Plate 5, figs. 1-11. Neotaberina neaniconica n. gen. n. sp.
1: holotype. Subaxial, centered section. 2: spiral nepiont and conical neanic stage, subaxial section.
3-4: oblique sections progressively inclined relative to the axis of the adult shell, showing the pillared endoskeleton.
5: oblique section of neanic stage. On the left a section of Neorhipidionina spiralis n. gen. n. sp. parallel to the coiling axis.
6-7: oblique sections. 8: oblique section inclined at about 70° to the axis of the adult shell. Note the radial alignment of septula and pillars. On the left a section of Neorhipidionina spiralis n. gen. n. sp. parallel to the coiling axis.
9: oblique section with an inclination of about 45° with respect to the axis of the adult shell.
10: oblique section inclined at about 80° with respect to the shell axis.
11: axial sections of the spiral nepionic and conical neanic
stage; figs. 12-14. Haymanella huberi (
Abbreviations: f: foramen; pi: pillar; rp: radial partition; s: septum; sl: septulum.