Figure 24: Chronostratigraphic distribution of the pelagic blocks in the Elmadağ Olistostrome based on this study and previous studies (Bragin & Tekin, 1999; Okay & Altıner, 2017; Sarıaslan et al., 2020); A. Radiolarian dating (early Callovian-early Kimmeridgian) on the small block (sample Damla-6) from the Yakacık region in this study; B. Radiolarian dating (early Callovian-middle Tithonian) on the Acısu block (samples Acı-3 and Acı-4) from the Yakacık region in this study; C. Composite planktonic foraminiferal datings (partial ages from Callovian to Coniacian) from the different blocks around the Ankara region by Okay and Altıner (2017), D. Radiolarian ages from the middle Oxfordian to late Valanginian mega-block from the Elmadağ Olistostrome (Alacaatlı, Ankara city center) by Bragin and Tekin (1999); E. Radiolarian dating (late Late Valanginian- early Late Hauterivian) on sample Güd-2 from the base of the Güdük section, north of Alagöz region in this study; F. Radiolarian dating (Hauterivian) on the small block (sample Damla-1) in the Yakacık region in this study; G. Planktonic foraminiferal dating (latest Cenomanian-middle Turonian) in the north of Alagöz region by Sarıaslan et al. (2020); H. Planktonic foraminiferal dating (Turonian to Coniacian) from the Çitrik section (sample Çit-2) in the Haymana region in this study. Key: a. Radiolarian bearing cherty limestone, b. Alternating calciturbidite and radiolarian bearing clayey limestone, c. Calciturbidite, d. Planktonic foraminifer bearing clayey limestone.