Plate 4: A, E: Rajkaella bartheli (Bernier, 1971); B-C: Vercorsella sp.; D: Coscinoconus sp.; F: Salpingoporella annulata Carozzi, 1953; G-H: Scythiolina sp.; I-L: Actinoporella podolica (Alth, 1878); M-P: Coscinoconus alpinus Leupold in Leupold & Bigler, 1936; Q-R: Montseciella arabica (Henson, 1948); S: macrospheric specimens of Balkhania balkhanica Mamontova, 1966; T: Bulbobaculites felixi Pleş et al., 2016. All photomicrographs with the same scale bar = 250 µm (on Q). A, D, F, M-P: sample JUR A; B-C, H-L: sample JUR B; E, G: sample JUR C; Q-R: sample 27 (from Zard type-locality); S: sample 115A; T: sample 22 (from Zard type-locality). Mozduran Fm: A-P; Zard Fm: T; Tirgan Fm: Q-S.