Last modified Sep. 16, 2000 FAMILY TRIPLOPORELLACEAETRIBE THYRSOPORELLEAEGENUS Placklesia BILGÜTAY 1968SPECIES Placklesia multipora BILGÜTAY 1968(by Anonymous) 1. Synonymy list 1968 Placklesia multipora n. gen. n. sp.- Bilgütay, Fig. 4.a-b ; Pl. III, fig. 1-9 1968 (?) Physoporella minutula.- Bilgütay, Pl. III, fig. 10 1976 Placklesia multipora.- Tollmann, Fig. 171 1980 Placklesia multipora.- Senowbari-Daryan, Pl. 12, fig. 5-6 1993 Placklesia multipora.- Senowbari-Daryan & E. Flügel, Pl. 11, fig. 3-4 2. Types Holotype :
Pl. III, fig. 8, thin section N° 0321, Geologische Bundesantalt, Wien (Austria) Type locality: A/6 locality (Küpper, 1963, Exkursion zur Hohen Wand in den Kalkalpen südlich von Wien. Verh. Geol. B.-A., Sonderh F, Wien, p.9-19), Plackles, Hohe Wand, NNE Grünbach am Schneeberg, W Wiener Neustadt, Niederösterreich (Austria) Stratum typicum: brown marly limestone and dark shales of Rhaetian age. Original diagnosis: (none). Longitudinal (a) and transverse (b-c) sections (Bilgütay, 1968, Fig. 4) 4. Description Original description
(Bilgütay, 1968): « Thallus composed of segments which measure 1-2.2 mm. in length and 0.8 to 1.6 mm. in thickness.
Text fig. 3 shows all measurements which were made from selected segments. Each segment contains a cylindrical central stem
(about 1/2-1/3 diameter of thallus), from which 6 primary branches emerge. Primary branches are perpendicular to the central
stem at the center and proximal side, but oblique at the distal sides of the segments, and arranged in regular whorls which are
alternating at different levels. Each segment contains 3-5 whorls which are spaced (from one
1st order pore to the next)
0.144-0.176 mm. The distance from the center of one primary pore to the center of the superimposed next one measures
0.304-0.176 mm. Primary branches are short and start with large pores at the central cavity. The diameter of these pores
are 0.144 to 0.160 mm. and each whorl consists of 6 primary pores which are spaced 0.096 to 0.112 mm. Measurements: Original measurements from the segments in mm (Bilgütay, 1968, Fig. 3):
Original measurements in mm (Bilgütay, 1968, Fig. 5)
5. Remarks (none). 6. Stratigraphic range Rhaetian (Bilgütay, 1968; Tollmann, 1976; Senowbari-Daryan, 1980; Senowbari-Daryan & E. Flügel, 1993) 7. Real distribution Austria (Bilgütay, 1968; Tollmann, 1976; Senowbari-Daryan, 1980; Senowbari-Daryan & E. Flügel, 1993) 8. Paleoecology (.). |