
Références 1995 - A > L - sur les Brachiopoda

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Alexander, R.R., 1995. Epizoan distributions on the brachiopod composita from midcontinent and Western Interior Carboniferous Formations. Evidence of geotaxic and rheotaxic behavior of settling bryozoan larvae. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (3), 34.

Alekseeva R. E., 1995. New subfamily Vagraniinae (Atrypida, Brachiopoda) [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1995 (3),49-60.

Alméras Y., R. Mouterde, S. Elmi, & R. Rocha, 1995. Le genre Nannirhynchia (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellacea, Norellidae) dans le Toarcien portugais. Palaeontographica (Abt. A) 237(1-4), 1- 38, pl. 1-4.

Alméras, Y. & Ohmert, W., 1995. Les brachiopodes de l'Humphriesi-Oolith (Bajocien inférieur) du Haut-Rhin (Bade-Würtemberg). Jahresheft des Geologischen Landesamts in Baden-Württemberg, 35, 265-336.

Alvarez, F. & Brunton, C.H.C., 1995. Rowleyellinae, a new subfamily of Lower Carboniferous meristelloid athyridid brachiopods, Endemic to North America. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (3), 605-606.

Alvarez, F. & Rong, J., 1995. On the taxonomic status of Lochengia and Cryptospirifer (Brachiopoda, Athyridida). Journal of Paleontology, 69 (3), 604-605.

Angiolini, L., 1995. Permian Brachiopods from Karakorum (Pakistan), Part 1. (with appendix- new brachiopod taxa from the Bolorian-Murgabian/Midian of Karakorum). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 101 (2), 165-214.

Angiolini, L., 1995. Permian brachiopods from Karakorum. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 3.

Angiolini, L., Baud, A., Broutin, J., Hashmi, H.A., Marcocks, J., Platel, J.P., Pillevuit, A. & Roger, J., 1995. Sakmarian brachiopods from southern Oman. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 4.

Archbold, N.W., 1995. Ufimian (early Late Permian) brachiopods from the Perth Basin, Western Australia. Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 18, 153-163.

Archbold, N.W., 1995. Paleobiogeography of Australian Permian brachiopod faunas. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 5.

Archbold N., 1995. Studies on Western Australian Permian Brachiopods 12. Additions to the Late Asselian-Tastubian Faunas, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, p. 95-112.

Archbold N.W. & Shi, G. R., 1995. Permian brachiopod faunas of Western Australia: Gondwanan-Asian relationships and Permian climate. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, 11 (3), 207-215.

Archbold, N.W. & Stojanovic-Kuzenko, S., 1995. Bashkirian and Moscovian brachiopod assemblages from northwestern Serbia. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 6.

Astini R.A., Benedetto, J.-L. & Vaccari N.E., 1995. The early Paleozoic evolution of the Argentine Precordillera as a Laurentian rifted, drifted, and collided terrane: A geodynamic model. Bulletin Geological Society of America, 107 (3), 253-273.

Baarli B. G., 1995. Orthacean and strophomenid brachiopods from the Lower Silurian of the central Oslo Region. Fossils and Strata, 39, 1-55, 19 Pls.

Babcock L. E., 1995. New early Cambrian animal from China, and its implications for the early radiations of lophophorates. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (6), 366.

Balduzzi A. & C. C. Emig, 1995. Lophophorata. In: Check list delle specie della fauna italiana, Minelli A., Ruffo S. & La Posta S. (Eds). Edizioni Calderini, Bologna, vol. 108, 10-23.

Balinski A., 1995. Brachiopods and Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Famennian from the Debnik Anticline, Southern Poland. Palaeontologia Polonica, 54, 3-88.

Balinski A., 1995. Devonian athyridoid brachiopods with double spiralia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 40 (2), 129-148.

Balinski A., 1995. Frasnian-Famennian brachiopod faunal dynamics: an example from southern Poland. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 7.

Barnes D.K.A. & Clarke A., 1995. Epibiotic Communities on Sublittoral Macoinvertebrates at Signy Island, Antarctica. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75, 689-703.

Baumiller TK. & Macurda DB, 1995. Borings in Devonian and Mississippian blastoids (Echinodermata). Journal of Paleontology, 69 (6), 1084-1089.

Benedetto J.-L., 1995. La fauna de braquiópodos de la Formación Las Plantas (Ordovícico tardío, Caradoc), Precordillera Argentina. Revista Española de Paleontología, 10 (2), 239-258.

Benedetto J.-L., 1995. Braquiópodos del Silúrico Temprano Malvinocáfrico (Formación La Chilca), Precordillera Argentina. Géobios, 28 (4), 425-457.

Benedetto J.-L., Carrera, M., Sánchez, T.M. & Vaccari, N.E., 1995. The Evolution of Faunal Provincialism in the Argentine Precordillera during the Ordovician: New Evidence and Paleogeographic Implications. International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Abstracts, 7, p. ?.

Benedetto J. L., Vaccari N. E., Carrera M. G. & Sanchez T. M., 1995. The evolution of faunal provincialism in the Argentine Precordillera during the Ordovician: New evidence and paleogeographic implications. In: Cooper J.D., Drosser M.K. y Finney S.C. (Eds.), Ordovician Odyssey. Society Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Book, 77, 181-184.

Benigni C. & C. Ferliga, 1995. Review and morphology of Amphitomella Bittner, 1890 (Brachiopoda, Carnian) from San Cassiano Formation (Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 100 (4), 511-536.

Beznosova T.M., 1995. Late Ashgillian Brachiopod Communities of the Subpolar Urals. International Symposium on the Ordovician System, Abstracts, 7, p. ?

Bitner M.A., 1995. Paleobiogeographical and paleoenvironmental significance of the brachiopod fauna of the Eocene La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 10.

Bizzarro M., 1995. The Middle Devonian chonetoidean brachiopods from the Hamilton Group of New York. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon, 136, 149-189, 13 fig., 4 pl.

Blodgett R.B., Savage N.M., Pedder A.E.H. & Rohr D.M., 1995. Biostratigraphy of an Upper Lower Devonian (Emsian) Limestone Unit at 'Reef Ridge' Medfra B-3 Quadrangle, West-Central Alaska. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (5), 6-7.

Borissenko Y.A., 1995. Biogeochemical research on brachiopod shells: opportunities and pitfalls. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 11.

Bouchouata A., Canérot, J. Souhel, A. & Alméras Y., 1995. Stratigraphie séquentielle et évolution géodynamique du Jurassique dans la région de Talmest-Tazoult (Haut Atlas central, Maroc). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, Ser.2, 320 (8), 749-756.

Boucot A.J., 1995. The Reality of Higher Taxa and the Question of Intermediate Forms. Revista Española de Paleontología, 10 (1), 2-8.

Boucot A.J., Bahlburg, H., Breitkreuz, C., Isaacson, P.E., Niemeyer, H. & Urzua, F., 1995. Devonian Brachiopods from Northern Chile. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (2), 257-263.

Boucot A. J., Chen Xu & C.R. Scotese, 1995. Ibexian and post-Ibexian Paleogeography based on climatically sensitive sediments and biogeographical data. In : J.D. Cooper, M.L. Droser and S.C. Finney, eds., Ordovician Odyssey. SEPM, Pacific Section, Book, 77, 291-295.

Boucot A. J. & D. E. Lee, 1995. Order Terebratulida. In: Brachiopods, P. Copper & Jin J (Eds.). 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 366.

Bourdon, J., 1995. Plicatoria wilmingtonensis. A Collection of One. Janus (Durham), 1, 2- 4, The Rostrum, 4 (3), 15-17.

Brey T., Peck, L.S., Gutt, J., Hain, S. & Arntz, W.E., 1995. Population dynamics of Magellania fragilis, a brachiopod dominating a mixed-bottom macrobenthic assemblage on the Antarctic shelf. Journal Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 75, 857-869.

Briggs DEG, 1995. Experimental taphonomy. Palaios, 10 (6), 539-550.

Brock G.A., Engelbretsen, M.J. & Dean-Jones, G., 1995. Acrotretid brachiopods from the Devonian of Victoria and New South Wales. Memoir Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 18, 105-120.

Brown K., 1995. Biomineralization of the calcareous-shelled, inarticulated brachiopod Neocrania anomala. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 12.

Bruckschen P., Bruhn F., Veizer J. & Buhl D, 1995. Sr 87/Sr 86 isotopic evolution of lower carboniferous seawater: Dinantian of western Europe. Sedimentary Geology, 100 (1 4), 63-81.

Brunton C.H.C., Alvarez F. & MacKinnon D.I., 1995. The cardinalia of articulated brachiopods. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 13.

Brunton C.H.C. & Cock L.R.M., 1995. The classification of the brachiopod Order Strophomenida. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 14.

Brunton, C.H.C., Lazarev, S.S. & Grant, R.E., 1995. A Review and New Classification of the Brachiopod Order Productida. Palaeontology, 38 (4), 915-936.

Buening, N., 1995. Examination of the Eocene-Oligocene temperature drop using stable isotopes in New Zealand fossil brachiopods. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 15.

Campbell, K.A., 1995. Peregrinella an Early Cretaceous cold-seep-restricted brachiopod. Paleobiology, 21 (4), 461-478.

Campbell, K.A. & Bottjer, D.J., 1995. Brachiopods and chemosymbiotic bivalves in Phanerozoic hydrothermal vent and cold seep environments. Geology, 23 (4), 321-324.

Campbell K. A. & Bottjer D. J., 1995. Peregrinella: An early cretaceous cold seep restricted brachiopod. Paleobiology, 21 (4), 461-478.

Carlson, S.J., 1995. Stratocladistics and pentameride phylogenetic inference. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 16.

Carlson S. J., 1995. Phylogenetic relationships among extant brachiopods. Cladistics, 11, 131-197.

Carlson, S.J. & Boucot, A.J., 1995. Order Pentamerida. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 17.

Carpenter S. J. & K. C. Lohmann, 1995. δ18O and δ13C values of modern brachiopod shells. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 59 (18), 3749-3764.

Chalmers R.W., Measures E.A., Rohr D.M. & Blodgett R.B., 1995. Depositional Environments of an Upper Lower Devonian (Emsian) Limestone Unit at 'Reef Ridge', Medfra B-3 Quadrangle, West-Central Alaska. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (5), 9.

Chen Y., 1995. Genetic models of Devonian brachiopod pavements, Longmenshan, Sichuan, China. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 18.

Chen Z., 1995. Discovery of late Devonian Cyrtospirifer fauna from Damusi section, southwest of Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, NW China (in Chinese). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 34 (4), 495-504.

Chen Z., 1995. Late Devonian to early Carboniferous outcrop sequence stratigraphy from Bachu area of Tarim Basin with discussion on C-D boundary (in Chinese). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 34 (4), 475-487.

Chuang S. H., 1995. Brachiopoda. In: K.G. Adiyodi & R.G. Adiyodi (Eds), Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates. Volume 6. Asexual Propagation and Reproductive Strategies, p. 315-328. New York. John Wiley & Sons.

Chuang S. H., 1995. Competence and pre- and post-settlement choices of settlement sites of the larvae of articulate brachiopods. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 19.

Cocks L. R. M., 1995. Lower Paleozoic brachiopod communities. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 20.

Cohen B. L., 1995. Immuno-taxonomy and the Reconstruction of Brachiopod Phylogeny. Palaeontology, 37 (4), 907-911.

Cohen B. L. & Gawthrop A. B., 1995. Phylogeny of brachiopods and other lophophorates inferred from nuclear SSU rRNA gene sequences. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 21.

Conkin J.E. & Conkin B.M., 1995. Brachiopod 'missing link' and influence of a late Onsesquethawan Jeffersonville Limestone paracontinuity on speciation and chronostratigraphy. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (2), 45.

Conway Morris S., 1995. Nailing the lophophorates. Nature, London, 375 (6530), 365-366.

Conway Morris S. & J. S. Peel, 1995. Articulated halkeriids from the Lower Cambrian of North Greenland and their role in early protostome evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (series B), 347, 305-358.

Copper, P., 1995. Brachiopod extinctions across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary, Anticosti Island, Canada. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 22.

Copper, P., 1995. Five New Genera of Late Ordovician-Early Silurian Brachiopods from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (5), 846-862.

Copper P. & Chen Y., 1995. Invertina, a new Middle Devonian atrypid brachiopod Genus from South China. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (2), 251-256.

Copper P. & Gourvennec R., 1995. Spire-bearers. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 23.

Cossey S.P.J., Buckman J.O. & Steward D.I., 1995. The geology and conservation of Brown End Quarry, Waterhouses, Staffordshire. Proceedings, 106 (1), 11-25.

Cuffey, C.A., 1995. Adaptive Advantage of, and Mechanism for, Intraspecific Heterochrony in Mesolobus obsoletus (Brachiopoda) from Dysaerobic and brackish paleoenvironments, Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Geology Notes (Norman), 55 (1), 29-30.

Cuffey, C.A., Robb, A.J., III, Lembcke, J.T. & Cuffey, R.J., 1995. Coral base-plates on brachiopod shells. A New Method for Determining the post-mortem orientation and history of brachiopods. Oklahoma Geology Notes (Norman), 55 (1), 30-31.

Cuffey C.A., 1995. Epizoic bryozoans and corals as indicators of life and post-mortem orientations of the Devonian brachiopod Meristella. Lethaia, 28 (2), 139-153.

Dagys A.S., 1995. Classification of the order Athyridida. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 24.

Dagys A.S., 1995. Remarks on the classification of the punctate spiriferids. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 25.

Day J.E., 1995. Biostratigraphic and taxonomic significance of the Upper Devonian (Late Frasnian) brachiopod fauna from new exposures of the Amana beds of Eastern Iowa. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (3), 46.

Day J.E., 1995. Central North American Middle-Upper Devonian (Eifelian-Frasnian) brachiopod bioevents. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 26.

Dhar S.R., Logan A., MacDonald B.A. & Ward J.E., 1995. Endoscopic investigations of feeding structures and mechanisms in two Recent plectolophic brachiopods. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 27.

Eldredge L. & S. E. Miller, 1995. How many species are there in Hawaii? Bishop Mus. Occasional Papers, 41, 3-18.   Electronic version via

Endo, K., Reyment, R.A. & Curry, G.B., 1995. Taxonomic Relationships in Terebratulina (Brachiopoda) Established by Multivariate Morphometrics. Revista Española de Paleontología, 10 (1), 109-116.

Endo K., Walton D., Reyment R. A. & G. B. Curry, 1995. Fossil intra-crystalline biomolecules of brachiopod shells: diagenesis and preserved geo-biological information. Org. Geochem., 23 (7), 661-673.

Ferguson L. & Williams R.M., 1995. Relationship of spinosity and shell size of waagenoconchid brachiopods to sediment grain size: Permo-Pennsylvanian, Yukon. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 28.

Fichter J., 1995. Katalog des publizierten Materials as der paläontologischen Sammlung des Naturkundemuseums der Stadt Kassel. Philippia (Kassel), 7 (2), 129- 157.

Freeman G., 1995. Comparative embryological studies on Glottidia (Lingulata), Terebratalia (Articulata) and Phoronis (Phoronida). 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 29.

Freeman G., 1995. Regional sspecification during embryogenesis in the Inarticulate brachiopod Glottidia. Developmental Biology, 172, 15-36.

Fürsich, F.T., Freytag, S., Röhl, J. & Schmid, A., 1995. Palaeoecology of benthic associations in salinity-controlled marginal marine environments: Examples from the Lower Bathonian (Jurassic) of the Causses (southern France). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 113 (2-4), 135-172.

Gaetani, M., Angiolini, L., Garzanti, E., Jadoul, F., Leven, E.Y., Nicora, A. & Sciunnach, D., 1995. Permian Stratigraphy in the Northern Karakorum, Pakistan. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 101 (2), 107-152.

Gaines, R.R., 1995. Biostratigraphic zonation in the Middle Devonian Mahantango Formation of Hardy County, West Virginia and vicinity. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (2), 54.

Galle, A., Hladil, J. & Isaacson, P.E., 1995. Middle Devonian biogeography of closing South Laurussia- North Gondwana Variscides : Examples from the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic), with emphasis on Horní Benesov. Palaios, 10 (3), 221-239.

Gallemí, J., Lopez, G., Martinez, R., Muñoz, J. & Pons, J.M., 1995. Distribution of some Campanian and Maastrichtian macrofaunas in southeast Spain. Cretaceous Research, 16 (2-3), 257-271.

García-Alcalde, J.L., 1995. L'évolution Paléogéographique Pré-Varisque de la Zone Cantabrique Septentrionale (Espagne). Revista Española de Paleontología, 10 (1), 9-29.

García-Alcalde, J. L., 1995. El Devónico en Asturias. En: «Geología de Asturias», C.Aramburu & F.Bastida (Eds). Ediciones Trea, capítulo 4, 51-61.

García-Alcalde, J. L., 1995. Rocas y fósiles: la historia antes de la Historia. Boletín Asociación Antiguos Alumnos Colegio San Luis, Pravia, 239-244.

Gaspard, D., 1995. From biosphere to lithosphere: degradation, maceration and diagenetic evolution of brachiopod shells in Recent and Cretaceous species. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 30.

Gee H., 1995. Lophophorates prove likewise variable. Nature, 374, 493.

Geyer, G. & Mergl, M., 1995. Mediterranean representatives of the obolellid Trematobolus Matthew (Brachiopoda) and a review of the genus. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 69 (1-2), 181-211.

Gibson, M.A., 1995. When distrubance rules, ecosystem dynamics from the Birdsong Shale and Rockhouse Limestone members of the Ross Formation (Early Devonian, western Tennessee). Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (2), 56.

Godefroid, J., 1995. Dayia shirleyi Alvarez & Racheboeuf, 1986, un brachiopode silurien dans les 'Schistes de Mondrepuis' à Muno (sud de la Belgique). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, (Sciences de la Terre), 65, 269-272.

Godefroid, J., 1995. Les brachiopodes (Pentamerida, Atrypida et Spiriferida) de la fin de l'Eifelien et du début du Givetien à Pondrme (Belgique, bord sud du Synclinorium de Dinant). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (Sciences de la Terre), 65, 69-116.

Goedert, J.L., Squires, R.L. & Barnes, L.G., 1995. Paleoecology of whale-fall habitats from deep-water Oligocene rocks, Olympic Peninsula, Washington state. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 118, 151-158.

Grant, R.E., 1995. Upper Permian Brachiopods of the Superfamily Orthotetoidea from Hydra Island, Greece. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (4), 655-670.

Grunt, T.A., Markov, A.V. & Naimark, E.B., 1995. Analiz linii Vyzhivaniia vidov i rodov brakhiopod otriada Athyridida. (Analysis of the Survivorship Curves in Genera and Species of the Order Athyridida (Brachiopoda). Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1995 (1), 3-15.

Halanych, K.M., Bacheller, J.D., Aquinaldo, A.A., Liva, S.M., Hillis, D.M. & Lake, J.A., 1995. Evidence from 18s ribosomal DNA that the lophophorates are protostome animals. Science, 267, 1641-1643.

Hanger, R.A., 1995. Early Permian paleobiogeography of South America derived from multiple analytical methods. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 31.

Hanger R.A., 1995. Geological area cladograms derived from parsimony analysis of endemism (pae) for Permian brachiopods of Japan: significance for circum-Pacific paleogeography. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (6), 53.

Harper D.A.T. & Rong J., 1995. Patterns of change in the brachiopod faunas through the Ordovician - Silurian interface. Modern Geology, 20, 83-100.

Harper D.A.T., Scrutton, C.T. and Williams, D.M., 1995. Mass mortalities on an Irish Silurian seafloor. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 152, 917-922.

Harper D.A.T., Doyle, E.N. & Donovan, S.K., 1995. Palaeoecology and palaeobathymetry of Pleistocene brachiopods from the Manchioneal Formation of Jamaica. Proceedings Geologists' Association, 106 (3), 219-227.

Havlicek V., 1995. New data on the distribution of brachiopods in the Motól and lowest Kopanina Formations (Wenlock, lower Ludlow, Prague Basin, Bohemia). Véstnik Ceského geologického ústavu, 70 (4), 47-64.

He, X. & Shi, G. R., 1995. The sequence of Permian brachiopod assemblages in South China. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 32.

Heller J.A., Bryan, J.R. & Carter, B.D., 1995. Macrofaunal paleontology and paleoecology of the Florala Limestone Member of the Bridgeboro Limestone (Oligocene, Vicksburgian), southeastern Alabama. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (2), 61.

Herdendorf C.E., Thompson, T.G. & Evans, R.D., 1995. Science on a Deep-Ocean Shipwreck. Ohio Journal of Science (Columbus), 95 (1), 1-224.

Hering G., 1995. Milankovitch-Zyklen in mitteldevonischen Schelf-Carbonaten des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges. Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie, 65, 1-63.

Herrera Z.A., 1995. The first notanopliid brachiopod from the South American Devonian Sequence. Géobios, 28 (3), 337-342.

Herrera Z. A., 1995. The Lower Devonian chonetoidean brachiopods from the Argentine Precordillera. Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de Lyon, 136, 101-147, 13 fig., 7 pl.

Hiller N., 1995. Devonian Chonetacean Brachiopods from South Africa. South African Museum, Annals (Cape Town), 104 (7), 159-180.

Hiller N., 1995. Late Eocene terebratellid radiation. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 33.

Holland F.D. Jr. & Pojeta J. Jr., 1995. Memorial to Kenneth Edward Caster, 1908-1992. Memorials Geological Society of America, 25, 15-17.

Holmer L.E., 1995. Early Paleozoic radiation and classification of organo-phosphatic brachiopds. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 34.

Holmer L.E. & Popov, L.Ye, 1995. The elkaniide brachiopod Volborthia from the Lower Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 69 (1/2), 213-221.

Holmer LE., Popov LE., Bassett MG. & Laurie J., 1995. Phylogenetic analysis and ordinal classification of the Brachiopoda. Palaeontology, 38 Part 4, 713-741.

Hori T., Sakata A., Aoki K., Hayashi A., Dulaney J. T. & Sugita M., 1995. A main phosphosphingolipid in Lingula unguis (Phylum Tentaculata, Class Brachiopoda) is ceramide phosphoethanolamine. Mem. Fac. Edu. Shiga Univ. nat. Sci., 145, 31-42.

Jin, J., 1995. Ordovician (Llanvirn-Ashgill) rhynchonellid brachiopod biogeography: from cosmopolitanism to provincialism. 3rd International Brachiopod Congress, Abstracts (Sudbury), p. 35.

Jin, J., Caldwell, W.G.E. & Norford, B.S., 1995. Late Ordovician brachiopods Rafinesquina lata Whiteaves, 1896 and Kjaerina hartae n. sp. from southern Manitoba and the Hudson Bay Lowlands. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 32 (8), 1255-1266.

Johnson J.G., 1995. Patriaspirifer, a new genus of Lower Devonian spiriferid brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (1), 198.

Johnson J.G., 1995. Mictospirifer, a new Genus of Lower Silurian Eospiriferid Brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology, 69 (3), 607.

Kalashnikov N.V., 1995. Obmen soobshchestvami permskikh brakhiopod mezhdu boreal'noi i tropicheskoi biogeograficheskimi oblastiami. Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk, Ural'skoe otdelenie komi nauchnyi tsentr institut geologii, Trudy (Syktyvkar), 86, 60-69.

Kora, M., 1995. Carboniferous macrofauna from Sinai, Egypt, biostratigraphy and palaeogeography. Journal of the African Earth Sciences and the Middle East, 20 (1), 37-51.

Krobicki M. 1995. Palaeoecological distribution of brachiopods at the Jurassic/Cretaceous transition, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland (in Polish). Pieniny, Przyroda i Cz3owiek, 4, 47-58.

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