![]() | Références 2023 sur les Brachiopoda |
Dernière mise à jour...Last update... Último cambio... 19 December 2024
Balinski A. & A. T. Halamski, 2023. Pre-Taghanic (Lower to Lower Middle Givetian) brachiopods from Miloszów in the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland). Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 93 (1), 3-102. Berrocal-Casero M. & Garcia-Joral F., 2023. Could the asymmetrical commissure in rhynchellide brachiopds be an adaptative trait? Lethaia, 56 (1), 1-12. Bitner M.A., Bahrami A., Sani Josheghani M., Yazdi M. & Zágorsek K., 2023. New records of brachiopods from the Lower Miocene deposits of the Qom Formation of the Isfahan province, Central Iran. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 75 (2), A010523. Bitner M.A., Bahrami A., Yazdi M. & K. Zágorsek, 2023. Brachiopods from the Lower Red Formation (Lower Oligocene) of the Isfahan Province, Central Iran. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 93 (4), 411-422. Bitner M. A., Hladilová S. & Hrouzek S., 2023. New record of Middle Miocene (Badenian) brachiopods from Moravia, Czech Republic. Geological Research in Moravia and Silesia, 30 (1-2), 38-44. Brychcy A. et al., 2023. Middle Devonian brachiopod-hosted sclerobiont assemblage from the southern shelf of Laurussia, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Lethaia, 56 (4), 1-24. Correia Monteiro F. A., Xerez Barroso C., Franklin Jr W., Emig C. C. & H. Matthews-Cascon, 2023. Recent brachiopods from South Atlantic Ocean: first occurrence of the Lingulidae and its biogeographic implications. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, 55 (2) (2022), 147-153. Davies A.J., Brand U., Tagliavento M., Bitner M.A., Bajnai D., Staudigel P., Bernecker M. & Fiebig J., 2023. Isotopic disequilibrium in brachiopods disentangled with dual clumped isotope thermometry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 359, 135-147. Di Cencio A. & R. Weis, 2023. Re-description of Lingularia longoviciensis (Terquem, 1851), a small-sized brachiopod (Lingulidae) from the lower Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of the NE Paris Basin. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen, 310 (1), 1-12. Guo Z. et al., 2023. Bayesian analyses indicate bivalves did not drive the downfall of brachiopods following the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. Nature Communications, 14 (5566). Halamski A. T., 2023. De la récolte des fossiles à la reconstruction des écosystèmes fossiles – Les prairies à brachiopodes du Dévonien des monts Sainte-Croix. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, 92 (9-10), 271-280. Letulle T. et al., 2023. Multi-proxy assessment of brachiopod shell calcite as a potential archive of seawater temperature and oxygen isotope composition. Biogeosciences, 20, 1381-1403. Liang Y. et al., 2023. Evolutionary contingency in lingulid brachiopods across mass extinctions. Current Biology, 33, 1-8. Liang Y. et al., 2023. When lingulid brachiopods became infaunal(?) – perspectives from the morphological and anatomical information. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 72 (1), 140-. MacFarlan D. A. B., 2023. Latest Triassic and Early Jurassic Spiriferinida (Brachiopoda) of Zealandia (New Zealand and New Caledonia). Zootaxa, 5277 (1), 1–58. MacFarlan D. A. B., 2023. Otapirian (Rhaetian) Terebratulida (Brachiopoda) of Zealandia. Zootaxa, 5374 (1), 1–34. Marshall C.R., 2023. Forty years later: The status of the “Big Five” mass extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction, 1 (e5), 1–13 Paz M., M. G. Mángano, L. A. Buatois, D. M. Campetella, C. Sproat, M. Pérez-Pueyo, L. Piñuela & J. C. García-Ramos, 2023. Deep-sea Ordovician lingulide brachiopods and their associated burrows suggest an early colonization of proximal turbidite systems. Scientific Reports, 13, 22753, 15 p. Plandin F. A. & E. N. Temereva, 2023. Anatomical data on Novocrania anomala (Brachiopoda: Craniiformea) support the “brachiopod fold” hypothesis. Invertebrate Zoology, 20 (3), 269-278. Robinson J., MacFarlan D. & Waterhouse B., 2023. Chapter 15, Kingdom Animalia, phylum Brachiopoda (lamp shells). p. 239–254. In: Kelly M., Mills S., Terezow M., Sim-Smith C., Nelson W. (Eds), The marine biota of Aotearoa New Zealand. Updating our marine biodiversity inventory. NIWA Biodiversity Memoir, 136, 494 p. Romano E. et al., 2023. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and ecological characterization of marine caves from Capraia Island (Tremiti Archipelago, southern Adriatic Sea, Italy): An integrated approach. Marine Geology, 455 (106952), 14 p. Saadi A. J. et al., 2023. Genomic and transcriptomic survey of bryozoan Hox and ParaHox genes with emphasis on phylactolaemate bryozoans. BMC Genomics, 24 (711), 9 p. Tomasovych A., García-Ramos D. A., Nawrot R. , Nebelsick J. H. & M. Zuschin, 2023. How long does a brachiopod shell last on a seafloor? Modern mid-bathyal environments as taphonomic analogues of continental shelves prior to the Mesozoic Marine Revolution. Special Publications Geological Society, Palaeontology, e12631 - in press. Vinn O., Holmer L. E. & Wilson M. A., 2023. Evolution of brachiopod symbiosis in the early Paleozoic. Historical Biology, 36(7), 1274-1294. Wirtz P., 2023. A pictorial catalogue of some shallow water Brachiopoda of São Tomé and Príncipe. 2 p. https://www.researchgate.net/ Ye F., Bitner M.A. & G. R. Shi, 2022. Variation of shell ornamentation with latitude and water depth - A case study using living brachiopods. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e10006. Ye F., Shi G. R. & Bitner M.A., 2023. Interhemispheric biodiversity peaks of living brachiopods coinciding with warm-temperate zones and correlated to a multitude of biotic, abiotic and evolutionary factors. Global and Planetary Change, 227, 104163.
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