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Pl. 9

Plate 9: Scanning electron micrographs of the late Middle Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous radiolarian microfauna from the pelagic blocks in the Elmadağ Olistostrome from the Yakacık and north of Alagöz regions in chronological order; A-I. Assemblage from sample Damla-6 of early Callovian- early Kimmeridgian age from the Yakacık region A. Emiluvia salensis Pessagno; B. Paronaella kotura Baumgartner; C. Homoeparonaella argolidensis Baumgartner; D. Tritrabs exotica (Pessagno); E. Haliodictya ? antiqua antiqua (Rüst) sensu Pessagno; F. Haliodictya ? hojnosi Riedel & Sanfilippo; G. Perispyridium ordinarium (Pessagno); H. Cinguloturris carpatica Dumitrica; I. Spinosicapsa triacantha tetraradiata (Steiger); scale bar for figures A to I = 240, 300, 420, 330, 310, 160, 190, 160, and 220 µm, respectively. J-R. Assemblage from Acı-3 in the Acısu section of Callovian-early Kimmeridgian age from the Yakacık region J. Emiluvia pessagnoi s.l. Foreman; K. E. orea s.l. Baumgartner; L. Tetratrabs zealis (Ozvoldova); M. Angulobracchia digitata Baumgartner; N. Paronaella kotura Baumgartner; O. Paronaella mulleri Pessagno; P. Perispyridium ordinarium (Pessagno); Q. Cinguloturris carpatica Dumitrica; R. Praewilliriedellium convexum (Yao); scale bar for figures J to R = 400, 340, 500, 230, 370, 180, 210, 170, and 210 µm, respectively. S-Z. Assemblage from the sample Acı-4 in the Acısu section of Callovian-early Tithonian age from the Yakacık region, S. Homoeparonaella argolidensis Baumgartner; T. Transhsuum sp. aff. T. maxwelli (Pessagno); U. Cinguloturris primorika Kemkin & Taketani; V. Mirifusus sp.; W. Svinitzium mizutanii Dumitrica; X. Palinandromeda sp. aff. P. podbielensis (Ozvoldova); Y. Spongocapsula palmerae Pessagno; Z. Mould of juvenile ammonoid; scale bar for figures S to Z = 310, 180, 230, 280, 160, 210, 190, and 830 µm, respectively. AA-AJ. Assemblage from sample Güd-2 in the Güdük section of latest Valanginian-early late Hauterivian age from the north of Alagöz region AA. Cecrops septemporatus (Parona); AB. Cecrops ? sexaspina Jud; AC. Crucella angulata Yang; AD. Cyclastrum infundibuliforme Rüst; AE. Paronaella trifoliacea Ozvoldova; AF. Dicerosaturnalis trizonalis dicranacanthos (Squinabol); AG. Spongocapsula coronata (Squinabol); AH. Spinosicapsa agolarium (Foreman); AI. S. sp. aff. S. coronata (Steiger) sensu Jud; AJ. Arcanicapsa leiostraca (Foreman), scale bar for figures AA to AJ = 170, 170, 190, 350, 190, 350, 140, 180, 250, and 150 µm, respectively. AK-AY: Assemblage from the sample Damla-1 of Hauterivian age from the Yakacık region AK. Cecrops septemporatus (Parona); AL. Triactoma tithonianum Rüst; AM. Crucella angulata Yang; AN. C. collina Jud; AO. Paronaella ? annemariae Jud; AP. Paronaella ? tubulata Steiger; AQ. Godia florealis (Jud); AR. Halesium crassum (Ozvoldova); AS. Haliodictya ? crucelliforma Dumitrica; AT. Archaeodictyomitra mitra Dumitrica; AU. Mirifusus sp.; AV. Xitus elegans (Squinabol); AW. X. normalis (Wu & Li); AX. Obesacapsula verbana (Parona); AY. Arcanicapsa leiostraca (Foreman); scale bar for figures AK to AY = 190, 200, 430, 240, 330, 220, 190, 260, 230, 160, 280, 190, 230, 320, and 200 µm, respectively.