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Références 1999 sur les Brachiopoda
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Ahmed M. & S. Hameed, 1999. Animal communities of the exposed sandy beach at Clifton in Karachi (Pakistan). Pakistan J. Zool., 31 (3), 211-217.
Aldridge A. E., 1999. Brachiopod outline and episodic growth. Paleobiology, 25(4), 471-482. Alexander R. R., 1999. Function of external skeletal characteristics of articulate brachiopods. In: Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton. Savazzi E. [Eds]. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York (706 pp.), p. 371-398. Alexander R. R., 1999. Function of shell microstructure and internal morphology of articulate brachiopods. In: Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton. Savazzi E. [Eds]. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, New York (706 pp.), p. 399-414. Álvarez F., 1999. Colle, notas sobre un yacimiento clásico en el Devónico Cantábrico (NO de España). Temas Geológico-Mineros ITGE, 26, 48-53. Álvarez F., 1999. Ornamentación desarrollada por algunos braquiópodos del orden Athyridida. Trabajos de Geología, 21, 33-36. Álvarez F., 1999. Shape, growth, and evolution of the brachio-jugal system developed by the retziidines (Brachiopoda, Athyridida). Senckenbergiana lethaea, 79 (1) , 131-144. 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