Soft sediments and granulometry
(from Dauvin et al., 1993, modified)
Small stones
less than 5 % of fine particles, more than 50% of pebbles + shells
less than 5 % of fine particles, less than 50 % of pebbles + shells, median larger than 2 mm
Muddy heterogeneous sediment
more than 5 % of fine, median larger than 500 μm, high percentage of pebbles or shells
Coarse sand
less than 5 % of fine particles, more than 50% of sand + fine particles, median smaller than 2 mm
Heterogeneous muddy sand
fine particles between 10 and 30 %, sand, coarse sand and gravel between 50 and 80 %
Medium sand
about 0% of fine particles, fraction larger than 2 mm < 15%, median between 315 and 800 μm
Fine sand
less than 5 % of fine particles, fraction larger than 2 mm < 15 %, median smaller than 250 μm
Fine sand with more or less mud
5 to 25 % of fine particles < 63 μm
Sandy mud
25 to 75 % fine particles < 63 μm
more than 75 % of fine particles < 63 μm
(adapted from various authors)
Grain size
&phi Unit
more than10 cm
Pebbles - shells
more than2 cm
Coarse gravel
between 1 - 2 cm
Medium gravel
between 5 - 10 mm
-2,32 to -3,32
Small gravel
between 2 - 5 mm
-1 to -2,32
Coarse sand
between 1 - 2 mm
0 to -1
Medium sand
between 0,5 - 1 mm
1 to 0
Fine sand
between 0,25 - 0,5 mm
2 to 1
Finer sand
between 0,125 - 0,25 mm
3 to 2
Finest sand
between 63 µm - 0,125 mm
4 to 3
< 63 µm
Links: Granulometría - Technique de Granulométrie