
Sous-embranchement (subphylum) des Rhynchonelliformea  
Classe des Rhynchonellata 
Ordre des Rhynchonellida 
Super-famille des Pugnacoidea 
Super-famille des Dimerelloidea 
Super-famille des Norelloidea 
Super-famille des Hemithiridoidea 

Family Tethyrhynchiidae Logan in Logan & Zibrowius, 1994


Genus Tethyrhynchia Logan, 1994
[Type species= Tethyrhynchia mediterranea Logan in Logan & Zibrowius, 1994
Diminutive rhynchonellids with smooth transparent shell; rectimarginate anterior commissure; hypothyridid foramen; disjunct deltidial plates; incomplete pedicle collar; long medianly-curved crura (lunifer type); no median septa in either valve; trocholophous lophophore in all growth stages.

Diagnosis in Logan & Zibrowius (1994)

Extant Species of Tethyrhynchia
  • T. mediterranea Logan, 1994
  • Diagnosis

    Tethyrhynchia mediterranea  Logan, 1994

    Type locality: Trois-Pépés cave, 21 m, near La Ciotat (13, France)
    Depth range: 6 - 40 m, in dark areas of submarine caves.

    Tethyrhynchia mediterranea: Logan in Logan & Zibrowius, 1994, p. 81.


    Diagnose (Logan & Zibrowius, 1994)

    Very small Tethyrhynchia, normally less than one millimeter in greatest dimension.

    Cap Morgiou cave (Marseille, France) - depth 27m,
    dark area, with coral substrate (1967)