Plate 1 : A-N:
small foraminifer with a thin agglutinated planispiral involute test; Q-V:
small foraminifer with a thicker agglutinated planispiral involute test, Charentia
? sp.; W-AB, AF-AH: Torinosuella peneropliformis
(Yabe & Hanzawa, 1926); AC,
AJ: macrospheric specimens of Balkhania
balkhanica Mamontova, 1966; AD-AE, Neomeris
spp.; AI: ? textulariid. All photomicrographs with the same bar = 250 µm (on AC). A, E:
sample 10; B-C, G-I, L-N: sample 13; F: sample 15, J-K; O-P, R-U: sample 25; Q:
sample 27; V: sample 23; W, Y, AE-AG: sample 5; X, Z: sample 6; AA-AB, AH:
sample 16; AC, AJ: sample 34; AD: sample 29; AI: sample 28. Zard Fm: A-M, W-AB,
AE-AH; Tirgan Fm: O-V, AC-AD, AI-AJ.