References on Phoronida 1950 - 1959

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1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955 - 1956 - 1957 - 1958



Balasubrahmanyan K., 1959. Phoronis architecta Andrews from the Vellar estuary at Porto-Novo. Current Sci., 28 (12), 495-496.

Chuang S. H., 1959. The structure and function of the alimentary canal in Lingula unguis (L.) (Brachiopoda). Proc. zool. Soc., 132, 283-311.

Dawydoff C. & P. P. Grassé, 1959. Classe des Phoronidiens. In: Traité de Zoologie, Ed. Grassé P. P., 5 (1), 1008-1053.

Forneris L., 1959. Phoronidea from Brazil. Bolm. Inst. oceanogr. S Paulo, 10 (2), 1-105.

Hyman L. H., 1959. Phoronidea. In: The Invertebrates, vol. 5: Smaller Coelomate Groupes, McGraw-Hill, New-York, 783 pp.

Hyman L. H., 1959. Hemichordata. In: The Invertebrates, Smaller coelomates groups, Ed. Hyman L. H., McGraw-Hill, New York, 783 pp.

Johnson R. G., 1959. Spatial distribution of Phoronopsis viridis Hilton. Science, 129 (3317), 1221.

Joysey K. A., 1959. Probable cirriped, phoronid, and echiuroid burrow within a Cretaceous echinoid test. Palaeontology, 1 (4), 397-400.

Marsden J. R., 1959. Phoronidea from the Pacific coast of North America. Can. J. Zool., 37 (2), 87-111.
 >>  Note: this author is quoted according to her own request and use.

Reish D. J., 1959. An ecological study of pollution in Los Angeles - Long Breach Harbors, California. Allan Hancock Found. Publ., 22, 1-119.


Beklemischeff V. N., 1958. Grundlagen der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbellosen. I. Promorpphologie. Veb Deutscher verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 441 p.

Hyman L. H., 1958. The occurence of chitin in the Lophophorate-phyla. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab. Woods Hole, 114, 106-112.

Longhurst A. R., 1958. An ecological survey of the West African marine benthos. Colon. Off. Fish. Publ., 11, 1-102.

McNae W. & M. Kalk, 1958. A natural history of Inhaca Island, Moçambique. Witwatersrand Univ. Press, Johannesburg, 163 pp.

Remane A., 1958. Zur Verwandtschaft und Ableitung der niederen Metazoa. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges., Graz 1957, pp. 179-196.

Wilson D. M. & T. H. Bullock, 1958. Electrical recording from giant fiber and muscle in phoronids. Anat. Rec., 132, 518-519.


Forneris L., 1957. Phoronidea: Actinotrocha larvae. Cons. int. Expl. Mer, Zooplancton, 69, 1-4.

Marsden J. C. R., 1957. Regeneration in Phoronis vancouverensis. J. Morphol., 101 (2), 307-323.

Parker T. J. & W. A. Haswell, 1957. Phoronida. In: A text-book of Zoology, Macmillan, London, vol. 1, pp. 665-670.

Stchapova T. F., Mokievskii O. B. & F. A. Pasternak, 1957. Flore et faune de la zone littorale de l'îlme Putietina, mer du Japon (en russe). Trud. Inst. Okeanol., Moscow, 23, 67-101.



Franzén A., 1956. On spermiogenesis, morphology of the spermatozoon and biology of fertilization among invertebrates. Zool. Bid. Uppsala, 31, 439-441.

Jones N. S., 1956. The fauna and biomass of a muddy sand deposit off Port Erin, I. O. M. J. animal Ecol., 25, 217-252.

Nair K. K. & J. S. Shaw, 1956. The occurrence of Phoronis australis, off the coast of Port Okha (Okhamandal, India). J. Univ. Bombay, 25, 66-69.

Silén L., 1956. On shell-burrowing Bryozoa and Phoronis from New-Zealand. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z., 84 (1), 93-96.


Avnimelech M., 1955. Occurence of fossil Phoronidea-like tubes in several geological formation in Israël. Bull. Res. Counc. Israël, 5, 174-177.

Dawydoff C., 1955. Conception morphologique du Stomocordé. Les affinités des Stomochordés. In: Traité de Zoologie, Ed. Grassé P. P., Masson, Paris, 11, 511-517 & 518-532.

Ivanov A. V., 1955. Classe des Phoronidiens (en russe). In: Atlas des Invertébrés des mers russes d'Extrême-Orient, Ed. Ushakov, Nauka, Moscou-Leningrad, p. 99.

Jägersten G., 1955. The early phylogeny of the Metazoa. The bilaterogastraea theory. Zool. Bidrag Uppsala, 30, 321-354.

Mattox N. T., 1955. Observations on the brachiopod communities near Santa Catalina Island. Univ. S. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, pp. 73-86.

Silén L., 1955. Autotomized tentacle crowns as propagative bodies in Phoronis. Acta Zool., 36, 159-165.

Uchida T. & F. Iwata, 1955. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay. XXII. Phoronidea. Publ. Akkeshi mar. biol. St., 5, 1-3.


Hedgpeth J. W., 1954. Phoronida. In: Gulf of Mexico, its origin, waters and marine life. Fish. Bull. US Fish Wildelife Serv., 89, p. 367.

Knight-Jones E. W., 1954. Relations between metachronism and the direction of cilary beat in Metazoa. Q. J. microsc. Sci., 95 (4), 503-521.

Kume N., 1954. Some observations on the fertilization and early development of Phoronis australis. Nat. Sci. Rep. Ochanomizu Univ., 4 (2), 253-256.

Lönöy N., 1954. Comparative anatomical study on Phoronis ovalis Wright from Norwegian, Swedish and Brazilian waters. Univ. Bergen Årb. (nat. Rek.), 2, 1-23.

Rattenbury J. C., 1954. The embryology of Phoronopsis viridis. J. Morphol., 95 (2), 289-349.

Silén L., 1954. Developmental biology of Phoronidea of the Gullmar Fiord area (West coast of Sweden). Act. Zool., 35, 215-257.

Silén L., 1954. On the nervous system of Phoronis. Ark. Zool., 6 (1), 1-40.

Skramlik E. von, 1954. Die Regelung der Strömsrichtung des Blutes. Experentia, 10 (11), 441-480.


Judges E. C., 1953. Occurence of Phoronis mülleri in the Irish sea. Nature, London, 172, 409.

Rattenbury J. C., 1953. Reproduction in Phoronopsis viridis. The annual cycle in the gonads, maturation and fertilization of the ovum. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab., Woods Hole, 104 (2), 182-196.


Beklemischeff V. N., 1952. Principles of comparative anatomy of invertebrates [in Russian]. Sovietskaya Nauka, Moscou, 698 p.

Cuénot L., 1952. Phylogenèse du règne animal. In: Traité de Zoologie, Ed. Grassé P. P., 1 (1), 1-33.

Lönöy N., 1952. Phoronis ovalis ny for Norge. Naturem. Bergen, **

Silén L., 1952. Researches on Phoronida of the Gullmar Fiord area (West coast of Sweden). Ark. Zool., 4 (4), 95-140.


Hyman L. H., 1951. The Invertebrates: Acanthocephala, Aschelminthes and Entoprocta, the pseudocoelomate Bilateria. MacGraw-Hill, New-York, 3, 572 p.

Rattenbury J. C., 1951. Studies of embryonic and larval development in California Phoronidea. Thesis PhD, Univ. California, Berkeley, 213 pp.


Davis C. C., 1950. Observations of plankton taken in marine waters of Florida in 1947 and 1948. Q. J. Florida Acad. Sci., 12, 67-103.