References on Phoronida 1880 - 1889

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Benham W. B., 1889. The anatomy of Phoronis australis. Q. J. microsc. Sci., 30, 125-158.

Cori C. J., 1889. Beitrag zur Anatomie der Phoronis. Inaug.-Diss. Prague (Univ. Leipzig), 48 pp.

McIntosh W. C., 1889. On the pelagic fauna of the Bay of St Andrews during the months of 1888. Ann. Rep. Fish. Bd Scotland, 7 (3), 270-**.

Roule L., 1889. Sur une nouvelle espèce méditerranéenne du genre Phoronis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 109, 195-196.


Hatschek B., 1888. Lehrbuch der Zoologie, eine morphologische Übersicht des Thierreiches zur Einführung in das Studium dieser Wissenschaft. Fischer, Jena, 1e ed., vol. 2.

McIntosh W. C., 1888. Report on Phoronis buskii n. sp., dredged during the voyage of HMS Challenger, 1873-76. Voyage HMS Challenger, Zool., 27 (75), 1-27.


Giard A., 1887. L'autotomie dans la série animale. Rev. Sci., 12 (20), 629-630.


Cunningham J. T., 1886. Tornaria and Actinotrocha of the British coasts. Nature, London, 34,361.

Herdman W. A., 1886. Actinotrocha on the British coasts. Nature, London, 34, 387.

McIntosh W. C., 1886. Actinotrocha of the British coasts. Nature, London, 34, p. 468.

Shrubsole W. H., 1886. Actinotrocha of the British coasts. Nature, London, 34, 439.


Caldwell W. H., 1885. Blastopore, mesoderm and metameric segmentation. Q. J. microsc. Sci., 25, 15-28.

Conn H. W., 1885. Marine larvae, and their relation to adults. Stud. biol. Lab J. Hopkins Univ., 3, 165.

Haswell W. A., 1885. On a new instance of symbiosis. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 9, 1019-1021.

Lankester E. R., 1885. Polyzoa. Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 19 (9e ed.), 429 p.


Claus C., 1883. Lerbuch der Zoologie, Elwert, Leipzig,

Haswell W. A., 1883. Preliminary note on an Australian species of Phoronis (Gephyrea tubicola). Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 7, 606-608.


Caldwell W. H., 1882. Preliminary note on the structure, development and affinities of Phoronis. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 34, 371-383.

Fœttinger A., 1882. Note sur la formation du mésoderme dans la larve de Phoronis hippocrepia. Arch. Biol., 3, 679-686.

Metschnikoff E., 1882. Vergleichend Embryologische Studien. 3. Über die Gastrula einiger Metazoa. Z. wiss. Zool., 37, 286-313.


McInstosh W. C., 1881. Note on a Phoronis dredged in HMS Challenger. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edimburg, 11, 211-217.

Wilson E. B., 1881. The origin and significance of the metamorphosis of Actinotrocha. Q. J. microsc. Sci., 21, 202-218.


F. M., 1880. Larval forms: their nature, origin and affinities. Q. J. microsc. Sci., 20, 381-407.

Balfour F. M., 1880. Gephyrea. In: Handbuch der vergleichende Embryologie. Fischer, Jena, p. 343-348.

Wilson E. B., 1880. The metamorphosis of Actinotrocha. Amer. Naturalist, 14, **.

