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Références 1995 - A > L - sur les Brachiopoda
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Alexander, R.R., 1995. Epizoan distributions on the brachiopod composita from midcontinent and Western Interior Carboniferous Formations. Evidence of geotaxic and rheotaxic behavior of settling bryozoan larvae. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs (Boulder), 27 (3), 34. Alekseeva R. E., 1995. New subfamily Vagraniinae (Atrypida, Brachiopoda) [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 1995 (3),49-60. Alméras Y., R. Mouterde, S. Elmi, & R. Rocha, 1995. Le genre Nannirhynchia (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellacea, Norellidae) dans le Toarcien portugais. Palaeontographica (Abt. A) 237(1-4), 1- 38, pl. 1-4. Alméras, Y. & Ohmert, W., 1995. Les brachiopodes de l'Humphriesi-Oolith (Bajocien inférieur) du Haut-Rhin (Bade-Würtemberg). Jahresheft des Geologischen Landesamts in Baden-Württemberg, 35, 265-336. Alvarez, F. & Brunton, C.H.C., 1995. Rowleyellinae, a new subfamily of Lower Carboniferous meristelloid athyridid brachiopods, Endemic to North America. 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