Plate 10. Miscellanea juliettae
, 1988; figs. 1-15 from sample 93563, Dandot village, Salt Range (Pakistan). SBZ 3; figs. 17-21 from samples 93501 – 93503, Nammal Gorge, Salt Range, Lockhart Limestone. SBZ 3; figs. 1-3: megalospheric specimens, equatorial sections; figs. 4-5: microspheric specimen, not quite centered equatorial section with structural details; figs. 6-12: megalospheric specimens, equatorial (6) and axial sections showing structural details; figs. 13-16: megalospheric specimen of small size, equatorial sections; figs. 17-18: equatorial sections of megalospheric (17) and microspheric (18) specimens; figs. 19-20: axial sections of microspheric (19) and megalospheric (20) specimens; fig. 21: equatorial section of microspheric specimen with narrowly spaced septa figured at half standard enlargement.Abbreviations: co: canal orifices; f: foramen; isc: intraseptal canals; pct: peripheral chamber tip; spc: spiral canal; up: umbilical plate.