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The Death
Death is the initial stage represented by T0, from which begin the taphonomic process, the beginning of attempt of the transition of an entity towards the fossil register. Three types of death may occur for the individual. Nevertheless the instantaneous character of the death remains a delicate point to be estimated when compared to the geological time scale.
In each of those three types of death, there is always the possibility of a mixing of populations or individuals, even in life position, which may belong to the different biocenoses or/and to different geological periods. Still it is difficult to localise the death within the geological time scale, as the dating of each fossil is obviously impossible. Consequently, only an excellent knowledge of the ecology of the populations, the cause of the death of the individuals, as well as the general ecological conditions that prevailed, may allow one to specify the moment of death for each fossil. More than the direct causes inducing the death of the individual, the environmental conditions (sometimes largely overlooked in the taphonomic processes and in the paleoecological reconstruction) prevailing at the moment of the death will induce the post-mortem loss of information during the taphonomic transition, as well as the potential of fossilisation of the dead individuals - i.e., the morpho-anatomical characteristics. |