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Aguirre J., Domènech R., Martinell J., Mayoral E., Santos A. & Pérez-Asensio J.N., 2017. Witnesses of the early Pliocene sea-level rise in the Manilva Basin (Málaga, S Spain). [Testigos de la transgresión del Plioceno inferior en la Cuenca de Manilva (Málaga, S de España)]. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 32 (1), 35-52. Alberti M., Fürsich F.T., Abdelhady A.A. & Andersen N., 2017. Middle to Late Jurassic equatorial seawater temperatures and latitudinal temperature gradients based on stable isotopes of brachiopods and oysters from Gebel Maghara, Egypt. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468, 301-313. Altenburger A., Martinez P., Budd G.E. & Holmer L.E., 2017. Gene expression patterns in brachiopod larvae refute the “brachiopod-fold” hypothesis. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 5 (AUG),74. Álvarez F., Emig C. C. & J. Tréguier, 2017. Brachiopodes actuels: historique et révision de la collection D.-P. Œhlert (Laval) ; brachiopodes des côtes françaises métropolitaines [Recent brachiopods: History and review of the collection of D.-P. Œhlert (Laval); brachiopods of the continental French coasts]. Carnets de Géologie, CG
2017_B02, 386 p. Baeza-Carratala J. F., Reolid M. & Garcia Joral, F., 2027. New deep-water brachiopod resilient assemblage from the South-Iberian Palaeomargin (Western Tethys) and its significance for the brachiopod adaptive strategies around the Early Toarcian Mass Extinction Event. Bulletin of Geosciences, 92 (2), 233-256. Balinski A., 2017. New locality with unique early ordovician fauna from China [in Polish]. Przeglad Geologiczny, 65 (7), 437-442. Baranov V. V., 2017. New brachiopods from the Ordovician of northeastern Russia. Paleontological Journal, 51 (1), 47-52. Bao Y., Xu F. & Shimeld S.M., 2017. Phylogenetics of lophotrochozoan bHLH genes and the evolution of lineage-specific gene duplicates. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9 (4), 869-886. Bassett M.G. & Popov L.E., 2017. Earliest ontogeny of the Silurian orthotetide brachiopod Coolinia and its significance for interpreting strophomenate phylogeny. Lethaia, 50 (4), 504-510. Benedetto J.L. & Muñoz D.F., 2017. Plectorthoid brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician of north-western Argentina; phylogenetic relationships with Tarfaya Havlícek and the origin of heterorthids. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 15 (1), 43- Berra F., Zanchi A., Angiolini L., Javadi H.R. & Kouhpeyma M., 2017. The upper Palaeozoic Godar-e-Siah Complex of Jandaq: Evidence and significance of a North Palaeotethyan succession in Central Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,138, 272-290. Berrocal-Casero M., Barroso-Barcenilla F., Joral F.G. & Segura, M., 2017. Functional meaning of asymmetrical commissures in Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) rhynchonellide brachiopods from Northern Spain. Cretaceous Research, 79, 77-90. Betti F. et al., 2017. Benthic biodiversity and ecological gradients in the Seno Magdalena (Puyuhuapi Fjord, Chile). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 198, 269-278. Betts M. J. et al., 2017. Global correlation of the early Cambrian of South Australia: Shelly fauna of the Dailyatia odyssei Zone. Gondwana Research, 46, 240-279. Binazadeh T., 2017. First record of aptian-cenomanian brachiopods from the Vezk Section (South of Yasuj, Iran). Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran, 28 (4), 337-347. Bitner M. A. & Müller A., 2017. Late Eocene (Priabonian) brachiopod fauna from Dnipropetrovsk, eastern Ukraine. Bulletin of Geosciences, 92 (2), 211-231. Bitner M. A. & T. N. Molodtsova, 2017. Redescription of Nanacalathis atlantica Zezina, 1991 (Brachiopoda: Chlidonophoridae) from the North Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity, 5 p. Bitner M. A. & Romanin M., 2017. Recent brachiopods from the South China Sea, NW Pacific. Zootaxa, 4306 (2), 287-290. Boletín oficial del Estado (BOE, España), 2017. BOE-A-2017-2401: Resolución de 17 de febrero de 2017, de la Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente, por la que se establecen tres listas patrón: la de las especies terrestres, la de las especies marinas y la de los hábitats terrestres, presentes en España. III. Otras disposiciones. BOE (España), núm. 55, de 6 de marzo de 2017, páginas 16648 a 16649 (2 págs.). Brandt A. et al., 2017. Composition of abyssal macrofauna along the Vema Fracture Zone and the hadal Puerto Rico Trench, northern tropical Atlantic. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, x, xx-xxx. Brocke R. et al., 2017. Comparative palynofacies, magnetic susceptibility and cyclicity of the Middle Devonian Müllertchen Section (Eifel area, Germany). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3), 449-467. Butler A.D., Garwood R.J., Streng M., Lowe T. & Holmer L.E. (in press). X-ray microtomography of the tommotiid Micrina reveals cellular and ultrastructural preservation, confirming a tommotiid stemlinguliform affinity. The Royal Society Open Science. Candela Y., Harper D.A.T. & Crighton W.R.B., 2017. Notes on the brachiopod species from the Silurian of the Pentland Hills described by lamont (1978). Scottish Journal of Geology, 53 (1), 29-33. Chesnel V., Merino-Tomé Ó., Fernández L.P., Villa E. & Samankassou E., 2017. Spatial and temporal distribution of microbial carbonates, skeletal and non-skeletal grains in a Pennsylvanian carbonate platform (Valdorria, Northern Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 476, 106-139. Cisterna G.A., Sterren A.F., López Gamundí O. & Vergel M.M., 2017. Carboniferous postglacial faunas in the late SerpukhovianBashkirian interval of central-western Argentina. Alcheringa, 41 (3), 413-431. Colmenar J., Pereira S., Sá A.A., da Silva C.M. & Young T.P., 2017. The highest-latitude Foliomena Fauna (Upper Ordovician, Portugal) and its palaeogeographical and palaeoecological significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 774-783. Colmenar J. et al., 2017. A kralodvorian (Upper Katin, upper Ordovician) benethic association from the ferradosa formation (central Portugal) and its significance for the redefinition and subdivision of the kralodvorian stage. Bulletin of Geosciences, 92 (4), 443-464. Copper P. & Jin J., 2017. Early athyride brachiopod evolution through the Ordovician-Silurian mass extinction and recovery, Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 91 (6), 1123-1147. Costa-Paiva E. M., Schrago C. G. & K. M. Halanych, 2017. Broad phylogenetic occurrence of the oxygen-binding hemerythrins in Bilaterians. Genome Biology and Evolution, 9 (10), 2580-2591. Costello M. J. & C. Chaudhary, 2017. Marine biodiversity, biogeography, deep-sea gradients, and conservation. Current Biol., 27 (11), R511-R527. Darmarini A.S., Wardiatno Y., Prartono T. & Soewardi K., 2017. Short communication: New record of primitive brachiopod, Lingula sp. in mangrove ecosystem of Lubuk Damar, Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia. Biodiversitas, 18 (4), 1438-1444. David M. & Novotny,F., 2017. Temporary exposure of a fossiliferous Upper Ordovician (Katian) horizon at Praha - Dolni Pocernice, Czech Republic. Geoscience Research Reports, 50, 33-37. Di Pasquo M., Anderson H. & Isaacson P., 2017. Record of a Pennsylvanian-Cisuralian marine transgression, southern Bolivia: A short-lived event in western Gondwana? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 30-45. Donovan S.K., Harper D.A.T., Portell R.W. & Toomey J.K. 2017. Echinoids as hard substrates: varied examples from the Oligocene of Antigua, Lesser Antilles. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 128 (3), 326-331. Dulai A., 2017. First record of Discinidae brachiopods from the Miocene of Hungary. Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 34, 63-74. El-Hedeny M., El-Sabbagh A. & Al Farraj S., 2017. Bioerosion and encrustation: Evidences from the Middle - Upper Jurassic of central Saudi Arabia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 466-475. El-Sorogy A.S., Gameil M., Youssef M. & Al-Kahtany K.M., 2017. Stratigraphy and macrofauna of the Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) Marrat Formation, central Saudi Arabia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 134, 476-492. Emig C. C., Bitner A. M. & Álvarez F., 2017. Brachiopoda Database. In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life, 2017 Annual Checklist (Roskov Y. et al., eds). DVD; Species 2000: Naturalis, NL-Leiden. ISSN 2405-884X / ISSN 2405-917X.
Engelke J., Linnert C., Mutterlose J. & Wilmsen M., 2017. Early Maastrichtian benthos of the chalk at Kronsmoor, northern Germany: implications for Late Cretaceous environmental change. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97(4), 703-722. Engelke J., Esser K.J.K., Linnert C., Mutterlose J. & Wilmsen M., 2017. The benthic macrofauna from the Lower Maastrichtian chalk of Kronsmoor (northern Germany, Saturn quarry): Taxonomic outline and palaeoecologic implications. Acta Geologica Polonica, 66 (4), 671-694. Feldman H. R., 2017. Tunethyris blodgetti sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) from the Middle Triassic of Makhtesh Ramon, Southern Israel. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 87 (1), 89-99. Finnegan S., Rasmussen C. M. O. & Harper D. A. T., 2017. Identifying the most surprising victims of mass extinction events: an example using Late Ordovician brachiopods. Biology Letters, 13 (9) 20170400. Forcino F.L., Stafford E.S. & Tetreault R.L., 2017. Brachiopod morphology, life mode, and crushing predation in the Ordovician Arnheim Formation, Kentucky, USA. Historical Biology, xx. Foster W.J. & Sebe K., 2017. Recovery and diversification of marine communities following the late Permian mass extinction event in the western Palaeotethys. Global and Planetary Change, 155, 165-177. Garbelli C., 2017. Shell microstructures in lopingian brachiopods: Implications for fabric evolution and calcification. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 123 (3), 541-560. Garbelli C., Angiolini L. & Shen S.-Z., 2017. Biomineralization and global change: A new perspective for understanding the end-Permian extinction. Geology, 45 (1), 19-22. Gaspard D. & Loubry P., 2017. Des brachiopodes font leur « show » au Cénomanien moyen dans la région stratotypique (France) motifs colorés résiduels exceptionnels. Annales de Paléontologie, 103 (1), 81-85. Gaspard D., 2017. Two new rhynchonelliform brachiopods from the Albian stratotype region (Paris Basin) - focusing. Annales de Paléontologie, 103 (2), 93-100. Gatovsky Y.A. et al., 2017. The Dzerzhinka Section (eastern slope of the South Urals): An overview of the fauna and facies around the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary. Stratigraphy, 14 (1-4), 143-xx. Gerdol M., Luo Y., Satoh N. & A. Pallavicini, 2017. Genetic and molecular basis of the immune system in the brachiopod Lingula anatina. Developmental and comparative Immunology, 82, 7-30. Gushulak C.A.C. & Jin J., 2017. Post-extinction recovery and diversification of reef-dwelling brachiopod communities: Examples from the lower Silurian of Hudson Bay Basin, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 605-621. Gutiérrez-Marco J.C., Sá A.A., García-Bellido D.C. & Rábano I., 2017. The Bohemo-Iberian regional chronostratigraphical scale for the Ordovician System and palaeontological correlations within South Gondwana. Lethaia, 50 (2), 258-295. Haig D.W., Mory A.J., McCartain E., (...), Kossavaya O. & Santos,Z.D., 2017. Late ArtinskianEarly Kungurian (Early Permian) warming and maximum marine flooding in the East Gondwana interior rift, Timor and Western Australia, and comparisons across East Gondwana. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 468, 88-121. Halamski A. T. & Cherif A., 2017. Oxfordian brachiopods from the Saida and Frenda Mountains (Tlemcenian domain, North-Western Algeria). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 87 (2), 141-156. Harper D.A.T., Popov L. E. & L.E. Holmer, 2017. Brachiopods: origin and early history. Palaeontology, 60 (5), 609-631. Harper D.A.T., Parkes M.A. & Ren-Bin Z., 2017. Late Ordovician deep-water brachiopod fauna from Raheen, Waterford harbour, Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 35, 1-18. He W. et al., 2017. Body-size changes of latest Permian brachiopods in varied palaeogeographic settings in South China and implications for controls on animal miniaturization in a highly stressed marine ecosystem. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 486, 33-45. Holmer L.E., Popov L.E., Ghobadi Pour M., Zhang Z. & Zhang Z., 2017. Unusual pitted Ordovician brachiopods from the East Baltic: The significance of coarsely pitted ornamentations in linguliforms. Papers in Palaeontology, 3 (3), 387-399. Holmer L.E., Ghobadi Pour, M., Popov L.E., Zhang Z. & Zhang Z., 2017. Ecology, biofacies, biogeography and systematics of micromorphic lingulate brachiopods from the Ordovician (DarriwilianSandbian) of south-central China. Papers in Palaeontology, 3 (3), 317-361. Huang B., Harper D.A.T., Rong J. & Zhan R., 2017. Brachiopod faunas after the end Ordovician mass extinction from South China: Testing ecological change through a major taxonomic crisis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138, 502-514. Ito S., 2017. Growth and maturation of Lingula anatina in the inner part of Ariake Sound [in Japenese]. Saga Ariake Fishery Promotion Center Corporation Reports, 28, 105-110. Ito S., 2017. Fishery catch of Lingula anatina in the inner part of Ariake Sound [in Japenese]. Saga Ariake Fishery Promotion Center Corporation Reports, 28, 127-128. Ito S., 2017. The ecology of Lingula anatina in the inner part of Ariake Sound [in Japenese]. Saga Ariake Fishery Promotion Center Cororation Reports, 28, 143-145. Jain S., 2017. Brachiopods. In: Fundamentals of Invertebrate - Macrofossils. Springer, India, p. 229-277 [405 p.] Jin J. & Holmer, L.E., 2017. Pentameroid brachiopod Karlsorus new genus from the upper Wenlock (Silurian) Slite Beds, Gotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology, 91 (5), 911-918. Karagozlu M.Z., Kim S.G., Thinh D.D. & Kim C.B., 2017. Complete mitochondrial genome analysis of Lingula anatina from Korea (Brachiopoda, Lingulida, Lingulidae). Mitochondrial DNA, PART B: Resources, 2 (2), 829-830. Kebria-Ee Zadeh M.-R., Popov L.E. & Ghobadi Pour M., 2017. A new orthide brachiopod genus from the Middle Ordovician of the Alborz Mountains, Iran. GFF, 139 (4), 327-332. Kiel S., 2017. Using network analysis to trace the evolution of biogeography through geologic time: A case study. Geology, 45 (8), 711-714. Kiel S., Krystyn L., Demirtas F., Kosun E. & Peckmann J., 2017. Late Triassic mollusk-dominated hydrocarbon-seep deposits from Turkey. Geology, 45 (8), 751-754 Kim S.-G., Karagozlu M.Z. & Kim C.-B., 2017. Phylogenetic investigations of Lingula anatina among some northwestern Pacific populations, based on mitochondrial DNA cytochrome C oxidase subunit I gene. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity, 10, 162-166. Kocot K. M. et al., 2017. Phylogenomics of Lophotrochozoa with consideration of systematic error. Systematic Biology, 66 (2) Special (SI), 256-282. Königshof P. et al., 2017. Palaeoenvironmental study of the Palaeotethys Ocean: the Givetian-Frasnian boundary of a shallow-marine environment using combined facies analysis and geochemistry (Zefreh Section/Central Iran). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3), 517-540. Korte C. et al., 2017. Brachiopod biogeochemistry and isotope stratigraphy from the Rhaetian Eiberg section in Austria: Potentials and limitations. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie - Abhandlungen, 284 (2), 117-138. Kouchinsky A. & S. Bengtson, 2017. X-ray tomographic microscopy tightens affinity of the early Cambrian Oymurania to the brachiopod stem group. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 62 (1), 39-43. Lee S. et al., 2017. Virtual palaeontology: The effects of mineral composition and texture of fossil shell and hosting rock on the quality of X-ray microtomography (XMT) outcomes using palaeozoic brachiopods. Palaeontologia Electronica, 20 (2), 3T. Li F., Jing X., Zou C., Zhang H. & Xiang F., 2017. Facies analysis of the CallovianOxfordian carbonates in the northeastern Amu Darya Basin, southeastern Turkmenistan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88, 359-380. Lü D. & Ma X.-P., 2017. Small-sized brachiopods from the Upper Frasnian (Devonian) of central Hunan, China. Palaeoworld, 26 (3), 456-478. Lüter C., Ebeling N. A. & Aberhan M., 2017. Detecting hybridization between sister species of Terebratulina (Brachiopoda, Cancellothyridoidea) in the North Atlantic: morphology versus molecules. Scientific Reports, 7 (8845). Madison A. A., 2017. To the revision of the Upper Ordovician Bilobia Cooper (Strophomenida, Brachiopoda). Paleontological Journal, 51 (4), 368-373. Madison A., 2017. Laminar shell structure of Antigonambonites planus (Pander, 1830) (Brachiopoda, Billingsellida). Estonian Journal Of Earth Sciences, 66 (4), 183-187. Mao Y. et al., 2017. A fresh look at Nisusia Walcott, 1905 from the Cambrian Kaili Formation in Guizhou. Palaeoworld, 26 (1), 12-24. Morán G. A., Gordillo S. & M. S. Bayer, 2017. Epibiosis on Brachiopods from Patagonia, Argentina (40°-55°S): Composition, spatial variation, and preservation. Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina, p 225-235 Martindale R.C. & Aberhan M., 2017. Response of macrobenthic communities to the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in northeastern Panthalassa (Ya Ha Tinda, Alberta, Canada). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 478, 103-120. Martindale R.C., Them T.R., Gill B.C., Marroquín S.M. & Knoll A.H., 2017. A new early jurassic (ca. 183 Ma) fossil Lagerstätte from Ya Ha Tinda, Alberta, Canada. Geology, 45 (3), 255-258. Mergl M., Hosgör I., Yilmaz I.O., Zamora S. & Colmenar J., 2017. Divaricate patterns in Cambro-Ordovician obolid brachiopods from Gondwana. Historical Biology, 30 (7), 1015-1029. Miguez-Salas O., Rodríguez-Tovar F.J. & Duarte L.V., 2017. Selective incidence of the toarcian oceanic anoxic event on macroinvertebrate marine communities: a case from the Lusitanian basin, Portugal. Lethaia, 50 (4), 548-560. Modzalevskaya T.L., Popov L.E., Ghobadi P. M. & Dufour M.S., 2017. First report on the Early Devonian (Lochkovian) brachiopods from eastern Central Pamirs, Tajikistan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138, 427-438. Molodtsova T.N., Galkin S.V., Kobylansky S.G., Simakova U.V., Vedenin A.A., Dobretsova I.G. & Gebruk A.V., 2017. First data on benthic and fish communities from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 16°40’-17°14’N. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 137, 69-77. Morán G. A., Gordillo S. & Bayer M. S., 2017. Epibiosis on brachiopods from Patagonia, Argentina (40°-55°S): Composition, spatial variation, and preservation. Advances in Geomorphology and Quaternary Studies in Argentina, p. 225-235. Mottequin B. & Simon E., 2017. New insights on Tournaisian-Visean (Carboniferous, Mississippian) athyridide, orthotetide, rhynchonellide, and strophomenide brachiopods from southern Belgium. Palaeontologia electronica, 20 (2. 28a). Mottequin B. & E. Simon, 2017. Revision of some spiriferide and spiriferinide brachiopods from the historical type area of the Tournaisian stage (Carboniferous, southern Belgium). Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 91 (4), 473-496. Mottequin B. et al., 2017. New insight on Carboniferous (Viséan) brachiopods from eastern Tafilalt (Morocco). Geological Journal, 52 (2), 217-233. Moysiuk J., Smith M.R. & Caron J.-B., 2017. Hyoliths are Palaeozoic lophophorates. Nature, 541 (7637), 394-397. Mukherjee D. & Shome S., 2017. Tithonian brachiopods from the Kachchh and Jaisalmer basins, India. Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie Abhandlungen, 285 (2), 187-199. Narayanaswamy B.E., Rea T., Serpetti N. & Lamont P.A., 2017. What lies within; Annelid polychaetes found in micro-habitats of coral/carbonate material from SW Indian ocean seamounts. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 137, 157-165. Nikolaeva S., Kim A. & Erina M., 2017. An early Emsian (Zlichovian) ammonoid assemblage from Sangibaland Mountain (Shakhimardan River Basin) (South Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 97 (3), 405-417. Nolan L. S. P. et al., 2017. Sedimentary context and palaeoecology of Gigantoproductus shell beds in the Mississippian Eyam Limestone Formation, Derbyshire carbonate platform, central England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire geological Society, 61 (4), 239-257. Ogata S., Palla R., Ueno R., Sato M., Suzuki H. & T. Yamamoto, 2017. Macrobenthic fauna in the tidal flats of Amami-Oshima Island [in Japanese]. Japanese Journal of Benthology, 72, 27-38. Oliveira F. et al., 2017. A photographic guide of the species of the Gorringe Bank, CCMAR/Oceana, Faro, 312 p. Oukassou M., Lagnaoui A., Raji M., Michard A. & Saddiqi O., 2017. Middle to late Cambrian shallow marine trace fossils from the Imfout Syncline (Western Meseta, Morocco): Palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental significance in NW-Gondwana. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 129, 492-503. Pakhnevich A. V., 2017. A reconstruction of the lophophore of Devonian rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda) by using X-ray Micro-CT. Paleontological Journal, 51 (2), 143-154. Pálfy J., Kovács Z., Price G.D., Vörö, A. & Johannson G.G., 2017. A new occurrence of the early jurassic brachiopod anarhynchia from the canadian cordillera confirms its membership in chemosynthesis-based ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 54 (12), 1179-1193. Popov A.M. & Zakharov Y.D., 2017. Olenekian brachiopods from the Kamenushka River basin, South Primorye: New data on the brachiopod recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction. Paleontological Journal, 51 (7), 735-745. Popov L.E. & Cocks R.M., 2017. Late Ordovician palaeogeography and the positions of the Kazakh terranes through analysis of their brachiopod faunas. Acta Geologica Polonica, 67 (3), 323-380. Popov L.E. & Cocks L.R.M., 2017. The World's second oldest strophomenoid-dominated benthic assemblage in the first Dapingian (Middle Ordovician) brachiopod fauna identified from Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 140, 1-12. Post A.L., Lavoie C., Domack E.W., Leventer A., Shevenell A. & Fraser A.D., 2017. Environmental drivers of benthic communities and habitat heterogeneity on an East Antarctic shelf. Antarctic Science, 29 (1), 17-32. Qiao L., Falahatgar M. & Shen S.-Z., 2017. A lower Viséan (Carboniferous) brachiopod fauna from the eastern Alborz Mountains, northern Iran, and its palaeobiogeographical implications. Geological Journal, 52 (2), 317-326. Radwanska U., 2017. Selected Oxfordian brachiopods from Zalas (Cracow Upland, Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 67 (3), 433-440. Reitan T. & Liow L.H., 2017. An unknown Phanerozoic driver of brachiopod extinction rates unveiled by multivariate linear stochastic differential equations. Paleobiology, 43 (4), 537-549. Roark A. et al., 2017. Brachiopod geochemical records from across the Carboniferous seas of North America: Evidence for salinity gradients, stratification, and circulation patterns. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 485, 136-153. Robinson J.H., 2017. Early Miocene brachiopods of the Waitemata and Waitakere groups, Auckland and Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 60 (1), 2-22. Robinson J.H., 2017. Fossil craniid brachiopods (craniata) of Australia and New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 129, 7-30. Robinson J. H., 2017. A review of all Recent species in the genus Novocrania (Craniata, Brachiopoda). Zootaxa, 4329 (6), 501-559. Rojas A., Portell R.W. & Kowalewski M., 2017. The post-Palaeozoic fossil record of drilling predation on lingulide brachiopods. 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