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Pl. 3

Plate 3: Scanning electron micrographs of the Early Cretaceous (early Hauterivian-early Aptian) radiolarian microfauna from the Seyran Formation within the Soğukçam Limestone Group in the Uyuzhamamı section. A. Paronaella grapevinensis (Pessagno): Uy-11, scale bar = 240 µm; B-D. Paronaella trifoliacea Ozvoldova: B. Uy-4, C. Uy-5, D. Uy-6, scale bar = 190, 210, and 190 µm, respectively; E-G. Paronaella ? tubulata Steiger: E. Uy-9, F-G. Uy-10, scale bar = 210, 160, and 160 µm, respectively; H-J. Halesium biscutum Jud: H. Uy-1, I. Uy-7, J. Uy-9, scale bar = 340, 280, and 340 µm, respectively; K-M. Halesium crassum (Ozvoldova): K. Uy-1, L. Uy-2, M. Uy-11, scale bar for all specimens = 300 µm; N-P. Halesium ? lineatum Jud: N. Uy-1, O. Uy-7, P. Uy-11, scale bar = 280, 240, and 280 µm, respectively; Q-S. Halesium medium (Steiger): Q. Uy-3, R. Uy-7, S. Uy-10, scale bar = 240, 240, and 260 µm, respectively; T. Halesium palmatum Dumitrica: Uy-1, scale bar = 210 µm; U-Y. Homoeparonaella elegans bulbosa Tekin nov. subsp.: U. Holotype, Uy-5, V-Y. Paratypes, V. Uy-4, W-X-Y. Uy-5, scale bar = 300, 350, 330, 300, and 280 µm, respectively; Z. Homoeparonaella irregularis (Squinabol): Uy-3, scale bar = 300 µm; AA-AC. Homoeparonaella peteri Jud: AA. Uy-3, AB. Uy-5, AC. Uy-10, scale bar = 360, 300, and 360 µm, respectively; AD. Homoeparonaella sp. A: Uy-7, scale bar = 260 µm; AE. Alievium ? fatuum Dumitrica: Uy-6, scale bar = 240 µm; AF-AH. Alievium regulare (Wu & Li): AF. Uy-3, AG. Uy-5, AH. Uy-7, scale bar = 230, 200, and 200 µm, respectively; AI-AK. Becus gemmatus Wu: AI. Uy-7, AJ. Uy-10, AK. Uy-11, scale bar for all specimens = 220 µm; AL-AM. Becus helenae (Schaaf): AL. Uy-10, AM. Uy-11, scale bar = 220 and 180 µm, respectively; AN-AR. Becus multispinosus Tekin nov. sp.: AN. Holotype, Uy-5, AO-AR. Paratypes, AO. Uy-7, AP. Uy-5, AQ. Uy-6, AR. Uy-5, scale bar = 230, 250, 250, 250, and 250 µm, respectively; AS-AU. Godia concava (Li & Wu): AS. Uy-7, AT-AU. Uy-11, scale bar = 280, 260, and 260 µm, respectively.