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Figure 3: Taghazoute section. A, General view; B, oyster shell hash bed; C, evenly-bedded limestone-marl alternation; D, Thickness changes of an oyster bed; E, view of upper Cenomanian sequences along the shore; F, close view of the sharp base of an oyster bed; G to I, examples of distal, sharp-based short-term sequences. Pictures are situated along the log with their respective letters. Abreviations : cgt, polygenic transgressive conglomerate; dls, downlap surface; ks, karst surface; mfs, maximum flooding surface; R, regressive half-cycle; SFS, sea-level fall surface; T, transgressive half-cycle; TS, transgression surface. Pen, hammer, or 1.5 m long Jacob staff (circled) for scale on pictures.