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Références 2001 sur les Brachiopoda
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Alexander R. R., 2001. Functional morphology and biomechanics of articulate brachiopod shells. Paleontological Society Papers, 7, 145-169. Alméras Y. & Mouty M., 2001. Les Brachiopodes du Jurassique de Syrie. Revue de Paléobiologie, 20 (1), 9-17. Alvarez F., 2001. Athyridid diversity dynamics in the Prague Basin as shown by studies by Vladimir Havlícek. J. Czech geol. Soc., 46 (3-4), 105-108. Alvarez F. & C. H. C. Brunton, 2001. Fundamental differences in external spine growth in the brachiopods. In: Brunton, C. H., Cocks L. R. M. and Long, S. L. (eds) Brachiopods past and present. Systematic Association Special Volume Series, 63, 108-118. Alvarez F. & T. L. Modzalevskaya, 2001. Trends in athyridid diversity dynamics In: Brunton, C. H., Cocks L. R. M. and Long, S. L. (eds) Brachiopods past and present. Systematic Association Special Volume Series, 63, 212-223. Alvaro J J., Lefebvre B. & Vizcaino D., 2001. Catalogue of the fossil species in the Lower Paleozoic of the southern Montagne Noire. The Cambrian and Lower Ordovician of the southern Montagne Noire (Languedoc, France). A synthesis for the beginning of the new century. Annales de la Société géologique du Nord, 8 (4), 227-232. Angiolini L., 2001. Lower and Middle Permian brachiopods from Oman and Perigondwanan palaeogeographical reconstruction. In: Brunton, C. H., Cocks L. R. M. and Long, S. L. (eds) Brachiopods past and present. Systematic Association Special Volume Series, 63, 352-362. Angiolini L., 2001. Permian brachiopods from Karakorum (Pakistan), pt.3. Rev. Ital. Paleont. Stratigr., 107 (3), 307-344. Angiolini L., 2001. New syringothyridid genus (Spiriferinida, Brachiopoda) from the Early Permian of Interior Oman. Riv. Ital. Paleont. Stratigr., 107 (1), 125-130. Archbold NW., 2001. Wallace lines in eastern gondwana: Palaeobiogeography of Australasian Permian Brachiopoda. Faunal and Floral Migrations and Evolution in SE Asia Australasia, p. 73-83. Archbold N.W. & T. Simanauskas, 2001. New Strophalosiidae (Brachiopoda) from the early Pemian of Argentina. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 113 (2), 217-227. Balinski A, 2001. Embryonic shells of Devonian linguloid brachiopods. In: C.H.C. Brunton, L.R.M. Cocks & S.L. Long (eds.), Brachiopods Past and Present. The Systematics Assoc. Spec. Vol. Series, 63, 93-101. Baranov V. V. & T. S. Al’khovik, 2001. New athyridids (Brachiopoda) from the Lower Devonian of Eastern Yakutia [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 3, 41-45. Bartolomaeus T., 2001. Ultrastructure and formation of the body cavity lining in Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida, Lophophorata). Zoomorphology, 120 ( 3), 135-148. Bassett M. G., Popov L. E. & L. E. Holmer, 2001. Functional morphology of articulatory structures and implications for patterns of musculature in Cambrian Rhynchonelliform brachiopods. In: Brunton, C. H., Cocks L. R. M. and Long, S. L. (eds) Brachiopods past and present. Systematic Association Special Volume Series, 63, 163-176. Benatov S., 2001. Brachiopod biostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic in Bulgaria and comparison with elsewhere in Europe. Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63, 384-393. Benedetto J. L., 2001. Una fauna de braquiópodos arenigianos (Ordovícico temprano) en rocas volcanoclásticas de la Puna occidental de Argentina: Implicaciones paleoclimáticas y paleogeográficas. Ameghiniana, 38 (2), 131-146. Bergen M., Weisberg S. B., Smith R. W., Cadien D. B., Dalkey A., Montagne D. E., Stull J. K., Velarde R. G. & J. A. Ranasinghe, 2001. Relationship between depth, sediment, latitude, and the structure of benthic infaunal assemblages on the mainland shelf of southern California. Mar. Biol., 138, 637-647. Bitner M. A. & J. Martinell, 2001. Pliocene brachiopods from the Estepona area (Málaga, South Spain). Rev. Esp. Paleont., 16 (2), 177-186. Borghi E., 2001. 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Bull. Inf. Bass. Paris, 38 (2), 3-18. Bourque PA., Savard MM., Chi GX. & Dansereau P, 2001. Diagenesis and porosity evolution of the Upper Silurian lowermost Devonian West Point reef limestone, eastern Gaspe Belt, Quebec Appalachians. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 49 (2), 299-326. Brand U. & Brenckle P, 2001. Chemostratigraphy of the Mid Carboniferous boundary global stratotype section and point (GSSP), Bird Spring Formation, Arrow Canyon, Nevada, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 165 (3 4), 321-347. Brenchley PJ., Marshall JD. & Underwood CJ, 2001. Do all mass extinctions represent an ecological crisis? Evidence from the Late Ordovician. Geological Journal, 36 (3 4), 329-340. Brockington S & Clarke A, 2001. The relative influence of temperature and food on the metabolism of a marine invertebrate. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 258 (1), 87-99. Bruntse G. & O. S. Tendalm (Eds), 2001. Marine biological investigations and assemblages of benthic invertebrates from the Faroe Islands. Kaldbak Marine Biological Laboratory, The Faroe Islands, 80 pp. Buening N., 2001. A TEM investigation of modulated microstructure in Recent and fossil articulate brachiopod shells from New Zealand. Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63, 28-39. Buening N., 2001. Brachiopod shells, recorders of the present and keys to the past. Paleontological Society Papers, 7, 117-143. Candela Y., 2001. Palaeoecological interpretation of the brachiopod faunas of the Bardahessiagh Formation (middle Caradoc), Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone, N. Ireland. Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 63, 285-295. Carlson S. J., 2001. Ghosts of the past, present, and future in brachiopod systematics. Journal of Paleontology, 75 (6), 1109-1118. Chen X.Q., Liao Z. T. & Xu H. K., 2001. Study of the Devonian brachiopod genera Yunnanella and Nayunnella. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 40(2), 229-238. 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European Register of Marine Species, a check list of the marine species in Europe and a bibliography of guides to their identification. Patrimoines Naturels, 50, 463 p.  Craig R. S., 2001. The Cenozoic Brachiopoda of the Bremer and Eucla Basins, southwest Western Australia. Rec. West. Austr. Mus., 20, 199-236. Curry G. B., Conor R. & Simeoni F., 2001. Stratigraphic Distribution of Brachiopods - A New Method of Storing and Querying Loosely-structured Biodiversity Information. In C. H. C. Brunton, R. Cocks, & S. Long, eds., Brachiopods Past and Present. Taylor & Francis, London, p. **/**. Cusack M., 2001. Biomineralization in brachiopod shells. Paleontological Society Papers, 7, 105-116.Cusack M. & A. Williams, 2001. Evolutionary and diagenetic changes in the chemico-structure of the shell of cranioid brachiopods. Palaeontology, 44 (5), 875-903. d'Hondt J. L., 2001. The use of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in animal systematics, phylogeny, and ecophysiology. 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