References on Phoronida 1980 - 1989


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1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988



Bartolomaeus T., 1989. Ultrastructure and relationship between protonephridia and metanephridia in Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida). Zoomorphology, 109, 113-122.

Hay-Schmidt A., 1989. The nervous system of the actinotroch larva of Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida). Zoomorphology, 108, 333-351.

Hickel W., E. Bauerfeind, U. Niermann & H. von Westernhagen, 1989. Oxygen deficiency in the south-eastern North Sea: Sources and biological effects. Ber. biol. Anst. Helgoland, 4, 1-144.

Hondt J. L. d', 1989. Le concept d'Embranchement dans la systématique des Métazoaires. II: Conceptions actuelles. Ann. Sci. nat., Zool., Paris, 10, 61-80.

McKinney F. K. & J. B. C. Jackson, 1989. Bryozoan Evolution. Uniwin Hyman, Boston , 238 p.

Morton B., 1989. Partnerships in the Sea. Hong Kong's marine symbioses. Hong Kong University Press, E.J.Brill (Leiden), p. 38-39.

Patterson C., 1989. Phylogenetic relations of major groups: conclusions and prospects. In: The Hierarchy of Life, Fernholm B., Bremer K. & H. Jörnvall eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 471-488.

Perez Ruzafa A., 1989. Estudio ecologico y bionomico de los poblamientos bentonicos del Mar Menor (Murcia, SE de España). Tesis doctoral, Univ. Murcia, 751 p.

Vandergon T. L. & J. M. Colacino, 1989. Characterization of hemoglobin from Phoronis architecta (Phoronida). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B, 94B (1), 31-39.


Boxshall G. A. & A. G. Holmes, 1988. A new genus of Lichomolgidae (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoidea) associated with a phoronid in Hong Kong. Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 54 (6), 301-307.

Droser M. L. & D. J. Bottjer, 1988. Trends in extent and depth of Early Paleozoic bioturbation in the Great Basin (California, Nevada, and Utah), p. 123-135. In: This extendded land, geological journeys in the Southern basin and Range, Weide D. L. & M. L. Faber Eds, Geol. Soc. Amer, Cordilleran Sect., Field trip guidebook, 330 p.

Ekdale A. A. & T. R. Mason, 1988. Characteristic trace-fossil associations in oxygen poor sedimentary environments. Geology, 16 (8), 720-723.

Field K. G., Olsen G. J., Lane, D. J., Giovannoni, S. J., Ghiselin M. T., Raff E. C., Pace N. R. & Raff R. A., 1988. Molecular phylogeny of the animal kingdom. Science, 239, 748-753.

Garcia-Carrascosa A. M., J. M. Vieitez, C. Rodriguez Babio & C. C. Emig, 1988. Contribucion al conocimiento de la ecologia y las formulas musculares de Phoronis psammophila Cori de las costas ibericas. Thalassas, Santiago de Compostela, 6, 45-52.

Johnson A. S., 1988. Hydrodynamic study of the functional morphology of the benthic suspension feeder Phoronopsis viridis (Phoronida). Mar. Biol., 100, 117-126.

Junoy J., 1988. Estudio de la macrofauna intermareal de substrato blando de la Ría de Foz (Lugo). Tesis doctoral, Univ. Alcalá de Henares, 619 p.

McKinney F. K., 1988. Elevation of lophophores by exposed introverts in Bryozoa: a gymnolaemate character recorded in some stenolaemate species. Bull. mar. Sci., 43 (2), 317-322.

Nezlin L. P., 1988. The development of monoaminergic elements of the nervous system in the actinotroch planktonic larvae of Phoronopsis harmeri (in Russian) Zhurnal Evolyutsionnoi Biokhimii i Fiziologii, 24 (1), 76-80.

Rallo A., J. M. Gorostiaga, J. L. Saiz, I. Isasi & J. M. Limia, 1988. Communidades bentonicas del Abra de Bilbao y su entorno (N. Espana). Cah. Biol. mar., 29, 3-19.

Ruppert E. E. & P. S. Smith, 1988. The functional organization of filtration nephridia. Biol. Rev., 63, 231-258.

Taylor P. D., 1988. Major radiation of cheilostome bryozoans: triggered by the evolution of a new larval type? Hist. Biol., 1, 45-64.


Bartolomaeus T., 1987. Zur Ultrastruktur der Nierenorgane bei den Bilateria. Diss. Dr., Georg-August-Univ., Göttingen, 163 p.

Bogdanos C. & J. Satsmadjis, 1987. The Patraikos gulf bottom fauna. Thalassographica, 10 (1), 37-71.

Bromley R.G. & d’Alessandro A., 1987. Bioerosion of the Plio-Pleistocene transgression of southern Italy. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 93, 379-442.

Emig C. C. & J. Bailey-Brock, 1987. Phylum Phoronida. In: Reef and Shore fauna of Hawaii, Eds Devaney D. M. and L. G. Eldredge, Sect. 2 & 3: Plathelminthes through Phoronida, and Sipuncula through Annelida, p. 171-181.

Forneris L., 1987. Phoronida. Manual de Técnicas para a Preparação de Coleções Zoológicas. Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia, São Paulo, 3 (33), 1-9.

Hay-Schmidt A., 1987. The ultrastructure of the protonephridium of the actinotroch larva (Phoronida). Acta Zool., 68 (1), 35-47.

Hondt J. L. d', 1987. Concepts et critères de famille et superfamille chez les Métazoaires. Ann. Biol., 26 (3), 141-175.

Howson C. M., 1987. Phoronida. In: Directory of the British fauna and flora, Ed. C. M. Howson, Marine Conservation Society, Herefordshire UK, p. 293-296.

Ivanova Kasas O. M. & A. V. Ivanov, 1987. Trochaea theory and phylogenetic significance of ciliate larvae (in Russian). Biol. Mor., Vladivostok, 1987 (2), 6-21.

Ivanova-Kasas O. M., 1987. Origin, evolutionary history, and phylogenetic significance of ciliated larvae (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 66 (3), 325-338.

Johnson A. S., 1987. Capture of currents: the interaction of solitary and neughbouring lophophores with flowing water (Phoronopsis viridis). Amer. Zool., 34 (3), 103A.

Kasyanov V. L. & V. I. Radashevsky, 1987. The first record of phoronid from the waters of Vietnam (in Russian). Biol. Mor., Vladivostock, 1987 (4), 69-70.

Mawatari S. F., 1987. Phoronida. In: "Developmental biology of Invertebrates, Eds K. Dan, K. Sekiguchi, H. Ando & H. Watanabe, 583 p. Baihu-kan, Tokyo, p. 251-267.

Nielsen C., 1987. Structure and function of metazoan ciliary bands and their phylogenetic significance. Act. zool. (Stockh.), 68 (4), 205-262.

Povchun A. S., 1987. Formation of the Black sea mussel community. Communication 1. Ecol. Mor., 27, 18-27.

Quintino V., A. M. Rodrigues, F. Gentil & M. C. Peneda, 1987. Macrozoobenthic community structure in the lagoon of Albufeira, Western coast of Portugal. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 106, 229-241.

Saiz Salinas J. I., 1987. Especies de priapulidos, foronídeos y pogonóforos de la Península Ibérica y mares adyancentes. Misc. Zool., 11, 55-60.

Vandergon T. L. & J. M. Colacino, 1987. Sulfide insensitive hemoglobin of Phoronis psammophila (Phoronida). Amer. Zool., 27 (4), 571.

Viéitez J. M., C. C. Emig, C. Rodriguez-Babio & A. M. Garcia-Carrascosa, 1987. Foronideos de las costas de la Peninsula Ibérica e Islas Baleares: sistematica, ecologia, distribucion y estados larvarios. Bol. Inst. esp. Oceanogr., 4 (2), 63-78.

Willsie A., 1987. Structure et fonctionnement de la macrofaune associée à la matte morte et de l'herbier vivant de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile : influence des facteurs abiotiques et biotiques. Thèse Dr. Sci., Univ. Aix-Marseille II, tome 1, 340 p. & 2, 647 p.

Zenetos A. & C. Bogdanos, 1987. Benthic community structure as a tool in evaluating effects of pollution in Elefsis bay. Thalassographica, 10 (1), 7-21.


Albertelli G. & G. L. Rossi, 1986. Studio del popolamento macrobentonico di un fondale posto in prossimita' di un effluente urbano (1976-1980). At. 7° Congr. AIOL, Trieste 1986, p. 91-100.

Baccetti B., 1986. Evolutionary trends in sperm structure. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 85A (1), 29-36.

Bergström J., 1986. Metazoan evolution - a new model. Zool. Scipta, 15 (3), 189-200.

Best M. A. & J. P. Thorpe, 1986. Effects of food particle concentration on feeding current current velocity in six species of marine Bryozoa. Mar. Biol., 93, 255-262.

Buchanan J. B. & J. J. Moore, 1986. Long-term studies at a benthic station off the coast of Northumberland. Hydrobiologia, 142, 121-127.

Dörjes J. , H. Michaelis & B. Rhode, 1986. Long-term studies on macrobenthos in intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats near the island of Norderney (East Frisian coast, Germany). Hydrobiologia, 142, 217-232.

Emig C. C., 1986. Phylum Phoronida (Horseshoe worms). In: Marine Fauna and Flora of Bermuda, Ed. Sterrer W., Wiley & sons, New-York, p. 516-518.

Emschermann P., 1986. Phoronida. In: Lexikon der Biologie, Herder, Freiburg, vol. 8, 369-370

Golikov A. N., O. A. Scarlato, G. N. Buzhinskaya, S. V. Vasilenko, et al., 1986. Changes in the benthos of Possyet gulf (sea of Japan) in the last 20 years as a result of accumulation of organic matter in bottom sediments. Okeanology, 26 (1), 97,100.

Herrmann K., 1986. Die Bedeutung der Nervenzentren für die Entwicklung von Phoronis mülleri (Tentaculata). Verh. Dtsch zool. Ges., München 1986, p. 277.

Herrmann K., 1986. Die Ontogenese von Phoronis mülleri (Tentaculata) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mesodermdifferenzierung und Phylogenese des Coeloms. Zool. Jb. Anat., 114, 441-463.

Hickman C. P., L. S. Roberts & F. M. Hickman, 1986. Los Lofoforados. In: Zoologia, Principios integrales. Interamericana, Madrid (7° Ed.), p. 356-362.

Hondt J. L. d', 1986. Etat des connaissances sur la position phylogénétiques et l'évolution des bryozoaires. Boll. Zool., 53, 247-269.

Ivanov A. V., 1986. On evolution of the germinal layers (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 65 (5), 652-665.

Ivanova-Kasas O. M., 1986. Analysis of larval development in Tentaculata. 1. Larvae in Phoronida and Brachiopoda (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 65 (5), 757-770.

Jebram D., 1986. Does the lophophore form in bryozoans depend on the body size? Zool. Anz., 216, 48-52.

McClintock Turbeville J., 1986. An ultrastructural analysis of coelomogenesis in the hoplonemertine Prosorhochmus americanus and the polychaete Magelona sp. Journal of Morphology, 187 (1), 51-60.

Meglitsch P. A., 1986. Los coelomados lofoforianos. In: Zoologia de Invertebrados, Piramide, Madrid, p. 730-758.

Scheltema R. S., 1986. Long-distance dispersal by planktonic larvae of shoal-water benthic invertebrates among the Central Pacific islands. Bull. mar. Sci., 39 (2), 241-256.

Sensenbaugh T., 1986. Ultrastructure of apical sensory organs in aquatic invertebrate larvae. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis Comprehensive Summaries, 1-31 ; No. 34.

Sensenbaugh T., 1986. Ultrastructure of apical sensory organs in aquatic invertebrate larvae. Dissertation Abstracts International C European Abstracts, 47 (4), 892-893.

Song J. I., 1986. First report of a tube anemon, Cerianthus filiformis Carlgren, from Korean waters, including comparison of Cnidae in adults and planulae. Korean J. Systematic Zoology, 2 (2), 79-87.


Akpan E.B. & Farrow G.E., 1985. Shell bioerosion in high latitude low energy environments: Firths of Clyde and Lorne, Scotland. Marine Geology, 67 (1-2), 139-150. Benito J. & F. Nieto, 1985. Estudio de las comunidades bentónicas de la ría de Santoña. VII Bien. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat., Barcelona, (resúmenes), p. 162.

Emig C. C., 1985. Phylogenetic systematics in Phoronida (Lophophorata). Z. zool. System. Evolut.-forsch., 23 (3), 184-193.

Emig C. C., 1985. New data on the phoronids collected by Soviet expeditions. Soviet J. mar. Biol., 10 (4), 242-245

Gaston G. R., 1985. The effects of hypoxia on macrobenthos of ther inner shelf off Cameron, Louisiana. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 20, 603-613.

Gaston G. R., P. A. Rutledge & M. L. Walther, 1985. The effects of hypoxia and brine on recolonization by macrobenthos off Cameron, Louisiana (USA). Contr. mar. Sci., 28, 79-95.

Henderson R. A. & McNamara K. J., 1985. Taphonomy and ichnology of cephalopod shells in a Maastrichtian chalk from Western Australia. Lethaia, 18 (4), 305-322. Jamieson B. G. M., 1985. Tghe spermatozoa of the Holothuroidea (Echinodermata): en ultrastructural review with data on two Australian species and phylogenetic discussion. ZooL. Scripta, 14 (2), 123-135.

Kostetskii E. Y., Naumenko N. V., Sergeyuk N. N. & Bronevskii A. M., 1985. An evaluation of the similarity in phospholipid and fatty acid composition of Tentaculata (in Russian). Biologiya Morya, 1985 (1), 52-58.

Larsen P. F., 1985. The benthic macrofauna associated with Oyster reefs of the James River estuary, Virginia, U. S. A. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 70 (6), 797-814.

McKinney F. K. & Bordman R. S., 1985. Zooidal biometry of Stenolaemata. In: Nielsen C. and Larwood G. P. (eds), Bryozoa: Ordovician to Recent, Olsen & Olsen, Fredenborg, p. 194-203.

Manchenko G. P., 1985. New data on high level of allozyme variability in marine invertebrates (in Russian) Genetika, 21 (6), 936-944.

Nielsen C., 1985. Animal phylogeny in the light of the Trochaea theory. Bull. J. Linn. Soc., 25, 243-299.

Philipps D. W. (revised by), 1985. Phoronida. In: Between Pacific tides. Stanford Univ. Press. 5th Ed., p. 577.

Rodríguez-Babio C., J. M. Ferrer, M. García-Carrascosa & E. Valero, 1985. Sobre la presencia de Phoronis psammophila Cori, 1889, en el Delta del Ebro. 7° Bien. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. nat., Barcelona, p. 118.

Sáiz J. I., A. Rallo, I. Isasi & J. A. Alvarez, 1985. El benthos portuario en substrato duro del abra de Bilbao. 7° Bien. Real Soc. Esp. Hist. nat., Barcelona, p. 161.

Weisz P. B., 1985. Lofoforado. In: La ciencia de la zoologia, Omega, Barcelona, p. 647-663.


Calvín J. C. & J. Ros, 1984. Bionomnía bentónica de los fondos litorales compremdidos entre La Azohía y cabo tiñoso (Murcia, SE de España). Actas IV Simp. Ibér. Est. Benthos marinho, 1, 65-75.

Chia F. S., J. Bucklands-Nicks & C. M. Young, 1984. Locomotion of marine invertebrates larvae: a review. Can. J. Zool., 62, 1205-1222.

Dolah R. F. van et al., 1984. Benthic and sedimentological studies of the Georgetown ocean dredged material disposal area. Techn. Rep. S. Carolina mar. Ressources Center, 59, 1-97

Emig C. C., 1984. New data on the phoronids, Lophophorata, collected by Soviet expeditions (in Russian). Biol. Mor. Vladivostok, 1984 (4), 65-67.

Emig C. C., 1984. On the origin of the Lophophorates. Z. zool. System. Evolut.-forsch., 22 (2), 91-94.

Fürsich F. T., 1984. Palaeoecology of bareal invertebrate faunas from the Upper Jurassic of Central East Greenland. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimat. Palaeoecol., 48, 309-364.

Ivanov A. V., 1984. On macrosystematics of the animal kingdom (in Russian). Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 8, 57-61.

Jamieson B. G. M., 1984. Spermatozoal ultrastructure in Branchiostoma moretonensis Kelly, a comparison with B. lanceolatum(Cephalochordata) and with other deuterostomes. Zool. Scripta, 13, 223-229.

Miller M. F., 1984. Bioturbation of intertidal quartz-rich sands: a modern example and its sedimentologic and paleoecologic implications. J. Geol., 92, 201-216.

Miller M. F. & C. W. Byers, 1984. Abundant and diverse Early Paleozoic infauna indicated by thge stratigraphic record. Geology, 12, 40-43.

Pemberton S. G. & Frey R. W., 1984. Quantitative methods in ichnology: spatial distribution among populations. Lethaia, 17 (1), 33-49.

Williams A., 1984. Lophophorates. In: Biology of the integument, Invertebrates, Springer, vol. 1, 728-745.

Wirth U., 1984. Die Struktur der Metazoen-Spermien und ihre Bedeutung für die Phylogenetik. Verh. naturwiss. Verein Hamburg, (NF) 27, 295-362.

Wirth U., 1984. Spermatozoa of Nematoda. Gonads of Nematoda. Adv. Invert. Reprod., 3, 651.


Abele L. G., T. Gilmour & S. Gilchrist, 1983. Size and shape in the phylum Phoronida. J. Zool., London, 200, 317-323.

Albertelli G., Cataneo M., Della Crocce N. & N. Drago, 1983. Macrobenthos delle isole di Capraia, Pinosa, Giglio, Montecristo, Giannutri, Elba (Arcipelago toscano). Rapp. Tecn. (Catt. Idrobiol. Pesc. Fac. Sci., Univ. Genova), 18, 1-28.

Bogdanos C. & J. Satsmadjis, 1983. The macrozoobenthos of an Aegean embayment. Thalassographica, 6, 77-105.

Brayko V. D., 1983. The role of fouling larvae in plankton found in the Lampedusa Island area (Mediterranean Sea) (in Russian). Okeanolgia, 23 (1), 97-99.

Caracciolo J. V. & F. W. Steimle Jr., 1983. An atlas of the distribution and abundance of dominant benthic invertebrates in the New York bight apex with reviews of their life histories. NOAA techn. Tep., 766, 54 p.

Carle K. J. & E. E. Ruppert, 1983. Comparative ultrastructure of the bryozoan funiculus: A blood vessel homologue. Z. zool. System. Evolut-forsch., 21 (3), 181-193.

Diapoulos A. & C. Bogdanos, 1983. Preliminary study of soft substrate macrozoobenthos and marine flora in the Bay of gera (Lesvos Island, Greece). Thalassographica, 6, 127-139.

Dolah R. F. van, D. R. Calder & D. M. Knott, 1983. Assessment of the benthic macrofauna in an ocean disposal area near Charleston, South Carolina. Techn. Rep., S. Carolina mar. Ressources Center, 56, 1-97.

Emig C. C., 1983. Ecologie et répartition des Phoronidiens (Lophophorates) en Mer Méditerranée. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 28 (3), 247-248.

Emig C. C., 1983. Phoronida. In: Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, Eds Adiyodi R. K. & R. G. Adiyodi, Wiley Intersci., New-York, Vol. 1, Oogenesis, oviposition, and oosorption, p. 535-542.

Gordon D. P. & D. G. McKight, 1983. Entoprocta, Phoronida, Bryozoa, Echinodermata, Hemichordata, Tunicata, and Cephalochordata. In: The New Zealand biota - what do we know after 200 years? Eds Bromsey P. J. & A. N. Baker. Nat. Mus. N. Z. miscel. Ser., 7, 91 p.

Konnecker G. F. & Keegan B. F., 1983. Littoral and benthic investigations on the west coast of Ireland . 17. The epibenthic animal associations of Kilkieran Bay. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Section B Biological, 83 (25), 309-324.

Kubanin A. A., 1983. Sur la position des Bryozoaires dans le règne animal (en russe). 6° Conf. Bryozoa fossil and living, Perm 1983, p. 29-32.

Penas E. & G. Gonzales, 1983. Relationships between benthic infauna and environmental factors in three beaches of the ria de Arosa embayment (Spain) using canonical correlation analysis. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 68, 245-256.

Riedl R., 1983. Phoronida. In: Fauna und Flora der Adria, Parey, Berlin, p. 439-441.

Reish D. J. & M.L. Hallisey, 1983. A check-list of the benthic macroinvertebrates of Kennedy space center, Florida. Florida Scientist, 46 (3/4), 306-313.

Ruppert E. E. & K. J. Carle, 1983. Morphology of Metazoan circulatory system. Zoomorphology, 103, 193-208.

Santos S. L. & S. A. Bloom, 1983. Evaluation of succession in an estuarine macrobenthic soft-bottom community near Tampa, Florida. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol., 68 (5), 617-632.

Sorden C. T., 1983. Feeding relationships of Goatfishes in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Sea Grant Quart., Univ. Hawaii, 5 (2), 1-6.

Strathmann R. R. & M. Slatkin, 1983. The improbability of animal phyla with few species. Paleobiology, 9 (2), 97-106.

Thomassin B. A. & C. C.Emig, 1983. Distribution des Phoronidiens dans les biotopes littoraux, coralliens et terrigènes, du Canal de Mozambique (S. W. Océan Indien). Téthys, 11 (1), 33-48.

Tsutsumi H. & T. Kikuchi, 1983. Benthic ecology of small cove with seasonal exugen depletion caused by organic pollution. Publ. Amakusa mar. biol. Lab., 7 (1), 17-40.

Virnstein R.W., Mikkelsen P.S., Cairns K.D. & M.A. Capone, 1983. Seagrass beds versus sand bottoms: The trophic importance of their associated benthic invertebrates. Florida Scientist, 46 (3/4), 363-381.

Zhirmunskii A. V. & V. I. Kuzmin, 1983. Critical levels in species structure of bottom communities as illustrated by invertebrates of Vostok bay (Sea of Japan). Biol. Mor., Vladivostok, 9 (2), 3-15.


Emig C. C., 1982. Bref résumé de quelques connaissances récentes sur les Phoronidiens. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 107 (2), 225-232.

Emig C. C., 1982. The biology of Phoronida. Adv. mar. Biol. 19, 1-89.

Emig C. C., 1982. Phoronida. In: Synopsis and classification of Living organisms, Ed. Parker S. P., McGraw-Hill, New-York, vol. 2, p. 741, Pl. 126-127.

Emig C. C., 1982. Nouvelles localisations de Phoronidiens. Téthys, 10 (3), 287-290.

Ewing R. M. & D. M. Dauer, 1982. Macrobenthic communities of the lower Chesapeake bay. Intern. Rev. gesamt. Hydrobiol., 67 (6), 777-791.

Gómez Gas J. J., 1982. Estudio faunístico y ecológico de las taxocenosis de Poliquetos y Moluscos de la playa "La Ribeira" (Asturias). Tesis de Licenciatura, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, 141 p.

Hondt J. L. d', 1982. Progrès récents dans la connaissance des "Lophophoriens" (sensu lato). Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 107 (2), 179-183.

Jeuniaux C., 1982. La chitine dans le règne animal. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 107 (3), 363-386.

Jeuniaux C., 1982. Composition chimique comparée des formations squelettiques chez les Lophophoriens et les Endoproctes. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 107 (2), 233-249.

Lopez-Cotelo I., J. M. Vieitez & F. Diaz-Pineda, 1982. Tipos de communidades bentonicas de la Playa del Puntal (Bahia de Santander). Cah. Biol. mar., 23, 53-69.

Nakao S., 1982. Community of the macro-benthos in the shallow waters in Northern Japan. Mem. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ., 28 (2), 225-304.

Palmer T., 1982. Cambrian to Cretaceous changes in hardground communities. Lethaia, 15, 309-323.

Rowell A. J., 1982. The monophyletic origin of the Brachiopoda. Lethaia, 15, 299-307.

Salvini-Plawen L. von, 1982. A paedomorphic origin of the oligomerous animals? Zool. Scripta, 11 (2), 77-81.

Strathmann R. R., 1982. Comment on Dr Gilmour's views on feeding by hemichordates and lophophorates. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 60 (12), 3466-3468.


Albertelli G., Cataneo M., Della Crocce N. & N. Drago, 1981. Benthos delmla pitatforma continentale ligure: Alasio - Savona - Chgiavari - Corniglia (1977-1981). Rapp. Tecn (Catt. Idrobiol. Pesc. Fac. Sci., Univ. Genova), 14, 28 p.

Bromley R. G. & N. M. Hanken, 1981. Shallow water bioerosion at Vardø, artic Norway. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, 29, 103-109.

Emig C. C. & F. Lafargue, 1981. Première signalisation de Phoronis hippocrepia Wright dans les environs de Banyuls. Vie Milieu, 31 (2), 163-164.

Fenical W., 1981. Natural halogenated organics. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 31, 375-393.

Haldar P. B., 1981. On the climatology of the Beyt Island, western India, with special reference to the systematics of Phoronis australis Haswell (Phoronida). Indian Journal of Zootomy, 22 (1), 59-63.

Herrmann K., 1981. Phoronis muelleri (Tentaculata) - Embryonalentwicklung. Publ. Wiss. Film. (Biol.), 14 (2), 3,13.

Nicol D., 1981. Some observations on the Hollow curve of distribution. Florida Scientist, 44 (2), 118-123.

Prasad Haldar B., 1981. On the climatology of the Beyt Island, western India, with special reference to the systematics of Phoronis australis Haswell (Phoronida). Indian Journal of Zootomy, 22 (1), 59-63.

Rainer S., 1981. Soft-bottom benthic communities in Otago Harbor and Blueskin Bay, New Zealand. NZ Oceanogr. Inst. Mem., 80, 1-38.

Rainer S., 1981. Temporal patterns in the structure of macrobenthic communities of an Australian estuary. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 13, 597-620.

Rainer S. F. & R. C. Fitzhardinge, 1981. Benthic communities in an estuary with periodic deoxygenation. Austr. J. mar. Freshwat. Res., 32, 227-243.

Ronan T.E., Miller M.F. & Farmer J.D., 1981. Organism-sediment relationships on a modern tidal flat, Bodega Harbor, California. In: Frizzell V. (Ed.), Modern and Ancient Biogenic Structures, Bodega Bay, California. Annual Meeting Pacific Section SEPM Field Trip 3, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Los Angeles, p. 15-31.  

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