Following the decision of the closing meeting of the 7th International Symposium on Fossil Algae in Nanjing, the 8th ISFA will be held in Granada (Spain) from Thursday 18 to Saturday 20 September 2003.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for all researchers interested in any aspect of the palaeobiology, biology and geological significance of calcareous algae and bacteria. Contributions on the biomineralization, taxonomy, evolutionary history, biogeography, ecology and palaeoecology, sedimentology and biostratigraphy of these groups will be welcome.
The first announcement was posted on February 12th, 2002.
The second announcement was posted on February 7th, 2003.
Sessions will be held in Granada,
located in the heart of southern Spain.
Granada is at the foot of the
Sierra Nevada, with the highest peaks of the Iberian Peninsula.
Granada is a beautiful city with an impressively rich Arabic and
Spanish Renaissance heritage. These historical attractions combines with a lively street-life and a
dynamic modern University.
September 16th-17th: Pre-Symposium Field Excursion: Castellón and Alicante (starting in Barcelona and ending in Granada)
September 18th-20th: Scientific Sessions: Granada
September 21st-22nd: Post-Symposium Field Excursion: Almería (starting and ending in Granada)
The Pre-Symposium Field Excursion will focus on Cretaceous and modern
Charales (1st day), Cretaceous Dasycladaleans and microbial structures
(2nd day). Leaders: Bruno Granier and Carles
The Post-Symposium Field Excursion will be devoted to Miocene microbial
carbonates and Halimeda bioherms, and Pliocene coralline red algae.
Leaders: Julio Aguirre, Juan C. Braga, Jose M. Martin and Robert Riding.
Download the 2nd circular as a .PDF file
Juan C. Braga or Julio Aguirre
Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
Campus Fuentenueva s/n
18002 Granada
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