References on Phoronida 1970 - 1979

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1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978



Bonik K., M. Grasshoff & W. F. Gutmann, 1979. Die Evolution von Larven als Verbreitungsstadien bodenlebender Meerestiere. Nat. Mus., Frankfurt, 109 (2), 52-59.

Chaudonneret J., 1979. Les diverses modalités de la métamérie chez les Invertébrés. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 104 (3), 271-333.

Clark R. B., 1979. Radiation of the Metazoa. System. Ass. Sp. Vol., Acad. Press, London, 12, 55-101.

Clark R. B., 1979. Phylogenetic reconstruction. System. Ass., 12, 55-101.

Clark R. B., 1979. Functional correlates of the coelom. In: Erlanger Symposium fûr Strukturanalyse und Evolutionforschung, Erlangen 1977, Parey, Hamburg, pp. 141-149.

Emig C. C., 1979. British and other Phoronids. In: Synopses of the British fauna, Eds Kermack D. M. & R. S. K. Barnes, Acad. Press, London, 13, 57 pp.

Frankenberg B. & A. S. Leiper, 1979. Seasonal cycles in benthic communities of the Georgia continental shelf. Ecol. mar. Benthos, 6, 383-397.

Garlick R. L., B. J. Williams & A. F. Riggs, 1979. The hemoglobins of Phoronospsis viridis, of the primitive invertebrate phylum Phoronida: charcaterization and subunit structure. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 194 (1), 13-23.

Gilmour T. H. J., 1979. Feeding in pterobranch hemichordates and the evolution of gill slits. Can. J. Zool., 57 (5), 1136-1142.

Herrmann K., 1979. Phylogenetic variation in postembryonal development of Phoronida (Tentaculata). Erlanger Symp. Strukturanalyse und Evolutionsforschung, pp. 185-193.

Herrmann K., 1979. Larvalentwicklung und Metamorphose von Phoronis psammophila (Phoronida, Tentaculata). Helgol. wiss. Meeresunters., 32, 550-581.

Larsson K., 1979. Silurian tentaculitids from Gotland and Scania. Fossils and Strata, 11, 1-180.

Nicol D., 1979. A survey of suspension-feeding animals. Florida Scie,tist, 42 (4), 177-182.

Nielsen C., 1979. Larval ciliary bands and Metazoan phylogeny. Fortschr. Zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 1, 178-184.

Pourreau C., 1979. Morphology, distribution and role of the epidermal gland in Phoronis psammophila Cori. Téthys, 9, 133-136. 

Pourreau C., 1979. Morphology, distribution, and role of the epidermal gland cells in Phoronis psammophila Cori. Senior Thesis, College of Wooster, Ohio (USA).

Smaldon G. & E. W. Lee, 1979. A synopsis of methods for the narcotisation of marine invertebrates. Roy. Scott. Mus. nat. Hist., 6, 74-75.

Smaldon G. & E. W. Lee, 1979. A synopsis of methods for the narcotisation of marine invertebrates. Inform. Ser., Roy Scot. Mus., Nat. Hist., 6, 75-76.

Starobogatov Y. I., 1979. Evolution of the pelagic larvae of Protostomia and problem of main body components (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 58, 149-160.

Stephenson D. G., 1979. The trimerous stage in echinoderm evolution: an unnecessary hypothesis. J. Paleont., 53 (1), 44-48.

Uchida H., 1979. Cerianthids (Anthozoa, Coelenterata) from Kii region, middle Japan. Mem. nat. Sci. Mus., 12, 185-199.

Viéitez J. M. & C. C. Emig, 1979. Presencia de Phoronis pallida (Schneider, 1862) (Phoronida, Lophophorata) en la costa atlantico española. Téthys, 9 (1), 91-92.

Virnstein R. W., 1979. Predation on estuarine infauna: reponse patterns of component species. Estuaries, 2 (2), 69-86.


Bonik K., M. Grasshoff & W. F. Gutmann, 1978. Warum die Gastraea-Theorie Haeckels abgelöst werden muß. Nat. Mus., Frankfurt, 108 (4), 106-117.

Buchanan J. B., M. Sheader & P. F. Kingston, 1978. Sources of variability in the benthic macrofauna off the South Northumberland coast, 1971-1976. J. mar. biol. Ass. UK, 58, 191-209.

Bullimore B., P. E. J. Dyrynda & N. Bowden, 1978. The effects of falling temperature on the fauna of Swansea docks. In: 11° Symp. Underwat. Ass., London, Eds Gamble J. C. & R. A. Yorke, 279 pp., Pentech Press, London, pp. 135-146.

Capitoli R. R., C. E. Bemvenuti & N. M. Gianuca, 1978. Estudos de ecologia bentonica na regiao estuarial da lagoa dos Patos. I. As communidades bentonicas. Atlantica, Rio Grande, 3, 5-22.

Clark W. C., 1978. Hermaphroditism as a reproductive strategy for metazoans; some correlated benefits. N. Z. J. Zool., 5, 769-780

Drago N., G. Albertelli & M. Cattaneo, 1978. Osservazioni faunistiche sul benthos dell'isola di Capraia. Ann. Mus. Stor. nat. Genova, 82, 72-77.

Gilmour T. H. J., 1978. Ciliation and function of the food-collecting and waste-rejecting organs of lophophorates. Can. J. Zool., 56 (10), 2142-2155.

Jefferies R. P. S., 1978. First of the Vertebrates? New Scientist, pp. 678-679.

Ocharan F. J., 1978. Primera cita para la Peninsula Iberica de Phoronis hippocrepia Whright 1856 (Phoronida). Rev. Fac. Cienc. Univ. Oviedo, 17-18, 393-397.

Pross A., 1978. Bewegung des Epistoms bei Phoronis ijimai (Phoronida) Zool. Jb. Anat., 99, 54-58.

Rachor E. & S. A. Gerlach, 1978. Changes of macrobenthos in a sublittoral sand area of the german Bight, 1967 to 1975. Rap. P.-V. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 172, 418-431.

Ronan T. E. Jr, 1978. Food-resources and the influence of spatial pattern on feeding in the phoronid Phoronopsis viridis. Biol. Bull., 154 (3), 472-484.

Stephenson W., S. D. Cook & S. J. Newlands, 1978. The macrobenthos in the middle banks of Moreton bay. Mem. Qd Mus., 18 (2), 185-212.

Storch V & K. Herrmann, 1978. Podocytes in the blood vessel linings of Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida, Tentaculata). Cell Tiss. Res., 190, 553-556.

Strathmann R., 1978. The evolution and loss of feeding larval stages of marine invertebrates. Evolution, 32 (4), 894-906.

Towe K. M., 1978. Tentaculites: evidence for a brachiopod affinity? Science, 201, 626-628.

Voigt E., 1978. Phoronidenbaue (Talpina ramosa v. Hagenov) aus der Maastrichter Tuffkreide. Nat.-hist. genootschap Limburg, 28, 3-6.

Zimmer R. L., 1978. The comparative structure of the preoral hood coelom in Phoronida and the fate of this cavity during and after metamorphosis. In: Settlement and metamorphosis of marine invertebrates larvae, Eds Chia & Rice, pp. 23-40.


Bonik K., M. Grasshoff & W. F. Gutmann, 1977. Funktion bestimmt Evolution. Umschau, 77 (20), 357-668.

Clark R. B., 1977. Phylogenetic reconstruction. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges., pp. 175-183.

Dörjes J., 1977. Über die Bodenfauna des Borkum Riffgrundes (Nordsee). Senckenb. marit., 9 (1/2), 1-17.

Emig C. C., 1977. Un nouvel embranchement : les Lophophorates. Bull. Soc. zool. Fr., 102 (4), 341-344.

Emig C. C., 1977. Un nouvel aspirateur sous-marin à air comprimé. Mar. Biol., 43, 379-380.

Emig C. C., 1977. Sur la structure des parois de l'appareil circulatoire de Phoronis psammophila Cori (Phoronida, Lophophorata). Zoomorphologie, 87, 147-153.

Emig C. C., 1977. Notes sur la localisation, l'écologie et la taxonomie des Phoronidiens. Téthys, 7 (4), 357-364.

Emig C. C., 1977. Embryology of Phoronida. Amer. Zool., 17 (1), 21-38.

Emig C. C., D. F. Boesch & S. Rainer, 1977. Phoronida from Australia. Rec. Austr. Mus., 30 (16), 455-474.

Farmer J. D., 1977. An adaptative model for the evolution of the Ectoproct life cycle. In: Biology of Bryozoans, Acad. Press, p. 487-517.

Franzén A., 1977. Sperm structure with regard to fertilization biology and phylenetics. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges., 70, 123-138.

Herrmann K., 1977. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der postembryonalen Entwicklung bei Phoronis muelleri und Ph. psammophila. Verh. dtsch. Zool. Ges., Stuttgart 1977, p. 318.

Herrmann K., 1977 (1980). Film: Phoronis muelleri (Tentaculata) - Embryonalentwicklung. IWF Wissen und Medien gGmbH (Göttingen).    

Holthe T., 1977. Investigations of the level-bottom macrofauna of Trondheimsfjorden, Norway. Gunneria, 28, 1-20.

Ishikawa H., 1977. Comparative studies on the thermal stability of animal ribosomal RNA's. Tentaculata (Phoronids, moss-animals and lamp-shells). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B 57 (1), 9-14.

Ishikawa H., 1977. Comparative studies on the thermal stability bof animal ribosomal RNA's. - V. Tentaculata (phoronids, moss-animals and lamp-shells). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 57 B, 9-14.

Ivanova-Kasas O. M., 1977. Comparative embryology of invertebrates animals. Trochophora, Tentaculata, Chaetognata, Pogonophora. Nauka, Moskva, 312 pp.

Malakhov V. V., 1977. The problem of the basic structural plan in various groups of Deuterostomia. Zh. Obsh. Biol., 38 (4), 485-499.

Nielsen C., 1977. Phylogenetic considerations: the Protostomia relationships. In: Biology of Bryozoans, Acad. Press, pp. 519-534.

Oliver J. S., P. N. Slattery, L. W. Hulberg & J. W. Nybakken, 1977. Patterns of succession in benthic infaunal communities following dredging and dredgedmaterial disposal in Monterey Bay. US Army waterways experiment station, dredged material research program. Techn. Rep, D-77, 1-186.

Rachor E., 1977. Faunal impoverishment in a mud area near Helgoland. Helgol. wiss. Meeresunters., 30, 633-651.

Simon J. L. & D. M. Dauer, 1977. Reestablishment of a benthic community following natural defaunation. Mar. Sci., 6, 139-154.

Smith D. L., 1977. Phylum Phoronida. In: A guide to marine coastal plankton and marine invertebrate larvae. Kendall/Hunt Publ. Co, USA, pp.71-72.

Valentine J. W., 1977. General patterns of metazoan evolution. In: Patterns of evolution by fossil record, Ed. Hallam A.. Develop. Palaeont. Stratigr., 5, 27-57.

Viéitez J. M., 1977. Primera cita para España de la especie Phoronis psammophila Cori. Bol. Roy. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat. (Biol.), 75, 243-248.

Virnstein R. W., 1977. The importance of predation by crabs and fishes on benthic infauna in Chesapeake bay. Ecology, 58, 1199-1217.


Boesch D. F., R. J. Diaz & R. W. Virnstein, 1976. Effects of tropical storm Agnes on soft-bottom macrobenthic communities of the James and York estuaries and the lower Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Sci., 17 (4), 246-259.

Dörjes J., 1976. Primärgefüge, Bioturbation und Macrofauna als Indikatoren des Sandversatzes im Seegebiet vor Norderney (Nordsee). II. Zonierung und Verteilung der Makrofauna. Senckenb. marit., 8 (4/6), 171-188.

Emig C. C., 1976. Le lophophore - structure significative des Lophophorates (Brachiopoda, Bryozoa, Phoronida). Zool. Scripta, 5, 133-137.

Emig C. C., 1976. Phylogenèse des Phoronida. Les Lophophorates et le concept des Archimerata. Z. zool. System. Evolut.-forsch., 14, 10-24.

Emig C. C., 1976. Disposition et délimitation des cavités coelomiques chez les Phoronidiens (Lophophorates). C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 282, 1445-1447.

Emig C. C. & Y. Thouveny, 1976. Absorption directe d'acide aminé chez Phoronis psammophila. Mar. Biol., 37, 69-73.

Gutmann W. F., 1976. Die Evolution der Tentakulaten. Nat. Mus. Frankfurt, 106 (10), 316-317.

Herrmann K., 1976. Untersuchungen über Morphologie, Physiologie und Ökologie der Metamorphose von Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida). Zool. Jb. Anat., 95, 354-426.

Ivanov A. V., 1976. The relations between the Protostomia and the Deuterostomia and the classification of the animal kingdom (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 55, 1125-1137.

Kasiyanov V.L., & V.I. Radashevsky, 1976. The first record of phoronids in the Vietnam costal water. Russian Journal of Marine Biology, 4, 69-70.

Løvtrup S., 1976. On the falsifiability of Neo-Darwinism. Evolut. Theory, 1, 267-283.

Nichols-Driscoll J., 1976. Benthic invertebrate communities in Golfe Dulce, Costa Rica, and anoxic basin. Rev. Biol. trop., 24 (2), 281-297.

Robba E. & F. Ostinelli, 1976. Studi paleoecologi sul Pliocene ligure. II. Le tracce degli organismi epibionti sui molluschi pliocenici di Albenga. Rev. It. Paleont., 82 (3), 501-578.

Scelzo M. A., 1976. Sopbre la presencia de Foronideos en aguas marines argentinas (Phylum Phoronida). Physis (sec. A), Buenos Aires, 35 (91), 255-256.

Siewing R., 1976. Problem und neuere Erkenntnisse in der Großsystematik der Wirbellosen. Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges., pp. 59-83.

Stancyk S. E., F. J. S. Maturo Jr & R. W. Heard Jr, 1976. Phoronids from the East coast of the United States. Bull. mar. Sci., 26 (4), 576-584.

Stephenson D. G., 1976. On the origin of the five-fold pattern of echinoderms. Thalassia jugoslavia, 12 (1), 337-346.

Tahvildari B., 1976. Contribution à l'étude dynamique des variations qualitatives et quantitatives du peuplement benthique d'un fond soumis à des alternances sédimentaires. Thèse 3° Cycle, Univ. Aix-Marseille II,


Cutler E. B., 1975. Pogonophora and protostomia - a procrustean bed? Z. Zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., (Spec. Iss.), (Spec. Iss.), 112-122.

Donat W, 1975. Subtidal concrete piling fauna in Monterey Harbor, California. Master's thesis, 83 p.

Dörjes J. & J. D. Howard, 1975. Estuaries of the Georgia coast, U. S. A. : Sedimentology and biology. IV. Fluvial-marine transition indicators in an estuarine environment, Ogeechee River - Ossabaw Sound. Senckenb. marit., 7, 137-179.

Emig C. C., 1975. Terminology in Phoronida. Zool. Scripta, 4, 37-40.

Emig C. C. & A. Emig, 1975. Etude des variations du nombre et de la répartition des muscles longitudinaux chez Phoronis psammophila Cori. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol., 17, 23-31.

Emig C. C. & R. Siewing, 1975. The epistome of Phoronis psammophila (Phoronida). Zool. Anz., 194 (1/2), 47-54.

Flessa K. W. & J. S. Levinton, 1975. Phanerozoic diversity patterns: tests for randomness. J. Geol., 83, 239-248.

Frey R. W. & J. D. Howard, 1975. Endobenthic adaptations of juvenile thalassinidean shrimp. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark, 24, 283-297.

Gibbs P. E., 1975. Survey of the macrofauna inhabiting lagoon deposits of Aitutaki. Atoll Res. Bull., 190, 123-131.

Gibbs P. E., H. G. Vevers & D. R. Stoddart, 1975. Marine fauna of the Cook Islands: check-list of species collected during the Cook Bicentenary Expedition in 1969. Atoll Res. Bull., 190, 133-148.

Gupta B. L. & C. Little, 1975. Ultrastructure, phylogeny and Pogonophora. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., Sonderheft, pp. 45-63.

Herrmann K., 1975. Einfluß von Bakterien auf die Metamorphose-Auslösung und deren Verlauf bei Actinotrocha branchiata (Phoronis muelleri). Verh. Dtsch Zool. Ges., Stuttgart 1974, pp. 112-115.

Hiscock K. & R. M. Howlett, 1975. The ecology of Cariophyllia smithi Stokes and Broderip on South-western coasts of the British Isles. In: Underwater Research, Eds. Diew E. A., J. N. Lythgoe & J. D. Woods, Acad. Press, London, 430 pp., pp. 319-334.

Ivanov A. V., 1975. Observations of embryogenesis of Pogonophora. II. Taxonomic status of Pogonophora (in Russian). Zool. Zh., 54 (8), 1125-1140.

Ivanov A. V., 1975. On the origin of Coelomata (in Russian). Zh. Obsh. Biol., 36 (5), 643-653.

Ivanov A. V., 1975. Embryonalentwicklung der Pogonophora und ihre systematische Stellung. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., Sp. Iss., pp. 10-44.

Khan S. A., Vivekanandan E. & K. Balasubrahmanyan, 1975. Bottom fauna in two regions of the Vellar estuary. In: Recent Research Estuarine Biology, Ed. R. Natarajan, Hindustan Publ. Co, Dehli, pp. 255-272.

Lanzavecchia G., M. De Eguileor & R. Valvassori, 1975. The junctions of the invertebrates; phylogenetic problems. Boll. Zool., 42, 395-402.

Løvtrup S., 1975. Validity of the Protostomia-Deuterostomia theory. System. Zool., 24 (1), 96-108.

Schopf T. J. M., 1975. Genomic versus morphologic rates of evolution: influence of morphologic complexity. Paleobiology, 1 (1), 63-70.

Sheikh Y. M. & C. Djerassi, 1975. 2,6-Dibromophenol and 2,4,6-Tribromophenols antiseptic secondary metabolites of Phoronopsis viridis. Experentia, 31 (3), 265-266.

Siewing R., 1975. Thoughts about the phylogenetic-systematic position of Pogonophora. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., Sp. Iss., pp.127-138.

Siewing R., 1975. Gliederung der Phoronidenkörpers. Verh. Dtsch zool. Ges, Stuttgart 1974, pp. 116-121.

Uhlenberg G., C. Gauwerby, J. Salfner & L. Renwrantz, 1975. Blood group like substances in some invertebrates. V. Different forms of the blood group A like substances: glycoprotein and polysaccharid type. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 50B (3), 369-378.

Valentine J. W., 1975. Adaptative strategy and the origin of grades and ground-plans. Amer. Zool., 15, 391-404.

Voigt E., 1975. Tunnelbaue rezenter und fossiler Phoronidea. Paläont. Z., 49 (1/2), 135-167.


Ayala F. J., J. W. Valentine, L. G. Barr & G. S. Zumwalt, 1974. Genetic variability in a temperate intertidal phoronid, Phoronopsis viridis. Biochem. Genetics, 11 (6), 413-427.

Cowen R., 1974. Respiration in Metazoan evolution. Evolution, 27 (4), 696-701.

Emig C. C., 1974. Les Phoronidiens. Encyclopédie des Sciences, (Zool.) 1, (27/28), p. 137 & 142-143.

Emig C. C., 1974. The systematics and evolution of the phylum Phoronida. Z. zool. System. Evolut.-forsch., 12 (2), 128-151.

Emig C. C., 1974. Observations et discussions sur le développement embryonnaire des Phoronida. Z. Morph. Tiere, 77, 317-335.

Fauchald K., 1974. Polychaete Phylogeny: A Problem in Protostome Evolution. Systematic Zoology, 23 (4), 493-506.

Gauwerky C., Uhlenbruck G. & Renwrantz L., 1974. Blutgrupen-ähnliche Substanzen in einigen marine Invertebraten. VI. H- und A-ähnliche Substanzen, Agglutinine und Präzipitine: Ihre Verteilung bei Cerianthus sp. Marine Biology, 26 (4), 369-377.

Herrmann K., 1974. Phoronis muelleri (Tentaculata), Metamorphose der Actinotrocha branchiata. Encyclop. Cinematogr., Göttingen, Film n° E 2085 / 1974 .

Nair V. R., 1974. Discontinuity in the larval distribution of Phoronida and Brachiopoda in the Indian Ocean. Curr. Sci., 43 (21), 676-678.

Pross A., 1974. Untersuchungen über die Muskulatur des Epistoms der phoroniden Phoronis ijimai Oka (Phoronidea) Zool. Jb. Anat., 92, 391-403.

Siewing R., 1974. Morphologische Untersuchungen zum Archicoelomatenproblem. 2. Die Körpergliederung bei Phoronis muelleri de Selys-Longchamps (Phoronida) Ontegenese - Larva - Metamorphose - Adultus. Zool. Jb. Anat., 92, 275-318.

Spjeldnaes N., 1974. Silurian bryozans which grew in the shade. Docum. Lab. Géol. Fac. Sci. Lyon, H.S. 3 (2), 415-424.

Stephenson W., W. T. Williams & S. D. Cook, 1974. The benthic fauna of soft bottoms, Southern Moreton bay. Mem. Qd Mus., 17 (1), 73-123


Anadón R. & E. Anadón, 1973. Primera cita para España del phylum Phoronida. Bol. Roy. Soc. Esp. Hist. nat. (Biol.), 71,193-200.

Divers, 1973. Das Archicoelomaten-problem, Ed W. Schäfer, Aufsätze Red. senckenb. naturf. Ges., Frankfurt.a.M., 22, 1-111.

Emig C. C., 1973. Ecologie des Phoronidiens. Bull. Ecol., 4 (4), 339-364.

Emig C. C., 1973. L'histogenèse régénératrice chez les Phoronidiens. Wilhelm Roux' Arch., 173, 235-248.

Emig C. C., 1973. Les processus de l'ontogenèse, comparés à ceux de la régénération des Phoronida. Z. Morph. Tiere, 75, 329-350.

Emig C. C., 1973. Notes sur l'écologie et la taxonomie de Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida). Naturalist can., 100 (4), 421-426.

Emig C. C., 1973. Phoronidiens de Madagascar. Téthys, suppl. 5, 9-24.

Ericksson S., 1973. Abundance and composition of zooplancton on the west coast of Sweden. Zoon, 1, 113-123.

Farmer J. D., J. W. Valentine & R. Cowen, 1973. Adaptative strategies leading to ectoproct ground-plan. System. Zool., 22 (3), 233-239.

George D. J., 1973. The Pogonophora and their affinities. Microscopy, 32, 242-252.

George J. D. & E. C. Southward, 1973. A comparative study of the setae of Pogonophora and polychaetous Annelida. J. mar. biol. Ass. UK, 53, 403-424.

Herrmann K., 1973. Dokumentation des Metamorphoseablaufs bei Actinotrocha branchiata (Phoronidea). Helg. wiss. Meeresunt., 25, 473-485.

Holthe T., 1973. Borgensfjordens polychaeta, Echiurida, Sipunculida, Priapulida, Phoronida og Enteropnseuta. Hovesfagsoppgave, mar. ZooL. Ved, Univ. Trondheim, 1, 1-119

Kawaguti S. & A. Nakamichi, 1973. Electron microscopy on muscle fibers in blood vessels of a phoronid worm. Biol. J. Okanyama Univ., 16 (3/4), 73-82.

Orrhage L., 1973. Two fundamental requirements for phylogenetic-scientific works as a background for an analysis of Dales's (1962) and Webb's (1969) theories. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch., 11 (3), 161-173.

Panikkar N. K., 1973. Distribution of Actinotrocha, brachiopod larvae, Chaetognatha, Copelata, Pyrosoma, salps, doliolids and Amphioxus of the Indian Ocean. International Indian Ocean Expedition Plankton Atlas, 4 (1-2), [9-255].

Rodríguez G., 1973. El sistema de Maracaibo. Biologie y ambiente. IVIC Caracas, Venezuela, p. 395.

Rosenberg R., 1973. Succession in benthic lacrofauna in a Swedish fjord subsequent to the closure of a sulphite pulp mill. Oikos, 24, 244-258.

Salvini-Plawen L. von, 1973. Zur Klärung des Trochophora-Begriffes. Experientia, 29, 1434-1435.

Siewing R., 1973. Morphologische Untersuchungen zum Archicoelomatenproblem. I. Die Körpergliederung bei Phoronis ijimai Oka (Phoroniden). Z. Morph. Tiere, 74, 17-36.

Strathmann R., 1973. Function of lateral cilia in suspension feeding Lophophorates (Brachiopoda, Phoronida, Ectoprocta). Mar. Biol., 23, 129-136.

Thomassin B. A., 1973. Peuplements des sables fins sur les pentes internes des récifs coralliens de Tuléar (S.-W. de Madagascar). Essai d'interprétation dynamique des peuplements de sables mobiles infralittoraux dans un complexe récifal soumis ou non aux influences terrigènes. Téthys suppl., 5, 157-220.

Valentine J. W., 1973. Coelomate phyla. System. Zool., 22 (2), 97-102.

Zimmer R. L., 1973. Morphological and developmental affinities of the Lophophorates. In: Living and Fossil Bryozoa, Ed. Larwood G. P., Acad. Press, London, pp. 593-599.


Arenas J. N., 1972. Phoronis ovalis Wright in Chile. Stud. neotropical Fauna, 7 (1), 113-115.

Barnes R. S. K. & J. Coughlan, 1972. The bottom fauna of the Blackwater estuary: the macrofauna of the area adjacent to Bradwell nuclear generating station. Essex Naturalist, 33 (1), 15-31.

Bhaud M., 1972. Quelques données sur le déterminisme écologique de la reproduction des annélides polychètes. Mar. Biol., 17, 115-136.

Dörjes J., 1972. Georgia coastal region, Sapelo Island, U. S. A.: Sedimentology and biology. VII. Distribution and zonation of macrobenthic animals. Senckenb. marit., 4, 183-216.

Emig C. C., 1972. Etude des Phoronidiens (Systématique; Régénération). Thèse Dr. Sci., Univ. Aix-Marseille 2, 150 pp.

Emig C. C., 1972. Phoronidiens récoltés lors de la campagne "Biaçores" du N/O Jean Charcot (3 octobre-20 novembre 1971). Téthys, 4, 423-428.

Emig C. C., 1972. Régénération de la région antérieure de Phoronis psammophila Cori (Phoronida). Z. Morph. Tiere, 73, 117-144.

Emig C. C., 1972. Reproduction asexuée chez Phoronis psammophila Cori. Mar. Biol., 13, 247-258.

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