Phoronis pallida

Mis à jour / Updated / Actualizado... 30 January 2025.


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Santagata S., 2002. Structure and metamorphic remodeling of the larval nervous system and musculature of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida). Evolution and Development, 4 (1), 28-42.

Santagata S., 2004. A waterborne behavioral cue for the actinotroch larva of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida) produced by Upogebia pugettensis (Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Biol. Bull., 207, 103–115.

Santagata S., 2015. Phoronida. In: Wanniger A. (ed.), Evolutionary developmental biology of invertebrates 2, Lophotrochozoa (Spiralia). Springer, p. 231-246.

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Santagata S. & R. L. Zimmer, 2002. Comparison of the neuromuscular systems among actinotroch larvae: systematic and evolutionary implications. Evolution and Development, 4 (1), 43-54.

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Silén L., 1954. Developmental biology of Phoronidea of the Gullmar Fiord area (West coast of Sweden). Act. Zool., 35, 215-257.

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Sonnleitner B., Schwaha T. & Wanninger A., 2014. Inter- and intraspecific plasticity in distribution patterns of immunoreactive compounds in actinotroch larvae of Phoronida (Lophotrochozoa). Journal of zoological Systematics and evolutionary Research, 52 (1), 1-14.

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Temereva E. N. & E. B. Tsitrin, 2014. Organization and metamorphic remodeling of the nervous system in juveniles of Phoronopsis harmeri (Phoronida): insights into evolution of the bilaterian nervous system. Frontiers in Zoology, 11 (35).

Temereva E.N. & A. Chichvarkhin, 2017. A new phoronid species, Phoronis embryolabi, with a novel type of development, and consideration of phoronid taxonomy and DNA barcoding. Invertebrate Systematics, 31 (1), 65-84.

Temereva E.N. & V.V. Malakhov, 2016. Viviparity of larvae, a new type of development in phoronids (Lophophorata: Phoronida). Doklady Akademii Nauk, 467 (3), 362-364.

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Zimmer R. L., 1978. The comparative structure of the preoral hood coelom in Phoronida and the fate of this cavity during and after metamorphosis. In: Settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrates larvae, Eds Chia & Rice, pp. 23-40.

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Actinotrocha pallida

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Emig C. C., 1979. British and other Phoronids. In: Synopses of the British fauna, Eds Kermack D. M. & R. S. K. Barnes, Acad. Press, London, 13, 57 pp.

Emig C. C., 1982. The biology of Phoronida. Adv. mar. Biol. 19, 1-89.

Emig C. C., 1990. Phoronida. In : Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, Eds Adiyodi R. K. & R. G. Adiyodi, Oxford & IBH, New Dehli, Vol. 4 (4): Fertilization, development, and parental care, pp. 165-184.

Emig C. C., 2003. Phoronida (Phoronids). In : Protostomes. Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia, (ed. 2) vol. 2, 491-495.

Emig C. C., 2025. Phoronida database. Accessed at on 20yy-mm-dd.

Emig C. C., Roldán C. & J. M. Viéitez, 2005. Filo Phoronida. In: Fauna Ibérica, vol. 27. Museo de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC Madrid, p. 19-56 & 180-186 & 223-224.

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Howson C. M., 1987. Phoronida. In: Directory of the British fauna and flora, Ed. C. M. Howson, Marine Conservation Society, Herefordshire UK, pp. 293-296.

Johnson K.B., 2001. Phoronida. In: An identification guide to the larval marine invertebrates of the Pacific Northwest, A.L. Shanks (editor). Oregon State Univ. Press, Corvallis, p. 251-257.

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Poche F., 1908. SynonymischeUebersicht der bisher bekannten Actinotrochidae. Arch. Naturges., 74, 373-388.

Santagata S., 2002. Structure and metamorphic remodeling of the larval nervous system and musculature of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida). Evolution and Development, 4 (1), 28-42.

Santagata S., 2004. Larval development of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida): Implications for morphological convergence and divergence among larval body plans. J. Morphol., 259, 347–358.

Santagata S., 2004. A waterborne behavioral cue for the actinotroch larva of Phoronis pallida (Phoronida) produced by Upogebia pugettensis (Decapoda: Thalassinidea). Biol. Bull., 207, 103–115.

Santagata S., 2015. Phoronida. In: Wanniger A. (ed.), Evolutionary developmental biology of invertebrates 2, Lophotrochozoa (Spiralia). Springer, p. 231-246.

Santagata S. & R. L. Zimmer, 2002. Comparison of the neuromuscular systems among actinotroch larvae: systematic and evolutionary implications. Evolution and Development, 4 (1), 43-54.

Schneider A., 1862. Über die Metamorphose der Actinotrocha branchiata. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1862, 47-65.

Selys-Longchamps M. de, 1903. Über Phoronis und Actinotrocha bei Helgoland. Wiss. Meeresunters., Helgoland, 6, 1-55.

Selys-Longchamps M. de, 1907. Phoronis. Fauna Flora Neapel, 30, 1-280.

Silén L., 1952. Researches on Phoronida of the Gullmar Fiord area (West coast of Sweden). Ark. Zool., 4 (4), 95-140.

Silén L., 1954. Developmental biology of Phoronidea of the Gullmar Fiord area (West coast of Sweden). Act. Zool., 35, 215-257.

Sonnleitner B., Schwaha T. & Wanninger A., 2014. Inter- and intraspecific plasticity in distribution patterns of immunoreactive compounds in actinotroch larvae of Phoronida (Lophotrochozoa). Journal of zoological Systematics and evolutionary Research, 52 (1), 1-14.

Temereva E. N. & E. B. Tsitrin, 2014. Organization and metamorphic remodeling of the nervous system in juveniles of Phoronopsis harmeri (Phoronida): insights into evolution of the bilaterian nervous system. Frontiers in Zoology, 11 (35).

Temereva E.N. & A. Chichvarkhin, 2017. A new phoronid species, Phoronis embryolabi, with a novel type of development, and consideration of phoronid taxonomy and DNA barcoding. Invertebrate Systematics, 31 (1), 65-84

Temereva E.N. & V.V. Malakhov, 2016. Viviparity of larvae, a new type of development in phoronids (Lophophorata: Phoronida). Doklady Akademii Nauk, 467 (3), 362–364.

Temereva E.N. & Neretina T.V., 2013. A distinct phoronid larva: morphological and molecular evidence. Invertebrate Systematics, 27 (6), 622-633.

Viéitez J. M., C. C. Emig, C. Rodriguez-Babio & A. M. Garcia-Carrascosa, 1987. Foronideos de las costas de la Peninsula Ibérica e Islas Baleares: sistematica, ecologia, distribucion y estados larvarios. Bol. Inst. esp. Oceanogr., 4 (2), 63-78.

Zimmer L., 1991. Phoronida. In: Reproduction of marine invertebrates, Giese A. C., Pearce U. B. & U. B. Pearse (eds). Boxwood Press, Pacific Grove CA, vol. 6, pp. 1-45.

Zimmer R. L., 1978. The comparative structure of the preoral hood coelom in Phoronida and the fate of this cavity during and after metamorphosis. In: Settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrates larvae, Eds Chia & Rice, pp. 23-40.

Zimmer R. L., 1980. Mesoderm proliferation and formation of the protocoel and metacoel in early embryos of Phoronis vancouverensis (Phoronida). Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anat. Ontog. Tiere., 103 (2-3), 219-233.