![]() | Références 2009 sur les Brachiopoda |
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Acton G., J. Crampton, G. Di Vincenzo, C.R. Fielding, F. Florindo, M. Hannah, D.M. Harwood, S. Ishman, K. Johnson, L. Jovane, R.H. Levy, B. Lum, M.C. Marcano, S. Mukasa, C. Ohneiser, M.P. Olney, C. Riesselman, L. Sagnotti, C. Stefano, E. Strada, M. Taviani, E. Tuzzi, K.L. Verosub, G.S. Wilson, M. Zattin & The Andrill-Sms Science Team, 2009. Preliminary integrated chronostratigraphy of the AND-2A core, ANDRILL southern McMurdo sound project, Antarctica. Terra Antartica, 15 (1), 211-220. Ahlberg P.; Axheimer N.; Babcock L. E; Eriksson M. E; Schmitz B. & Terfelt, F., 2009. Cambrian high-resolution biostratigraphy and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy in Scania, Sweden: first record of the SPICE and DICE excursions in Scandinavia. Lethaia, 42 (1), 2-16. Altenburger A. & A. Wanninger, 2009. Comparative larval myogenesis and adult myoanatomy of the rhynchonelliform (articulate) brachiopods Argyrotheca cordata, A. cistellula, and Terebratalia transversa. Frontiers in Zoology, 6 (3) - doi:10.1186/1742-9994-6-3. Aubrecht R; Schlogl J; Krobicki M; Wierzbowski H; Matyja BA; Wierzbowski A., 2009. Middle Jurassic stromatactis mud-mounds in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians) - A possible clue to the origin of stromatactis. Sedimentary Geology, 213 (3-4), 97-112. Baranov VV., 2009. Brachiopods from the family Ambocoeliidae George (Order Spiriferida) from the Emsian (Lower Devonian) of northeastern Russia [in Russian]. Paleont. Zhurn., 2009 (1), 54-62. Balthasar U. & Butterfield N.J., 2009. Early Cambrian "soft-shelled" brachiopods as possible stem-group phoronids. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54 (2), 307-314. Balthasar U., Skovsted C. B., Holmer L. E. & Brock G. A., 2009. Homologous skeletal secretion in tommotiids and brachiopods. Geology, 37 (12), 1143-1146. Bassett M. G., Popov L. E., Aldridge R. J., Gabbott S. E., & J. N. Theron, 2009. Brachiopoda from the Soom Shale Lagerstätte (Upper Ordovician, South Africa). Journal of Paleontology, 83, 614-623. Bertolaso L., Borghi E. & D. García Ramos, 2009. Brachiopodi Neogenici e Pleistocenici dell'Emilia (Parte seconda). Parva Naturalia, 8, 3-42. Bitner M. A., 2009. Recent Brachiopoda from the Norfolk Ridge, New Caledonia, with description of four new species. Zootaxa, 2235, 1-39. Bitner M. A. & Boukhary M., 2009. First record of brachiopods from the Eocene of Egypt. Nat. Croat., 18 (2), 393-400. Bitner M. A., Gazdzicki A. & Blazejowski B., 2009. Brachiopods from the Chlamys Ledge Member (Polonez Cove Formation, Oligocene) of King George Island, West Antarctica. Pol. Polar Res., 30 (3), 277-290. Bitner M. A. & Schneider S., 2009. The Upper Burdigalian (Ottnangian) brachiopod fauna from the northern coast of the Upper Marine Molasse Sea in Bavaria, Southern Germany. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 254, 117-133. Bosetti P. E., Horodyski R. S. & C. Zabini, 2009. Lilliput effect in the malvinokaffric realm? Boletim Paleontologia em destaque, Sociedad Brasileira de Paleontologia, 62, 37-38. Brand U., J. Tazawa, H. Sano, K. Azmy & X. Lee, 2009. Is mid-late Paleozoic ocean-water chemistry coupled with epeiric seawater isotope records? Geology, 37 (9), 823-826. Chang A., Schomburg D. & Schomburg I., 2009. Class 1 Oxidoreductases. Springer Handbook of Enzymes, 2nd ed, vol. 27, 821 p.Checa A. G., Gaspard D., González-Segura A. & Ramiírez-Rico J., 2009. Crystallography of the calcitic foliated-Lilke and seminacre microstructures of the brachiopod Novocrania. Crystal growth & design, 9 (5), 2464-2469. Clapham ME, Shen SZ & Bottjer DJ, 2009. The double mass extinction revisited: reassessing the severity, selectivity, and causes of the end-Guadalupian biotic crisis (Late Permian). Paleobiology, 35 (1), 32-50. Cocks L.R.M. & Popov L.E., 2009. Generic homes for British Silurian linguloid brachiopods. Palaeontology, 52, 349-367. Desjardins P., Buatois L.A., Limarino C.O. & Cisterna G.A., 2009. Latest Carboniferous-earliest Permian transgressive deposits in the Paganzo Basin of Western Argentina : Lithofacies and sequence stratigraphy of a coastal plain to shallow-marine succession. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 28 (1), 40-53. Diedrich C., 2009.The vertebrates of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary (Middle Triassic) from Bissendorf (NW Germany) and their contribution to the anatomy, palaeoecology, and palaeobiogeography of the Germanic Basin reptiles. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 273 (1-2), 1-16. Emig C. C., 2009. Chapter IV. Taxonomic groups. Part 35 Brachiopods. In: Marine Biodiversity of Costa Rica, Central America. Wehrtmann I. S. & J. Cortés (eds.). Monographiae Biologicae, 86, 417-420 et CD-Species List 35.1 et 35.2, p. 389-391. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 538 p. & CD-Rom 500 p. - available in pdf on request Emig C. C., 2009. Brachiopoda. www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2009/. Also available in: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2009 Annual Checklist. CD-ROM restricted to Microsoft Windows; Species 2000: Reading, UK. Emig C. C., 2009. Nummulus brattenburgensis and Crania craniolaris (Brachiopoda, Craniidae). Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Article 2009/08 (CG2009_A08), 11 p., 8 figs., 1 tabl. García-Alcalde J. L., 2009. Iberirhynchiidae nueva familia de Rinconélidos Ancistrorhynchoideos (Braquiópodos) del Ordovícico Medio al Devónico Inferior de Euroamérica y Gondwana. Rev. Esp. Paleont., 24 (2 ), 149-169. García-Ramos D., 2009. Relevancia en Sistemática del estudio mediante secciones seriadas del cardinalio de los Terebratuloidea y los Loboidothyridoidea (Brachiopoda) cretácicos. Boletín de la Asociación Cultural Paleontológica Murciana, 6, 34-72. Gaspard D., B. Marie, N. Guichard, G. Luquet & F. Marin, 2009. Biochemical characteristics of the shell soluble organic matrix of some Recent Rhynchonelliformea (Brachiopoda). Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Biomineralization, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile, 2007, p. 193-204. Goetz A.J., Griesshaber E, Neuser RD, Lüter C, Huhner M, Harper E & Schmahl WW, 2009. Calcite morphology, texture and hardness in the distinct layers of rhynchonelliform brachiopod shells. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21 (2), 303-315. Griesshaber E., Kelm K, Sehrbrock A, Mader W, Mutterlose J, Brand U & Schmahl WW, 2009. Amorphous calcium carbonate in the shell material of the brachiopod Megerlia truncata. European Journal of Mineralogy, 21 (4), 715-723. Halamski A.T., 2009. Middle Devonian Brachiopods from the northern Part of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland in relation to selected coeval faunas Part One: Introduction, Lingulida, Craniida, Strophomenida, Productida, Protorthida, Orthida. Palaeontographica Abteilung A-Palaozoologie-Stratigraphie, 287 (1-3), 41-129. Halamski A.T. & Balinski A., 2009. Latest Famennian brachiopods from Kowala, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54 (2), 289-306. Hansen J., Nielsen J.K. & Hanke N.M., 2009. The relationships between Late Ordovician sea-level changes and faunal turnover in western Baltica: Geochemical evidence of oxic and dysoxic bottom-water conditions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 271 (3-4), 268-278. Hejnol A., M. Obst, A. Stamatakis, M. Ott, G. W. Rouse, G. D. Edgecombe, P. Martinez, J. Baguña, X. Bailly, U.Jondelius, M. Wiens, W. E. G. Müller, E. Seaver, W. C. Wheeler, M. Q. Martindale, G. Giribet & C. W. Dunn, 2009. Assessing the root of bilaterian animals with scalable phylogenomic methods. Proc. R. Soc. B, 276, 4261-4270. Hoffmann J., Klann M. & Matz F., 2009. Recent thecideide brachiopods from the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia (SW Pacific Ocean). Zoosystematics and Evolution, 85, 341-349. Hoffmann J. & Lüter C., 2009. Shell development, growth and sexual dimorphism in the Recent thecideide brachiopod Thecidellina meyeri sp. nov. from the Lesser Antilles, Caribbean. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 89, 469-479. Holmer L . E., Pettersson Stolk S., C. B. Skovsted, U. Balthasar & L. Popov, 2009. The enigmatic Early Cambrian Salanygolina - A stem group of rhynchonelliform Chileate brachiopods? Palaeontology, 52 (1), 1-10. Hunter C., 2009. Distribution and abundance of Lingula reevii, in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. NOAA Report, project n°133F08SE2838, 24 p. Ibaraki Y., Niko S., Hosaka R. & J. Tazawa, 2009. Devonian tabulate corals from limestone float in the Kotakigawa River, Omi area, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan, 115 (8), 423-426. Ibaraki Y., Tazawa J. & Miyake Y., 2009. Gigantoproductus (Carboniferous Brachiopoda) from the lowest part of the Ichinotani Formation, Fukuji, Hida Gaien Belt, central Japan. Science Reports of Niigata University, Series E (Geology), 24, 1-5. James N. P., Eyles C. H., Eyles N., Hiatt E. E. & Kurtis K. T., 2009. Carbonates within a Pleistocene glaciomarine succession, Yakataga Formation, Middleton Island, Alaska. Sedimentology, 56 (2), 367-397. Jang K. H. & U. W. Hwang, 2009. Complete mitochondrial genome of Bugula neritina (Bryozoa, Gymnolaemata, Cheilostomata): phylogenetic position of Bryozoa and phylogeny of lophophorates within the Lophotrochozoa. BMC Genomics, 10, 167 - doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-167 Jin J., Harper D.A.T. & Rasmussen C.M.O., 2009. Sulcipentamerus (Pentamerida, Brachiopoda) from the Lower Silurian Washington Land Group, North Greenland. Palaeontology, 52, 365-399. Komarov V.N. & Sannikova E.I., 2009. First record of Pygites Buckman (Terebratulida, Brachiopoda) in the Mountain Crimea [in Russian]. Proceedings of Higher Educational Establishments. Geology and Exploration, 3, 85-86. Kroger B. & Zhang Y., 2009. Pulsed cephalopod diversification during the Ordovician. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 273 (1-2), 174-183. Lee D. & F. Smith, 2009. Brachiopods, or Lamp Shells (Phylum Brachiopoda). In: Treasures of the sea, http://www.treasuresofthesea.org.nz/brachiopods-or-lamp-shells. Legrand-Blain M., 2009. Brachiopodes Productidina du Bashkirien inférieur (Pennsylvanien) du Bassin houiller du Nord de la France (collections G. Waterlot et J. Chalard). Annales de la Société géologique du Nord, 16 (2° série), 55-67. Logan A., Wirtz P. & Swinnen F., 2009 (2007). New record of Novocrania (Brachiopoda, Craniida) from Madeira, with notes on Recent brachiopod occurrences in the Macaronesian archipelagos. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 24, 17-22. Lüter C., 2009. Brachiopoda - Lamp shells. In: Häussermann V. & Försterra G. (eds), Marine Benthic Fauna of Chilean Patagonia. Nature in Focus, Santiago de Chile, p. 785-790. Lutzen J, Hong J. S. & Yamashita H., 2009. Koreamya arcuata (A. Adams, 1856) gen. nov (Galeommatoidea: Montacutidae), a commensal bivalve associated with the inarticulate brachiopod Lingula anatina. Journal of Conchology, 39, 669-679. MacFarlan D. A. B., Bradshaw M. A., Campbell H. J., Cooper R. A., Lee D. E., MacKinnon D. I., Waterhouse J. B., Wright A. J. & J. H. Robinson, 2009. Phylum Brachiopoda - lamp shells. In: Gordon D. P. (ed). The New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Volume 1, 255-267. Kingdom Animalia. Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, and Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, 584 p. MacKinnon D. I. & Long S. L., 2009. A new species of the recent brachiopod genus Shimodaia (Laqueoidea: Terebratulida) from the South China Sea. Paleontological Research. 13 (4), 309-317. Madison A.A., 2009. Structure of the first-formed shell of the Middle Ordovician orthid-like brachiopods from the Leningrad Region. Paleontological J., 43 (11), 1469-1476. Mangold C., Almeras Y, Hughes GWA & Enay, R2009. The Wadi ad Dawasir "delta", central Saudi Arabia: A relative sea-level fall of Early Bathonian age. Geoarabia, 14 (1), 17-52. Martínez Chacón M. L. & C. F. Winkler Prins, 2009. Brachiopods from the Valdeteja Formation (Pennsylvanian; Cantabrian Mountains, NWSpain). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 252 (1), 91-111. Mergl M. & L. Ferrovà, 2009. Lingulate brachiopods from the Chynice Limestone (upper Emsian, Barrandian; Czech Republic). Bulletin of Geosciences, 84 (3), 525-546. Merkel T. C., 2009. Nanoskalige Untersuchungen zur Calcitmineralisation in Gegenwart von Kieselsäuren und Nanohärte-Messungen von Brachiopodenschalen. Dissertation der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München zur Erlangung des Grades Doktor rerum naturalis, 117 p. Merkel C., Deuschle J., Griesshaber E, Enders S., Steinhauser E., Hochleitner R., Brand U. & Schmahl, W.W., 2009. Mechanical properties of modern calcite- (Mergerlia truncata) and phosphate-shelled brachiopods (Discradisca stella and Lingula anatina) determined by nanoindentation . J. Structural Biol., 168 (3), 396-408. Motchurova-Dekova N., Radulovi V., Graziano R. & E. Taddei Ruggiero, 2009. Orbirhynchia nadiae, a new rhynchonellide brachiopod species from the Lower Aptian of the Gargano Promontory (southern Italy): shell structure, stratigraphy, palaeoecology and taphonomy. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 252 (3), 289-313. Motchurova-Dekova N., Radulovic V. & Metodiev L., 2009. Shell microstructure used to unveil homoeomorphy in rhynchonellide brachiopods. Pseudocapillirhynchia platoni: new Early-Middle Jurassic genus and species from Bulgaria. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 62 (10), 1299-1310. Mottequin B. & Sevastopulo G., 2009: Predatory boreholes in Tournaisian (Lower Carboniferous) spiriferid brachiopods. Lethaia, 42, 274-282. Mottequin B. & Legrand-Blain M., in press. Late Tournaisian (Carboniferous) brachiopods from Mouydir (Central Sahara, Algeria). Geological Journal, DOI: 10.1002/gj.1176. Olszewski T. D. & Erwin D. H., 2009. Change and Stability in Permian Brachiopod Communities from Western Texas. Palaios, (1), 27-40. Page A., Wilby P. R., Mellish C. J. T. , Williams M. & J. A. Zalasiewicz, 2008. Dawsonia Nicholson: linguliform brachiopods, crustacean tail-pieces and a problematicum rather than graptolite ovarian vesicles. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 99, 251-266. Pakhnevich A. V., 2009. On effectiveness of micro-CT research of paleontological objects [in Russian]. Modern paleontology: classical and new methods, 2009, 127-141. Pakhnevich A. V., 2009. Reasons of micromorphism in modern and fossil brachiopods. Paleontological Journal, 43 (11), 1458-1468. Paps J., Baguña J. & M. Riutort, 2009. Lophotrochozoa internal phylogeny: new insights from an up-to-date analysis of nuclear ribosomal genes. 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Survival patterns of macrobenthic marine assemblages during the end-Permian mass extinction in the western Tethys (Dolomites, Italy). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 280(1-2), 150-167. Rojas Briceño A. & P. Patarroyo, 2009. Occurrence of Sellithyris sella (Brachiopoda) in the Rosablanca Formation, Boyacá-Colombia. Boletín de Geología, 31 (2), 129-132. Santagata S. & J. W. Tunnell Jr., 2009. Brachiopoda of the Gulf of Mexico. In: Felder D.L. & D.K. Camp (eds.), Gulf of Mexico–Origins, Waters, and Biota. Texas A & M Press, College Station, USA, p. 1137–1141. Schemm-Gregory M., 2009. Frequentispirifer, a new spiriferid genus and its phylogenetic position within the Delthyridoidea (Brachiopoda, Lower Devonian). N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 251 (1), 53-70. Schemm-Gregory M., 2009. On the genus Quiringites Struve, 1992 (Brachiopoda, Middle Devonian). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, 50 (1), 3-20. Schmahl W.W., Griesshaber E., Neuser R.D., Goetz A. & Lüter C., 2009. Electron backscatter diffraction study of brachiopod shell calcite - Microscale phase and texture analysis of a polycrystalline biomaterial. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, 25 (5-6), 474-478. Schneider S., Berning, B., Bitner M. A., Carriol R.-P., Jäger M., Kriwet J., Kroh A. & Werner W., 2009. A parautochthonous shallow marine fauna from the Late Burdigalian (early Ottnangian) of Gurlarn (Lower Bavaria, SE Germany): Macrofaunal inventory and paleoecology. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 254, 63-103. Shen S., Xie J., Zhang H. & Shi G. R., 2009. Roadian-Wordian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) global palaeobiogeography of brachiopods. Global and Planetary Change, 65 (3-4), 166-181. Shiino Y., 2009. Middle Permian echinoconchoide brachiopod Vediproductus in the Kamiyasse area, Southern Kitakami Mountains, northeast Japan. Paleontological Research, 13 (3), 251-258. Simões M. G., Rodrigues S. C. & M. Kowalewski, 2009. Bouchardia rosea, a vanishing brachiopod species of the Brazilian platform: taphonomy, historical ecology and conservation paleobiology. Historical Biology, 21 (3-4), 123-137. Sirenko B. I., 2009. Main differences in macrobenthos and benthic communities of the Arctic and Antarctic, as illustrated by comparison of the Laptev and Weddell Sea faunas. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 35 (6), 445-453. Sklenar J. & E. Simon, 2009. Brachiopod Gyrosoria Cooper, 1973 - a comparative palaeoecological, stratigraphical and taxonomical study. Bulletin of Geosciences, 84 (3), 437-464. Skovsted C.B., Brock G.A., Holmer L.E. & Paterson J.R., 2009. First report of the early Cambrian stem group brachiopod Mickwitzia from East Gondwana. Gondwana Research, 16, 145-150. Skovsted C. B., Holmer L.E., Larsson C.M., Högström A.E.S., Brock G.A., Topper T.P., Balthasar U., Petterson Stolk S.& Paterson J.P., 2009. The scleritome of Paterimitra: an Early Cambrian stem group brachiopod from South Australia. Proc. R. Soc. London B, 276, 1651-1656. Skovsted C. B., Bathasar U., Brock G. A.& Paterson J. R., 2009. The tommotiid Camenella reticulosa from the early Cambrian of South Australia: Morphology, scleritome reconstruction, and phylogeny. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54 (3), 525-540. Sone M., 2009. Correct authorship and publication date of the Permian brachiopod Productus djulfensis Stoyanow, the type species of Sarytchevinella Waterhouse. Paleontological Journal, 43 (3), 345-346. Sone M., Chonglakmani C. & Chitnarin A., 2009. Middle Permian productidine brachiopods from central Thailand (the Indochina Terrane) with paleobiogeographic implications. Journal of Paleontology, in press. Sun M., Z. Wu, X. Shen, J. Ren, X. Lui, H. Liu & B. Lui, 2009. The complete mitochondrial genome of Watersipora subtorquata (Bryozoa, Gymnolaemata, Ctenostomata) with phylogenetic consideration of Bryozoa. 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