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 264 (1-2), 195-209. Luo G; Lai, X; Shi, GR; Jiang, H; Yin, H; Xie, S; Tong, J; Zhang, K; He, W; Wignall, PB., 2008. Size variation of conodont elements of the Hindeodus-Isarcicella clade during the Permian-Triassic transition in South China and its implication for mass extinction. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 264 (1-2), 176-187. Lüter C., 2008. Recent brachiopods collected during the deep-sea cruise SO 168 Zealandia with the research vessel FS Sonne between Mt. Spong (Tasman Sea) and the Chatham Islands (Pacific) in 2002/2003. Fossils and Strata, 54, 311-320. Lüter C., Hoffmann J. & Logan A., 2008. Cryptic speciation in the Recent thecideide brachiopod Thecidellina in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 98, 405-413 Ma X., Ebbighausen, Volker; Becker & R. Thomas, 2008. Desquamatia and related atrypid brachiopods from the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) of Bergisches Land, Germany. Rev. Can. Sci. Terre, 45 (2), 121-134. MacKinnon D. L., N. Hiller, S. L. Long & B. A. Marshall, 2008. Neoaemula, a new genus of platidiid brachiopod, with new observations on species referred to the Recent platidiid brachiopod genus Amphithyris Thomson. Fossils and Strata, 54, 321-331. MacKinnon D. L., Long S. L. & Owen E.F., 2008. New observations on loop morphology and systematic revision of the Antarctic Eocene Brachiopods 'Laqueus' cockburnensis Owen, 1980 and Laquethiris curiosa Bitner, 1996 . Fossils and Strata, 54, 203-208. Malakhovskaya Ya. E., 2008. 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Proceedings of the 5th International Brachiopod Congress, (Copenhagen, 2005) in Harper D. A. T. , Long S. L. & C. Nielsen (eds), 2008. Brachiopoda: Fossil and Recent. Fossils and Strata vol. 54, 331 p. |
Holmer L. E., Popov L. & Streng M., 2008. Organophosphatic stem group brachiopods: implications for the phylogeny of the subphylum Linguliformea. Fossils and Strata, 54, 3-11. Bassett M.G., Popov L.E. & Egerquist E., 2008. Early ontogeny of some Ordovician–Silurian strophomenate brachiopods: significance for interpreting evolutionary relationships within early Rhynchonelliformea. Fossils and Strata, 54, 13-20. Benedetto J. L., 2008. Spatial and stratigraphic distribution of the Ordovician rhynchonelliformean brachiopod Productorthis Kozlowski: fast migrations or parallel evolution? Fossils and Strata, 54, 21-29. Harper DAT., Bruton D.L. & Rasmussen C. M.Ø., 2008. The Otta brachiopod and trilobite fauna: palaeogeography of Early Palaeozoic terranes and biotas across Baltoscandia. Fossils and Strata, 54, 31-40. Jin J. & Copper P., 2008. Response of brachiopod communities to environmental change during the Late Ordovician mass extinction interval, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. 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Jansen U., Schemm-Gregory M. & Chen X., 2008: Comparison of some spiriferid brachiopods from the Lower Devonian of South China and Europe. Fossils and Strata, 54, 99-104. Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2008. Micromorphic brachiopods from the Lower Carboniferous of South China, and their life habits. Fossils and Strata, 54, 105-115. Angiolini L. & Stephenson M.H., 2008. Early Permian brachiopods and palynomorphs from the Dorud Group, Alborz Mountains, north Iran: evidence for their palaeobiogeographic affinities. Fossils and Strata, 54, 117-132. Martínez Chacón M. L. & Bahamonde J. R., 2008. Brachiopods from a steep-slope facies of a Pennsylvanian carbonate platform (Sierra del Cuera, Asturias, North Spain). Fossils and Strata, 54, 133-143. Pérez-Huerta A., 2008. Regional originations and extinctions of Upper Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) brachiopods fromthe Great Basin (USA): response to Late Palaeozoic palaeogeographic and climatic changes. Fossils and Strata, 54, 145- 156. Torres-Martínez M. A., Sour-Tovar F. & Pérez-Huerta A., 2008. Neospiriferinid brachiopods (Spiriferida, Trigonotretidae) from Ixtaltepec Formation, Pennsylvanian of Oaxaca State, Southern Mexico. Fossils and Strata, 54, 157-166. Carlson S. J., 2008. Tree balance, clade size distribution and extinction selectivity in Palaeozoic terebratulide brachiopods. Fossils and Strata, 54, 167-172. Tomasovych A., 2008. Composition of Hettangian brachiopod communities in the Western Carpathians, 2008. implications for recovery after the end-Triassic mass extinction event. Fossils and Strata, 54, 173-182. Radulovic V., 2008. A new Pliensbachian rhynchonellide brachiopod from Livari (Rumija Mountain, Montenegro). Fossils and Strata, 54, 183-192. Dulai A., Bitner M. A. & Müller P., 2008. A monospecific assemblage of a new rhynchonellide brachiopod from the Paleocene of Austria. Fossils and Strata, 54, 193-201. MacKinnon D.L, Long S.L. & Owen E.F., 2008. New observations on loop morphology and systematic revision of the Antarctic Eocene Brachiopods 'Laqueus' cockburnensis Owen, 1980 and Laquethiris curiosa Bitner, 1996 . Fossils and Strata, 54, 203-208. Ruggiero E.T., Raia P. & Buono G., 2008. Geometric morphometrics species discrimination within the genus Terebratula from the Late Cenozoic of Italy. Fossils and Strata, 54, 209-218. Robinson J. H. & Lee D. E., 2008. Brachiopod pedicle traces: recognition of three separate types of trace and redefinition of Podichnus centrifugalis Bromley & Surlyk, 1973. Fossils and Strata, 54, 219-225. Bromley R.G., 2008. Trace fossil Podichnus obliquus, attachment scar of the brachiopod Terebratulina retusa, 2008. Pleistocene, Rhodes, Greece. Fossils and Strata, 54, 227-230. Motchurova-Dekova N., Long S. & Saito M., 2008. Unravelling taxonomy of some Post-Palaeozoic rhynchonellides by using multiple techniques to investigate their internal morphology. Fossils and Strata, 54, 231-239. Lee D. E., 2008. 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Tomasovych, M. Zuschin, & B. Grill, 2008. Recent brachiopods from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. Fossils and Strata, 54, 299-310. Lüter C., 2008. Recent brachiopods collected during the deep-sea cruise SO 168 Zealandia with the research vessel FS Sonne between Mt. Spong (Tasman Sea) and the Chatham Islands (Pacific) in 2002/2003. Fossils and Strata, 54, 311-320. MacKinnon D. L., N. Hiller, S. L. Long & B. A. Marshall, 2008. Neoaemula, a new genus of platidiid brachiopod, with new observations on species referred to the Recent platidiid brachiopod genus Amphithyris Thomson. Fossils and Strata, 54, 321-331. |