![]() | Références 2010 sur les Brachiopoda |
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Afanasjeva G. A., 2010. Large extinctions of articulate brachiopods in the Paleozoic and their ecological and evolutionary consequences. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 44 (9), 1200-. Afanasjeva G. A. & J. Tazawa, 2010. New Genus Kanokurachonetes (Brachiopoda, Chonetida) from the Middle Permian of the southern Kitakami Mountains, Northeast Japan [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2010 (1), 17-20. Alméras Y., Bécaud M. & M. Cougnon, 2010. Brachiopodes liasiques de la bordure sud du Massif armoricain (Vendée, Deux-Sèvres: France) : Paléontologie et Chronostratigraphie. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France, Hors-Série 1, 131 p. Alroy J., 2010. The Shifting Balance of Diversity Among Major Marine Animal Groups. Science (Washington), 329 (5996), 1191-1194. Allmen K. von, Nagler T., Pettke T., Hippler D., Griesshaber E., Logan A., Eisenhauer A. & Samankassou E., 2010. Stable isotope profiles (Ca, O, C) through modern brachiopod shells of T. septentrionalis and G. vitreus: Implications for calcium isotope paleo-ocean chemistry. Chemical Geology, 269 (3-4), 210-219. Álvarez F. & G. B. Curry (Eds), 2010. Evolution and development of the brachiopod shell. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 333 p. Alvarez F., Curry G.B., Brime C & Anadón N., 2010. Variation in the shell morphology of Compsothyris (Brachiopoda, recent): an example of the problems associated with the compilation of data matrices for phylogenetic analysis and the preparation of electronic databases. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 13-40. Alvaro J J., Ahlberg P. & Axheimer N., 2010. Skeletal carbonate productivity and phosphogenesis at the lower-middle Cambrian transition of Scania, southern Sweden. Geol. Mag., 147 (1), 59-76. Altenburger A. & Wanninger A., 2010. Neuromuscular development in Novocrania anomala: evidence for the presence of serotonin and a spiralian-like apical organ in lecithotrophic brachiopod larvae. Evolution & Development, 12, 16-24. Angiolini L.; Checconi A.; Gaetani M.; Rettori R., 2010. The latest Permian mass extinction in the Alborz Mountains (North Iran). Geol. J., 45 (2-3), 216-229. Baker P. G. & S. J. Carlson, 2010. The early ontogeny of Jurassic thecideoid brachiopods and its contribution to the understanding of thecideoid ancestry. Palaeontology, 53 (3), 645-667. Balinski A., 2010. First colour-patterned strophomenide brachiopod from the earliest Devonian of Podolia, Ukraine. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55 (4), 695-700. Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2010. Tubular shell infestations in some Mississippian spirilophous brachiopods. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55 (4), 689-694. - see also Emig (2011) - Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2010. New paeckelmannelloidean spiriferids (Brachiopoda) from the early Mississippian of southern China. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 91-98. Bininda-Edmons O. R. P., 2010. The future of supertrees: bridging the gap with supermatrices. Palaeodiversity, 3 Supplement, 99-106. Bitner M. A., 2010. Biodiversity of shallow-water brachiopods from New Caledonia, SW Pacific, with description of a new species. Scientia Marina, 74 (4), 643-657. Bitner M. A., Jurkovsek B. & T. Kolar-Jurkovsek, 2010. New record of the inarticulate brachiopod genus Discinisca from the Upper Triassic (Carnian) of the Julian Alps, NW Slovenia. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh., 257 (3), 367-372. Bond D. P. G., Hilton J., Wignall P. B., Ali J. R., Stevens L. G., Sun Y. & Lai X., 2010. The Middle Permian (Capitanian) mass extinction on land and in the oceans. Earth-Sci. Rev., 102 (1-2), 100-116. Bose R., Schneider C., Polly P. D., Yacobucci & Margaret M., 2010. Ecological interactions between Rhipidomella (Orthides, Brachiopoda) and its endoskeletobionts and predators from the Middle Devonian Dundee Formation of Ohio, United States. Palaios, 25 (3), 196-208. Bosetti E. P., Y. Grahn, R. S. Horodyski, P. Mendlowicz Mauller, P. Breuer & C. Zabini, 2010. An earliest Givetian ‘‘Lilliput Effect’’ in the Paraná Basin, and the collapse of the Malvinokaffric shelly fauna. Paläontol. Z., DOI 10.1007/s12542-010-0075-8. Bosetti E. P., Horodyski R. S., Zabini C., Matsumura W. M. K. & L. C. Godoy, 2010. Primeira ocorrência de Lingulepis (Brachiopoda-Obolidae) no Devoniano do estado do Paraná, Brasil. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, 5,(2), 151-164. Bosetti E. P., Horodyski R. S., Zabini C., Matsumura W. M. K. & A. C. Penteado, 2010. Ocorrência de fenótipos subnormais no limite Neoeifeliano/Eogivetiano, Tibagi, estado do Paraná: implicações tafonômicas e paleossinecológicas. Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Nat., Belém, 5 (2), 135-149. Bremec C. & L. Schejter, 2010. Benthic diversity in a submarine canyon in the Argentine sea. Revista Chilena de Historia natural, 83, 453-457. Bush A. M. & Brame R. I., 2010. Multiple paleoecological controls on the composition of marine fossil assemblages from the Frasnian (Late Devonian) of Virginia, with a comparison of ordination methods. Paleobiology, 36 (4), 573-591. Candela Y.& D. A. T. Harper, 2010.Late Ordovician (Katian) brachiopods from the Southern Uplands of Scotland: biogeographic patterns on the edge of Laurentia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth and Environmental Science, 100, 253-274 Candela Y. & T. Hansen, 2010. Brachiopod associations from the Middle Ordovician of the Oslo Region, Norway. Palaeontology, 53 (4), 833-867. Chen J., Chen Z. & Tong J., 2010. Palaeoecology and taphonomy of two brachiopod shell beds from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Guizhou, Southwest China: Recovery of benthic communities from the end-Permian mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change, 73 (1-2), 149-160. Chen Z., Tong J., Liao Z. & Chen J., 2010. Structural changes of marine communities over the Permian-Triassic transition: Ecologically assessing the end-Permian mass extinction and its aftermath. Global and Planetary Change, 73 (1-2), 123-140. Cisterna G.A., 2010. Earliest Permian brachiopod faunas of central western Argentina: implications for defining the Carboniferous-Permian boundary. In “Environmental processes and biotic responses at high latitudes: a study of Late Palaeozoic sequences, biotas and palaeoenvironmental changes in Gondwana and northern Eurasia” (Eds. G.R. Shi & J.B Waterhouse), Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaecology, Special Issue, 298, 91-100. Cisterna G.A. & Sterren A.F, 2010. "Levipustula Fauna" in central - western Argentina and its relationships with the Carboniferous glacial event in the southwestern Gondwanan margin. In Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana: Prospects and Emerging Challenges (Eds. O.R. López-Gamundí & L.A. Buatois), Geological Society of America, Special Paper, 468, 133-147. Cocks L. R., 2010. Caradoc strophomenoid and plectambonitoid brachiopods from Wales and the Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology, 53 (5), 1155-1200. Coelho Rodrigues C. & M. Guimarães Simões, 2010. Taphonomy of Bouchardia rosea (Rhynchonelliformea, Brachiopoda) shells from Ubatuba bay, Brazil: implications for the use of taphonomic signatures in (paleo)environmental analysis. Ameghiniana, 47 (3), 373-386. Comas-Rengifo MJ; Arias C; Gomez JJ; Goy A; Herrero C; Osete ML; Palencia A., 2010.A complementary section for the proposed Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) global stratotype: The Almonacid de la Cuba section (Spain). Stratigr. Geol. Correlation, 18 (2), 133-152. Curry G. B., 2010. Monographic effects on brachiopod stratigraphy. Systematics Association Special Volume, 84, 197-218. Cusack M., Dauphin Y., Chung P. & Pérez-Huerta A., 2010. Brachiopod primary layer crystallography and nanostructure. Palaeontology, in press Danovaro R., Company JB, Corinaldesi C, D’Onghia G, Galil B, et al, 2010. Deep-sea biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea: The known, the unknown, and the unknowable. PLoS ONE, 5 (8), e11832. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011832 Davidson E.H. & D.H. Erwin, 2010. An integrated view of Precambrian eumetazoan evolution. Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol., 17 p. - doi:10.1101/sqb.2009.74.042 Di Stefano A. & S. G. Longhitano, 2009. Tectonics and sedimentation of the Lower and Middle Pleistocene mixed siliciclastic/bioclastic sedimentary successions of the Ionian Peloritani Mts (NE Sicily, Southern Italy): the onset of opening of the Messina Strait . Cent. Eur. J. Geosci., 1 (1), 33-62. D’Oriano F., Angeletti L.,. Capotondi L, Laurenzi M. A., Lopez Correa M., Taviani M., Torelli L., Trua T., Vigliotti L. & N. Zitellini, 2010. Coral Patch and Ormonde seamounts as a product of the Madeira hotspot, Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Terra Nova, 22, 494500. Dudei N. L. & Stigall A. L., 2010. Using ecological niche modeling to assess biogeographic and niche response of brachiopod species to the Richmondian Invasion (Late Ordovician) in the Cincinnati Arch. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 296 (1-2), 28-43. Dulai A., 2010. Early Messinian (Late Miocene) micromorphic brachiopods from Borelli (Italy, Piemonte). Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 28, 21-31. Dulai A., Hradecká L., Konzalová M., Less G., Svábenická L. & H. Lobitzer, 2010. An Early Eocene Fauna and Flora from “Rote Kirche” in Gschliefgraben near Gmunden, Upper Austria. Abh. Geol. B.-A., 65, 181-210. Dzik J., 2010. Brachiopod identity of the alleged monoplacophoran ancestors of cephalopods. Malacologia, 52 (1), 97-113. Edgecombe G. D., 2010. Palaeomorphology: fossils and the inference of cladistic relationship. Acta Zoologica, 91 (1), 72-80. Ehrenberg SN; McArthur, JM & Thirlwall, MF., 2010. Strontium isotope dating of spiculitic Permian strata from Spitsbergen outcrops and Barents sea well-cores. J. Pet. Geol., 33 (3), 247-254. Emig C. C., 2010. Brachiopoda (Oct. 2008). In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2010 AnnualChecklist (Bisby et al., eds), DVD, Species 2000, Reading UK. Emig C. C., 2010. Fossil Phoronida and their inferred ichnotaxa. Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Letter 2010/03 (CG2010_L03), 5 p., 4 fig. Emig C. C., 2010. Brachiopoda. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 17 (suppl. 1), 586-588. Evangelisti F., Albano P.G. & B. Sabelli, 2010. Genetic variation of the brachiopod Gryphus vitreus (Born, 1778) across the Gibraltar sill. Biol. Mar. Mediterr., 17 (1), 28-30. Fall L. M. & Olszewski T. D., 2010. Environmental disruptions influence taxonomic composition of brachiopod paleocommunities in the Middle Permian Bell Canyon Formation (Delaware Basin, West Texas). Palaios, 25 (4), 247-259. Fauré Ph. & Alméras Y., 2010. Le Malm (Jurassique supérieur) des Corbières nord-orientales (Nappe des Corbières orientales). Identification de l'étage Kimméridgien à l'aide de Brachiopodes. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse. Fröhlich S.; Petitpierre L., Redfern J., Grech P., Bodin S. & Lang S., 2010. Sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic analysis of Carboniferous deposits in western Libya: Recording the sedimentary response of the northern Gondwana margin to climate and sea-level changes. J. Afr. Earth Sci., 57 (4), 279-296. Fuchs J., Iseto T., Hirose,M., Sundberg P. & Obst M., 2010. The first internal molecular phylogeny of the animal phylum Entoprocta (Kamptozoa). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 56 (1), 370-379. García-Alcalde J.L., 2010. Givetian Brachiopod faunas of the Palentian Domain (N Spain). Revista Española de Paleontología, 25 (1), 43-69. García-Alcalde J. L., 2010. Braquiópodos Devónicos de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). 8. Maisotia n. gen. (Terebratúlido) del Emsiense terminal (Devónico Inferior). Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 30, 386-394. García-Alcalde J. L., 2010. Braquiópodos Devónicos de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). 9. Pentamerelloides n. gen. (Pentameridina Clorindoidea) del Givetiense medio. Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 30, 421-431. García-Alcalde J. L., 2010. Braquiópodos Devónicos de la Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). 10. Argovejia n. gen. (Retzioidea) del Emsiense superior (Devónico Inferior). Trabajos de Geología, Universidad de Oviedo, 30, 452-459. Gourvennec R., Piçarra J. M., Yves Plusquellec Y., Pereira Z., Oliveira J. T & M. Robardet, 2010. Lower Devonian faunas and palynomorphs from the Dornes Syncline (Central Iberian Zone, Portugal): stratigraphical and paleogeographical implications. Carnets de Géologie/Notebooks on Geology, Article 2010/09 (CG2010_A09), 10 p. Grahn Y. & E. P. Bosetti, 2010. Storm deposited pebble and cobble-sized particles in the early Emsian of the Ponta Grossa Formation, Paraná Basin (state of Paraná, Brazil). Revista Brasileira de Geociências, 40 (1), 236-241. Hannigan R., Brookfield ME. & Basu AR., 2010. A detailed 87SR/86SR isotopic curve for the mid-Cincinnatian (Upper Katian-Lower Hirnantian, Upper Ordovician), NE North American Shelf (Ontario, Canada) transition to the Hirnantian glaciation. Chemical Geology, 277 (3-4), 336-344. Hansen J. & Holmer L.E., 2010. Diversity fluctuations and biogeography of Ordovician brachiopod faunas in northeastern Spitsbergen. Bulletin of Geosciences, 85 (3), 497-504. Harper D.A.T., Alvarez F., Boucot A.J., Williams A., Wright T. & Schemm-Gregory M., 2010. Tropidoleptida (Brachiopoda. Devonian hopeful monsters or misplaced orphans. ? Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 119-136. Harper E. M., Peck L. S. & K. R. Hendry, 2009. Patterns of shell repair in articulate brachiopods indicate size constitutes a refuge from predation. Mar. Biol., 156, 1993-2000. Haupt T. M., Griffiths C. L., Robinson T. B. & A. F. G. Tonin, 2010. Oysters as vectors of marine aliens, with notes on four introduced species associated with oyster farming in South Africa. African Zoology, 45 (1), 52-62. He W.-H. et al., 2010. Controls on body size during the Late Permian mass extinction event. Geobiology, 8, 391-402. Hejnol A., 2010. A twist in time - The evolution of spiral cleavage in the light of animal phylogeny. Integr. Comp. Biol., 50, 695-706. Hausdorf B., Helmkampf M., Nesnidal M. P. & Bruchhaus I., 2010. Phylogenetic relationships within the lophophorate lineages (Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda and Phoronida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 55, (3), 1121-1127. Heindel K., Titschack J., Dorschel B., Huvenne V.A.I., & Freiwald A., 2010. The sediment composition and predictive mapping of facies on the Propeller Mound--A cold-water coral mound (Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic). Continental Shelf Research, 30 (17), 1814-1829. Hejnol A., 2010. A twist in time - The evolution of spiral cleavage in the light of animal phylogeny. Integr. Comp. Biol., 50, 695–706. Henderson R. A. & Dann A. L., 2010. Substrate control of benthos in a Middle Cambrian near-shore, epeiric palaeoenvironmental setting. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 292 (3-4), 474-487. Hints L., 2010. A new glyptorthid species (Brachiopoda: Orthida) from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia. Estonian J. Earth Sci. ,59, 189-194. Hints O., Delabroye A., Naklvak J., Servais T., Uutela A. et al., 2010. Biodiversity patterns of Ordovician marine microphytoplankton from Baltica: Comparison with other fossil groups and sea-level changes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 294 (3-4), 161-173. Hoffmann J. & C. Lüter, 2010. Shell development in the Thecidellinine brachiopods with description of a new recent genus. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 137-160. Hu S., Zhang Z., Holmer L.E. & Skovsted C.B., 2010. Soft-part preservation in a linguliform brachiopod from the lower Cambrian Wulongqing Formation (Guanshan Fauna) of Yunnan, southern China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55 (3), 495-505. Ibaraki Y., Tazawa J. & Nakamura Y., 2010. Additional Gigantoproductus species from the upper Visean Namurian limestone of Kotaki, central Japan. Science Reports of Niigata University (Geology), 25, 63-68. Ivany L.C. & Runnegar B., 2010. Early Permian seasonality from bivalve delta 18O and implications for the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater. Geology, 38 (11), 1027-1030. Kaim A., Bitner M. A., Jenkins R. G. & Y. Hikida, 2010. A monospecific assemblage of terebratulide brachiopods in the Upper Cretaceous seep deposits of Omagari, Hokkaido, Japan. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55 (1), 73-84. Key M. M., Schumacher G. A., Babcock L. E., Frey R. C., Heimbrock W. P. et al., 2010. Paleoecology of Commensal Epizoans Fouling Flexicalymene (Trilobita) from the Upper Ordovician, Cincinnati Arch Region, USA. Journal of Paleontology, 84 (6), 1121-1134. Koneva S. P. & G.T. Ushatinskaya, 2010. New brachiopod species from the order Acrotretida from the Cambrian of central Kazakhstan [in Russian]. Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal, 2010 (6), 34–43. Kouchinsky A., Bengtson S. & Murdock D., 2010. A new tannuolinid problematic from the lower Cambrian of the Sukharikha River in northern Siberia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55, 321-331. Kowalewski M. & P. Novack-Gottshall, 2010. Resampling methods in paleontology. Paleontological Society Papers, 16, 19-54. Krause R. A; Barbour S. L; Kowalewski M.; Kaufman D. S; Romanek C. S; Simoes M. G. & Wehmiller J. F., 2010. Quantitative comparisons and models of time-averaging in bivalve and brachiopod shell accumulations, Paleobiology, 36 (3), 428-452. Kröger B. & Landing E., 2010. Early Ordovician community evolution with eustatic change through the middle Beekmantown Group, northeast Laurentia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 294 (34), 174-188. Lacasa Ruiz A., 2010. Testimonios del pasado. Historia, mitos y creencias sobre los fósiles. Editorial Milenio, Lérida, 180 p.Lambert J. D., 2010. Developmental patterns in spiralian embryos. Current Biology, 20, R72-R77. Legrand-Blain M., Aretz M. & Atif K.H.T., 2010. Discussion of «Carboniferous stratigraphy and depositional environments in the Ahnet Mouydir area (Algerian Sahara)» by Wendt et al. [Facies, 55 (3), 443-472]. Facies, 56 (3), 471-476. La Perna R. & M. d'Abramo, 2010. Una collezione di G. Seguenza conservata presso l’Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “O.G. Costa” di Lecce. Boll. Malacol., 46, 29-35. Lindsay S., 2010. Frequency of injury and the ecology of regeneration in marine benthic invertebrates. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50 (4), 479-493. Ma X. & Zong P., 2010. Middle and Late Devonian brachiopod assemblages, sea level change and paleogeography of Hunan, China. Sci. China Earth Sci., 53 (12), 1849-1863. Madison A.A. & Rubel M., 2010. Family Lycophoriidae (Brachiopoda) from the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Paleontological J., 44 (2), 129-139. Manceñido M. O. & N. Motchurova-Dekova, 2010. A review of the crural types, their relations to shell microstructure and significance among post-Palaeozoic Rhynchonellida. Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 203-224. Mandl G. W., Dulai A., Schlögl J., Siblík M., Szabó J., Szente I. & A. Vörös, 2010. First results on stratigraphy and faunal content of the Jurassic between Bad Mitterndorf and Toplitzsee (Salzkammergut, Austria). Abh. Geol. B.-A., 65, 77-134. Marlétaz F., 2010. Histoire Naturelle des Chaetognathes: une énigme zoologique à l'ère moléculaire. Thèse Dr., Université de la Méditerranée (Aix-Marseille II), p. 1-200 et I-XXXVI. Martínez Chacón M.L., Merino-Tomé O.A. & Villa E., 2010. Brachiopod and fusulinid assemblages of Kasimovian (Pennsylvanian) age from the Ándara Massif (Picos de Europa, northern Spain). Scripta Geologica Special Issue, 7, 53-91. Martínez Chacón M. L. & C. F. Winkler Prins, 2010. Adaptations to hard substrates in Pennsylvanian productides (brachiopoda) from the Cantabrian Mountains (North-West Spain). Special Papers in Palaeontology, 84, 225-241. Mastrototaro F., d’Onghia G., Corriero G., Matarrese A., Maiorano P., Panetta P., Gherardi M., Longo C., Rosso A., Sciuto F., Sanfilippo R., Gravili C., Boero F., Taviani M. & Tursi A. (2010). Biodiversity of the white coral bank off Cape Santa Maria di Leuca (Mediterranean Sea): An update. Deep-Sea Research, Part II, 57, 412-443. Mergl M., 2010. Discinid brachiopod life assemblages: Fossil and extant. Bull. Geosci., 85 (1), 27-38. Mergl M., 2010. A review of Silurian discinoid brachiopods from Gotland, Sweden. 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