
Références 2019 sur les Brachiopoda

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Brachiopoda Database
Palaeontological Journals       Marine / Biological Journals       e-Library        Carnets de Géologie

Abbache A., Ouali Mehadji A., Crônier C., Fellah A.H., Allaire N. & Monnet C., 2019. Le Dévonien supérieur du Sahara nord-occidental (Algérie) : Faciès, environnements et signification géodynamique des calcaires griottes. Carnets de Géologie, 19 (5), 71-96.

Aguilar R., Garcia S., Perry A.L., Alvarez H., Blanco J. & Bitar G., 2019. The bathymetric distribution of fish and other key benthic species and communities in Lebanese submarine canyons. Proc. 2nd Mediter. Symp. on the conservation of dark habitats (Antalya, 2019), p. 5-12.

Alexeiev D.V. et al., 2019. How quick was marine recovery after the end-Triassic mass extinction and what role did anoxia play? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 528, 99-119.

Albano P.G. & Stockinger M., 2019. The rhizome layer of Posidonia oceanica: an important habitat for Mediterranean brachiopods. Marine Biodiversity, 49 (5), 2467-2472.

Álvarez F. & Talent J., 2019. Book Review: Phanerozoic brachiopod genera of China, by Rong Jiayu (editor-in-chief), Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong and Zhan Renbin (eds.), 2017. Carnets Geol., 18, Book Review 1, 183-186. From the original publication (2018), modified, issued in Earth Science Frontiers [in Chinese], 26 (3), 282-284.

Ambarwati R., Rahayu D.A. & Faizah U., 2019. The potency and food safety of lamp shells (Brachiopoda: Lingula sp.) as food resources. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1417 (1), 012039, 7 p.

Andrikou C., Passamaneck Y., Lowe C. J. , Martindale M. Q. & A. Hejnol, 2019. Molecular patterning during the development of Phoronopsis harmeri reveals similarities to rhynchonelliform brachiopods. EvoDevo, 10 (33), 15 p.

Angiolini L. et al., 2019. The giants of the phylum Brachiopoda: a matter of diet? Palaeontology, 62 (6), 889-917.

Aretz, M., Legrand-Blain M., Vachard D., Izart A., 2019. Gigantoproductid and allied productid brachiopods from the “Calcaires à Productus” (late Viséan-Serpukhovian; Montagne Noire, southern France): Taxonomy and palaeobiogeographical position in the Palaeotethys. Geobios, 55, 17-40.

Atkinson J.W. & Wignall P.B., 2019. How quick was marine recovery after the end-Triassic mass extinction and what role did anoxia play? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 528, 99-119.

Azmy K. & Jin J., 2019. Geochemistry of late Ordovician dalmanelloid brachiopods from Laurentia: Testing the effects of paleolatitudinal gradient. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56 (3), 235-244.

Ballèvre M., Brice D., Lardeux H., Morzadec P. & Mottequin B., 2019. Reassignment of Pentamerus davyi Oehlert to Zdimir robustus (Barrande) (Brachiopoda, Devonian): Stratigraphic and palaeogeographic implications | [Attribution de Pentamerus davyi Oehlert à Zdimir robustus Barrande (Brachiopoda, Dévonien): implications stratigraphiques et paléogéographiques]. Annales de Paléontologie, 105 (2), 97-108.

Balseiro D. & Halpern K., 2019. Immigration and extirpation selectivity patterns of brachiopods and bivalves across a Carboniferous glacial to non-glacial transition (Pennsylvanian, central western Argentina) and their influence in building the biotic bathymetric gradient. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 516, 11-21.c

Baranov V.V. & Blodgett R.B., 2019. New rhynchonellides (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Pragian (Soda Creek Limestone) of West-Central Alaska. Paleontological Journal, 53 (2), 120-131.

Bauwens J., 2019. Joania cordata & Argyrotheca cuneata: The discovery of abundant brachiopods in a seagrass meadow on the south coast of Crete suggests that these 'rare' invertebrates may be more common than previously thought. - pdf.

Belato F.A. et al., 2019. Newly discovered occurrences and gene tree of the extracellular globins and linker chains from the giant hexagonal bilayer hemoglobin in Metazoans. Genome Biology and Evolution, 11 (3), 597-612.

Betts M.J., Claybourn T.M., Brock G.A., Jago J.B., Skovsted C.B. & J. R. Paterson, 2019. Shelly fossils from the lower Cambrian White Point Conglomerate, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 64 (3), 489-522.

Bezgodova D., 2019. Features of development and distribution of Upper Devonian (Frasnian) brachiopods Theodossia. Nalivkin International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19 (1.1), 179-186.

Bitner M.A., 2019. Recent brachiopods from the Tonga Islands, SW Pacific: taxonomy and biogeography. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 587-608.

Bleidorn C., 2019. Recent progress in reconstructing lophotrochozoan (spiralian) phylogeny. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 19 (4), 557-566.

Brand U., Bitner M.A., Logan A., Azmy K., Crippa G., Angiolini L., Colin P., Griesshaber E., Harper E.M., Taddei Ruggiero E. & Häussermann V., 2019. Brachiopod-based oxygen-isotope thermometer: update and review. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 775-787.

Carranza, N.L. & Carlson S.J., 2019. Testing species assignments in extant terebratulide brachiopods: A three-dimensional geometric morphometric analysis of long-looped brachidia. PLoS ONE, 14 (11),e0225528

Cisterna G.A., Sterren A.F., Shi G.R, Halpern K. & Balseiro D., 2019. Brachiopod assemblages of the Eurydesma Fauna in glacial-deglacial sequences from Argentina and Australia. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 805-826.

Chen J. et al., 2019. Size variation of brachiopods from the Late Permian through the Middle Triassic in South China: Evidence for the Lilliput Effect following the Permian-Triassic extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 519, 248-257.

Cocks L.R.M. & Popov L.E., 2019. Early Ordovician brachiopods from south-west Wales. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 130 (6), 677-690.

Cocks L.R.M. & Jiayu, R., 2019. A global analysis of distribution and endemism within Late Llandovery (Telychian) brachiopod. Alcheringa, 43 (3), 406-422.

Collin R., Venera-Pontón D.E., Driskell A.C., Macdonald K.S. & Boyle M.J., 2019. Planktotrophic brachiopod larvae from the Pacific and Caribbean of Panama. Diversity, 11 (1), 2 - 13 p.

Colmenar J., Pereira S., Young T.P., Da Silva C.M. & Sá A.A., 2019. First report of Hirnantian (Upper Ordovician) high-latitude peri-gondwanan macrofossil assemblages from Portugal. Journal of Paleontology, 93 (3), 460-475.

Congreve C.R., Krug A.Z. & Patzkowsky M.E., 2019. Evolutionary and biogeographical shifts in response to the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Palaeontology, 62 (2), 267-285.

Cross E.L., Harper E.M. & Peck, L.S., 2019. Thicker shells compensate extensive dissolution in brachiopods under future ocean acidification. Environmental Science and Technology, 53 (9), 5016-5026.

Cuen Romero F.J. et al., 2019. Paleoecology of Cambrian communities of central Sonora, Mexico: Paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic considérations. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 92, 631-645.

Danise S. et al., 2019. Stratigraphic and environmental control on marine benthic community change through the early Toarcian extinction event (Iberian Range, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 524, 183-200.

Delavenne J. et al., 2019 Deep-sea benthic communities in the largest oceanic desert are structured by the presence of polymetallic crust. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 6977.

De Rezende J.M.P., da Costa Machado, D.M., de Oliveira Ponciano, L.C.M., 2019. A taxonomic review of the brachiopod genus Australocoelia (Boucot & Gill, 1956) in the Devonian of Brazil. Zootaxa, 4683 (4), 515-530.

Devaere, L. et al., 2019. Early Cambrian small shelly fossils from northwest Mexico: Biostratigraphic implications for Laurentia. Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.2.41A, 1-58.

Dievert R.V., Barclay K.M., Molinaro D.J. & Leighton L.R., 2019. Evaluating the effects of morphology and orientation on feeding in atrypide brachiopods using 3-D printed models. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 527, 77-86.

Dulai A., 2019. New data on the late Miocene brachiopod fauna of Tetti Borelli (Piedmont, N Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 125 (1), 125-145.

Feldman H.R., Radulovic B.V., Radulovic V.J. & Ahmad F., 2019. Callovian (Middle Jurassic) terebratulide brachiopods from the Jordan Valley (northwestern Jordan). Historical Biology, in press.

Florencia Leone M. & Benedetto J.L., 2019. The brachiopod Dalmanella testudinaria across the end Ordovician extinction event in the Cuyania Terrane of Western Argentina. Ameghiniana, 56 (3), 228-242.

Forcino F.L., Stafford E.S. & Tetreault R.L., 2019. Brachiopod morphology, life mode, and crushing predation in the Ordovician Arnheim Formation, Kentucky, USA. Historical Biology, 31 (7), 914-925.

Fujii R., Ueno R. & Yamamoto T., 2019. Breeding season and life history of Lingula anatina after settlement in Amami-Oshima island, Kagoshima, Japan. Plankton and Benthos Research, 14 (1), 45-51

Garbelli C. et al., 2019. Timing of Early and Middle Permian deglaciation of the southern hemisphere: Brachiopod-based 87 Sr/ 86 Sr calibration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 516, 122-135.

García-Ramos D.A. & Zuschin M., 2019. High-frequency cycles of brachiopod shell beds on subaqueous delta-scale clinoforms (early Pliocene, south-east Spain). Sedimentology, 66 (5), 1486-1530.

Gasiorowski L. & A. Hejnol, 2019. Hox gene expression in postmetamorphic juveniles of the brachiopod Terebratalia transversa. EvoDevo, 10 (1), 19 p.

Gaspard D., Paris C., Loubry P. & Luquet G., 2019. Raman investigation of the pigment families in recent and fossil brachiopod shells. Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 208, 73-84.

Ghobadi Pour M., Popov L.E., Owens R.M., Vinogradova E.A. & Klishevich I.A., 2019. Early Devonian (Lochkovian) trilobites and brachiopods from the west Balkhash Region, Kazakhstan and their significance for regional terrane dynamics. Geobios, 56, 49-64.

Gordillo S., Bayer M.S., de Aranzamendi M.C., Taverna A. & Morán G.A., 2019. The ecological role of brachiopods in the Namuncurá MPA/Burdwood Bank, off southern South America. Marine Biodiversity, 49 (4), 1667-1681.

Goren M., R. Danovaro, S.B.S. Rothman, H.K. Mienis & B.S. Galil, 2019. Snapshot of the upper slope macro- and megafauna of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea: ecological diversity and protection. Vie et Milieu, 69 (4), 233-248.

Gradinaru E. & Gaetani M., 2019. Upper Spathian to Bithynian (lower to middle Triassic) brachiopods from North Dobrogea (Romania). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 125 (1), 91-123.

Guo W., Nie T. & Sun Y., 2019. New data on the biostratigraphy of the Early Devonian Spirifer tonkinensis brachiopod fauna in South China and adjacent région. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99 (1), 29-43.

Guo Z., Chen Z.-Q. & Harper D.A.T., 2019. The Anisian (Middle Triassic) brachiopod fauna from Qingyan, Guizhou, south-western China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, online DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2019.1682695.

Halamski A. T., 2019. Eighth International Brachiopod Congress Milan, Italy, 11th-14th September, 2018., 9 p.

Halamski A.T. & A. Balinski, 2019. Thomasaria vs. Pyramidalia conundrum in Devonian brachiopod systematics solved: An argument to formalize epitypification under the ICZN. Acta palaeontologica polonica, 64 (2), 399-408.

Harper E.M., Lamare M.D. & Lee D.E., 2019. Patterns of unrepaired shell damage in Recent brachiopods from Fiordland (New Zealand). Riv. It. Paleontol. Strat., 125 (3), 669-677.

He W. H., Shi G. R., Zhang K. X., Yang T.-L., Shen S.Z. & Zhang Y., 2019. Brachiopods around the Permian-Triassic boundary of South China. Springer, 261 p.

He W. et al., 2019. The palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical significance of the Late Permian deep-water brachiopod fauna from Dongpan, South China, including descriptions of Micromartinia He & Weldon gen. nov. (Micromartiniidae He & Weldon fam. nov.) and Minutomarginifera nom. nov. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, online

Henriques S.F. et al., 2019. Multiple independent L-gulonolactone oxidase (GULO) gene losses and vitamin C synthesis reacquisition events in non-Deuterostomian animal species. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19 (1), 126.

Hints L., 2019. The Ordovician brachiopod genus Cyrtonotella: Taxonomy and distribution in the Baltic basin. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 68 (3), 147-159.

Holmer L.E., Yue L., Zhang Z. & Zhang Z., 2019. The problematic lingulate brachiopod Aulonotreta from the ordovician (Dapingian-darriwilian) of Baltoscandia. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 68 (4), 206-224.

Holmer L.E. et al., 2019. Cambrian rhynchonelliform nisusioid brachiopods: phylogeny and distribution. Papers in Palaeontology, 5 (3), 559-575.

Hryniewicz K., Amano A., Bitner M.A., Hagström J., Kiel S., Klompmaker A.A., Mörs T., Robins C.M. & Kaim A., 2019. A late Paleocene fauna from shallow-water chemosynthesis-based ecosystems, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Acta palaeontologica polonica, 64 (1), 101-141.

Höflinger J. & N. Jung, 2019. Die Rhynchonelliden des deutsche Devons, Bestimmungstipps für Sammler. Self-publishing J. Höflinger, D-90552 Röthenbach, 224 p.

Hsieh S., Bush A.M. & Bennington J.B., 2019. Were bivalves ecologically dominant over brachiopods in the late Paleozoic? A test using exceptionally preserved fossil assemblages. Paleobiology, 45 (2), 265-279.

Huang B. et al., 2019. A new Cathaysiorthis (Brachiopoda) fauna from the lower Llandovery of eastern Qinling, China. Papers in Palaeontology, in press.

Iniesto M., Thomazo C. & Fara E., 2019. Deciphering the exceptional preservation of the Early Triassic Paris Biota (Bear Lake County, Idaho, USA). Geobios, 54, 81-93.

IUCN, 2019. Conservation overview of Mediterranean deep-sea biodiversity: A strategic assessment. IUCN Malaga, thematic Report, 122 p.

Jago J.B., Bentley, C.J., Laurie, J.R. & Corbett, K.D., 2019. Some middle and late Cambrian trilobites and brachiopods from the Adamsfield Trough, Tasmania. Alcheringa, 43 (1), 1-17.

Jansen U., 2019. Pragian-Emsian brachiopods from the Rhenish Massif (Germany): new data on evolution and biostratigraphy. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 735-759.

Jin J., Mikulic D. & Kluessendorf J., 2019. Virgianid brachiopods of the Michigan Basin, and its implications for post-extinction diversification of the Silurian pentameride fauna in Laurentia. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat. 125 (3), 637-649.

Jurikova H. et al., 2019. Boron isotope systematics of cultured brachiopods: Response to acidification, vital effects and implications for palaeo-pH reconstruction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 248, 370-386.

Kiel S. & Peckmann J., 2019. Resource partitioning among brachiopods and bivalves at ancient hydrocarbon seeps: A hypothesis. PLoS ONE, 14 (9), e0221887

Kuzmina T.V., Malakhov V.V. & Temereva E.N., 2019. Larval development of the brachiopod Coptothyris grayi (Davidson, 1852) (Terebratulida: Rhynchonelliformea) and the evolution of brachiopod life cycles. Invert. Zool., Moscow, 16 (1), 27-40.

Kuzmina T.V. & Temereva E.N., 2019. Organization of the lophophore in the deep-sea brachiopod Pelagodiscus atlanticus and evolution of the lophophore in the Brachiozoa. Organisms Diversity and Evolution, 19 (1), 31-39.

Laumer C. E. et al., 2019. Revisiting metazoan phylogeny with genomic sampling of all phyla. Proc. R. Soc. B, 286, 10 p.

Lavié F.J., Serra F. & Feltes N.A., 2019. Linguliform microbrachiopods from Las Aguaditas and Las Chacritas Formations (Middle-Upper Ordovician) of Argentine Precordillera. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 651-668.

Lee S., Shi G.R., Jung J. & Kim N.K., 2019. Discovery of ventrally directed spiralia in a Permian spiriferellid brachiopod and implications for its feeding system. Lethaia, 52 (4), 513-522.

Lee S. et al. 2019. Permian spiriferellid brachiopods from northern Pangaea: taxonomy, biostratigraphy, macroevolution and implications for palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical reconstructions. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 17 (22), 1871-1925,

Leone F. & Benedetto J.L., 2019. Phylogenetic relationships of the Silurian Afro-South American brachiopods Anabaia, Harringtonina and Clarkeia: new insights from their ontogeny. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 761-773.

López Carranza N. & Carlson S. J., 2019. Testing species assignments in extant terebratulide brachiopods: A three-dimensional geometric morphometric analysis of long-lLooped brachidia. PLoS One, 14 (11), e0225528. 

MacFarlan D.A.B., 2019. Early Jurassic Terebratulide Brachiopods from Zealandia. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 551-586.

Madison A.A., 2019. Shell microstructure of Strophomenide Bilobia Cooper (Brachiopoda) from the Late Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paleontological Journal, 53 (1), 30-43.

Madison A.A. & Kuzmina T.V., 2019. Early paleozoic brachiopod larva: True larva, not a juvenile. Invertebrate Zoology, 16 (1), 41-47.

Manda, Storch P., Fryda J., Slavik L. & Tasaryova Z., 2019. The mid-Homerian (Silurian) biotic crisis in offshore settings of the Prague Synform, Czech Republic: Integration of the graptolite fossil record with conodonts, shelly fauna and carbon isotope data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 528, 14-34.

Manríquez L.M.E., Lavina E.L.C., Fernández R.A., Trevisan C. & Leppe M.A., 2019. Campanian-Maastrichtian and Eocene stratigraphic architecture, facies analysis, and paleoenvironmental evolution of the northern Magallanes Basin (Chilean Patagonia). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 93, 102-118.

Martín-Aguilar L.,2019. Paleoecología de los invertebrados esclerobiontes de braquiópodos del Pérmico de Chicomuselo, Chiapas, México. Unpublished Professional thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Martínez Chacón M. L. & L. C. Sánchez de Posada, 2016 [issued 2019]. Espiriféridos (Brachiopoda) del Bashkiriense superior (Pensilvánico) de la formación Valdeteja, Asturias (N de España). Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 36, 311-346.

Matyszkiewicz J.A.G.H., 2019. Selected Oxfordian brachiopods from Zalas (Cracow Upland, Poland). Acta Geologica Polonica, 69 (1), 107-109

Mawaribuchi S., Ito Y. & Ito M., 2019. Independent evolution for sex determination and differentiation in the DMRT family in animals. Biology Open, 8 (8), bio041962

McDonald A. E. & D. V. Gospodaryov, 2019. Alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenase and alternative oxidase: Proposed physiological roles in animals. Mitochondrion, 45, 7-17.

Meadows C.A., 2019. Estimating fossil biomass from skeletal mass in marine invertebrates. Lethaia, 52 (3), 323-334.

Medeiros R.S.P.D., Nogueira A.C.R., Silva Junior J.B.C.D. & Sial A.N., 2019. Carbonate-clastic sedimentation in the Parnaiba Basin, northern Brazil: Record of carboniferous epeiric sea in the Western Gondwana. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 91, 188-202.

Mergl, M., 2019. Lingulate brachiopods across the Kacák event and Eifelian-Givetian boundary in the Barrandian area, Czech Republic. Bulletin of Geosciences, 94 (2), 169-186.

Mergl M. & Budil P., 2019. Rhynchonelliform brachiopods and trilobites of the 'upper dark interval' in the kon_prusy area (Devonian, Eifelian, Ka_ák Event; the Czech Republic). Fossil Imprint, 75 (1), 92-107.

Morley S.A., Peck L.S., Sunday J.M., Heiser S. & Bates A.E., 2019. Physiological acclimation and persistence of ectothermic species under extreme heat events. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28 (7), 1018-1037.

Mottequin B., 2019. An annotated catalogue of types of Silurian–Devonian brachiopod species from southern Belgium and northern France in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (1870–1945), with notes on those curated in other Belgian and foreign institutions. Geologica belgica, 22 (1-2), 47-89.

Mottequin B., Bartzsch K., Simon E. & Weyer D., 2019. Brachiopod faunas from the basinal facies of southeastern Thuringia (Germany) before and after the Hangenberg Crisis (Devonian–Carboniferous boundary). Palaeontologia Electronica, 22.1.16A, p. 1-54.

Mottequin B., Bartzsch K., Simon E. & Weyer D., 2019. Deep-water brachiopods at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary (Hangenberg Crisis): the Thuringian data (Germany). Kölner Forum Geol. Paläont., 23 (Abstracts, 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne), p. 226-227.

Mottequin B. & D. Brice, 2019. Reappraisal of some Upper Devonian (Famennian) spiriferide brachiopods from the Band-e Bayan Domain (Afghanistan). Geobios, 52, 47-65.

Mottequin B. & D. Weyer, 2019. On some Mississippian (Carboniferous) brachiopods from neptunian dykes of the Harz Mountains (central Germany). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 29 p.

Mottequin B. & Weyer D., 2019. Tournaisian and Viséan (Carboniferous) brachiopods from neptunian dykes of the Harz Mountains (Germany). Kölner Forum Geol. Paläont., 23 (Abstracts, 19th International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian, Cologne), p. 228-229.

Mottequin B. & Cisterna G.A., 2019. Comments on some Syringothyridoidea (Brachiopoda) from the Carboniferous of North Africa. Riv. It. Paleont. Strat., 125 (3), 789-804.

Oleneva, N.V., 2019. New Spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Devonian of the Central Devonian Field and Southern Timan. Paleontological Journal, 53 (4), 366-380.

Pakhnevich A.V., 2019. Shell interior of Semiplanella carinthica Sarytcheva et Legrand-Blain (Brachiopoda, Productida). Paleontological Journal, 53 (2), 132-139.

Pakhnevich, A.V.., 2019. Taxonomic Position of Chivatschella Zavodowsky (Rhynchonellida, Brachiopoda). Paleontological Journal, 53 (3), 270-273.

Pan B. et al., 2019. Early Cambrian organophosphatic brachiopods from the Xinji Formation, at Shuiyu section, Shanxi Province, North China. Palaeoworld - .

Pedersen M., Rasmussen C.M.Ø., 2019. The glacially induced Middle Ordovician rise of the Plectambonitoidea (Brachiopoda) and the phylogenetic placement of the Baltic genus Ukoa. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 534 (109319).

Pedramara A., Zágorsek K., Bitner M.A., Yazdi M., Bahram A. & Maleki Z., 2019. Bryozoans and brachiopods from the lower Miocene deposits of the Qom Formation in north-east Isfahan (central Iran). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 294, 229-250.

Piazza V., Duarte L.V., Renaudie J. & Aberhan M., 2019. Reductions in body size of benthic macroinvertebrates as a precursor of the early Toarcian (Early Jurassic) extinction event in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. Paleobiology, 45 (2), 296-316.

Popov L.E., Legrand P., Bouterfa B. & Ghobardi Pour M., 2019. Ordovician cold water brachiopods from the Ougarta mountain range, Algerian Sahara. Bulletin of Geosciences, 94 (1), 41-70.

Popov L. E. et al., 2019. Glendonite occurrences in the Tremadocian of Baltica: first Early Palaeozoic evidence of massive ikaite precipitation at temperate latitudes. Scientific Reports, 9 (7205), 10 p.

Posenato R., 2019. The end-Permian mass extinction (EPME) and the Early Triassic biotic recovery in the western Dolomites (Italy): state of the art. Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 58 (1), 11-34.

Powell C.L., Boessenecker R.W., Smith N.A., Fleck R.J., Carlson S.J., Allen J.R., Long D.J., Sarna-Wojcicki A.M. & Guruswami-Naidu R.B., 2019. Geology and paleontology of the late Miocene Wilson Grove Formation at Bloomfield Quarry, Sonoma County, California. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report, 2019-5021, 77 p.

Qiao L. & Qie W., 2019. Palaeobiogeographic dynamics of brachiopod faunas during the Frasnian-Famennian biotic crisis in South China. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 99 (1), 91-99.

Quillévéré F. et al., 2019. An onshore bathyal record of tectonics and climate cycles at the onset of the Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition in the eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 209, 23-39.

Radulovic B.V. et al., 2019. Taxonomy and palaeobiogeography of the early and middle Albian (Early Cretaceous) bivalves and brachiopods from central Serbia (Topola, Oplenac Hill). Cretaceous Research, 104 (104175).

Retallack G. J., 2019. Interflag sandstone laminae, a novel sedimentary structure, with implications for Ediacaran paleoenvironments. Sedimentary Geology, 379, 60-76.

Richardson J.A. et al., 2019. The source of sulfate in brachiopod calcite: Insights from µ-XRF imaging and XANES spectroscopy. Chemical Geology, 529, 119328.

Rollion-Bard C. et al., 2019. Assessing the biomineralization processes in the shell layers of modern brachiopods from oxygen isotopic composition and elemental ratios: Implications for their use as paleoenvironmental proxies. Chemical Geology, 524, 49-66.

Rojas A. & M. R. Sandy, 2019. Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) brachiopods from the Rosablanca Formation, Colombia, South America: Biostratigraphic significance and paleogeographic implications. Cretaceous Research, 96, 184-195

Romano E. et al., 2019. Benthic fauna in a submarine cave (Cueva de la Herradura) of the Spanish coast: preliminary results. ECSD5, 2019, Book of Abstract, p. 51.

Ruggiero E.T., Serio C. & Raia P., 2019. On the validity of Terebratula sinuosa (Brocchi). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 125 (3), 631-636.

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This paper is not dealing with Brachiopoda but worth to be read when studying systematics.

  • Menegotto A. & Rangel T. F., 2018. Mapping knowledge gaps in marine diversity reveals a latitudinal gradient of missing species richness. Nature Communications, 9 (4713).

  • Monge-Najera J., 2018. “Please pay $800 to read this article”: An open letter to paywall companies. Revista de Biologia troipica, 66 (1), 1-5.

  • Clapham M.E., 2019. Conservation evidence from climate-related stressors in the deep-time marine fossil record. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 374 (20190223), 7 p.

  • Kiessling W., Raja N.B., Roden V.J., Turvey S.T. & Saupe E.E., 2019. Addressing priority questions of conservation science with palaeontological data. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 374 (20190222), 11 p.

  • Smits P. & Finnegan S., 2019. How predictable is extinction? Forecasting species survival at million-year timescales. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 374 (20190392), 9 p.