A-C, E-F: Bakalovaella elitzae (Bakalova,
1971), with possible cysts (in F); D: Holosporella
sugdeni (Elliott, 1957); G-O: Actinoporella gr. podolica
(Alth, 1878), a form that differs from the genuine Tithonian-Berriasian Actinoporella
podolica (see Granier, 2019b, for comparison). All photomicrographs
with the same scale bar = 250 µm (on E). A-B: sample 131A; C, E: sample 131B;
D, F: sample 137; G-I: sample 116; J-K: sample 124A; L: sample 122; M: sample
127; N-O: sample 128. All specimens (A-O) from the Zard Fm.