Liothyrella uva (Broderip, 1833)
Type locality: “in sinu Tehuantepec” - “found by Captain Dare, attached to a sea-vorn bivalve, at a depth of 10-12fathoms”.
Depth range: 0 - 2273 m
Terebratula uva Broderip, 1833
Liothyris uva Davidson, 1886
?Terebratula uva Gray, 1853
Terebratula moseleyi Fischer & Œhlert, 1892
Liothyrella antarctica Blochmann, 1906
Liothyrina uva Blochmann, 1906
Liothyrina moseleyi Dall, 1908
Liothyrina uva var. notorcadensis Jakson, 1912
Liothyrina antarctica Joubin, 1914
?Liothyrella ovata Thomson, 1918
Liothyrella notorcadensis Thomson, 1918
Gryphus antarcticus Dall, 1920
Gryphus uva Dall, 1921
Liothyrella oblonga Cooper, 1973
Liothyrella antartica georgina Zezina 1980
Liothyrella "uva" Cooper, 1983
Liothyrella uva georgina Foster, 1974
Liothyrella uva notorcadensis Foster, 1974
Liothyrella uva cancerderma Foster, 1974
Liothyris uva Zezina, 1976
Liothyrella georgina Cooper, 1982
Liothyrella fosteri Cooper, 1982
Liothyrella expansa Cooper, 1982
Liothyrella notocadensis Cooper, 1982
Diagnose in preparation -
Liothyrella moseleyi (Davidson, 1878)
Type locality: West of Kergelen Island, 210 fathoms [46°47'S, 51° 37’E, depth 384 m]
Depth range: some meters - 700 m
Terebratula moseleyi Davidson, 1878
Liothyris moseleyi Davidson, 1886
Terebratula (Liothyrina) moseleyi Davidson, 1892
Liothyrina moseleyi Blochmann, 1906
Liothyrella moseleyi Hertlein & Grant, 1944
Diagnosis - in preparation
Liothyrella winteri (Blochmann, 1906)
Type locality: “Valdivia, Station 165, St. Paul Tiefe 680 m [38°40,0'S, 77°38,6'E, depth 672 m, NE of Saint-Paul Island, Valdivia-Expedition, 1898-1899].
Depth range: 672 - 680 m
Liothyrina winteri Blochmann, 1906
Liothyrella winteri Thomson, 1927
Diagnosis - in preparation
Liothyrella neozelanica Thomson, 1918
Type locality: Cook Strait, off Wellington, 370 m
Depth range: 6 - 1939 m
Liothyrina sp. Jackson, 1918
Liothyris neozelanica Zezina, 1976
Diagnosis - in preparation
Should be added:
Muscle disposition: see Fig. in front -

Disposition of the pedicle and pedicles muscles - sagittal section
(from Richardson, 1979)

Muscle attachment (from Richardson, 1979)