Catalogue Contents

At the Species Level, for each species, sub-species or variety, the catalogue will provide:

  • systematics: taxonomy, type (holotype, paratypes, lectotype, syntypes, neotype, location in a collection, etc.), type-level and type-locality, original diagnosis and/or description, eventually amended diagnosis and description, new description and eventually new diagnosis (as many species have been described in the early parts of this century and before, terms used in the protologue are outdated or no longer fit with the studied material), comments;

  • synonymy + distribution: geographic distribution of the worldwide localities, stratigraphic range and eventually fossil associations;

  • photographic plates: including at least the type-specimen and new illustrations, possibly schematic reconstructions;

  • plate descriptions.

Similarly at the Genus Level, the catalogue will provide one page:

Systematics + Synonymy: Taxonomy, Type-Species, Original Diagnosis and/or Description, eventually Amended Diagnosis and Description, New Description and eventually New Diagnosis (as many genera have been described in the early parts of this century and before, terms used in the protologue are outdated or no longer fit with the studied material), Comments.

In addition, these taxa will be ordered at the genus, sub-tribe or tribe levels (in relation to the number of species, sub-species or varieties) and, for each group, the catalogue will provide Keys and Indexes

  • a Summary Table of the Stratigraphic Range of the latter Taxa

  • a Summary Table of their Main Characters and Parameters

  • a Determination Key

Finally, a full Bibliography and a Glossary will accompany the catalogue in its final form.