"Fossil Algae" Association - The International
"Fossil Algae" Association is a non-profit organization interested in promoting the study of fossil algae: taxonomy, morphology, biology, biostratigraphy, palaeo-ecology, mineralization,
etc. The scope of this site is to provide some general information on our activities, past and
has been studying Halimeda on the Great Barrier Reef
for 20 years. This site reflects his unique insight into a
remarkable calcareous green Alga, ranging from the daily
migrations of its subcellular chloroplasts to the
distribution of vast Halimeda meadows visible from space.
and living Algae - Home Page for this
"Fossil and Living Algae" Web-Ring, a ring dedicated to the Algae, fossil or living, and to
people studying them. It concerns paleontologists as well as
La vegetazione marina del Mediterraneo - Giuseppe GIACCONE, Vincenzo DI MARTINO, and
Pietro PAVONE have prepared some very interesting pages
dealing with living algae and their environments in the
Mediterranean Sea. Remark: The site is in Italian language!
Cretaceous calcareous Algae - Catalogue
of the Early Cretaceous calcareous Algae, dealing mostly
with the Dasycladales and their representatives. It includes
electronic images of some fossil Algae in thin sections or
S.E.M. microscopy.
Home of
the fossil Coralline Algae - Michael
RASSER is a specialist of the Coralline Algae, a highly
complicated group. The identification of fossil coralline
algae bears several problems and the intraspecific
variability is very high. Their distribution is very wide
spread: Corallines occur from the tropics to polar regions,
and from the intertidal down to more than 200 m water
& developmental Genetics of Acetabularia - Dina MANDOLI's lab studies how Acetabularia,
a giant (3 cm tall) uninucleate unicellar alga, makes and
maintains body region identity during development and
(PErmian & TRiassic ALGAe) Project -
The PETRALGA Project was launched in order to build a solid
database for the fossil Algae from the Permian and Triassic
epochs. A main going-on sub-project deals with a catalogue
for the Dasycladales.