Phoronis emigii Hirose, Fukiage, Katoh & Kajihara, 2014

Larva unkown

° References of the most recent publications


Last update: May 15, 2014  

Extended specimens up to about 20 mm, diameter 0.3 to 0,7 mm.
Colour reddish.
Lophophore horseshoe-shaped, without significant coiling. Up to 170 tentacles, length 2-3.5 mm .
Nephridia (205-324 μm long) with a single funnel, with a short descending branch and a long ascending one; nephridiopore on anal papilla opening below anus for the left one and at anus level for the right one.
A single giant nerve fibre, on the left side at the level of the attachment of the left lateral mesentery to the body wall, 16-36 μm in diameter.
Longitudinal muscle bundles of feathery type; the mean formula and general formula are respectively:

20 | 21
11 | 12
= 64  and  18-23 | 16-24 
10-13 | 11-13
[56-72] n= 7 individuals)

Sexual reproduction: no data.

Phoronis emigii is embedded vertically in a sandy sediment, at 33 m depth, densities aboutto 90 individuals/100 cm-2.

Etymology: the specific name, a masculine noun in the genitive case, is in honor of the French researcher Dr. Christian C. Emig for his remarkable contributions to lophophorate systematics.
Japanese name: Amakusa-houkimushi

The distribution of Phoronis emigii is represented below on the map.
Type-locality: Tomiaka Bay (Amakusa, Japon) - 32°32'27"N, 130°03'17"E, 33 m depth.

© Christian C. Emig

Last update: May 14, 2014

Distribution of P. emigii

  •  Most recent published diagnoses
  •  Hirose M., Fukiage R., Katoh T. & Kajihara H., 2014. Description and molecular phylogeny of a new species of Phoronis (Phoronida) from Japan, with a redescription of topotypes of P. ijimai Oka, 1897. ZooKeys, 398, 1–31.

  • References on Phoronis emigii