![]() | Références 2022 sur les Brachiopoda |
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Angseesing J., 2022. Comparison of the two species of Curtirhynchia (Brachiopoda: Rhynchonellida). Proceedings of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club, 69 (1), 22-29. Anadón N., Fernández-Rodríguez I. & A. Arias, 2022. Recent brachiopod diversity and distribution from the central Cantabrian Sea and the Avilés Canyons system (Bay of Biscay). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 269 (2022), 107829. Balech B. et al., 2022. MetaCOXI: an integrated collection of metazoan mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit-I DNA sequences. Database, 2022, article ID baab084, 1-6. Balinski A., Bitner M.A. & Jakubowicz M., 2022. Brachiopods at hydrocarbon seeps. Topics in Geobiology, 53, 223-251. Bitner M.A. & Müller, A., 2022. Early Oligocene brachiopods from the rocky shore deposists at Mammendorf, central Germany. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 92, 87-107. Brueggeman P., 2022. Underwater Field Guide to Ross Island & McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Vol. 7: Other phyla, 1-97 p. Carniti A. P., Della Porta G., Banks V. J., Stephenson M. H. & L. Angiolini, 2022. Brachiopod fauna from uppermost Visean (Mississippian) mud mounds in Derbyshire, UK. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 67 (4), 865-915. Chen F. et al., 2022. Cambrian ecological complexities: Perspectives from the earliest brachiopod - supported benthic communities in the early Cambrian Guanshan Lagerstätte. Gondwana Research, 107, 30-41. Dernov V., 2022. Coleolus carbonarius Demanet, 1938 (incertae sedis) from the late Bashkirian (Carboniferous) of the Donets Basin, Ukraine. Geo&Bio, 22, 79-93. Dulai A., 2022. Two new Eucalathis (Brachiopoda, Chlidonophoridae) species from the Pliocene of Italy and history of the genus in the Mediterranean. Historical Biology, 36 (1), 193-202. Forli M. & Guerrini A., 2022. Histerolithus lapis, from strange formed stone to brachiopods. In: The History of Fossils Over Centuries. Springer, Cham. p 321–344 - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04687-2_18 Galeana-Morán M. A., Quiroz-Barragán J. & Sour-Tovar F., 2022. Richthofenid brachiopods (Productida) and microfacies analysis of the Las Delicias Formation, Middle Permian from Coahuila, Mexico: paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical considerations. J. South Amer. Earth Sci. 118 (103910). Goto R. et al., 2022. Stasis and diversity in living fossils: Species delimitation and evolution of lingulid brachiopods. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 175 (107460), 17 p. Guo J. et al., 2022. A Cambrian tommotiid preserving soft tissues reveals the metameric ancestry of lophophorates. Current Biology, 32 (21), 4769-4778. Halamski A.T., Balinski A. & Koppka J., 2022. Middle Devonian brachiopods from northern Maïder (eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 92 (1), 1-86. Halamski A.T. et al., 2022. The pre-Taghanic (Givetian, Middle Devonian) ecosystems of MiŁoszów (Holy Cross Mts, Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 92 (4), 323-379. Harper E. M., 2022. Hunting evidence for the Mesozoic Marine Revolution: progress and challenges. Boll. Soc. paleontol. ital., 61 (1), 1-18. Khalturin K. et al., 2022. Polyzoa is back: The effect of complete gene sets on the placement of Ectoprocta and Entoprocta. Sci. Adv., 8, eabo4400, 13 p. Koch T. L. et al., 2022. Reconstructing the origins of the Somatostatin and Allatostatin-C signaling systems using the accelerated evolution of biodiverse cone snail toxins. Mol. Biol. Evol., 39 (4), msac075. Martí-Solans J., Børve A., Bump P., Hejnol A. & T. Lynagh, 2022. Peripheral and central employment of acid-sensing ion channels during early bilaterian evolution. - bioRxiv preprint. Müller T., Tomasových M., Ló́pez Correa M, Mertz-Kraus R. & T. Mikus, 2022. Mapping intrashell variation in Mg/Ca of brachiopods to external growth lines: Mg enrichment corresponds to seasonal growth slowdown. Chemical Geology, 593 (120758), 17 p. Nässel D. R. & S. F. Wu, 2022. Cholecystokinin/sulfakinin peptide signaling: conserved roles at the intersection between feeding, mating and aggression. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 79 (188), 1-28. Otero M. & Mytilineou C. (Ed.), 2022. Deep-sea atlas of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. IUCN-HCMR DeepEastMed Project, IUCN Gland, Malaga, 371 p. Pavia G., Dulai A., Festa A., Gennari R., Pavia M. & Carnevale G., 2022. Palaeontology of the Upper Pliocene marine deposits of Rio Vaccaruzza, Villalvernia (Piedmont, NW Italy). Riv. It. Paleontol. Strat., 128 (1), 129-210. Pier J. Q. et al., 2022. Accelerated mass extinction in an isolated biota during Late Devonian climate changes. Scientific Reports, 11 (24366). Ríos P. et al., 2022. Avilés Canyon System: Increasing the benthic biodiversity knowledge. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 274, 107924, 23 p. Ratnovskaya A.V. & Kuzmina T.V., 2022. Organization of the lophophore coelomic system in the brachiopod Coptothyris grayi (Davidson, 1852) (Brachiopoda: Terebratulida). Russ. J. mar. Biol., 48, 266-275. Robinson J. H., 2022. A Late Oligocene brachiopod fauna from a rocky shore deposit at Cosy Dell farm, Southland, New Zealand. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 133 (2), 57-66. Rojas, A., Gracia A., Hernàndez-Àvila I., Patarroyo P. & M. Kowalewski, 2022. Occurrence of the brachiopod Tichosina in deep-sea coral bottoms of the Caribbean Sea and its paleoenvironmental implications. Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History, 59 (1), 1-15. |