
Références 2013 sur les Brachiopoda

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Adachi K., Kuramochi T., Kimura K. & S. Kumura, 2013. First extensive examination of genome size in Phylum Brachiopoda (lamp shells) collected from Japan. Journal of Shellfish Research, 32 (2), 539-541.

Agence des Aires Marines Protégées / Natura 2000 (2013). FR5402012 - Rochebonne : Phase 2 - Inventaire et cartographie des habitats marins et analyse écologique, Nantes. Rapport d'étude, 146 p.  

Aguilar R., Pastor X., Garcia S. , Marin P. & J. Ubero, 2013. Importance of seamounts-like features for Mediterranean marine habitats and threatened species. Rapp. Comm. intern. Mer Médit., 40, p. 716.

Allen B. D., 2013. Uppermost Pennsylvanian Bursum Formation near Cibola Spring, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico. Bulletin - New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 59, 233-238.

Almeras Y. & Faure P., 2013. Les Brachiopodes du Lias et de l'Aalénien du Quercy (France) - Paléontologie, biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnements. Echelles chronostratigraphiques. Strata, 47, 105 p.

Altenburger A.,Wanninger A. & L. E. Holmer, 2013. Metamorphosis in Craniiformea revisited: Novocrania anomala shows delayed development of the ventral valve. Zoomorphology, 132, 379-387.

Atif K.F.T., Legrand-Blain M., Aretz M. Bouzid A. & Aimouch M., 2013. Répartition de la faune benthique associée à l'édifice récifal Serpukhovien (Carbonifère inférieur) : exemple du Djebel Arhlal : Bassin de Béchar - Sahara nord-occidental - Algérie. Hommage au Prof. M. Durand-Delga, 2013, résumé des communications, p. 13.

Badyrka K., Clapham M. E. & Lopez S., 2013. Paleoecology of brachiopod communities during the late Paleozoic ice age in Bolivia (Copacabana Formation, Pennsylvanian-Early Permian). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 387, 56-65.

Baeza-Carratala J. F., 2013. Diversity patterns of Early Jurassic brachiopod assemblages from the westernmost Tethys (easternSubbetic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 381-382, 76-91.

Baird M. J., Lee D. E. & Lamare, M. D., 2013. Reproduction and growth of the brachiopod terebratulid Liothyrella neozelanica Thomson, 1918 from Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Biological Bulletin, 225 (3), 125-136.

Balinski A. & Blaszak C., 2013. Typ: ramienionogi - Brachiopoda. W: C. Blaszak (red.), Zoologia. Bezkregowce. Tom 1 (2). Wydanie 2 zmienione, 385-395. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.

Balinski A. & Sun Y., 2013. Preservation of soft tissues in an Ordovician linguloid brachiopod from China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 58 (1), 115-120.

Baranov V. V. & Blodgett R. B., 2013. The first stringocephalid brachiopods in the Upper Givetian of Selennyakh range (northeast Asia) and their paleobiogeographical significance. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 297-311.

Barclay K. M., 2013. Palaeoecology of Devonian sclerobionts and their brachiopod hosts from the Western Canadian sedimentary basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 383-384, 79-91.

Bassett M. G.; Pour M. G.; Popov L. E.; et al., 2013. First report of craniide brachiopods in the Palaeozoic of Iran (Pseudocrania, Ordovician), and Early to Mid-Ordovician biogeography of the Craniida. Palaeontology, 56, 209-216.

Benedetto J. L., 2013. High-latitude Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) brachiopods from the Eusebio Ayala Formation of Paraguay, Parana Basin. Palaeontology, 56 (1), 61-78.

Benedetto J. L., 2013. Presence of punctae in the 'plectorthoidean' brachiopod Famatinorthis Turneri (Middle Ordovician) from western Argentina: Implications for early diversification of punctate orthides. Lethaia, 46 (2), 170-.

Bing H., Rong J. & Harper D. A. T., 2013. A new survivor species of Dicoelosia (Brachiopoda) from Rhuddanian (Silurian) shallower-water biofacies in South China. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 232-242.

Bitner M. A. & Cahuzac B., 2013. New record of Discradisca (Brachiopoda: Discinidae) from the Early Miocene of the Aquitaine Basin, south-western France. C. R. Palevol, 12, 23-29.

Bitner M. A. & Cohen B. L., 2013. Brachiopoda. In: ELS. Wiley & Sons, Chichester. DOI:10.1002/9780470015902.a0001614.pub3

Bitner M. A., Lozouet P. & Cahuzac B., 2013. Upper Oligocene (Chattian) brachiopod fauna from the Aquitaine Basin, southwestern France and its paleoenvironmental implications. Geodiversitas, 35 (3), 579-606.

Bitner M. A., Melnik J. P. & O. N. Zezina, 2013. New paedomorphic brachiopods from the abyssal zone of the north-eastern Pacific Ocean. Zootaxa, 3613 (3), 281-288.

Bitner M. A., Zágorsek K. & S. Hladilovác, 2013. Deep-water brachiopod assemblage from the Middle Miocene of Kralice nad Oslavou, Moravia, southeastern Czech Republic. C. R. Palevol, 12, 81-89.

Blodgett R. B., A. J. Boucot, V. V. Baranov & D. M. Rohr, 2013. Sapelnikoviella santuccii, a new gypidulinid brachiopod genus and species from the upper Silurian of Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve, Southeast Alaska Morphological plasticity in the forgotten brachiopod. Memoirs of the Australasian Association of Palaeontologists, 44, xx p.

Bradshaw M. A., 2013. The Taylor Group (Beacon Supergroup); the Devonian sediments of Antarctica. Special Publication - Geological Society of London, 381.

Brookfield M. E., 2013. Shaken and stirred; seismites and tsunamites at the Permian-Triassic boundary, Guryul Ravine, Kashmir,India. Palaios, 28 (8), 568-582.

Calzada S., 2013. Gemmarcula buerai n. sp. (Brachiopoda, Aptiense). Batalleria [Barcelona], 18, 37-40.

Chen B., 2013. Permian ice volume and palaeoclimate history; oxygen isotope proxies revisited. Gondwana Research, 24 (1), 77-89.

Clapham M. E.; Fraiser Margaret L.; Marenco Pedro J.; et al., 2013. Taxonomic composition and environmental distribution of post- extinction rhynchonelliform faunas: Constraints on short-term survival and the role of anoxia in the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 374, 284-292.

Cocks L. R. M., 2013. Generic identities and relationships within the brachiopod family Sowerbyellidae. Palaeontology, 56 (1), 167-181.

Cohen B. L., 2013. Rerooting the rDNA gene tree reveals phoronids to be 'brachiopods without shells'; dangers of wide taxon samples in metazoan phylogenetics. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 167, 82-92.

Cohen B. L. & M. A. Bitner, 2013. Molecular phylogeny of rhynchonellide articulate brachiopods (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida). Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 211-216.

Colin D., 2013. Evolution of the Late Ordovician plaesiomyid brachiopod lineage in Laurentia Sproat. Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, 50 (8), 872-894.

Colmenar J., Villas E. & Vizcaïno D., 2013. Upper Ordovician brachiopods from the MontagneNoire (France); endemic Gondwanan predecessors of Prehirnantian low-latitude immigrants. Bulletin of Geosciences, 88 (1), 153-174.

Congreve C. R., 2013. Cladal turnover; the end-Ordovician as a large-scale analogue of species turnover. Palaeontology, 56 (6), 1285-1296.

Davies J. R., 2013. A revised sedimentary and biostratigraphical architecture for the type Llandovery area, central Wales. Geological Magazine, 150 (2), 300-332.

De Baets K., Goolaerts S., Jansen U. Rietbergen T. & Klug C., 2013. The first record of Early Devonian ammonoids from Belgium and their significance. Geologica Belgica, 16/3, 148-156.  

Denisenko N., Thomsen E. & Tendal O. S., 2013. Bryozoan epifauna on brachiopods from the Faroe Islands (NE Atlantic). Fródskaparrit - Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis, 60, 96 - 113.

Donovan S. K., 2013. Roamerella, a new name for the genus Roemerella Akopyan in Akopyan et al., 1990 (Mollusca, Gastropoda; Upper Cretaceous), preoccupied by Roemerella Hall and Clarke, 1890 (Brachiopoda, Lingulata; Devonian). Cretaceous Research, 40, 12.

Dulai A., 2013. Sporadic Miocene brachiopods in the Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden, the Netherlands): Records from the Mediterranean, the North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica, 30, 15-51.

Emig C.C., 2013. Daniel Œhlert (1849-1920) : biographie scientifique et bibliographie. Carnets de Géologie [Notebooks on Geology], Article 2013/08 (CG2013_A08), 303-314.  .

Emig C. C., Alvarez F. & Bitner A. M., 2013. WoRMS Brachiopoda: World Brachiopoda database. In: Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist (Roskov Y. et al., eds). DVD, Species 2000: Reading UK.
Download at

Emig C. C., Bitner M. A. & F. Ávarez, 2013. Phylum Brachiopoda. In: Zhang, Z.-Q. (Ed.) Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness (Addenda 2013). Zootaxa, 3703 (1), 75-78.  .

Forchielli A., Steiner M., Hu S., Lüter C. & H. Keupp, 2013. Taphonomy of the earliest Cambrian linguliform brachiopods. Acta Paleontologica Polonica in press available online 04 May 2012 DOI:10.4202/app.2011.0182.

Forcino F. L., 2013. The influence of dataset decisions on paleocommunity results; comparison of different categorizations of two datasets from Devonian carbonate units. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 386, 479-491.

Freeman G., 2013. Earliest ontogeny of Early Paleozoic Craniiformea: compelling evidence for lecithtrophy. Lethaia 46, 421-423.

Freeman R. L., 2013. The 'curse of Rafinesquina' ; negative taphonomic feedback exerted by strophomenid shells on storm buried lingulids in the Cincinnatian Series (Katian, Ordovician) of Ohio. Palaios, 28 (6), 359-372.

Frisk A. M. & Harper David A. T., 2013. Late Ordovician distribution and ecospace partitioning in the Tvaren crater system, Sweden. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 369, 114-124.

Ghienne J.F., 2013. Lower Palaeozoic unconformities in an intracratonic platform setting; glacial erosion versus tectonics in the eastern Murzuq Basin (southern Libya). International Journal of Earth Sciences = Geologische Rundschau, 102 (2), 455-482.

González Álvarez E., 2013. Pliocene and Pleistocene brachiopods from Eastern Canary Islands with actual references. Máster en Oceanografía, Universidad de Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, España, 32 p.

Gregori D., 2013. The Cordon del Portillo Permian magmatism,Mendoza, Argentina, plutonic and volcanic sequences at the western margin of Gondwana. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 42, 61-73.

Gruet Y., Vimpère J. & Viaud J.-M., 2011. Étude de la faune marine des hauts-fonds de Rochebonne au large de la Vendée à partir de blocs de roche ramenés par des chalutiers. Le Naturaliste vendéen, 11, 95-124.

Halamski A. T., 2013. Frasnian Atrypida (Brachiopoda) from Silesia (Poland) and the age of the eo-Variscan collision int he Sudetes. Geodiversitas, 35 (2), 289-308.

Hannibal J. T., Reser N. A., Yeakley J. A. et al., 2013. Determining provenance of local and imported chert millstones using fossils (especially Charophyta, Fusulinina, and Brachiopoda): examples from Ohio, USA. Palaios, 28 (11-12), 739-754.

Henkes G. A., Passey B. H., Wanamaker A. D., Grossman E. L., Ambrose W. G. & Carroll M. L. , 2013. Carbonate clumped isotope compositions of modern marine mollusk and shells. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 106, 307-325.

Hints L., Popov L. & L. E. Holmer, 2013. Morphology, ontogeny and affinities of the Hirnantian triplisiid brachiopod Streptis undifera from Baltoscandia. Palaeontology, 56, 961-970.

Hofmann R., 2013. A new paleoecological look at the Dinwoody Formation (Lower Triassic, Western USA); intrinsic versus extrinsic controls on ecosystem recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (5), 854-880.

Holmer L.E., Popov L. & M. G. Bassett, 2013. Silurian craniide brachiopods from Gotland. Palaeontology, 56 (5), 1029-1044.

Huang B., 2013. A new survivor species of Dicoelosia (Brachiopoda) from Rhuddanian (Silurian) shallower-water biofacies in south China.Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 232-242.

Jin J. & P.Chen, 2013. Dicoelosia acutiloba (Ringueberg) from the lower Silurian Rochester Formation of New York. Memoirs of the Australasian Association of Palaeontologists, 44, xx p.

Johnsen S. A. L.; Ahmed M. & Leighton L. R., 2013. The effect of spines of a Devonian productide brachiopod on durophagous predation. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 375, 30-37.

Krainer K., 2013. The Pennsylvanian Sandia Formation in northern andcentral New Mexico Bulletin - New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 59, 77-100.

Kaulfuss A., Seidel R. & Lüter C., 2013. Linking micromorphism, brooding, and hermaphroditism in brachiopods: insights from Caribbean Argyrotheca (Brachiopoda). Journal of Morphology, 274, 361-376.

Lang L. & Puura I., 2013. Phosphatized organic nanostructures in the Cambrian linguloid brachiopod Ungula inornata (Mickwitz). Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62 (3), 121-130.
    About the species of the genus Ungula compare with Emig (2002) and Brachiopoda database.

Leighton L. R.; Webb A. E. & Sawyer J. A., 2013. Ecological effects of the Paleozoic-modern faunal transition: Comparing predation on paleozoic brachiopods and molluscs. Geology, 41 (2), 275-278.

Liow L., 2013. Simultaneous estimation of occupancy and detection probabilities: An Illustration Using Cincinnatian Brachiopods. Paleobiology, 39 (2), 193-213.

Logan A. & P. Baker, 2013. The development and shell microstructure of the pseudodeltidium and interarea in thecideide brachiopods. Palaeontology, 56 (2), 433-455.

Logan A. & M. A. Bitner, 2013. New records of Recent Brachiopoda from the Red Sea with a description of a new species. Zootaxa, 3746 (1), 161-174.

Lucas S. G., 2013. Field guide to the Carboniferous-Permian transition inthe Cerros de Amado and vicinity, Socorro County,central New Mexico. Bulletin - New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 59, 39-76.

Lüter C., Gruhl A. & Bartolomaeus T., 2013. Lophophorata (Tentaculata), Tentakulaten. In: Westheide W. & Rieger G. (eds.) Spezielle Zoologie. Springer, Heidelberg. Teil 1: Einzeller und Wirbellose Tiere, 3. Auflage, p. 229-251.

Madison A.A., 2013. New brachiopod subfamily Anechophragmiinae (Strophomenida) from the Ordovician of the Leningrad region. Paleontological J., 47 (1), 23-35.

Malakhovskaya Y. E., 2013. Morphogenesis and evolution of Kutorginabillings,1861 (Brachiopoda, Kutorginida). Paleontological Journal, 47 (1), 11-22.

Martínez Chacón M. L. & C. F. Winkler Prins, 2013. Kozlowskia (Productidina, Brachiopoda) del Bashkiriense superior/ Moscoviense inferior (Carbonífero), Cordillera Cantábrica (N de España). XXIX Jornadas de Paleontologia, Simposio del Proyecto PlCG 596, Córdoba, España, p. 207-208.

Michez N., Aish A., Hily C., Sauriau P.-G., Derrien-Courtel S., de Casamajor M.-N., Foveau A., Ruellet T., Lozach S., Soulier L., Popovsky J., Blanchet H., Cajeri P., Bajjouk T., Guillaumont B., Grall J., Gentil F., Houbin C., Thiébaut E., 2013. Typologie des habitats marins benthiques français de Manche, de Mer du Nord et d'Atlantique : Version 1. Rapport du Service du Patrimoine Naturel 2013-9, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, 32 pages.  

Mii H., 2013. Late Paleozoic middle-latitude Gondwana environment-stable isotope records from Western Australia. Gondwana Research, 24 (1), 125-138.

Milsom C. & S. Rigby, 2013. Brachiopods. In: Fossils at a Glance. Wiley & Sons, [184 p.]

Mitra S. & Pattanayak J.G., 2013. Studies on Lingula anatina (Brachiopoda: Inarticulata) in Subarnarekha estuary, Odisha with special reference to habitat and population. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 113 (3), 49-53.

Modzalevskaya T.L., Alvarez F. & Rzhonsnitskaya M.A., 2013. Evolution, migration and biogeography of the plicathyridine brachiopods with a revision of Devonian faunas from the Kuznetsk Basin, Russia. Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 44, 27-52.

Nesnidal M. P., Helmkampf M., Meyer A., Witek A., Bruchhaus I., Ebersberger I., Hankeln T., Lieb B., Struck T. H. & B. Hausdorf, 2013. New phylogenomic data support the monophyly of Lophophorata and an Ectoproct-Phoronid clade and indicate that Polyzoa and Kryptrochozoa are caused by systematic bias. Evolutionary Biology, 13, 253-253.

Oleneva N. V., 2013. Microornamentation and types of punctation in the Devonian spiriferids of the East European Platform. Paleontological Journal, 47 (1), 44-56.

Oleneva N. V., 2013. Spiriferid genus Warrenella from the upper Devonian of southern and Middle Timan. Paleontological Journal, 47 (1), 57-65.

Pakhnevich A. V., 2013. Revision of the superfamily Rhynchoporoidae Muir-Wood, 1955. Paleontological Journal, 47 (1), 6-43.

Pakhnevich A.V., Zezina O. N. & Temereva E. N., 2013. Modern brachiopods and phoronids in the collections of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow University [in Russian]. Zoologicheskie issledovania, 13, 48 p.

Pancos R. D., 2013. Reconstructing Late Ordovician carbon cycle variations. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105, 433-454.

Pavézková J., Hladilová S. & M. A. Bitner, 2013. Miocene brachiopods from the Zidlochovice locality, Czech Republic. Geol. Vyzk. Mor. Slez., Brno, 2013, 56-59.

Penman D. E., 2013. Boron, carbon, and oxygen isotopic composition of brachiopod shells; intra-shell variability, controls, andpotential as a paleo-pH recorder. Chemical Geology, 340, 32-39.

Peckmann J., Sandy M. R., Taylor D. G. et al., 2013. An Early Jurassic brachiopod-dominated seep deposit enclosed by serpentinite, eastern Oregon, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 390, 4-16.

Pérez-Huerta A., 2013. Functional morphology and modifications on spine growth in the productid brachiopod Heteralosia slocomi. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 58 (2), 383-390.

Plotnick R. E., 2013. The orientation of strophomenid brachiopods on soft substrates. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (5), 818-825.

Popov L. E. & Cocks, R. M., 2013. The radiation of early Silurian spiriferide brachiopods, with new taxa from the Llandovery of Iran. Alcheringa, 37 (4), 558-564.

Popov L. E., Holmer L. E., Bassett M. G., Pour M. G. & I. G. Percival, 2013. Chapter 10. Biogeography of Ordovician linguliform and craniiform brachiopods. Memoirs of the Geological Society of London, 38, 117-126.

Popov L. E., Kebria-Ee Zadeh M.-R., Ghobadi Pour M., Holmer L.E. & Modzalevskaya T.L., 2013. Cambrian (Furongian) rhynchonelliform brachiopods from the Eastern Alborz Mountains, Iran. Bulletin of Geosciences, 88 (x), xxx-xxx.

Pour M. G., L. Popov, M. Hosseini, A. Adhamian & M. Yazdi, 2013. Late Devonian (Frasnian) trilobites and brachiopods from the Soh area, Central Iran. Memoirs of the Australasian Association of Palaeontologists, 44, 149-158 p.

Price G.D., Twitchett R.J., Wheeley J.R. & Buono G., 2013. Isotopic evidence for long term warmth in the Mesozoic. Sci. Rep., 3, 1438, 5 p.

Printrakoon C. & Apiwan Kamlung-ek A., 2013. Socioeconomic study and economic value of living fossil, Lingula sp. in mangrove ecosystem in Trat Province, Thailand. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, 11 (3), 187-199.

Rasmussen C. M. O., 2013. Late Ordovician brachiopods from eastern north Greenland: Equatorial offshore migration of the Red River fauna. Palaeontology, 56, 359-379.

Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Taddei Ruggiero E. & Di Martino E., 2013. Faunas and ecological groups of Serpuloidea, Bryozoa and Brachiopoda from submarine caves in Sicily (Mediterranean Sea). Boll. Soc. Paleont. It., 52 (3), 167-176.

Sánchez-Tocino L. & J. M. Tierno de Figueroa, 2013. First record of Novocrania turbinata (Poli, 1795) (Brachiopoda, Craniata, Craniidae) from the Chafarinas Islands. Zool. baetica, 24, 189-192.

Sayar C. & Cocks, L. R. M., 2013. A new Late Ordovician hirnantia brachiopod fauna from NW Turkey, its biostratigraphical relationships and palaeogeographical setting. Geological Magazine, 150 (3), 479-496.

Schemm-Gregory M. & Henriques M.H., 2013. Catalogue of the Krantz brachiopod collection at the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra (Portugal). Zootaxa, 3677 (1), 1-173.

Schemm-Gregory M. & Henriques M.H., 2013. The Devonian brachiopod collections of Portugal a paleontological heritage. Geoheritage, 5, 107-122.

Schemm-Gregory M. & Picarra J. M., 2013. Astraelenia saomamedensis n. sp - a new gigantic rhynchonellid species and its palaeobiogeographical implications for the Portalegre syncline (Central Portugal). Rivista italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 119 (3), 247-256.

Schneider S., 2013. Ernstbrunn Limestone and Klentnice Beds (Kimmeridgian-Berriasian; Waschberg-Zdanice Unit; NE Austria and SE Czech Republic); state of the art and bibliography. Bulletin of Geosciences, 88 (1), 105-130.

Schreiber H. A., Bitner M. A. & S. J. Carlson, 2013. Morphological analysis of phylogenetic relationships among extant rhynchonellide brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (4), 550-569.

Scott K. M., 2013. Carboniferous-Permian boundary in the Halgaito Formation, Cutler Group, Valley of the Gods and surrounding area, southeastern Utah. Bulletin - New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 60), 398-409.

Shen S., 2013. Early Permian (Cisuralian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography. Gondwana Research, 24 (1), 104-124.

Sial A. N., 2013. High-resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of the upper Cambrian and Ordovician in the Argentine Precordillera; carbon isotope excursions and correlations. Gondwana Research, 24 (1), 330-348.

Simon E. & J. Hoffmann, 2013. Discovery of Recent thecideide brachiopods (Order: Thecideida, Family: Thecideidae) in Sulawesi, Indonesian Archipelago, with implications for reproduction and shell size in the genus Ospreyella. Zootaxa, 3694 (5), 401-433.

Skovsted C.B., Streng M., Knight, I. & Holmer, L.E. 2010. Setatella significans, a new name for mickwitziid stem group brachiopods from the lower Cambrian of Greenland and Labrador. GFF, 132, 117-122.

Sohrabi A. & Jin J., 2013. Evolution of the Rhynchotrema- Hiscobeccus lineage: implicationsfor the diversification of the Late Ordovician epicontinentalbrachiopod fauna of Laurentia. Lethaia, 46 (2), 188-210.

Sohrabi A. & Jin J., 2013. Global palaeobiogeography of brachiopod faunas during the early Katian (Late Ordovician) greenhouse episode. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 389, 78-86.

Sokiran E. V., 2013. Cyrtospirifer vjacheslavi, a new cyrtospiriferid species (Cyrtospiriferidae, Brachiopoda) from the Middle Frasnian of the East European Platform. Paleontological Journal, 47 (6), 581-587.

Stigall A. L., 2013. Analysing links between biogeography, niche stability and speciation; the impact of complex feedbacks on macroevolutionary patterns. Palaeontology, 56 (6), 1225-1238.

Strusz D.L., 2012 (2013). Silurian brachiopods from the Cappanana Formation east of Cooma, southern New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 135, 1-17.

Sulser H., Friebe G. & P Kürsteine, 2013. Little-known brachiopods from the Cretaceous of the Helvetic realm of NE Switzerland (Alpstein) and W Austria (Vorarlberg). Swiss J. Geosci., 106, 397-408.

Takayanagi H., 2013. Intraspecific variations in carbon isotope and oxygen isotope compositions of a brachiopod Basiliola lucida collected off Okinawa-jima, southwestern Japan. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 115, 115-136.

Tessitore L., Schemm-Gregory M., Korn D., Wild F., Naglik C. & Klug C., 2013. Taphonomy and palaeoecology of the green pentamerid Devonian brachiopods from the Aferdou el Mrakib, eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. Swiss Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 277-288.

Topper T.P., Harper D.A.T. & G.A. Brock , 2013. Ancestral billingsellides and the evolution and phylogenetic relationships of early rhynchonelliform brachiopods. J. system. Palaeontol., doi: 10.1080/14772019.2012.728253

Topper T. P., Holmer L. E., Skovsted C. B., Brock G. A., Balthasar U., Larsson C. M., Petterson Stolk S. & Harper D. A. T. 2013. The oldest brachiopods from the lower Cambrian of South Australia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 58 (1), 93-109.

Topper T. P.; Skovsted Christian B.; Harper David A. T.; et al.,2013. Abradoriid and dominated shelly fauna from the Furongian (Cambrian) of Vastergotland, Sweden. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (1), 69-83.

Tyler C., Leighton L. R., Carlson S. J., Huntley J. W. & M. Kowalewski, 2013. Predation on modern and fossil brachiopods: assessing chemical defenses and palatability. Palaios, 28, 724-735.

Uguz M. F., 2013. Orta sakarya bolgesinde yeni bir yas bulgusu (KBTurkiye) Maden Tetkik ve Arama. Dergisi, 146, 1-25.

Wahlman G. P., 2013. Calcisponge-microbialite reef facies, Middle Permian (lower Guadalupian), northwest shelf margin of Permian Basin, New Mexico. AAPG Bulletin, 97 (11), 1895-1919.

Wang C., Zhao G, Li N. et al., 2013. Coevolution of brachiopod paleobiogeography and tectonopaleogeography during the late Paleozoic in Central Asia. Science China-Earth Sciences, 56 (12), 2094-2106.

Wang X., 2013. Carboniferous and Lower Permian sedimentological cycles and biotic events of South China.  Special Publication - Geological Society of London, 376.

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        This paper is not dealing with Brachiopoda but worth to be read:

Costello M. J., May R. M. & N. E. Stork, 2013. Can we name Earth's species before they go extinct? Science, 339, 413-416.
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