
Références 2011 sur les Brachiopoda

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Altenburger A., Martinez P. & Wanninger A., 2011. Homeobox gene expression in Brachiopoda: The role of Not and Cdx in bodyplan patterning, neurogenesis, and germ layer specification. Gene Expr. Patterns, 11, 427-436.

Alvarez F., Modzalevskaya T.L. & Brime C., 2011. Early Devonian diversification of athyridide brachiopods in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) and their affinities, revisited. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 179-194.

Antoniadou C., Voultsiadou E. & Chintiroglou C., 2011. Seasonal patterns of colonization and early succession on sublittoral rocky cliffs. Journal of experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 403(1-2), 21-30.

Atif K.F.T. & Legrand-Blain M., 2011. Apparition des Choristitinae (Brachiopodes Spiriferida) au Bashkirien inférieur dans le Bassin de Béchar, Sahara Algérien nord-occidental. Appearance of Choristitinae (spiriferide brachiopods) during early Bashkirian of Bechar Basin, northwestern Algerian Sahara. C.R.Palevol, 10 (4), 225-237.

Aubrecht R. & Schlogl J., 2011. Jurassic submarine troglobites: Is there any link to the recent submarine cave fauna? Hydrobiologia, 677 (1), 3-14.

Azmy K., U. Brand , P. Sylvester , S. A. Gleeson, A. Logan & M. A. Bitner, 2011. Biogenic and abiogenic low-Mg calcite (bLMC and aLMC): Evaluation of seawater-REE composition, water masses and carbonate diagenesis. Chemical Geology, 280, 180-190.

Baeza-Carratala J.F., Vörös A., Dulai A. & Tent-Manclus J.E., 2011. Brachiopod assemblages from the Early-Middle Jurassic transition in the Eastern Subbetic (SE Spain): Systematic and palaeobiogeographic implications and palaeoenvironmental significance. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 262, 171-197.

Bahrammanesh M. et al., 2011. Tournaisian (Mississippian) brachiopods from the Mobarak Formation, North Iran. GeoArabia, 16 (3), 129-192.

Baker P. G. & Logan A., 2011. Support from early juvenile Jurassic, Cretaceous and Holocene thecideoid species for a postulated common early ontogenetic development pattern in thecideoid brachiopods. Palaeontology, 54 (1), 111-131.

Balthasar U., Cusack M., Faryma L., Chung P., Holmer L.E., Jin J., Percival I.G., 2011. & Popov, L.E. - Relic aragonite from ordovician-silurian brachiopods: implications for the evolution of calcification. Geology, 39 (10), 967-970.

Baranov V.V. & Blodgett R.B., 2011. Gonella, a new genus and first color patterned terebratulidine brachiopod from the Lower Devonian of Northeast Asia. Bulletin of Geosciences, 86 (2), 269-274.

Bitner M.A., 2011. Xenobrochus norfolkensis (Brachiopoda: Dyscoliidae), a new species from the Norfolk Ridge, New Caledonia, South-West Pacific. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], Article 2011/05 (CG2011_A05), p. 203-211.  

Bitner M. A., Dulai A. & Galaalcz A., 2011. Middle Eocene brachiopods from the Szöc Limestone Formation (Bakony Mountains, Hungary), with a description of a new genus. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 259, 113-128.

Bitner M. A. & A. Kroh, 2011. First record of the genus Bronnothyris (Brachiopoda: Megathyrididae) from the Oligocene of the Mainz Basin (Germany). Geologica Carpathica, 62 (3), 203-209.

Blazejowski B., Binkowski M., Bitner M. A. & P. Gieszcz, 2011. X_ray microtomography (XMT) of fossil brachiopod shell interiors for taxonomy. Acta Palaeontol. Pol., 56 (2), 439-440.

Bose R., Schneider C. L., Leighton L. R. & Polly P. D., 2011. Influence of atrypid morphological shape on Devonian episkeletobiont assemblages from the lower genshaw formation of the traverse group of Michigan: A geometric morphometric approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310 (3-4), 427-441.

Bosetti E.P., Grahn Y.C, Horodyski R.S.; Mendlowicz Mauller P.; Breuer, P. & Zabini, C. 2011. An earliest Givetian Lilliput Effect in the Paraná Basin, and the collapse of the Malvinokaffric shelly fauna. Palaeontologische Zeitschrift, 85 (1), 49-65.

Brand U., Logan A., Bitner M. A., Griesshaber E., Azmy K. & Buhl D., 2011. What is the ideal proxy for Palaeozoic seawater chemistry? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 9-24.

Brenke N., Guilini K. & Ebbe B., 2011. Characterization of the seafloor at the SYSTCO stations based on video observations and ground truthing sedimentology. Deep Sea Research (Part II, Topical Studies in Oceanography), 58 (19-20), 2043-2050.

Brett C. E., Parsons-Hubbard K., Walker S. E., Ferguson C., Powell E. N., Staff G., . . . Raymond A., 2011. Gradients and patterns of sclerobionts on experimentally deployed bivalve shells: Synopsis of bathymetric and temporal trends on a decadal time scale. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312 (3-4), 278-304.

Brice D, Boumendjel K, Racheboeuf P.R. & Mottequin B., 2011. Devonian rhynchonellid brachiopods from the Ougarta area (western Sahara, Algeria). Bulletin of Geosciences, 86 (1), 71-90.

Brice D., Boumendjel K., Racheboeuf P. R. & B. Mottequin, 2011. Lower Devonian rhynchonellid brachiopods from the Ougarta area (western Sahara, Algeria). Bulletin of Geosciences, 86 (1), 71-90.

Brower J. C., 2011. Paleoecology of Suspension-Feeding Echinoderm Assemblages from the Upper Ordovician (Katian, Shermanian) Walcott-Rust Quarry of New York.  Journal of Paleontology, 85 (2), 369-391.

Buggisch W., Wang X., Alekseev A. S. Joachimski M. M., 2011. Carboniferous-Permian carbon isotope stratigraphy of successions from China (Yangtze platform), USA (Kansas) and Russia (Moscow Basin and Urals). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 301 (1-4), 18-38.

Bukolova, E. V., 2011. The middle Ordovician litho- and biostratigraphy of northwestern Gorny Altai. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 52 (9), 979-990.

Candela Y., 2011. Phylogenetic relationships of leptellinid brachiopods. Alcheringa, 35 (3), 413-426.

Candela Y., 2011. A systematic revision of the Ordovician plectambonitoidean brachiopods Chonetoidea and Sericoidea. J. System. Palaeontol., 9 (4), 499-522.

Colás J. & García Joral F., 2011. Morphology and environment in the Jurassic Nucleatidae (Brachiopoda) from Western Tethys. Lethaia, 45, 178-190.

Chen J., Chen Z. & Tong J., 2011. Environmental determinants and ecologic selectivity of benthic faunas from nearshore to bathyal zones in the end-Permian mass extinction: Brachiopod evidence from south China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308 (1-2), 84-97.

Cohen B. L., M. A. Bitner, E. M. Harper, D. E. Lee, E. Mutschke & J. Sellanes, 2011. Vicariance and convergence in Magellanic and New Zealand long-looped brachiopod clades (Pan-Brachiopoda: Terebratelloidea). Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 162, 631-645.

Comniskey J.C., 2011. Paleontologia dos Discinidae (Brachiopoda: Linguliformea) da sucessão devoniana da Bacia do Paraná, Estado do Paraná, Brasil: Revisão Sistemática, distribuição geográfica e estratigráfica. Ponta Grossa, PR. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, 182 p.

Dean M. T., A. W. Owen, A. Bowdler-Hicks & M. C. Akhurst, 2011. Trophic structure and spatial distribution of macrofaunas in the Hurlet and Index Limestones (Carboniferous; upper Visean and lower Serpukhovian) of Ayrshire, Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology, 46 (2),169-180

De Broyer C., Danis B. & 64 SCAR-MarBIN Taxonomic Editors, 2011. How many species in the Southern Ocean? Towards a dynamic inventory of the Antarctic marine species. Deep-Sea Research II, 58 (1-2), 7-17.
      > see also Antarctic Brachiopoda

Delabroye A., Munnecke A., Vecoli M., Copper P. Tribovillard N., Joachimski M. M. . . . Servais T. 2011. Phytoplankton dynamics across the Ordovician/Silurian boundary at low palaeolatitudes: Correlations with carbon isotopic and glacial events. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 312(1-2), 79-97.

Dulai A., 2011. Late Eocene (Priabonian) micromorphic brachiopods from the Upper Austrian Molasse Zone. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 295-313.

Dulai A. & M. Stachacz, 2011. New Middle Miocene Argyrotheca (Brachiopoda; Megathyrididae) species from the Central Paratethys. Földtani Közlöny, 141 (3), 283-291.

Dupret V., Carls P., Martinez-Perez C. & Botella H., 2011. First perigondwanan record of actinolepids (Vertebrata: Placodermi: Arthrodira) from the Lochkovian (early Devonian) of Spain and its palaeobiogeographic significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 310 (3-4), 273-282.

Emig C. C., 2011. Tribulations of a manuscript... from Lethaia to Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.       /   Tribulations d'un manuscrit... de Lethaia à Acta Palaeontologica Polonica.    

Emig C. C., 2011. Brachiopoda & Phoronida. In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist (Bisby et al., eds), DVD, Species 2000: Reading UK. Also available at

Emig C. C., 2011. In: De Broyer C., Danis B. & 64 SCAR-MarBIN Taxonomic Editors, 2010. How many species in the Southern Ocean? Towards a dynamic inventory of the Antarctic marine species. Deep-Sea Research II, 58 (1-2), 7-17.

Evangelisti F. , Albano P. G. & B. Sabelli, 2011. Recent Brachiopoda of the marine protected area "Secche di Tor Paterno", Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 52 (2), 193-202.

Freeman G. & Lundelius J.W., 2011. Ontogeny of Early Palaeozoic Craniata. Comment: the evidence that Orthisocrania and Craniops had lecithotrophic larvae is not compelling. Lethaia, 44 (3), 245-246.

García-Alcalde J. L., 2011. Subfamilia Teichostrophiinae Harper & Boucot, 1978c (Strophomenoidea, Strophodontidae) del Devónico Inferior (Emsiense superior) de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). Revista Española de Paleontología, 26 (1), 25-43.

Garcia Joral F., Gomez J. J., Goy A., 2011. Mass extinction and recovery of the Early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) brachiopods linked to climate change in Northern and Central Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 302 (3-4), 367-380.

Ghobadi Pour M., Kebriaee-Zadeh R. & L. E. Popov, 2011. Early Ordovician (Tremadocian) brachiopods from the Eastern Alborz Mountains, Iran. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60 (2), 65-82.

Greene S. E., Bottjer D. J., Hagdorn H. & Zonneveld J., 2011. The Mesozoic return of Paleozoic faunal constituents: A decoupling of taxonomic and ecological dominance during the recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308 (1-2), 224-232.

Hansen J. & L. E. Holmer, 2011. Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of Ordovician brachiopods from northeastern Ny Friesland, Spitsbergen. Zootaxa, 3076, 1-122.

Hansen T., Nielsen A. T. & Bruton D. L., 2011. Palaeoecology in a mud-dominated epicontinental sea: A case study of the Ordovician Elnes Formation, southern Norway. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299 (1-2), 348-362.

Harper E. M., 2011. What do we really known about predation on modern rhynchonelliforms? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 45-57.

Harper E. M., Robinson J.H. & Lee D.E., 2011. Drill hole analysis reveals evidence of targeted predation on modern brachiopods. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 305, 162-171.

Hartline D. K., 2011. The evolutionary origins of glia. Glia, 59, 1215-1236.

Hausdorf B., 2011. Phylogenomic relationships between lophotrochozoan phyla – phylogenetic signal versus systematic errors In: Abstracts, Deep Metazoan Phylogeny, Munich 2011. Zitteliana, Series B, 30, p. 23.

Hiller N., 2011. Micromorphic brachiopods from the Early Miocene (Otaian) of Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 54, 75-87.

Hiller N., 2011. Affinities and associations of new shallow-water brachiopods from the Late Cretaceous of New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 59-69.

Holmer L. E., Skovsted C. B., Larsson C., Brock G. A. & Zhang, Z., 2011. First record of a bivalved larval shell in Early Cambrian tommotiids and its phylogenetic significance. Palaeontology, 54 (2), 235-239

Hu S., Zhang Q., Chen Z., Zhou C., Lue T., Xie T., . . . Benton M. J., 2011. The Luoping biota: Exceptional preservation, and new evidence on the Triassic recovery from end-Permian mass extinction. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences, 278 (1716), 2274-2282.

Jacobsen N. D., Twitchett R. J. & Krystyn L., 2011. Palaeoecological methods for assessing marine ecosystem recovery following the late Permian mass extinction event. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308 (1-2), 200-212.

Jones C. D. & Lockhart,S. J., 2011. Detecting vulnerable marine ecosystems in the southern ocean using research trawls and underwater imagery. Marine Policy, 35 (5), 732-736.

Kiessling W., Aberhan M., Kumar Pandey D., Schemm-Gregory M. & Mewis H., 2011. Marine benthic invertebrates from the Upper Jurassic of northern Ethiopia and their biogeographic affinities. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 59, 195-214.

Kolbe S. E., Zambito J.J., Brett C. E., Wise J. L. & Wilson R. D., 2011. Brachiopod shell discoloration as an indicator of taphonomic alteration in the deep-time fossil record. Palaios, 26 (11), 682-692.

Kosnik M. A., Alroy, J., Behrensmeyer A. K., Fürsich F. T., Gastaldo R. A., Kidwell S. M., Kowalewski M., Plotnick,R. E., Rogers R. R. & Wagner P. J., 2011. Changes in shell durability of common marine taxa through the Phanerozoic: evidence for biological rather than taphonomic drivers. Paleobiology, 37 (2), 303-331.

Kuzmina T. V. & V. V. Malakhov, 2011. The periesophageal celom of the articulate brachiopod Hemithyris psittacea (Rhynchonelliformea, Brachiopoda). J. Morphol., 272 (2), 180-190.

Lang L., Uibopuu E. & Puura I., 2011. Nanostructures in Palaeozoic linguloid brachiopods. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 359-366.

Larink O. & W. Westheide, 2011. Coastal Plankton - Photo guide for European seas. 2nd extended edition, Pfeil, München, 191 p.

Lee D. & F. Smith, 2011. Brachiopods, or Lamp Shells (Phylum Brachiopoda).

Li R., Young H. R. & Zhan R., 2011. Drilling predation on scaphopods and other molluscs from the Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba, Canada. Palaeoworld, 20 (4), 296-307.

Li X., Tan L., Sun Y., and Balinski A., 2011. Discovery and significance of the rhynchonellid brachiopod Axiodeanea Clark from Guangxi, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 50 (1): 32-40.

Loduca S. T., Melchin M. J. & Verbruggen H., 2011. Complex noncalcified macroalgae from the Silurian of Cornwallis Island, Arctic Canada.  Journal of Paleontology, 85 (1), 111-121.

MacFarlan D.A.B., Hasibuan F. & J.A. Grant-Mackie, 2011. Mesozoic brachiopods of Misool Archipelago, eastern Indonesia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 149-177.

Malizia R. W. & Stigall,A. L., 2011. Niche stability in late Ordovician articulated brachiopod species before, during, and after the Richmondian invasion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 311 (3-4), 154-170.

Martin J., 2011. Les invertébrés marins du golfe de Gascogne à la Manche orientale. Collection Guide pratique, Editions Quae, Versailles, 300 p.

Mead A., Carlton J. T., Griffiths C. L. & Rius M., 2011. Revealing the scale of marine bioinvasions in developing regions: A South African re-assessment. Biological Invasions, 13 (9), 1991-2008.

Neary M. T., Reid D. G., Mason M. J., Friscic T., Duer M. J. & M. Cusack, 2011. Contrasts between organic participation in apatite biomineralization in brachiopod shell and vertebrate bone identified by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J R Soc Interface, 8 (55), 282-288.

Mergl M., 2011. Earliest occurrence of the Hirnantia Fauna in the Prague Basin (Czech Republic). Bulletin of Geosciences, 86 (1), 63-70.

Metcalfe B., Twitchett R. J. & Price-Lloyd N., 2011. Changes in size and growth rate of 'lilliput' animals in the earliest Triassic. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308 (1-2), 171-180.

Mwinyi A. & L. Podsiadlowski, 2011. Variations on a theme - mitochondrial gene order and the phylogeny of Bilateria. In: Abstracts, Deep Metazoan Phylogeny, Munich 2011. Zitteliana, Series B, 30, p. 36.

Nebelsick J.H., Bassi D. & M.W. Rasser, 2011. Cryptic relicts from the past: Palaeoecology and taphonomy of encrusting thecideid brachiopods in Paleogene carbonates. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien, Serie A, 113, 525-542.

Néraudeau D., 2011. Les échinides des silex sénoniens de l'archipel charentais (Charente-Maritime, Sud-Ouest de la France) : Implications biostratigraphiques et paléogéographiques. Annales de Paléontologie, 97 (3-4), 99-111.

Paknnevich A.V., 2011. The type specimens of the Holocene brachiopod Diestothyris frontalis (Middendorff, 1849). Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 269-272.

Passamaneck Y. J., N. Furchheim, A. Hejnol, M. Q Martindale & C. Lüter, 2011. Ciliary photoreceptors in the cerebral eyes of a protostome larva. EvoDevo, 2 (6), 17 p.

Percival I.G., Popov. L.E, Zhan R.B. & M. Ghobadi Pour, 2011. Patterns of origination and dispersal of middle to late Ordovician brachiopods: examples from south China, east Gondwana, and Kazakh terranes. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 14.

Percival I.G., Simes J.E., Cooper R.A. & Zhen Y.Y., 2011. Middle Ordovician linguliformean brachiopods from the Maruia-Springs Junction area, New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 42, 459-492.

Posenato R., 2011. Latest Changhsingian Orthotetid Brachiopods in the Dolomites (Southern Alps, Italy): Ecological Opportunists at the Peak of the End-Permian Mass Extinction. Journal of Paleontology, 85 (1), 58-68.

Rasmussen C. M. O. & Harper D. A. T., 2011. Did the amalgamation of continents drive the end Ordovician mass extinctions? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 311 (1-2), 48-62.

Ridgway M., Foster N., Scholl D. & P. Hickman, 2011. Going off the deep end: Diversity and foodwebs in Bering Sea, Alaska Marginal Sea Ice Zone submarine canyons., p. 125.    

Ruban D. A., 2011. Diversity dynamics of Callovian-Albian brachiopods in the northern Caucasus (northern neo-Tethys) and a Jurassic/Cretaceous mass extinction. Paleontological Research, 15 (3), 154-167.

Schemm-Gregory M., 2011. The origin of Cyrtospirifer (Brachiopoda) from the Middle Devonian of the Western Sahara (Northwest Africa). Revista Italiana di Stratigrafia e Palaeontología, 117 (1), 3-13.

Schemm-Gregory M., 2011. Lusitanispirifer lusitanensis n. gen. et sp. - A new delthyridoid spirifer and its palaeogeographical implications for the Dornes Syncline (Lower Devonian, Portugal). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 50 (2), 85-94.

Schemm-Gregory M., 2011. A new species of Neopaulinella (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) from the Eastern Iberian Chains, Spain (Lower Devonian). Bulletin of Geosciences, 86 (2), 227-240.

Shiino Y. & Kuwazuru O., 2011. Theoretical approach to the functional optimisation of spiriferide brachiopod shell: Optimum morphology of sulcus. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 276 (1), 192-198.

Shiino Y., & Suzuki Y., 2011. The ideal hydrodynamic form of the concavo-convex productide brachiopod shell. Lethaia, 44 (3), 329-343.

Shiino Y., Yamada, S., Suzuki, Y., & Suzuki, C., 2011. Ptycholophous lophophore in a productidine brachiopod. Paleontological Research, 15 (4), 233-239.

Simon E., 2011. The late Maastrichtian cancellothyridid brachiopod Terebratulina chrysalis (Von Schlotheim, 1813) from the type Maastrichtian (southern Limburg, the Netherlands) and elsewhere in Europe. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, 90 (2/3), 111-127.

Skovsted C. B., Brock G. A., Topper T. P., Paterson J. R. & L. E. Holmer, 2011. Scleritome construction, biofacies, biostratigraphy and systematics of the tommotiid Eccentrotheca helenia sp. nov. from the Early Cambrian of South Australia. Palaeontology, 54 (2), 253-286.

Sperling E. A., Pisani D. & Peterson K. J., 2011. Molecular paleobiological insights into the origin of the Brachiopoda. Evolution & Development, 13 (3), 290-303.

Streng M., Mellbin B. B., Landing E. & Keppie J. D., 2011. Linguliform brachiopods from the terminal Cambrian and Lowest Ordovician of the Oaxaquia microcontinent (Southern Mexico).  Journal of Paleontology, 85 (1), 122-155.

Strusz D.L., 2011. Silurian brachiopods from the historic Woolshed Creek Area, Canberra, Australia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 133, 31-49.    

Sun M., Shen X., Liu H., Liu X., Wu Z. et al., 2011. Complete mitochondrial genome of Tubulipora flabellaris (Bryozoa: Stenolaemata): The first representative from the class Stenolaemata with unique gene order. Marine Genomics, 4 (3), 159-165.

Sykora M., Siblík M. & J. Soták, 2011. Siliciclastics in the Upper Triassic dolomite formations of the Krízna Unit (Malá Fatra Mountains, Western Carpathians): constraints for the Carnian Pluvial Event in the Fatric Basin. Geologica Carpathica, 62 (2), 121-138.

Taviani M., Vertino A, López Correa M, Savini A, De Mol B, Remia A, Montagna P, Zibrowius H, Alves T, Salomidi M, Ritt B, Henry P., 2011. Pleistocene to Recent scleractinian deep-water corals and coral facies in the Eastern Mediterranean. Facies, 57 (4), 579-603.

Tazawa J., 2011. Late Permian (Wuchiapingian) brachiopod fauna from Okutadami, central Japan: Systematics, palaeobiogeography and tectonic implications. Paleontological Research, 15 (3), 168-180.

Temereva E. N. & V. V. Malakhov, 2011. The evidence of metamery in adult brachiopods and phoronids. Invertebrate Zoology, 8 (2), 1-15.

Walls B. J., & Stigall A. L., 2011. Analyzing niche stability and biogeography of Late Ordovician brachiopod species using ecological niche modeling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 299 (1-2), 15-29.

Wei H., & Chen D., 2011. Lithofacies palaeogeography of the Qixia age of Permian in western Hubei-northwestern Hunan provinces. Journal of Palaeogeography, 13 (5), 551-562.

Weidlich O., & Bernecker M., 2011. Biotic carbonate precipitation inhibited during the early Triassic at the rim of the Arabian platform (Oman). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 308 (1-2), 129-150.

Wombacher F., Eisenhauer A., Boehm F., Gussone N., Regenberg M., Dullo W. & Rueggeberg A., 2011. Magnesium stable isotope fractionation in marine biogenic calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (19), 5797-5818.

Yamamoto K., R. Asami & Y. Iryu, 2011. Brachiopod taxa and shell portions reliably recording past ocean environments: Toward establishing a robust paleoceanographic proxy. Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L13601 - doi:10.1029/2011GL047134.

Zabini C., 2011. Integração da tafonomia e estratigrafia de sequências no estudo dos lingulídeos da sucessão devoniana da bacia do Paraná. Tese de Doutorado, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Porto Alegre, Brasil), 238 p.

Zaton M., & Krawczynski W., 2011. Microconchid tubeworms across the upper Frasnian - lower Famennian interval in the central Devonian field, Russia. Palaeontology, 54(6), 1455-1473.

Zezina O., 2011. How old are the genera of living brachiopods in warm-temperate and cold- temperate waters?, p. 85.    

Zezina O., 2011. Phylum Brachiopoda. In: Illustrated Keys to Free-Living Invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic Seas and Adjacent Deep Waters, Buzhinskaja G. N. ed., Alaska Sea Grant College Program (Publisher), Vol . 2 [168 p.].

Zhang, Z., L. E. Holmer, S. P. Robson, S. Hu, X. Wang & H. Wang, 2011. First record of repaired durophagous shell damages in Early Cambrian lingulate brachiopods with preserved pedicles. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol., 302, 206-212.

Zhang Z., Holmer L. E., Ou Q., Han J. & Shu D., 2011. The exceptionally preserved Early Cambrian stem rhynchonelliform brachiopod Longtancunella and its implications. Lethaia, 44 (4), 490-495.

Zhang Z., Holmer L. E., L. Popov & D. Shu, 2011. An obolellate brachiopod with soft-part preservation from the early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna of China. Journal of Paleontology, 85 (3), 462-465.

Zonneveld J.P. & S. E. Greene, 2011. Lingulide response to severe storms recorded In Middle Triassic strata of northeastern British Columbia. Palaios, 25, 807-817.

Zuykov M. A., D. A. T. Harper, S. S. Terentiev & E. Pelletier, 2011. Revision of the plectorthoid brachiopod Platystrophia dentata (Pander, 1830) from the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60, 131-136.


        These papers are not dealing with Brachiopoda but worth to be read:

De Santisteban C., 2010. Lo que la mayoría de darwinistas desconoce sobre Darwin. Revista Eubacteria , 24, p. 1-7. - 

Alain Blieck A., 2010. Origine des Tétrapodes, scénarios, théories erronées et évènements évolutifs [Origin of tetrapods, scenarios, erroneous theories and evolutionary events]. Annales de la Société géologique du Nord, 17 (2e Série), 37-46.



>>>>>>>>>>> Proceedings of the 6th International Brachiopod Congress:
Shi G.R., Weldon E.A., Percival I.G., Pierson R.R. & Laurie J.R. (eds), 2011. Brachiopods: extant and extinct – Proceedings of the Sixth International Brachiopod Congress, 1-5 February, 2010, Melbourne, Australia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 366p.

Comparative experimental and simulation study on passive feeding flow generation in Cyrtospirifer, by Yuta Shiino & Osamu Kuwazuru

Brand U., Logan A., Bitner M.A., Griesshaber E., Azmy K. & Buhl D., 2011. What is the ideal proxy for Palaeozoic seawater chemistry? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 9-24.

Robinson J. H. & D. E. Lee, 2011. Spine formation in Novocrania and Danocrania (Brachiopoda, Craniata). Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 25- 37.

Growth rates of Calloria inconspicua (Sowerby, 1846) from the upper intertidal zone of Portobello, New Zealand, by Dietrich Schumann

Harper E. M., 2011. What do we really known about predation on modern rhynchonelliforms? Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 45-57.

Hiller N., 2011. Affinities and associations of new shallow-water brachiopods from the Late Cretaceous of New Zealand. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 59-69.

Revision of Sowerby’s species Spirifer bisulcatus, Spirifer pinguis and Spirifer rotundatus from the late Tournaisian-Visean of Great Britain, by Lucia Angiolini, Sarah Long & Lee Davies

Taxonomic review and evolutionary trends of Levipustulini and Absenticostini (Brachiopoda) from Argentina: Palaeobiogeographic and palaeoclimatic implications, by Arturo C. Taboada & Guang R. Shi

Schemm-Gregory M., 2011. The howellellid branches within the delthyridoid spiriferids (Brachiopoda, Silurian to Devonian). Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 115-128.

Preliminary data on shell cementation in fossil specimens of thecideide brachiopods, by Alberto Pérez-Huerta, David A.T. Harper & Teresa E. Jeffries

There’s no place like home: Cambrian to Devonian brachiopods critically useful for analysing palaeogeography, by L.Robin M. Cocks

Mesozoic brachiopods of Misool Archipelago, eastern Indonesia, by Donald A.B. MacFarlan, Fauzie Hasibuan & Jack A. Grant-Mackie

MacFarlan D.A.B., Hasibuan F. & J. A. Grant-Mackie, 2011. Mesozoic brachiopods of Misool Archipelago, eastern Indonesia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 149-177.

Alvarez F., Modzalevskaya T.L. & Brime C., 2011. Early Devonian diversification of athyridide brachiopods in the Cantabrian Zone (NW Spain) and their affinities, revisited. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 179-194.

Ontogenetic discontinuities in brachiopod populations: their detection and significance, by Anthony E. Aldridge

Origin and evolution of Permian brachiopods of Australia, by J. Bruce Waterhouse

Application of niche modelling to analyse biogeographic patterns in Palaeozoic brachiopods: evaluating niche stability in deep time, by Alycia L. Stigall

Brachiopod life histories from spiral deviations in shell shape and microstructural signature – preliminary report, by Anthony E. Aldridge & Danièle Gaspard

Paknnevich A.V., 2011. The type specimens of the Holocene brachiopod Diestothyris frontalis (Middendorff, 1849). Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 269-272.

Brachiopod biogeographic change during the Early to Middle Ordovician in South China, by Renbin Zhan, Rongyu Li, Ian G. Percival & Yan Liang

An early Cambrian chileate brachiopod from South Australia and its phylogenetic significance, by Lars E. Holmer, Christian B. Skovsted, Glenn A. Brock & Leonid Popov

Dulai A., 2011. Late Eocene (Priabonian) micromorphic brachiopods from the Upper Austrian Molasse Zone. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 41, 295-313.

Morphology and systematics of Late Palaeozoic syringothyrid brachiopods from West-Central Argentina, by Gabriela A. Cisterna

Endolithic algae, fungi and bacterial activity in Holocene and Cretaceous brachiopod shells – diagenetic consequences, by Danièle Gaspard

The Cisuralian faunal succession in Patagonia (Tepuel-Genoa Basin, Argentina): an updated brachiopod biostratigraphic scheme, by M. Alejandra Pagani & Arturo C. Taboada

Reassessment of the Ordovician brachiopod Poramborthis and Poramborthidae, by Michal Mergl

Nanostructures in Palaeozoic linguloid brachiopods, by Liisa Lang, Ethel Uibopuu & Ivar Puura