![]() | Références 2020 sur les Brachiopoda |
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Abe H. & W. Sato-Okoshi, 2020. Novel symbiotic relationship between a spionid polychaete and Lingula (Brachiopoda: Lingulata: Lingulidae), with description of Polydora lingulicola sp. nov. (Annelida: Spionidae). Zoosymposia, 19, 103-120. Abd-Elhameed S., Mahmoud A.A., El kazzaz Y. & Salama Y. , 2020. Carboniferous brachiopod communities from Wadi Araba, western side of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Paleontology, paleoecology and paleobiogeography. Journal of African Earth Sciences; 162,103744. Agbaje O. et al., 2020. Characterization of organophosphatic brachiopod shells: Spectroscopic assessment of collagen matrix and biomineral components. RSC Advances, 10, 38456-38467. Aguirre J., Ocaña O., Pérez-Asensio J.N., Domènech R., Martinell J., Mayoral E. & A. Santos, 2020. Mesophotic azooxanthellate coral communities and submarine seascape during the early Pliocene in Manilva Basin (S Spain). Coral Reefs, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00338-020-02000-x Andrikou A. & A. Hejnol, 2020. FGF signaling induces mesoderm in members of Spiralia. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.13.249714v1 Angeletti L., Canese S., Castellan G., Foglini F., Cardone F. & Taviani M., 2020. A brachiopod biotope associated with rocky bottoms at the shelf break in the central Mediterranean Sea: Geobiological traits and conservation aspect. Aquatic Conservation Marine & Freshwater Ecosystems, 10 p. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3255. Angeletti L., Castellan G., Montagna P., Remia A. & Taviani M., 2020. The “Corsica Channel Cold-Water Coral Province” (Mediterranean Sea). Front. Mar. Sci., 7 (661), 15 p. Ausich W.I., Wilson M.A. & Tinn O., 2020. Kalana Lagerstätte crinoids: Early Silurian (Llandovery) of central Estonia. Journal of Paleontology, 94 (1), 131-144. Balthasar U., Jin J., Hints L. & Cusack M., 2020. Brachiopod shell thickness links environment and evolution. Palaeontology, 63 (1), 171-183. Bergamin L., Taddei Ruggiero E., Pierfranceschi G., Andres B., Constantino R., Crovato C., D'ambrosi A., Marassich A. & Romano E., 2020. Benthic foraminifera and brachiopods from a marine cave in Spain: environmental significance. Mediter. mar. Sci., 21 (3), 506-518. Bianchi C., Ceppodomo J., Gall C., Sgorbini S., Dell'amico F. & Morri C., 2020. Benthos dei Mari Toscani. I: Livorno - Isola d'Elba (crociera Enea 1985), p. 263-290. Bitner M. A. & T. N. Molodtsova, 2020. New records of Recent brachiopods (Terebratulida) from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Marine Biology Research, 16 (6-7), 514-520. Cárdenas-Calle M., Mora E, Torres G, Pérez-Correa J, Bigatti G, Signorelli J. & Coronel J., 2020. Marine invertebrate and seaweed biodiversity of continental coastal Ecuador. Biodiversity Data Journal, 8 (e53818), 52 p. Chen F. et al., 2020. Brachiopod-dominated communities and depositional environment of the Guanshan Konservat-Lagerstätte, Wuding County, eastern Yunnan. Journal of the Geological Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/jgs2020-043 Claybourn T. et al., 2020. Brachiopods from the Byrd Group (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 4) Central Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica: biostratigraphy, phylogeny and systematics. Papers in Palaeontology, 63, 1-35. Duan X. et al., 2020. First report of acrotretoid brachiopod shell beds in the lower Cambrian (Stage 4) Guanshan Biota of eastern Yunnan, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 95 (1), 40-55. Dulai A. & von der Hocht F., 2020. Upper Oligocene brachiopods from NW Germany, with description of a new Platidiinae genus, Germanoplatidia n. gen. Riv. It. Paleontol. Strat., 126 (1), 223-248. Emig C. C., 2020. Argiope barroisi Schulgin, 1885, synonym of Argyrotheca cuneata (Risso, 1826). http://paleopolis.rediris.es/BrachNet/CLASS/TEREBRATELLIDINA/Megathyridoidea/A_barroisi/, consulted on dd/mm/20yy. available in pdf Fentimen R., Feenstra E, Rüggeberg A, Vennemann T, Hajdas I, Adatte T, Van Rooij D & Foubert A, 2020. Cold-water coral mound archive provides unique insights into intermediate water mass dynamics in the Alboran sea during the last deglaciation front. Mar. Sci., 7 (354), 25 p. García-Ramos D. A., Coric S., Joachimski M. M. & M. Zuschin, 2020. The environmental factors limiting the distribution of shallow-water terebratulid brachiopods. Paleobiology, 46 (2), 193-217. Gasiorowski L. & A. Hejnol, 2020. Hox gene expression during development of the phoronid Phoronopsis harmeri. EvoDevo, 11 (2), 17 p. Gaspard D. & Charbonnier S., 2020. The debated question of asymmetrical rhynchonellids (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida): examples from the Late Cretaceous of Western Europe. BSGF – Earth Sciences Bulletin, 191 (1), 1-20. Giribet G. & G. D. Edgecomben, 2020. 54. Brachiopoda. In: The Invertebrate Tree of Life. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2020, pp. 455-466. Halamski A.T., Balinski A. & Jansen U., 2020. Middle Devonian uncinuloids (Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida) from North Africa and Central Europe. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 90 (1), 51–73. Hoffmann R.M. et al., 2020. Late Miocene biota from the Abad Member of the Carboneras-Nijar Basin (Spain, Andalusia): a bathyal fossil assemblage pre-dating the Messinian salinity crisis. Geobios, 59, 1-28. Holmer L. E. et al., 2020. Linguliform brachiopods from the Cambrian (Guzhangian) Karpinsk Formation of Novaya Zemlya. Papers in Palaeontology, online. Huang B. & R. Li, 2020. The repaired durophagous scar in the shell of a lingulid brachiopod immediately after the end Ordovician mass extinction. Alcheringa, DOI: 10.1080/03115518.2020.1730965 Kocsis L., Dulai A., Ciprianic A., Vennemanne T. & M. Yunsia, 2020. Geochemistry of recent and fossil brachiopod calcite of Megathiris detruncata (Terebratulida, Megathyrididae): A modern baseline study to trace past environmental conditions. Chemical Geology, 533, ... Kuzmina T., 2020. A review on deep-sea brachiopod Pelagodiscus atlanticus (King, 1868) found along the NW Pacific. Pensoft, Chapter 4- Brachiopoda, doi: 10.3897/ab.e51315 Liang Y., Holmer L.E., Hu Y. & Z. Zhang, 2020. First report of brachiopods with soft parts from the lower Cambrian Latham shale (series 2, stage 4), California. Science Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2020.05.001 Liang Y. Holmer L.E., Skovsted C.B., Duan X.L. & Zhang Z.F., 2020. Shell structure, ornamentation and affinity of the problematic early Cambrian brachiopod Heliomedusa orienta. Lethaia, 13 p. online - DOI: 10.1111/let.12379 Liu F., Skovsted C. B., Topper T. P., Zhang Z. & D. Shu, 2020. Are hyoliths Palaeozoic lophophorates? National Science Review, 7 (2), 453-469. López Carranza N. & S. J. Carlson, 2020. Quantifying shell outline variability in extant and fossil Laqueus (Brachiopoda: Terebratulida): are outlines good proxies for long-looped brachidial morphology and can they help us characterize species? Paleobiology, 2020, p. 1-22. Medici L., Malferrari D., Savioli M. & A. Ferretti, 2020. Mineralogy and crystallization patterns in conodont bioapatite from first occurrence (Cambrian) to extinction (end-Triassic). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 549 (109098). Madison A.A. & Kuzmina T.V., 2020. The tube-like structures on the juvenile shells of earliest strophomenides and billingsellides as evidence of their life cycles. Lethaia, 53 (1), 91-105. Moulton D.E., Goriely A. & Chirat R., 2020. Mechanics unlocks the morphogenetic puzzle of interlocking bivalved shells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (1), 43-51. Mutlu E., 2020. Macrozoobenthic communities on three different ecological statuses of the habitats in the Cilician shelf soft- bottoms. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 14 (2), 155-189. Pino de la Torre L., Navarro-Barranco C. & Gofas S., 2020. Malacofauna from soft bottoms in the Cerro Gordo marine cave (Alboran Sea): biodiversity and spatial distribution. Mediterranean Marine Science, 21 (3), 684-704. Rojas A., Gracia A., Hernández-Àvila I., Patarroyo P. & M. Kowalewski, 2020. Occurrence of the brachiopod Tichosina in deep-sea coral bottoms of the Caribbean Sea and its paleoenvironmental implications. Préprint bioRxiv - doi:10.1101/2020.06.24.168658 Rong J. et al., 2020. The latest Ordovician Hirnantian brachiopod faunas: New global insights. Earth-Science Reviews, 208, - doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103280 Rosso A., Reitano A. & R. Sanfilippo, 2020. Cemented on the rock. A Pleistocene outer shelf lithobiont community from Sicily, Italy. Geosciences, 10, 343, 18 p. Strusz D.L., 2020. Pentamerid brachiopods from the Lower Silurian (Wenlock) Canberra Formation, A.C.T., Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW, 142, 15-28. Temereva T., 2020. First data on the organization of the nervous system in juveniles of Novocrania anomala (Brachiopoda, Craniiformea). Scientific Reports, 10, n° 9295, 15 p. Ullmann C. V., Boyle R., Duarte L. V., Hesselbo S. P., Kasemann S. A., Klein T., Lenton T. M., Piazza V. & Aberhan M., 2020. Warm afterglow from the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event drives the success of deep-adapted brachiopods. Sci. Reports, 10 (6549), 11 p. Vörös A. & Escarguel G., 2020. Brachiopod palaeobiogeography in the western Tethys during the Early Jurassic diversity maximum: introduction of a Pontic Province. Lethaia, 53 (1), 72-90. Vörös A., Fözy I., Dulai A. & O. Szives, 2020. Late Valanginian extinction and turnover of Tethyan brachiopods: A signal of the Weissert Event (Bakony Mountains, Hungary). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 555, 109856. W u H., Z h a n g Y., S t u b b s T . L . , L i u J. & Y . S u n , 2020. A n e w C h a n g h s i n g i a n ( L o p i n g i a n ) b r a c h i o p o d f a u n a o f t h e s h a l l o w w a t e r c l a s t i c s h e l f f a c i e s f r o m F u j i a n P r o v i n c e , s o u t h e a s t e r n C h i n a . Papers in Palaeontology, online. Wang G. et al., 2020. Constraining the biotic transitions across the end-Ordovician mass extinction in South China: Bio- and chemostratigraphy of the Wulipo Formation in the Meitan area of northern Guizhou. Geological Journal, ... Wirtz P., 2020. A pictorial catalogue of the shallow water Brachiopoda of Madeira. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35488.00008 - Zhang Y., Luan X., Zhan R., Sproat C. & Huang B. (2020). Early parasitic drilling in a rhynchonelliform brachiopod Rongatrypa xichuanensis from the Katian (Upper Ordovician) of central China. Journal of Paleontology, online p. 1-8, doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.102. Zhang Z., Holmer L. E , Liang Y., Chen Y. & X. Duan, 2020. The oldest ‘Lingulellotreta’ (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from China and its phylogenetic significance: integrating new material from the Cambrian Stage 3–4 Lagerstätten in eastern Yunnan, South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18 (11), 945-973. Zhang Z. et al., 2020. An encrusting kleptoparasite-host interaction from the early Cambrian. Nature Communications, 11 (2625), 7 p. Zhang Z., Holmer L. E., Chen F. & G. A. Brock, 2020. Ontogeny and evolutionary significance of a new acrotretide brachiopod genus from Cambrian Series 2 of South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, DOI:10.1080/14772019.2020.1794991 Zhang Z. et al., 2020. The oldest Cambrian trilobite–brachiopod association in South China. Gondwana Research, online.
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