
Plate 5, figs. 1-11. Neotaberina neaniconica n. gen. n. sp. 1: holotype. Subaxial, centered section. 2: spiral nepiont and conical neanic stage, subaxial section. 3-4: oblique sections progressively inclined relative to the axis of the adult shell, showing the pillared endoskeleton. 5: oblique section of neanic stage. On the left a section of Neorhipidionina spiralis n. gen. n. sp. parallel to the coiling axis. 6-7: oblique sections. 8: oblique section inclined at about 70° to the axis of the adult shell. Note the radial alignment of septula and pillars. On the left a section of Neorhipidionina spiralis n. gen. n. sp. parallel to the coiling axis. 9: oblique section with an inclination of about 45° with respect to the axis of the adult shell. 10: oblique section inclined at about 80° with respect to the shell axis. 11: axial sections of the spiral nepionic and conical neanic stage; figs. 12-14. Haymanella huberi (Henson, 1950). 12: spiral nepiont and early uncoiled chambers in longitudinal centered section, Note the interiomarginal position of the foramina in the spiral chambers. 13: Section almost perpendicular to the shell axis showing the single foramen constricted by the peristomes responsible for its stellar outline. 14: longitudinal section slightly inclined with respect to the axis of the shell showing the single foramina and the proximal outline of the chamber partitions. At the bottom an unidentified, large miliolid sectioned along the apertural axis.
Abbreviations: f: foramen; pi: pillar; rp: radial partition; s: septum; sl: septulum.