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Pl. 8

Plate 8: A, E: cemented grainstone with partial micritic infills (with endobionthic ostracods in E) of the primary intergranular pores; B-D: early anisopachous cement; F-H: possible evaporitic pseudomorphs in fenestral fabrics. m: micritic infills; red arrows: anisopachous cement; white arrows: no cement. Photomicrographs A-E with the same scale bar = 250 µm (on E) and F-H with the same scale bar = 500 µm (on F). A-D: sample 5; E: sample 20; F-G: sample 21B; H: sample 35. All specimens (A-G) from the Zard Fm, except H from the Tirgan Fm.