Carnets de Géologie / Notebooks on Geology, Brest, Memoir 2007/02, Abstract 03 (CG2007_M02/03)
S., K.B., V. & T. (2007).- Phosphorus and trace-metal records during Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events: Example of the Early Aptian OAE in the western Tethys. In: L.G., S. & D. (eds.), Relations entre les marges septentrionale et méridionale de la Téthys au Crétacé [Relations between the northern and southern margins of the Tethys ocean during the Cretaceous period].-Phosphorus; trace
metals; Early Cretaceous; Aptian; OAE; redox conditions.
Phosphore ; métaux
traces ; Crétacé inférieur ; OAE ; conditions redox.
Global oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) represent exceptional episodes in Earth's history, which are marked by widespread dysoxic to anoxic conditions in world's oceans and which are usually associated with the formation of organic-rich sediments. They are often accompanied by phases of marked evolutionary overturn and extinction, carbonate platform drowning, and shifts in the global carbon cycle ( & ,
1976; , 1980; et alii,
1998; et alii,
1994). The goal of the research discussed here is to investigate the phosphorus (P) and redox-sensitive trace-metal (TM) content of a series of representative sections along basin-shelf transects in the western Tethyan realm during the
Early Aptian anoxic event.
P is an important and often limiting element in ocean primary productivity. It is closely linked to the carbon (C) cycle by two processes (weathering of continental rocks and photosynthesis). The efficiency of P storage in the sedimentary reservoirs is redox dependent. P regeneration becomes more important in oxygen-depleted bottom waters (
& , 1994;
& , 1996;
& , 2000; et alii,
2000; et alii,
2002; et alii,
2006). TM concentrations or ratios are used as indicator of redox conditions in modern and ancient sedimentary systems (
& , 1993;
& , 1994; ,
1994; et alii,
1996; et alii, 1997,
1999; et alii,
2000; et alii,
2001; et alii,
2002; & ,
2004; et alii, 2007). TM enrichments have been related to the capacity of organic matter to scavenge TM during its passage through the water column and to their preservation in the sedimentary environment as a function of redox conditions.
We have analysed four sections located in Gorgo a Cerbara (central Italy), Glaise
l'Ermitage, Combe Lambert and Cassis La-Bédoule (all SE France) for the
Early Aptian event.
The preliminary results in P content suggest that the onset of the
Early Aptian event shows a general increase in P contents, whereas the return to lower values through the first part of the anoxic event may be related to a weakened capacity to retain P in the sedimentary reservoir.
For TM, the data seem to indicate a different behaviour in the two sections analyzed. These differences may be related to their paleogeographical setting and a corresponding difference in anoxic conditions.
To complete
these first results, analysis of organic-carbon contents and the calculation of
Corg/Preact ratios will be performed the better to constrain the
palaeoceanographic conditions during this event. New TM content analysis using another type of extraction will be done in order to standardize analytical procedures. Finally, we will investigate two other similar periods of the Cretaceous: the Valanginian and the Cenomanian/Turonian anoxic events.
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S., A., K.B., J., H., A., N. & T. (2006).- The late Hauterivian Faraoni oceanic anoxic event in the western Tethys: evidence from phosphorus burial rates.- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Amsterdam, vol. 235, n° 1-3, p. 245-264.
S., A., V., P., J., S., T. & K.B. (2007).- Enrichment of redox-sensitive trace metals (U, V, Mo, As) associated with the late Hauterivian Faraoni oceanic anoxic event.- International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geologische Rundschau), Stuttgart, vol. 96, n° 2, p. 327-341.
S.E. & T.F. (1993).- Geochemistry of recent oxic and anoxic marine sediments: Implications for the geological record.- Marine Geology, Amsterdam, vol. 113, n° 1-3, p. 67-88.
A.S. & H.D. (2000).- The global diagenetic flux of phosphorus from marine sediments to the oceans; redox sensitivity and the control of atmospheric oxygen levels. In: C.R., L. & J. (eds.), Marine authigenesis: from global to microbial.- SEPM Special Publication, Tulsa, vol. 66, p. 53–75.
J., S., T. & D. (1996).- Rhenium and molybdenum enrichments in sediments as indicators of oxic, suboxic and sulfidic conditions of deposition.- Earth Planet Science Letter, Amsterdam, vol. 145, p. 65–78.
W.E., J.V. & D.Z. (1997).- Inorganic geochemical indicators of glacial – interglacial changes in productivity and anoxia of the California continental margin.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Oxford, vol. 61, n° 21, p. 4507-4518.
W.E., D.Z. & L.C. (1999).- Molybdenum accumulation in Cariaco basin sediment over the past 24 k.y.: a record of water-column anoxia and climate.- Geology, Boulder, vol. 27, p. 507-510.
K.-C., U., T., F., H. & C. (2000).- Changes in the C, N, P burial rates in some Baltic Sea sediments over the last 150 years – relevance to P regeneration rates and the phosphorus cycle.- Marine Geology, Amsterdam, vol. 167, n° 1-2, p. 43-59.
K.B., H., M. & H. (1994).- Phosphogenesis, carbon-isotope stratigraphy, and carbonate-platform evolution along the Lower Cretaceous northern Tethyan margin.- Geological Society of America Bulletin, Boulder, vol. 106, n° 6, p. 729–746.
E. & R. (1994).- Evidence for enhanced phosphorus regeneration from marine sediments overlain by oxygen depleted waters.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Oxford, vol. 58, n° 11, p. 2571-2575.
H.C. (1980).- Cretaceous anoxic events: from continents to oceans.- Journal of the geological Society of London, vol. 137, p. 171-188.
B. & D.A.C. (1994).- Comparison of geochemical indices used for the interpretation of palaeoredox conditions in ancient mudstones.- Chemical Geology, Amsterdam, vol. 111, n° 1-4, p. 111-129.
J.L., A.D. & S. (2001).- Trace metal evidence for changes in the redox environment associated with the transition from terrigenous clay to diatomaceous sediment, Saanich Inlet, BC.- Marine Geology, Amsterdam, vol. 174, n° 1-4, p. 355-369.
D., E., F., Y., R. & A. (2002).- Burial of redox-sensitive metals and organic matter in the equatorial Indian Ocean linked to precession.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Oxford, vol. 66, n° 5, p. 849-865.
S.O. & H.C. (1976).- Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events: causes and consequences.- Geologie en Mijnbouw, Amsterdam, vol. 55, p. 179–184.
F., S., P., F.E., T. & K.B. (2002).- Dysaerobic conditions during Heinrich events 4 and 5: Evidence from phosphorus distribution in a North Atlantic deep-sea core.- Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Oxford, vol. 66, n° 23, p. 4069-4083.
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H. & E. (2004).- Volcanism, CO2 and palaeoclimate; a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous carbon and oxygen isotope record.- Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 161, n° 4, p. 695–702.
H., A., K.B. & O. (1998).- Correlation of Early Cretaceous carbon isotope stratigraphy and platform drowning events: a possible link?- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Amsterdam, vol. 137, n° 3, p. 189–203.
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K.M., R.W., T.W., L.C. & G.H. (2000).- Oxygenation history of bottom waters in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, over the past 578,000 years: Results from redox-sensitive metals (Mo, V, Mn, and Fe).- Paleoceanography, Washington D.C., vol. 15, n° 6, p. 593-604.