Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume (Marseille)
1949 - 1969/1970

(explanation by Helmut Zibrowius 18 April 2021)

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This publication series by SME (in the town area of Endoume, Marseille) comprises two types of issues:

  • “Bulletins” (that are also Fascicules),
  • “Fascicules” (that are only Fascicules and not Bulletins)

Cover of the 1st Bulletin - [ Click on to enlarge ]

“Bulletins” contain articles published as a special SME production. The early Bulletins were “home made”, produced on a stencil duplicator: type-written on a special substrate which was put on a rotating drum, inked, etc. Later Bulletins were printed by a professional printer.

The fact that the earlier “Bulletins” were not produced by a printing process may affect validity of new taxa described therein (see International Code of Zoological Nomenclature).

Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume has a complexe numbering system. “Bulletins” have their own Bulletin number but also have a (higher) Fascicule number. In addition, in later years there were also special issues, supplements, “Hors série ” (non-series), numbered 1 to 10.

Fascicules of the earlier years consist simply of grouped reprints from various (printed) journals. Elsewhere that would have been called "Collected reprints".

The early Bulletins (and some of the later printed ones) do not have the obligatory "dépôt légal" indicating the official date of publication. When they have a "dépôt légal" date, this may differ from the date indicated on the cover, "dépôt légal" being the real date (cover date + 1 y).

    Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine d'Endoume ends in 1969 and is followed by Tethys.

See also the French version